Extend the custom class

I made the transition to AS3 two years ago, but I always carry with me old habits AS2. Could someone please help me understand how to extend a custom correctly class.

I have a bad habit to put most of my code in a file .as (Document class), but I use some custom time classes. I am tring to understand, this is how I would extend to a class of this type:

public class ClipDragger {}

private var _clip:MovieClip;

public void ClipDragger(clip:MovieClip) {}

_clip = clip;

_clip.buttonMode = true;

_clip.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);

_clip.stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop);


private void drag(event:MouseEvent) {}

_clip.parent.SetChildIndex (_clip, _clip.parent.numChildren - 1);

_clip.StartDrag ();


private void drop(event:MouseEvent) {}

_clip.stopDrag ();



For example, I would like to add a MOUSE_MOVE listener and also add actions in drag.

Could someone guide me in the right direction please?

package {}

import flash.display.MovieClip

SerializableAttribute public class ClipDraggerExtension extends ClipDragger {}

private var _clip:MovieClip

public void ClipDraggerExtension(clip:MovieClip) {}

Super (clip);

_clip = clip;


add whatever.

replace all what



Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics;
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    What is the problem above?

    I suspect that your problem is the LabelField don't think it has any text to display.

    You really need this, I think

    public TestLabel (String text, long style) {}
    Super (Text, FOCUSABLE);


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    821458 wrote:
    My requirement is the class MyObject needs to be loaded by my client class loader. If you say that let the superclass (MyObjectSuperClass) be in the class path and let the class system charge charger, then usually it be a problem

    No, it's exactly what you want.

    MyObject loaded by the custom class loader, its super class loaded by the system class loader, I will be able to cast then.

    Yes, you will be able to cast to the upper class, then.

    It is not similar to the statement "MyObject loaded by the class loader and custom class system are different and we cannot throw.

    No, it isn't. your confusion is due to the fact that you don't seem to understand that you can have a class hierarchy that spans the Chargers of classes. This should be obvious because each object hierarchy extends eventually object, which is always in the system class loader. Therefore, you can always convert any instance of any class loader "Object". in the same way, you can have MyObjectClass in your chargers personalized classes and MyObjectSuperClass in the system class loader. You can instantiate an instance of MyObjectClass to aid reflection on your custom class loaders and assign it to a reference of the type MyObjectSuperClass. This is how pretty much any plugin system is implemented (the API is in the 'main' class loader and the implementation is in a nested class or custom ClassLoader).

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    var customClass:CustomClass = new CustomClass();

    var testingString = customClass.authorize ("[email protected]", "password");

    the fuction "authorizes" within the customClass looks like this:

    public void authorize(user:String,_password:String):void


    jSession = new URLVariables();

    j_Loader = new URLLoader();

    jSession.j_username = user;

    jSession.j_password = password;

    jSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

    jSend.data = jSession

    j_Loader.load (jSend)


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    You can raise an event using the dispatchEvent() function.

    In your main class, you assign a listener to the event the CustomClass distributes when there are.

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    _order:Number private var;

    public function get command (): number {}

    return _order;


    order(nOrder:Number):Void {} public function public set

    _order = nOrder;



    I recommend that you see for the tutorial of the tree in order to see how this should be done.  I think you are missing some basics.

  • To access the event listeners in the custom class

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    But, alas, it does not work.

    I get this error:
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable turnWhite is not defined.

    I thought that by the 'public' method in the custom class, I would be able to call from the film, but I do not. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

    Ned, thanks for your help. I was able to understand. Your code has been helpful, and I've used something similar to what you suggested.

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    Thank you.


    I wrote a sampling program that does what you need except im trying to figure out how to make the box event listeners. working on that now, but it's the code that should go you. I have class one main and one cell renderer. You got the general idea. I think the only thing that you missed the width and the implementation of the check box. When you use the this reference, you are referring to the cell itself and not the box. I think you might have mixed up who. This reference is to the current class as a whole and not only control access. Here is the code:


        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.StageAlign;
        import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
        import qnx.ui.buttons.LabelButton;
        import qnx.ui.data.DataProvider;
        import qnx.ui.events.DataProviderEvent;
        import qnx.ui.listClasses.List;
        import qnx.ui.text.Label;
        public class ListTests extends Sprite
            private var myList:List;
            private var myDataProvider:DataProvider;
            private var myArray:Array;
            public function ListTests()
                // support autoOrients
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                myList = new List();
                myArray = new Array();
                for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    myArray.push({label: "Some extremely long text. - " + i});
                myDataProvider = new DataProvider(myArray);
                myList.dataProvider = myDataProvider;
                myList.width = 500;
                myList.height = 600;
                myList.scrollable = true;
                var newLabel:Label = new Label();
                newLabel.text = "Changes Here";
                newLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
        import qnx.ui.buttons.CheckBox;
        import qnx.ui.buttons.LabelPlacement;
        import qnx.ui.listClasses.AlternatingCellRenderer;
        import qnx.ui.listClasses.List;
        import qnx.ui.text.Label;
        public class MyCustomCellRenderer extends AlternatingCellRenderer
            * Place the object out here so that other methods can
            * access it
            private var newCheckBox:CheckBox;
            public function MyCustomCellRenderer()
                 * Add the checkbox here so we dont keep re-adding a check box
                 * whenever the onAdded method is called. other wise there
                 * would be a lot of objects for checkbox
                newCheckBox = new CheckBox();
            override protected function onAdded():void
                 * Do not want to use the label object at all. we want
                 * to fully customize our cell renderer. for some reason
                 * the label object is not considered a child object
                 * when the drawLabel method is called so we must
                 * removed it in this method where it is considered a
                 * child object
            override protected function drawLabel():void
                if (this.data)
                     * Sometimes this function is called prematurely when there
                     * is no data object available and it is null so we only
                     * do our custom label when there is a data object available
                    newCheckBox.width = 500;
                    newCheckBox.label = this.data.label;
                    newCheckBox.labelPadding = 10;
                    newCheckBox.labelPlacement = LabelPlacement.RIGHT;
            override protected function onRemoved():void
                * Remember to remove the checkbox object

    I will inform you of the event listener. I hope this helps!

    Update #1: Fixed several errors in the MyCustomCellRenderer.as file. Thank you ryantan for bring it to my attention!

  • Properties of the label and the custom class

    I want to do the following persistent: < mx:Label useHandCursor = "true" buttonMode = "true" mouseChildren = "false" / >

    I tried to create a custom class that extends the class Label, but we can't get the syntax right.

    protected override?

    buttonMode = true;

    I don't think I want to replace a function.  It seems to me that I want to override a property or attribute of the Label class.

    Can someone give me advice?


    As you Lable with the default property {useHandCursor = "true" buttonMode = "true" mouseChildren = "false"}

    I extend the label, you can do it directly in the constructor by setting

    -Custom label class-

    Import mx.controls.Label;

    SerializableAttribute public class CusLbl extends Label
    public void CusLbl()
    super.buttonMode = true;
    super.useHandCursor = true;
    super.mouseChildren = false;


    You can use directly in the application or in any other container with the default property;

    See attached the file if necessary.


    Virat Patel

  • import a class: how many ways are there? CFC, import, extend the base class

    How many ways is there to import a class and am I confused

    1 screen/public class extends MovieClip

    This inherits all the properties and methods of the MovieClip class so WHY again do we use: import flash.display.MovieClip;

    Import something else or just made the job twice

    2 import flash.display.MovieClip - so no need to extend (repeat me once again - see 1)

    3 CFCS: connect to a CFC

    4. stir in a SWF with a meta tag

    5. in the properties panel menu - add a class as a base class

    OMG - a bit confusing

    You can only "extend" another class if the compiler knows where he is.

    The import statement is only by the compiler to find the class on your hard drive.

    It is not "import" of the entire class in the sense that you import a BMP in Photoshop.

  • To access the properties of the custom class

    Hello again! Nevermind, I got display list order because it has me even more trouble :)

    I have several items stacked from the other (boxes) and you want to calculate the height of all the underlying boxes for each box. Each box is an instance of a "Kiste"-custom class that has a property "hoehe" (height). "." Usually, I can access this property from anywhere and it works fine. But in the following case, it won't. The alles.getChildAt(j-1) works fine with all other assets, but not with custom properties that I defined in my class?

    OK, get it myself... Type cast!

  • Best way to insert data into instances of the custom class


    I have created a custom class (mySuperClass) in an .as file, defined constructor methods, properties, and the get/set. Now in the main .fla I must declare a large number of instances of this class and complete each property. The 'proper' method, I guess, would be to:

    var super1:mySuperClass = new SuperClass();
    super1.setProperty1 ( value1_1);
    super1.setProperty2 ( value1_2);
    super1.setPropertyN ( value1_N);

    var superM:mySuperClass = new SuperClass();
    superM.setProperty1 ( valueM_1);
    superM.setProperty1 ( valueM_N);

    However, with large quantities of variables and information that share the same basic characteristics, I feel always attempted to do through a cycle of dethrone. In that case, I'd probably build tables with the properties to complete.

    So I want to know is how would you guys do it? Are there other ways to do it?

    Thanks in advance.

    Well, the example is based on an object that has a datamodel and which can be any object of course. Now, assuming that the data come Let's say an xml file, I would use a function as the code to generate a collection of objects.
    Edit: so the StoreItem instances are created on the fly and saved in the collection

  • Iterate through the custom Classes?


    Suggests, I have a class with public properties as

    Class person {}

    public var address: String;

    public var name: String;

    public var fathername:String;

    etc etc.


    Now I want to iterate over them in a simple way as

    for {(var clé: string en personne)}

    trace ("property is" + key + "and the value is" + person [key]);


    But does not allow it to do with the AS3 Classes

    Now, I want you guys to suggest me what would be the simple and best way to iterate over them, because I don't want to do so much if (else) about it.

    Thank you

    You can try using the describeType() method:

    http://livedocs.Adobe.com/Flash/9.0/ActionScriptLangRefV3/Flash/utils/package.html#describ eType ()

  • AppModuleImpl methods of the class returns the custom class types, not called.

    Hi all

    Methods of the class AppModuleImpl custom types of class, not called when you access through back links.

    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("getInstanceNameO"); where 'getInstanceNameO' is a method AppModuleImpl returns a class serializable type.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    OI_testBean.goInstanceName_methodCallNew (OI_testBean.Java:99): this line is the call of method appmoduleimpl: OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("getInstanceNameO");

    Looks like 'bindings' is null.

    How to retrieve variable 'bindings '?

    Where is the OI_testBean.goInstanceName_methodCallNew () method called?

    If this method is called from the method call activity, you create pageDef in his name and add getInstanceNameO


  • Can I get the lock event of user interface for a class that extends the Application class?

    Here's an article in the knowledge base on the subject:


  • Error found in the custom class


    I get an error from line 7 (public service below - 1046: Type was not found or is not a constant of compilation: DisplayObjectContainer):



    public class traceDisplayList

    public void traceDisplayList(kontainer:DisplayObjectContainer,_indentString:String=""):void
    var child: DisplayObject;
    for (var i: uint = 0; i < kontainer.numChildren; i ++)
    child = kontainer.getChildAt (i);
    trace (indentString, Child, Child.Name);
    If (kontainer.getChildAt (i) is DisplayObjectContainer)
    traceDisplayList (DisplayObjectContainer (child), indentString + "");



    Any idea?  I see no error on my part.

    Kind regards


    This error message is misleading, but you have twisted code.  Try:

    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    public class traceDisplayList

    public void traceDisplayList(kontainer:DisplayObjectContainer,_indentString:String=""):void
    traceF (kontainer, indentString);


    private void traceF(kontainer:DisplayObjectContainer,indentString:String=""):void {}

      var child:DisplayObject;            for (var i:uint = 0; i < kontainer.numChildren; i++)            {                child = kontainer.getChildAt(i);                trace(indentString,child,child.name);                if (kontainer.getChildAt(i) is DisplayObjectContainer)                {                    traceF(DisplayObjectContainer(child),indentString + "");                }            }




Maybe you are looking for