execution of 'some' auto generated php Teleservices... sore?


I used the trial of flash builder Premium 4 with the 4.0 sdk, I recently purchased the CS5 web premium suite. It includes flash builder standard with sdk 4.1 4.0.1.

1. create a new flex project (as in the welcome tutorial)

2. create a service PHP example using my db info (let it install Zend_AMF for me)

3. place a DataGrid in the design mode,

4. remove the method "getAll()" on this subject

5 tweek some columns.

6. it works, I see the call of service and response with the service capture (a monitor external service AMF).

2 problems that appear now (which did not exist in version 4.0 trial I had)

(1) add a new item

protected var newItem:dbItem;

protected function addBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


newItem = new dbItem();

newItem.attribute = "someValue";



protected function addDbItem (agenda: dbItem:void )


createDbItemResult.token = dbItemService.createDbItem (item);


" < s:Button label ="new item"id ="addBtn"click ="addBtn_clickHandler (event)"/ >

When I click on the button, absolutely nothing happens, no error, no service call, nothing.


(2) refresh datagrid dataprovider

I followed the tutorial on how to bind a collection ArrayCollection to the dataGrid instead of linking to the 'service.lastresult '.

populate the ArrayCollection collection with the result handler of the service with event.result as ArrayCollection collection... everything works as before. Whe DataGrid is created, he calls "dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler".

protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


this. getAllDbItem();


protected function refreshBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


this. getAllDbItem();


protected function getAllDbItemResult_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void


DbItems = event.result as ArrayCollection;


" < s:Button label ="Refresh"id ="refreshBtn"click ="refreshBtn_clickHandler (event)"/ >

This works!, the button refresh works too, BUT... It refreshes only point with no bees published in the app... If I change a value of the element with a form (still using the skills of the tutorial):
-the data in the datagrid control ARE updated.
-the method of service.update (item) NOT to EXECUTE NOT (like create above)
-If I'm updating the DB manually, ONLY the lines of UPDATE NO update...
Any idea?
Thank you! I'm stuck here for hours and hours now :-(
the complete MXML code

<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >

" < = xmlns:fx s:Application ' http://ns.Adobe.com/MXML/2009 "

xmlns:s = "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark".

xmlns:MX = "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth = "955" = "600" xmlns:moniteurservice = minHeight "" services.moniteurservice. * "xmlns:valueObjects ="valueObjects.*">"

< fx:Script >

<! [CDATA]

Import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

Import mx.controls.Alert;

Import mx.events.FlexEvent;

Import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;


protected var monitors: ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


getAllMoniteurResult.token = moniteurService.getAllMoniteur ();


protected function button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


Moniteur.Statut = statutTextInput.text;

Moniteur.Nom = nomTextInput.text;

Moniteur.prenom = prenomTextInput.text;

Moniteur.Tel = telTextInput.text;

Moniteur.mobile = mobileTextInput.text;

Moniteur.email = emailTextInput.text;

Moniteur.adresse = adresseTextInput.text;

monitor. NPA = npaTextInput.text;

Moniteur.lieu = lieuTextInput.text;

Moniteur.pays = paysTextInput.text;

this.updateMoniteur (monitor);


protected function updateMoniteur(item:Moniteur):void


updateMoniteurResult.token = moniteurService.updateMoniteur (item);


protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


getAllMoniteurResult.token = moniteurService.getAllMoniteur ();


protected function getAllMoniteurResult_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void


monitors = event.result as ArrayCollection collection;


[]] >

< / fx:Script >

< fx:Declarations >

< s:CallResponder id = "getAllMoniteurResult" result = "getAllMoniteurResult_resultHandler (event)" / >

< moniteurservice:MoniteurService id = "moniteurService" fault = "Alert.show (event.fault.faultString +"\n"+ event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor = "true" / > "

< valueObjects:Moniteur id = "monitor" / >

< s:CallResponder id = "updateMoniteurResult" / >

<! - Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, items of value) here - >

< / fx:Declarations >

< fx:Binding source = "dataGrid.selectedItem as monitor" destination = "monitor" / > "

< mx:DataGrid = "25" x y = '24' id = "dataGrid" creationComplete = "dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler (event)" "

dataProvider = "{Guide}" >

< mx:columns >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "id" dataField = "id" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "status" dataField = "status" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "name" dataField = "name" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "first name" dataField = "FirstName" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "Phone" dataField = "as" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "mobile" dataField = "mobile" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "email" dataField = "email" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "address" dataField = "address" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "IR" dataField = "IR" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "place" dataField = "place" / >

< mx:DataGridColumn headerText = "payer" dataField = "payer" / >

< / mx:columns >

< / mx:DataGrid >

< mx:Form defaultButton = "{button}" x = "25" y = "174" >

< mx:FormItem label = "Status" >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.statut}" / "statutTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = "Name" >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.nom}" / "nomTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = "Name" >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.prenom}" / "prenomTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = "Tel" >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.tel}" / "telTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = 'Mobile' >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.mobile}" / "mobileTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = "Email" >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.email}" / "emailTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = "Address" >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.adresse}" / "adresseTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = "IR" >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.npa}" / "npaTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = 'Place' >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.lieu}" / "lieuTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< mx:FormItem label = 'Pays' >

< s:TextInput id = text = "{moniteur.pays}" / "paysTextInput" >

< / mx:FormItem >

< s:Button id = "button" label = "Submit" click = "button_clickHandler (event)" / >

< / mx:Form >

< s:Button "322" = x y = "200" label = "Button" click = "button1_clickHandler (event)" / >

< / s:Application >

full service of PHP code:
* File README for the sample service
* This service generated sample contains functions that illustrate typical service operations.
* Use these functions as a starting point to create your own implementation of service. Change the
signatures of function, references to the database and implemented according to your needs.
* Remove the functions that you do not use.
Save the changes and go back to Flash Builder. According to Flash Builder/Data Services, update
* the service. Then drag the service operations on components in design mode user interface. For
* example, the operation of getAllItems() drag a DataGrid control.
* This code is for prototyping only.
* The authenticate before allowing them to call these methods. You can learn more
Class MoniteurService {}
var $username = 'root ';
var $password = "mikedev";
var $server = "localhost";
var $port = "8889;
var $databasename = "test_db";
var $tablename = 'monitor ';
var $connection;
* The constructor initializes the connection to the database
. Whenever the application is
* received by Zend AMF, an instance of the service class is created, then the
* method is called.
public function __construct() {}
$this-> connection = mysqli_connect)
$this-> server,
$this-> username,
$this-> password,
$this-> databasename,
$this-> port
$this-> throwExceptionOnError ($this-> connection);
* Returns all rows in the table.
* Add the authroization or logical checks to secure access to your data
Table * @return
public void getAllMoniteur() {}
$stmt = mysqli_prepare ($this-> connection, "" SELECT * FROM $this-> tablename ' ");
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_execute ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
$rows = array();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result ($stmt, $row-> id, $row-> status, $row-> $row-> name, $row-> such, $row-> $row-> email, mobile, $row-> address, -> IR $row, $row-> place, $row-> payer);
While (mysqli_stmt_fetch ($stmt)) {}
$rows [] = $row;
$row = new stdClass();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result ($stmt, $row-> id, $row-> status, $row-> $row-> name, $row-> such, $row-> $row-> email, mobile, $row-> address, -> IR $row, $row-> place, $row-> payer);
mysqli_stmt_free_result ($stmt);
mysqli_close ($this-> connection);
return $rows;
* Returns the element corresponding to the value specified for the primary key.
* Add the authorization or the logical checks for secure access to your data
* @return stdClass
public void getMoniteurByID ($itemID) {}
$stmt = mysqli_prepare ($this-> connection, "SELECT * FROM $this-> tablename where id =")
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_bind_param ($stmt, 'i', $itemID);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_execute ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result ($stmt, $row-> id, $row-> status, $row-> $row-> name, $row-> such, $row-> $row-> email, mobile, $row-> address, -> IR $row, $row-> place, $row-> payer);
{if (mysqli_stmt_fetch ($stmt))}
return $row;
} else {}
Returns a null value.
* Returns the element corresponding to the value specified for the primary key.
* Add the authorization or the logical checks for secure access to your data
* @return stdClass
public void createMoniteur ($item) {}
$stmt = mysqli_prepare ($this-> connection, "INSERT INTO $this-> tablename (id, status, name, surname, phone, mobile, e-mail, address, postcode, place, country) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ');
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_bind_param ($stmt, 'issssssssss', $item-> id, $item-> $item-> name, $item-> name, $item-> such, $item-> $item-> $item-> address, email, $item-> IR, $item-> place, $item-> payer, mobile, status);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_execute ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
$autoid = $item-> id;
mysqli_stmt_free_result ($stmt);
mysqli_close ($this-> connection);
Return $autoid;
* Updates the item passed in the table.
* Add the authorization or the logical checks for secure access to your data
@param stdClass $item
void * @return
public void updateMoniteur ($item) {}
$stmt = mysqli_prepare ($this-> connection, "UPDATE $this-> tablename SET status =?, name =?, name =?, such =?, mobile =?, email =?, address =?, IR =?, place =?, payer =?") WHERE = id
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_bind_param ($stmt, 'ssssssssssi', $item-> $item-> $item-> name, $item-> such, $item-> mobile, $item-> email, $item-> address, $item-> $item-> place IR, $item-> payer, $item-> id, name, status);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_execute ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_free_result ($stmt);
mysqli_close ($this-> connection);
* Removes the element corresponding to the value of the primary key from
* the table.
* Add the authorization or the logical checks for secure access to your data
void * @return
public void deleteMoniteur ($itemID) {}
$stmt is mysqli_prepare ($this-> connection, "REMOVE FROM $this-> tablename WHERE id =?");.
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_bind_param ($stmt, 'i', $itemID);
mysqli_stmt_execute ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_free_result ($stmt);
mysqli_close ($this-> connection);
* Returns the number of rows in the table.
* Add the authorization or the logical checks for secure access to your data
public function count() {}
$stmt is mysqli_prepare ($this-> connection, "SELECT COUNT (*) AS COUNT FROM $this-> tablename");.
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_execute ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result ($stmt, $rec_count);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_fetch ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_free_result ($stmt);
mysqli_close ($this-> connection);
Return $rec_count;
* Returns $numItems lines from the $startIndex line of the
* table.
* Add the authorization or the logical checks for secure access to your data
Table * @return
public void getMoniteur_paged ($startIndex, $numItems) {}
$stmt = mysqli_prepare ($this-> connection, "SELECT * FROM $this-> tablename LIMIT?,")
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
mysqli_stmt_bind_param ($stmt, 'ii', $startIndex, $numItems);
mysqli_stmt_execute ($stmt);
$this-> throwExceptionOnError();
$rows = array();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result ($stmt, $row-> id, $row-> status, $row-> $row-> name, $row-> such, $row-> $row-> email, mobile, $row-> address, -> IR $row, $row-> place, $row-> payer);
While (mysqli_stmt_fetch ($stmt)) {}
$rows [] = $row;
$row = new stdClass();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result ($stmt, $row-> id, $row-> status, $row-> $row-> name, $row-> such, $row-> $row-> email, mobile, $row-> address, -> IR $row, $row-> place, $row-> payer);
mysqli_stmt_free_result ($stmt);
mysqli_close ($this-> connection);
return $rows;
* Utility function to throw an exception if an error occurs
* in a mysql command.
private void throwExceptionOnError ($link = null) {}
if($Link == null) {}
$link = $this-> connection;
{if (mysqli_error ($Link))}
$msg = mysqli_errno ($link). ": " . mysqli_error ($Link);
throw new Exception ("MySQL error-'.") $msg);
? >


> the method service.update (item) NOT to EXECUTE NOT (like create above)


I think that you do not use the "commit" on the service. Default data services are "managed".

Data management features let you synchronize the adding, updating and deleting records in a database. Changes that you make in the client application are not written on the server until the method "commit" is called. You can call a revert method to undo the changes made in the client application.

So whenever you update or create add "commit" to the service after adding/updating. for example.

protected function addDbItem (agenda: dbItem:void)


createDbItemResult.token = dbItemService.createDbItem (item);

dbItemService.commit ();


I think that this article could be of interest to you:

http://help.Adobe.com/en_US/Flex/4.0/FlexTutorials/WSbde04e3d3e6474c4292a0331216558354b-80, 00.html #WSbde04e3d3e6474c4-10020e8112165e18e29-8000

Tags: Flash Builder

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    Hello Elena,

    When you publish an autogenerated asset with a vanity URL (for example with patter / ${name} .html), and then you change the asset (say that you change the name), the old URL becomes a manual URL and you get a new auto-generated URL.

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    To retrieve the URL generated automatically, you can remove the manual URL and re-save the assets.

    Kind regards


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    From what write you it's maybe that your specific needs would be better served by a category Server product. To research these remember Bing / Google is your friend.

    Be well...

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    Hi Jonathan,.

    services eSign form fields have a random number generator, then your unique reference number will have to come from somewhere else.

    Is it using eSign with integration of Api services any?

    Otherwise, you may use the transaction number stamp, even if you need to add text to the document along the lines

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    For the difference matte to work managers must be almost perfectly identical.  This means absolutely no camera movement. This means no compression artifacts in the images. This means the high bit depth, broadband video.

    If your images were shot with a DSLR, you're probably out of luck. If your images were shot with a camcorder to the consumer, you are probably completely out of luck. If your images, we turned on a professional camera and captured at a high data rate, you can have a chance.

    A sample image of the film on a screen capture will help us determine if you have a chance at all. Better yet, post the video on YouTube and give us a glance.

    If the images will not work, all you need to do is load the two clips in the timeline, and then apply the mast of the difference to the images with the actor. Turn off the visibility on the background layer, and then refer to that layer in the difference matte.

    You will find yourself with a key player on. You can do everything that is needed for your project.

    Let me say once more, difference matte is a picky real plugin. Any pixel that is not exactly like the pixel in the background source is not transparent. This means that any noise in the framework spoils the matte.

    Good luck in your project.

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    Hi mariea49126148,

    You can add bookmarks using Acrobat application, see this KB doc. helps Acrobat | InPDFs thumbnails and bookmarks the page. Is not possible using the player.

    Kind regards

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    News:fhi56c$PFI$1@forums. Macromedia.com...
    > I am attached a certain DW CS3 using PHP code. I'm not a PHP
    > expert, but just looking at the code you can see the same function
    > "GetSQLValueString" said over and over again. On one page, I saw that
    > set 5 times, 4 deletion of definitions and then my page was able to
    > Display. I know that this isn't a complete explanation, maybe I deleted some
    > media
    > that were causing problems, but the point is that it is all generated DW
    > code.
    > Please see the code attached if you're a PHP expert and can maybe throw
    > some
    > light for us pedestrians. Are there experts out there on Adobe this
    > Board of Directors?
    > There once was, but he is looking like a Council deserted lately.

    This code has been added to avoid problems with the previous PHP SQL injection
    Setting up MySQL,
    Why on Earth, they chose to put it over and over again instead of use
    an inclusion or put in the connection file is beyond me...

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    I need tutorials on the following

    (1) I have a div that is connected to a database, it displays information x I want to do a picture-button that refreshes this div in a click.

    (2) I have 3 different pictures (thumbnails) on a page that each represents its own category of pictures, I want each image to do ' when one of the 3 images is presset, there should be a fade by displaying images (10, etc.) associated with this category (perhaps of an include statement?). under the 3 photos, if you press one of the 3 images current images in the 3 images has to falter and new photos (22 photos etc.) melted, does make sense? .

    If anyone has some good tutorials that is not impossible to understand due to the mic/accent, I'd be more than happy!

    OMFG... I just think that I found the magic for the first jewel, if someone need to solve one that I found this


    N ° 1)

    "I just removed the"setTimeout('Ajax()',2000);" both places.

    Step 2)
    Made the small script php/mysqli one inclusion

    Step 3)

    Changed to this-->> >xmlHttp.open("GET","refresh.php",true);
    xmlHttp.send(null);<<<-- to this -->>


    xmlHttp.send (null);<>

    Step 4)

    Added this onclick = "Ajax (); "to my tag

  • Trying to auto generate an assignment set using an API

    Hello guys, I have several games of transfer for employees based on their job. Unfortunately, there are many of them and payroll officer think it's too much work to generate transfer games before each pay run. I came up with a way to run the formula by using the oracle APIs, but I get an error message. Can someone help me understand this?
    The message says:

    Set serveroutput on
    ORA-20001: data not found ASG_JOB at line 6 of the STNL_JUNIOR_STAFF

    Cause: A SQL SELECT statement, obtained from the dictionary of the application, returned no rows during execution.

    Action: Please consult with your local technical support representative.

    Here's the quick formula STNL_JUNIOR_STAFF

    by default ASG_JOB is 'null '.

    IF ASG_JOB = "auxiliary"
    ELSE INCLUDE_FLAG = ' don't


    Here is the code I use:

    cursor c_set is
    Select * from hr_assignment_sets
    where - assignment_set_name like '% _JUNIOR_STAFF % '.
    assignment_set_name = "STNL_JUNIOR_STAFF";
    v_set c_set % ROWTYPE;
    v_formula_name varchar2 (5000);
    -the effective_date for the formula
    date of v_effective_date;
    -context values
    date of v_date_earned;
    v_job_name varchar2 (500);
    -entry and exit forms
    v_inputs ff_exec.inputs_t;
    v_outputs ff_exec.outputs_t;
    dbms_output. Enable (null);
    -context of the audit date
    Select v_date_earned (last_day (sysdate)-5)
    -Open assignment set cursor
    Open c_set;
    extract the c_set in v_set;
    When the output c_set % NOTFOUND;
    -get the formula name, and date of entry in
    Select formula_name, effective_start_date
    in v_formula_name, v_effective_date
    from ff_formulas_f where formula_id = v_set.formula_id;
    -get assignments by current payroll deductions
    TYPE AssignmentCursorType IS REF CURSOR;
    c_ass AssignmentCursorType;
    sql_stmt VARCHAR2 (5000);
    sql_condition VARCHAR2 (500): = ' and pj.job_name! = "junior officer"';
    If v_set.assignment_set_name not like '% NON_JUNIOR_STAFF %' then
    sql_condition: = ' and pj.name = "junior officer"';
    end if;
    sql_stmt: = 'select pf.* from per_all_assignments_f pf, per_jobs pj.
    || 'where sysdate between pf.effective_start_date and pf.effective_end_date'.
    "and pj.job_id = pf.job_id and pf.payroll_id =: p_payroll_id' |" sql_condition;
    Open the c_ass for sql_stmt using v_set.payroll_id;
    extraction of c_ass in v_ass;
    When the output c_ass % NOTFOUND;
    -get the name of the job
    Select hr_general.decode_job (v_ass.job_id) v_job_name
    -initialization formula
    ff_exec.init_formula (v_set.formula_id, v_effective_date, v_inputs, v_outputs);
    -loop and set the context
    for the NTC in v_inputs.first... loop of v_inputs. Last
    If v_inputs (cnt) .name = "ASSIGNMENT_ID" then
    v_inputs (cnt) .value: = v_ass.assignment_id;
    end if;
    If v_inputs (cnt) .name = "DATE_EARNED" then
    v_inputs (cnt) .value: = v_date_earned;
    end if;
    If v_inputs (cnt) .name = "ASG_JOB" then
    v_inputs (cnt) .value: = v_job_name;
    end if;
    end loop;
    -then run the formula
    ff_exec.run_formula (v_inputs, v_outputs);
    end loop;
    close c_ass;
    end loop;
    close c_set;
    while others then
    dbms_output.put_line (SQLERRM);

    Absolutely, if the new emp assignment at the time gained is and meets the criteria of employment as at date - earned, he or she will be included! The rule is evaluated at the time of execution of the process that uses the rule.


  • Errors in the auto-generated Style sheet

    Product-> Adobe RoboHelp HTML 6
    -> WebHelp layout
    File-> default.css
    Extract 1-> text-decoration: none none none;
    Extract 2-> text-decoration: none none underline;

    HR 6 automagically generates unnecessary and contradictory information in the finished style sheet. Kadov warnings indicate that neither snippets of code above must be edited. Is anyone aware of a fix readily available?

    Welcome to the forum.

    A shooter who's afraid to remove some Kadov tags! Out of town!

    I can't speak for someone of another style sheet to take a first copy. Then, open the style sheet in Notepad or better yet like TopStyle style sheet editor (there is a free version). For each style, you will find a duplicate Kadov. I just delete it all and have never had a problem but, again, that's my experience.

    Then do all your editing outside RoboHelp style sheet or these tags will reappear.

  • Validation auto-generated Primary Key not Null


    I have a generated Assistant shape, that has a primary key that is generated automatically by a trigger before insert. In my form, primary key is initially empty and after that the user saves the form, then the primary key generates a number and that it fills in the form. I currently have a non-Null on the form validation, after that the user submitted the form and wants to update. How can I keep the validation non-Null on the form so that the user can write again at the start of the database, with the empty primary key field? Auto Wizard generates this out of the constraints of the table, and I would like to know if it is a validation required?

    Thank you

    Well, you do NOT have NULL validation on the primary key point and that causes the problem that the user create folder? Started to run or remove the 'never '. I don't think it's necessary that you display as 'read only '.

    Kind regards

  • Auto generate sound file


    I'm using Labview 8.2.1 and trying to create an audio file (*.wav) without asking the user to the location and the name of the destination file, this event occurs when the user lock a button or by a trigger generated by analyzing the sound waveform.

    I already make a sound acquisition by a generic usb sound card, and I was able to acquire and generate the file but not automatically. I could only start an acquisition and recording, but I was never able to make a continuous acquisition and recording of the sounds in the middle.

    Can someone help me?

    Thank you

    Hugo Guerreiro

  • Example of auto-generated SEQ

    Hey everybody,

    I took a LabVIEW course and there was this example treated on a Toolbox (or maybe it was just an example) who took a Wizard dialog box input and generated the queue only Globals functional element with get and set functions. Nobody knows what it was and what course taugh in? I was thinking about LV Core 3 or OOP.

    Thank you


    Answered my own questions. Looks like it's exercise 3-5 in the LabVIEW Advanced Architectures.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello I would like to know if the syntax is correct and sufficient in order to verify if WMI access has been activated on my Windows 2008 R2 server (hosted some going to Europe, or should - I say not in the same domain?). WMIC /node:myserver.com / us

  • Error details: Code 8000 FFFF

    Update for windows PowerShell for Windows (KB928439) I don't understand why this update will not be installed even when I restart my computer, the update still fails.  I even tried Microsoft fix - it a couple of times to see if this will fix the prob

  • can I use a network drive to download it again with a WVC54GCA?

    get the guys, I have a problem that looks like will never be repaired with firware.   I cannot enter ftp://192.168.1.xxx cams I try to enter a name of ftp server, no matter what I type, it tells me 'Invalid character or characters in the name of the