Extraction of XML data and display new line

I have a table named, SAPDATABROWSER, which has several columns and lines. A column named SAPTEXT (data type: CLOB) consist of xml data. Each XML data are different in terms of number of nodes, but has the same following structure:

< SelectedProperty >
< structure >
< field > < / field >
< length > < / length >
< FieldValue > < / FieldValue >
< type > < / Type >
< priority > < / priority >
< / structure >
< / SelectedProperty >

So now, what I would do is, to extract the values: field, FieldValue and the length of each line (total 72) and see the result as follows.

Length of track FieldValue

Again, each line (total 72) has several XML Data nodes, IE there are several nodes FieldType, length and field and no two XML data/line are similar!

I use the following code:

EXTRACT (xmltype (saptext), ' / SAP_BAPI_PROP/SelectedProperty/Structure/Field / text () ');
EXTRACT (xmltype (saptext), ' / SAP_BAPI_PROP/SelectedProperty/Structure/Length / text () ');
EXTRACT (xmltype (saptext), ' / SAP_BAPI_PROP/SelectedProperty/Structure/FieldValue / text () ')
OF sapdatabrowser;

The code above produces the following result:

SAP_BAPI_PROP/.../Field/Text () SAP_BAPI_PROP/.../Length/text () SAP_BAPI_PROP/.../FieldValue/text)

Any suggestions? Thank you very much. :)

Based on your sample data:

SQL> select x.*
  2  from sapdatabrowser t
  3     , xmltable(
  4         '/SAP_BAPI_PROP/SelectedProperty/Structure'
  5         passing xmltype(t.saptext)
  6         columns field_name  varchar2(30) path 'Field'
  7               , field_len   varchar2(30) path 'Length'
  8               , field_val   varchar2(30) path 'FieldValue'
  9       ) x
 10  ;

FIELD_NAME                     FIELD_LEN                      FIELD_VAL
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
X                              Y                              Z
P                              Q                              R
A                              B                              C
M                              N                              O

(adjust the projected if necessary data types)

Tags: Database

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    I need extract the year from a field of date entered by the user and display the year in a text field. Can someone help me with the correct script to do this?


    It is quite easy to achieve with FormCalc.

    In you the output of the date fields event add the following code:

    textField1 = Num2Date( Date2Num($.formattedValue, "MM/DD/YYYY"), "YYYY")

    Note: This example assumes that your date field formats the date with "MM/DD/YYYY". You may need to change the schema to make it work for your purpose.

  • Extraction of XML data


    I have a requirement to extract data from XML and insert in a custom table.

    XML structure is

    < A >

    < Column1 >

    < Column2 >

    < Column3 >

    < Column4 >

    < column > 5

    < A >

    < A1 >

    < Column1 >

    < Column2 >

    < Column3 >

    < Column4 >

    < column > 5

    < A1 >





    < a >

    < Column1 >

    < Column2 >

    < Column3 >

    < Column4 >

    < column > 5

    < a >

    I need to extract all the values in the column and insert it into a custom table.

    Number of nodes one will increase every day, and columns can be of the order of 50-100.

    With the help of EXTRACTVALUE and bulk collect I m doing this process, but taking almost 2 hours for the processing of 3000 records.

    Please let me know is there better way (in terms of performance) to extract XML data?

    Thank you


    Why the node is called as A1, A2... One? Why can it not be Just A? Here's an example of how to represent XML report and analyzed data to a relational structure.

    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select xmltype
      5         (
      6  '
      8           1
      9           ram
     10           01-01-2016
     11           10000
     14           2
     15           karthick
     16           01-01-2016
     17           10000
     20           3
     21           subha
     22           01-01-2016
     23           10000
     26           4
     27           vimal
     28           01-01-2016
     29           10000
     32           5
     33           vijay
     34           01-01-2016
     35           10000
    ' 38 ) xmldata 39 from dual 40 ) 41 select t1.* 42 from t 43 , xmltable 44 ( 45 '/table/row' passing xmldata 46 columns 47 empno number path 'empno', 48 ename varchar2(10) path 'ename', 49 doj varchar2(10) path 'doj', 50 sal number path 'sal' 51 ) t1; EMPNO ENAME DOJ SAL ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 ram 01-01-2016 10000 2 karthick 01-01-2016 10000 3 subha 01-01-2016 10000 4 vimal 01-01-2016 10000 5 vijay 01-01-2016 10000
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    2. how to set the value NULL if no tag is not present. Tag in XML record number can vary. I know that the complete list of xmltags.
    3 data not found error for some xml documents.

    Kindly Assits how to achieve this.


    Table Base: temp_XML

    XML_ID NOT NULL NUMBER (28) - auto-increment using the sequence

    Sample XML: Includes all the brands mentioned in the common procedure below.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "US-ASCII"? >

    "< event xmlns ="http://xmlextrac.test.com/object">."

    < data xmlns = "" >

    < object >


    < unit > TLAS < / unit >

    < unit > ATLAS < / unit >

    < / units >

    < receiverNetworks >

    < receiverNetwork > ABSAZAJ0XXXX < / receiverNetwork >

    < / receiverNetworks >

    < correspondentIds >

    < correspondentId > #SWF - ABSAZAJ0XXX < / correspondentId >

    < / correspondentIds >

    < comment >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < comment / >

    < / comment >

    < memo >

    < memo > 28 < / memo >

    < / memos >

    < tuxedoPriority > 20 < / tuxedoPriority >

    sender <>Mike < / sender >

    < typeReseauId > Message < / typeReseauId >

    < maxRetry > 4 < / maxRetry >

    < msgSecuLevel > CBA < / msgSecuLevel >

    < quantity >

    < amount > 12 < / amount >

    < amount > 34 < / amount >

    < amount > 56 < / amount >

    < / amounts >

    < currencys >

    < currency > $ < / currency >

    < currency > EUR < / currency >

    INR < currency > < / currency >

    < / currencys >

    < msgDateVal > ARST123 < / msgDateVal >

    wder < direction > < / direction >

    < eventType > 113 < / eventType >

    < date > 1407431619 < / date >

    < eventDate > 1407431624 < / eventDate >

    < management > R < / direction >

    < msgRef > R950140807AB6CBE < / msgRef >

    < format > SWF < / size >

    < type > 950 < / type >

    R950140807AB6CBE < WALL > < / WALL >

    < bankingPriority / >

    FSDS < field.20 > < / field.20 >

    < texteType > FSS < / texteType >

    < applicationCode > OHS < / applicationCode >

    < company > KETH < / company >

    < endFct > MOE < / endFct >

    < rate > BAM < / flow >

    < subtype / >

    < text > DQo6MjA6R0wxNDA4MDcwMDA1MTMNCjoyNTo3M == < / text >

    < msgHeaders > ezE6RjAxTE9ZRE5MMjBCWFhYMDAzMjAw = < / msgHeaders >

    < msgTrailer > ezU6e0NISzpEOUFFRUNCN0NBQTl9e1RORzp9fQ == < / msgTrailer >

    < / object >

    < / data >

    Procedure: This works very well for a few xml record and fails for some.

    CURSOR c1
    SELECT * FROM temp_XML;

    c1_cur c1% ROWTYPE;

    bamdata_sql VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_text VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_msgHeaders VARCHAR2 (3000);
    d_msgTrailer VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_text VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgHeaders VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgTrailer VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_eventType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_amount number (28.2).
    x_currency VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_state VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_units VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    X_TYPE VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverNetworks VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_bankingPriority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_applicationCode VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_processCounter VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_obsolescence VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_maxRetry VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_retries VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileSize VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_endFct VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_subType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_field20 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_sequenceNumber VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestorDn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_responderDn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_SWIFTNetService VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_nonrepudiation VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertInfo VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileDesc VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_transfertDesc VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_logicalName VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_signIndicator VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_critId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_deliveryNotif VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comment4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_comments VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memo4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgSecuLevel VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_dates VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_tuxedoPriority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileDest VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_stkMsgPDEId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_EMTId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTRcptSyno VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTRcpt VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_LTEmis VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_flow VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_FINCopy VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgDateVal VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_eventDate VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_typeReseauId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapSeq1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_inFapSeq2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_direction VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_priority VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ack VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_format VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_mur VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_TexteType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_creatingUser VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileinfo VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_company VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_language VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ackText VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_jaxbRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_jaxbElt VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_memos VARCHAR2 (3000);
    xmlid number (28);
    x_msgRef1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgRef4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_sender VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_amlBehavior VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ownerServiceId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentName VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress1 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress2 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress3 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentAddress4 VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentCity VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentCountry VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentNetworkAddr VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_tested VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_correspondentNetwork VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_validatedPercentage VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_nbOfValid VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_notifQueue VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_requestType VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_secBpid VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_queue VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverCode VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_receiverInd VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_validFlag VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_ownerId VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_dn VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMAOurBic VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMACorrespondentBic VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_RMAService VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_fileMsgRef VARCHAR2 (3000);
    date of x_ext_date;
    x_correspondentAddress VARCHAR2 (3000);
    x_msgrefs varchar2 (3000);
    d_ackText varchar2 (3000);
    ackText varchar2 (3000);
    date of x_extdate;


    FOR C1_CUR IN C1


    eventType, amount, currency, State, units, correspondentId, sender, receiverNetworks, bankingPriority, applicationCode, processCounter.
    obsolescence, maxRetry, reminders, fileSize, endFct, xsubType, field.20, sequenceNumber, requestorDn, responderDn, SWIFTNetService, non-repudiation,
    transfertRef, transfertInfo, fileDesc, transfertDesc, logicalName, signIndicator, critId, inFapId, deliveryNotif, comment1, comment2, comment3, comment4,
    Memo1, memo2, memo3, memo4, msgSecuLevel, dates, tuxedoPriority, fileDest, stkMsgPDEId, EMTId, LTRcptSyno, LTRcpt, LTEmis, flow, FINCopy, msgDateVal,
    eventDate, typeReseauId, inFapSeq1, inFapSeq2, direction, priority, ack,
    msgRef1, msgRef2, msgRef3, msgRef4, amlbehavior, correspondentName, ownerServiceId,
    correspondentAddress1, correspondentAddress2, correspondentAddress3, correspondentAddress4,
    correspondentCity, correspondentCountry, correspondentNetworkAddr, tested,
    correspondentNetwork, validatedPercentage, nbOfValid, requestRef, notifQueue,
    requestType, secBpid, xqueue, receiverCode, receiverInd, validFlag, ownerId, dn, RMAOurBic, RMACorrespondentBic, RMAService,
    fileMsgRef, format, xtype, wall, TexteType, creatingUser, fileinfo,
    company, text, xlanguage, ackText, msgHeaders, msgTrailer, jaxbRef, jaxbElt)
    x.eventType, x.amount, x.currency, x.state, x.units, x.correspondentId, x.sender, x.receiverNetworks, x.bankingPriority, x.applicationCode, x.processCounter,
    x.obsolescence, x.maxRetry, x.Retries, x.FileSize, x.endFct, x.xsubType, x.Field20, x.SequenceNumber, x.requestorDn, x.responderDn, x.SWIFTNetService, x.nonRepudiation,
    x.transfertRef, x.transfertInfo, x.fileDesc, x.transfertDesc, x.logicalName, x.signIndicator, x.critId, x.inFapId, x.deliveryNotif, x.comment1, x.comment2,
    x.comment3, x.comment4, x.Memo1, x.memo2, x.memo3, x.MEMO4, x.msgSecuLevel, x.dates, x.tuxedoPriority, x.fileDest, x.stkMsgPDEId, x.EMTId, x.LTRcptSyno,
    x.LTRcpt, x.LTEmis, x.flow, x.FINCopy, x.msgDateVal, x.eventDate, x.typeReseauId, x.inFapSeq1, x.inFapSeq2, x.direction, x.priority, x.ack,
    x.msgRef1, x.msgRef2, x.msgRef3, x.msgRef4, x.amlbehavior, x.correspondentName, x.ownerServiceId,
    x.correspondentAddress1, x.correspondentAddress2, x.correspondentAddress3, x.correspondentAddress4,
    x.correspondentCity, x.correspondentCountry, x.correspondentNetworkAddr, x.tested,
    x.correspondentNetwork, x.validatedPercentage, x.nbOfValid, x.requestRef, x.notifQueue,
    x.requestType, x.secBpid, x.xqueue, x.receiverCode, x.receiverInd, x.validFlag, x.ownerId, x.dn, x.RMAOurBic, x.RMACorrespondentBic, x.RMAService,
    x.fileMsgRef, x.format, x.xtype, x.mur, x.TexteType, x.creatingUser, x.fileinfo,
    x.Company, x.Text, x.xLanguage, x.ackText, x.msgHeaders, x.msgTrailer, x.jaxbRef, x.jaxbElt

    of temp_XML t, XMLTABLE (XMLNAMESPACES ('http://xmlextrac.test.com/object' as "ns0"), ' / ns0:event' )
    eventType varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, eventType' DEFAULT NULL,
    amount number (28.2) path data/object/amounts"."
    currency varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, currencys, currency' DEFAULT NULL,
    VARCHAR2 (3000) path "data/object / / state of ' DEFAULT NULL, State
    units varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/units' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/correspondentIds' DEFAULT NULL,
    sender varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, sender' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverNetworks varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/receiverNetworks' DEFAULT NULL,
    bankingPriority varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/bankingPriority' DEFAULT NULL,
    applicationCode varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/applicationCode' DEFAULT NULL,
    processCounter varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/processCounter' DEFAULT NULL,
    obsolescence varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/obsolescence' DEFAULT NULL,
    maxRetry varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/maxRetry' DEFAULT NULL,
    attempts to varchar2 (3000) "data/object/attempts" DEFAULT NULL path,.
    size of the file varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/fileSize' DEFAULT NULL,
    endFct varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/endFct' DEFAULT NULL,
    xsubType varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/subtype' DEFAULT NULL,
    field.20 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/field.20' DEFAULT NULL,
    sequenceNumber varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/sequenceNumber" DEFAULT NULL,
    requestorDn varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/requestorDn' DEFAULT NULL,
    responderDn varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/responderDn' DEFAULT NULL,
    SWIFTNetService varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/SWIFTNetService' DEFAULT NULL,
    non-repudiation varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/repudiation' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertRef varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertInfo varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertInfo' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileDesc varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/fileDesc' DEFAULT NULL,
    transfertDesc varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/transfertDesc' DEFAULT NULL,
    logicalName varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/logicalName" DEFAULT NULL,
    signIndicator varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/signIndicator' DEFAULT NULL,
    critId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/critId' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapId' DEFAULT NULL,
    deliveryNotif varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/deliveryNotif' DEFAULT NULL,
    COMMENT1 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, subject, comments, comment [1] "DEFAULT NULL,
    comment2 varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, subject, comments, how [2]' DEFAULT NULL,
    comment3 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/observations/comments [3]" DEFAULT NULL,
    comment4, varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, subject, comments, comment [4] "DEFAULT NULL,
    Memo1 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [1]" DEFAULT NULL,
    Memo2 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/notes/Notes [2]" DEFAULT NULL,
    memo3 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [3]" DEFAULT NULL,
    MEMO4 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/memos/memo [4]" DEFAULT NULL,
    msgSecuLevel varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgSecuLevel' DEFAULT NULL,
    Date varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/date' DEFAULT NULL,
    tuxedoPriority varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/tuxedoPriority' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileDest varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/fileDest' DEFAULT NULL,
    stkMsgPDEId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/stkMsgPDEId' DEFAULT NULL,
    EMTId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/EMTId' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTRcptSyno varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTRcptSyno' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTRcpt varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTRcpt' DEFAULT NULL,
    LTEmis varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/LTEmis' DEFAULT NULL,
    flow varchar2 (3000) PATH "/ object/data flow ' DEFAULT NULL,
    FINCopy varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/FINCopy' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgDateVal varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgDateVal' DEFAULT NULL,
    eventDate varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/eventDate" DEFAULT NULL,
    typeReseauId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/typeReseauId' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapSeq1 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapSeq1' DEFAULT NULL,
    inFapSeq2 varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/inFapSeq2' DEFAULT NULL,
    direction varchar2 (3000) PATH 'data, object, direction' DEFAULT NULL,
    priority varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/priority' DEFAULT NULL,
    ACK varchar2 (3000) PATH ' object/data/ack' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef1 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [1] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef2 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [2] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef3 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [3] "DEFAULT NULL,
    msgRef4 varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data, object, msgRefs, msgRef [4] "DEFAULT NULL,
    amlBehavior varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/amlBehavior' DEFAULT NULL,
    ownerServiceId varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/ownerServiceId' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentName varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/correspondentName' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress1 ' object/data/correspondentLine1Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress2 ' object/data/correspondentLine2Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress3 ' object/data/correspondentLine3Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of correspondentAddress4 ' object/data/correspondentLine4Addresse' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentCity PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentCity' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentCountry PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentCountry' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentNetworkAddr PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentNetworkAddr' DEFAULT NULL,
    tested VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/tested' DEFAULT NULL,
    correspondentNetwork PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/correspondentNetwork' DEFAULT NULL,
    validatedPercentage PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/validatedPercentage' DEFAULT NULL,
    nbOfValid PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/nbOfValid' DEFAULT NULL,
    requestRef VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/requestRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    notifQueue PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/notifQueue' DEFAULT NULL,
    requestType PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/requestType' DEFAULT NULL,
    secBpid PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/secBpid' DEFAULT NULL,
    xqueue PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/tail' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverCode PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/receiverCode' DEFAULT NULL,
    receiverInd PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/receiverInd' DEFAULT NULL,
    validFlag PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/validFlag' DEFAULT NULL,
    ownerId PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' data/object/ownerId' DEFAULT NULL,
    DN VARCHAR2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/dn' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMAOurBic ' object/data/RMAOurBic' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMACorrespondentBic ' object/data/RMACorrespondentBic' DEFAULT NULL,
    PATH of VARCHAR2 (3000) of RMAService ' object/data/RMAService' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileMsgRef PATH VARCHAR2 (3000) ' object/data/fileMsgRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    ackText varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/ackText' DEFAULT NULL,
    format varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object / ' DEFAULT NULL,
    xType varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/type' DEFAULT NULL,
    Wall varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/wall' DEFAULT NULL,
    texteType varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/texteType' DEFAULT NULL,
    creatingUser varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/creatingUser' DEFAULT NULL,
    fileInfo varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/fileInfo' DEFAULT NULL,
    VARCHAR2 (3000) path ' data/object/society' DEFAULT NULL, the company
    VARCHAR2 (3000) text ' data/object/text' DEFAULT NULL path.
    xLanguage varchar2 (3000) PATH ' data/object/language' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgHeaders varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgHeaders' DEFAULT NULL,
    msgTrailer varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgTrailer' DEFAULT NULL,
    jaxbRef varchar2 (3000) PATH ' info/jaxbRef' DEFAULT NULL,
    jaxbElt varchar2 (3000) PATH "jaxbElt/info") x
    where t.XML_ID = c1_cur. XML_ID and t.status =' no;

    Select x.text, x.msgHeaders, x.msgTrailer in x_msgTrailer, x_msgHeaders, x_text of
    temp_XML t, XMLTABLE (XMLNAMESPACES ('http://xmlextrac.test.com/object' as "ns0"), ' / ns0:event' )
    text varchar2 (3000) PATH data/object/text"."
    msgHeaders varchar2 (3000) PATH "data/object/msgHeaders,"
    msgTrailer varchar2 (3000) PATH "object/data/msgTrailer.
    ) x
    where t.XML_ID = c1_cur. XML_ID;
    Select sysdate in double x_extdate;

    d_text: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_text)));
    d_msgHeaders: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_msgHeaders)));
    d_msgTrailer: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (x_msgTrailer)));
    -d_ackText: = utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 (utl_encode.base64_decode (utl_raw.cast_to_RAW (ackText)));

    EventType, amount, currency, State, units, correspondentid, sender, receivernetworks, bankingpriority,
    applicationcode, processcounter, obsolescence, maxretry, reminders, filesize, endfct, xsubtype, field.20, sequencenumber, requestordn,
    responderdn, swiftnetservice, non repudiation, transfertref, transfertinfo, filedesc, transfertdesc, logicalname, signindicator,
    critid, infapid, deliverynotif, comment1, comment2, comment3, comment4, memo1, memo2, memo3, memo4, msgseculevel, dates, tuxedopriority, filedest,
    stkmsgpdeid, emtid, ltrcptsyno, ltrcpt, ltemis, flow, fincopy, msgdateval, eventdate, typereseauid, infapseq1,
    infapseq2, direction, priority, ack, msgref1, msgref2, msgref3, msgref4, amlbehavior, ownerserviceid, correspondentname, correspondentaddress1, correspondentaddress2, correspondentaddress3, correspondentaddress4,
    correspondentcity, correspondentcountry, correspondentnetworkaddr, test, correspondentnetwork, validatedpercentage, nbofvalid,.
    requestref, notifqueue, requesttype, secbpid, xqueue, receivercode, receiverind, validflag, ownerid, dn, rmaourbic, rmacorrespondentbic, rmaservice, filemsgref,
    acktext, format, xtype, wall, textetype, creatinguser, fileinfo, society, text, xlanguage, msgheaders, msgtrailer, jaxbref, jaxbelt
    x_eventtype, x_amount, x_currency, x_state, x_units, x_correspondentid, x_sender, x_receivernetworks, x_bankingpriority, x_applicationcode, x_processcounter,
    x_obsolescence, x_maxretry, x_retries, x_filesize, x_endfct, x_subtype, x_field20, x_sequencenumber, x_requestordn, x_responderdn, x_swiftnetservice, x_nonrepudiation,
    x_transfertref, x_transfertinfo, x_filedesc, x_transfertdesc, x_logicalname, x_signindicator, x_critid, x_infapid, x_deliverynotif, x_comment1, x_comment2, x_comment3,
    x_comment4, x_memo1, x_memo2, x_memo3, x_memo4, x_msgseculevel, x_dates, x_tuxedopriority, x_filedest, x_stkmsgpdeid, x_emtid, x_ltrcptsyno, x_ltrcpt,
    x_ltemis, x_flow, x_fincopy, x_msgdateval, x_eventdate, x_typereseauid, x_infapseq1, x_infapseq2, x_direction, x_priority, x_ack, x_msgref1, x_msgref2,
    x_msgref3, x_msgref4, x_amlbehavior, x_ownerserviceid, x_correspondentname, x_correspondentaddress1, x_correspondentaddress2, x_correspondentaddress3,
    x_correspondentaddress4, x_correspondentcity, x_correspondentcountry, x_correspondentnetworkaddr, x_tested, x_correspondentnetwork, x_validatedpercentage,
    x_nbofvalid, x_requestref, x_notifqueue, x_requesttype, x_secbpid, x_queue, x_receivercode, x_receiverind, x_validflag, x_ownerid, x_dn, x_rmaourbic,
    x_rmacorrespondentbic, x_rmaservice, x_filemsgref, x_acktext, x_format, x_type, x_mur, x_textetype, x_creatinguser, x_fileinfo, x_company, x_text,
    x_language, x_msgheaders, x_msgtrailer, x_jaxbref, data_GTT_TEMP x_jaxbelt;

    x_memos: = x_memo1 | » -'|| x_memo2 | » -'|| x_memo3 | » -'|| x_memo4;
    x_comments: = x_comment1 | » -'|| x_comment2 | » -'|| x_comment3 | » -'|| x_comment4;
    x_correspondentAddress: = x_correspondentAddress1 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress2 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress3 | » -'|| x_correspondentAddress4;
    x_msgrefs: = x_msgRef1 | » -'|| x_msgRef2 | » -'|| x_msgRef3 | » -'|| x_msgRef4;


    insert into donnees_xml
    (xml_id, x_ext_date, eventtype, amount, currency, State, unit, correspondentid, sender, receivernetworks, bankingpriority, applicationcode,
    ProcessCounter, obsolescence, maxretry, reminders, filesize, endfct, xsubtype, field.20, sequencenumber, requestordn, responderdn,
    swiftnetservice, non repudiation, transfertref, transfertinfo, filedesc, transfertdesc, logicalname, signindicator, critid, infapid,
    deliverynotif, comments, notes, msgseculevel, dates, tuxedopriority, filedest, stkmsgpdeid, emtid, ltrcptsyno, ltrcpt, ltemis, flow,
    FINCopy, msgdateval, eventdate, typereseauid, infapseq1, infapseq2, direction, priority, ack, msgrefs, amlbehavior, ownerserviceid,
    correspondentName correspondentaddress, correspondentcity, correspondentcountry, correspondentnetworkaddr, tested,
    correspondentnetwork, validatedpercentage, nbofvalid, requestref, notifqueue, requesttype, secbpid, xqueue, receivercode,
    receiverind, validflag, ownerid, dn, rmaourbic, rmacorrespondentbic, rmaservice, filemsgref, acktext, format, xtype, wall,
    textetype, creatinguser, fileinfo, society, text, xlanguage, msgheaders, msgtrailer, jaxbref, jaxbelt)
    (xmlid, x_extdate, x_eventType, x_amount, x_currency, x_state, x_units, x_correspondentId, x_sender, x_receiverNetworks, x_bankingPriority, x_applicationCode,
    x_processCounter, x_obsolescence, x_maxRetry, x_retries, x_fileSize, x_endFct, x_subType, x_field20, x_sequenceNumber, x_requestorDn, x_responderDn,
    x_SWIFTNetService, x_nonRepudiation, x_transfertRef, x_transfertInfo, x_fileDesc, x_transfertDesc, x_logicalName, x_signIndicator, x_critId, x_inFapId,
    x_deliveryNotif, x_comments, x_memos, x_msgSecuLevel, x_dates, x_tuxedoPriority, x_fileDest, x_stkMsgPDEId, x_EMTId, x_LTRcptSyno, x_LTRcpt, x_LTEmis, x_flow,
    x_FINCopy, x_msgDateVal, x_eventDate, x_typeReseauId, x_inFapSeq1, x_inFapSeq2, x_direction, x_priority, x_ack, x_msgrefs, x_amlbehavior, x_ownerServiceId,
    x_correspondentName, x_correspondentAddress, x_correspondentCity, x_correspondentCountry, x_correspondentnetworkaddr, x_tested,
    x_correspondentNetwork, x_validatedPercentage, x_nbOfValid, x_requestRef, x_notifQueue, x_requestType, x_secBpid, x_queue, x_receiverCode,
    x_receiverInd, x_validFlag, x_ownerId, x_dn, x_RMAOurBic, x_RMACorrespondentBic, x_RMAService, x_fileMsgRef, ackText, x_format, x_type, x_mur,
    x_TexteType, x_creatingUser, x_fileinfo, x_company d_text, x_language, d_msgHeaders, d_msgTrailer, x_jaxbRef, x_jaxbElt);

    Update temp_XML set status = 'Y' where XML_ID = xmlid;


    1.No. multiple tag will vary how to extract those and concatenate them into a single column. I assumed that his occrrence in 3 for example:

    Use the fn:string-join() function:

    path varchar2 (4000) of comments 'string-join(comments/comment, "-").

    2. how to set the value NULL if no tag is not present. Tag in XML record number can vary.

    You don't have anything specific to do in this case.

    Missing tags with a projection in the COLUMNS clause will produce a column NULL by default.

  • Loading XML data and images to init

    I have this little flash application that I'm working, which loads images and XML data. It comes from the Timer class that loads the video clips from the scene and delete them (I thought that this could be the best way to orchestrate it it). Now, I'm having a problem with redundancy expenses. (It loads every time data, which causes delays, and so it was established (loaded) at the beginning and reused through the application)

    Instead of loading the data each time, I would like to

    (1) load the images and XML to load (with the initial start of the SWF)

    (2) assign this data to variables and then add them and remove them as I please throughout the application.

    I posted the code here http://CodeViewer.org/view/code:9BA

    just to save space

    With respect to the processing of XML, you have several options. I prefer to write classes that will treat this kind of functionality, but since you do things on the timeline, one way would be:

    1. on the chronology of racquets_mc and listing_mc create a method that will affect the XML value:

    function set loadedXML(xml:XML):void{
         xmlData = xml;

    2. on the main timeline, you will need to load your XML file only once how you load it into each individual symbol. Once it's loaded, you can pass it on to all of the objects that need to consume. For example, your XML instance on the main timeline setting is:

    var configXML:XML;

    After load you it, you can pass to your symbols and, thus, reuse in the expanses of the functions which instantiate the:

    racquets_mc = new listing();racquets_mc.loadedXML = configXML;
    listing_mc = new listing();listing_mc.loadedXML = configXML;

    Naturally the routine of initiation within your symbols, in part, depend on presence of XML if you refactor your code accordingly.

    I hope this helps.

  • Retrieving XML data and make it available in a DataGrid

    I need to retrieve the xml data in the file below (mycontactdata.xml) which will be in my current folder in my project directory. I just need to get the XML for the node 2 (list of CONTACTS) which must then be displayed in a DataGrid control. DataGrid will be in a separate mxml file while retrieving the xml data will be in the main mxml Application file.

    Any ideas? Thank you

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = 'no '? >
    -< ROW ID = "0" >
    < COLUMN ID = "#SCENE_ID" VALUE = "1" / >
    < / ROW >
    < / DATATABLE >
    -< DATATABLE ID = 'CONTACTS list' >
    -< ROW ID = "0" >
    < COLUMN ID = "CON_ID" VALUE = "7 q 1 ++ 149" / >
    < COLUMN ID = "First name" VALUE = "PATRICIA" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = 'Family name' VALUE = "DEROCHIE" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Account name" VALUE = "" BRUCE COUNTY GENERAL HOSP. "/ >"
    < ID of COLUMN = 'Contact of Type' VALUE = 'Head of pharmacy' / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "The main specialty" VALUE = "Not Applicable" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Primary phone" VALUE = "15198811220" / >
    < / ROW >
    -LINE ID = "1" >
    < COLUMN ID = "CON_ID" VALUE = "1 + 51 + 2249" / > "
    < COLUMN ID = "First name" VALUE = "DUNCAN C M" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = 'Family name' VALUE = "GRAHAM" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Account name" VALUE = "" / > "
    < COLUMN ID = 'Contact of Type' VALUE = 'Doctor' / >
    < ID of COLUMN = 'The main speciality' VALUE = 'General surgery' / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Primary phone" VALUE = "5198812880" / >
    < / ROW >
    -LINE ID = "2" >
    < COLUMN ID = "CON_ID" VALUE = "1 + 4Z + 3962" / >
    < COLUMN ID = "First name" VALUE = "HENDRINA SUSAN" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = 'Family name' VALUE = 'MCARTHUR' / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Account name" VALUE = "" / > "
    < COLUMN ID = 'Contact of Type' VALUE = 'Doctor' / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "The main specialty" VALUE = "Generalists" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Primary phone" VALUE = "5198814640" / >
    < / ROW >
    -LINE ID = "3" >
    < COLUMN ID = "CON_ID" VALUE = "1 + 51 + 3323" / > "
    < COLUMN ID = "First name" VALUE = "PAUL EDWARD" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = 'Family name' VALUE = 'MCARTHUR' / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Account name" VALUE = "" / > "
    < COLUMN ID = 'Contact of Type' VALUE = 'Doctor' / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "The main specialty" VALUE = "Generalists" / >
    < ID of COLUMN = "Primary phone" VALUE = "5198814640" / >
    < / ROW >
    < / DATATABLE >
    -LINE ID = "1" NAME = "Row" >
    < / ROW >
    < / DATATABLE >
    < / DATATABLES >

    This works, even if I'm extremely surprised, there is no way to do it with the e4x syntax:

  • query to calculate the value and produce new lines


    01/01/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 454234,00 65633456.00
    01/04/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 324562,00 45333234.00
    01/07/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 67845423.00 NULL
    01/10/2006 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 67453453.00 NULL
    01/01/2007 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 56754633.00 NULL
    01/04/2007 ABC VACUUM CLEANER 45423434.00 NULL

    Hi guys,.

    It's a situation where I have to produce a few new lines with projections based on Q4 RETAIL_SALES_AMT
    RETAIL_SALES_AMOUNT and fourth ' rs following WHOLESALE_AMT. As you can see from the sample data for a specific customer,
    product I have populated only until 01/04/2006 retail_sales_amt but WHOLE_SALE amt for the same product and customer
    are there up to 01/04/2007.

    I have to produce a PROJECTED RETAIL_SALES_AMT and it must be inserted in a new line with an indicator to identify
    a proposed line. Here, in this case I have to produce a new line of projection from 07/01/2006,10/01/2006 and 01/01/2007
    the RETAIL_SALES_AMT. The method of calculation is provided for in:

    retail_sales_amt scheduled for 07/01/2006=.345+ ((01/07/2006 whole_sales-01/04/2006 whole_sales) / (01/04/2006 whole_sale)))
    * 01/04/2006 RETAIL_SALES_AMT and move forward to subsequent quarters.

    Is it possible that I can use a query to produce these new lines by calculating the RETAIL_SALES_AMT on the fly, or any other
    How to procedure.

    Please help as it seems a little complicated.


    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:26

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:26

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:27

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:28

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:31

    Published by: user626688 on October 27, 2009 11:32


    As far as I can tell, that's what you asked for:

    WITH     got_prev         AS
         SELECT     table_x.*
         ,     LAG (wholesale_amt) OVER ( PARTITION BY  customer
                                        ,                product
                                ORDER BY      quarter
                               )     AS prev_wholesale_amt
         FROM     table_x
    --     WHERE     ...     -- Any filtering goes here
    ,     tree     AS
         SELECT     got_prev.*
         ,     SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH ( CASE
                               WHEN  LEVEL = 1
                               THEN  retail_sales_amt
                               ELSE  ( .345
                                              + wholesale_amt
                                              - prev_wholesale_amt
                                  ) / prev_wholesale_amt
                            , '*'
                            )                    AS path
         FROM     got_prev
         START WITH     retail_sales_amt     IS NOT NULL
         CONNECT BY     retail_sales_amt     IS NULL
              AND     quarter               = ADD_MONTHS (PRIOR quarter, 3)
              AND     customer          = PRIOR customer
              AND     product               = PRIOR product
    SELECT       quarter
    ,       customer
    ,       product
    ,       COALESCE ( retail_sales_amt
                 , eval_number ( LTRIM ( path
                                           , '*'
                               )       )
                 )      AS retail_sales_amt
    ,       wholesale_amt
    ,       NVL2 ( retail_sales_amt
                , 'F'
                , 'T'
                )          AS projected_flag
    FROM       tree
    ORDER BY  customer
    ,            product
    ,       quarter

    I posted earlier the eval_number function.

    In this query, a group of consecutive quarters, where the first group a retail_sales_num and the rest of the members of the group are not, is treated as a hierarchy. The retail_sales_amt of all members (except the first) will be based on the previous, as well as the wholesale_amts past and present.
    Say that a tree is 5 points of time (as in your examples of data). We can calculate the 2nd point in several ways: using analytical functions, for example. But we cannot use the same formula to calculate the 3rd point, because the calculation of section 2 must be completed before we can calculate the 3rd. It goes the same for the 4th and 5th.
    This is CONNECT BY arrives. CONNECT BY is one thing in Oracle SQL that can be recursively; children may find themselves once their parents are found, in the same way we want to calculate the nth retail_sales_amt once the amount of the n-minus-1 has been calculated. To do this, we use SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH, where the first element in the path is the retail_sales_amt given, and all others are the factor to multiply this number to get the next amount.
    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH produces a string like ' * 324562 *. 4965935 *-. 0057739', which should be interpreted as a number. TO_NUMBER won't: TO_NUMBER cannot convert only a single numeric literal. Instead, we have a function defined by the user who put this string dynamically in the SELECT clause of a query, where it is interpreted as a numeric expression.

  • XML list and display

    I've been racking my brain on why it won't work. All I want to do is have a list of news with the date and a title shot to an xml file. I want to be able to click on the 1 point and fill the detailed view. If I can replace the real id that I am referencing the sending it works but it will not read it as a variable.

    What fixed it:
    If (loadText . attributes.id == Number (sending))

  • Search a directory of data and display the data that is within the range of dates


    I have a full idrectory of data from overtime, and I think of search in the directory and display the data files for specific dates. I only started this encoding yet but I figure I'll take the brain of some SMEs here labview and start in the right direction. My goal is to go through a comprehensive directory of data taken for a month or MORE csv files and select the data to process and display office files the date of its registration. If I take the data of last week, last month or last minute, it should just treat as an exact or more.

    Please help me get started on the right foot

    End date will be probably greater than the start date, right? So, end date must connect at the entrance to the upper limit. Then wire in the range? to the conditional terminal of a tunnel of conditional indexation.


  • Insert new data to a new line in the same Excel sheet in continuous

    Hello world

    I'm using LabVIEW 2010 and there is a problem, I need to ask the subject to export the LabView to Excel data. Basically, I could transfer data "once" once on a new or selected Excel worksheet, but can only be 'IMMEDIATELY' when I run the VI, so my problem is, I need the data to be inserted at a same Excel sheet whenever I press run and the new data will replace not the former, instead go to the next new row or column. I really need answers regarding my problems, suggestions and ideas are welcome.

    I have attached my current VI and a picture describe the outcome that I needed

    Thank you for answer

  • I need to find all of the XML elements and add a line break for the text of each of them

    I need to find all XML elements and to add a line break the text of each of them.

    Is it possible with a script?

    Try this piece of code as it is. I hope that's what you want...

    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var inddRooElement = myDoc.xmlElements.item(0);
    var xPathElements = inddRooElement.evaluateXPathExpression("//*");
    var elementCount = xPathElements.length;
    for(var eId=0; eId



  • Add 44 days to the current date and display DD mmmm yyyy

    I created a form in Acrobat Pro ms and I need a form field to display the date 44 days from the day that the form is completed.  Searched these forums and responses found that are close but they all seem to calculate the base on another field in the document.  I do not have the date of the day on the form and I'm "challenged" javascript, so cannot get out.

    For example, when the user opens the form today (October 13, 2015) the field must display on 26 November 2015.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Another approach would be to use JavaScript getDate() and methods setDate() for the date object.

    Get the current date object.

    var oNow = new Date();

    object of the new date

    oNew var = new Date();

    get the current date of the date object.

    var nNowDate = oNow.getDate ();

    Add 44 days at the time of the day;

    var nNewDate = nNowDate + 44;

    new date of update object;

    oNew.setDate (nNewDate);

    format of the new text string to date object.

    var cNewDate = util.printd ("dd mmmm yyyy", oNew);

    value of the field of play;

    Event.Value = cNewDate;

    show some information;

    Console.Show ();


    Console.println ("today is:" + util.printd ("dd mmmm yyyy", oNew));

    Console.println ("today's date is:" + oNow.getDate ());

    Console.println ("current date = 44 days:" + nNewDate);

    Console.println ("44 days now is:" + cNewDate);

    The script could be made more compact by combining several lines of code in one line of code:

    Get the current date object.

    var oNow = new Date();

    Add 44 days at the time of the day;

    oNow.setDate (oNow.getDate () + 44);

    value of the field of play;

    Event.Value = util.printd ("dd mmmm yyyy", oNow);

  • How can I filter the data and display it in the html table?


    How do I filter data that contains the database table and already displayed in html table, then when the user write a data to filter or search, it will automatically display the data in html table. ?

    can someone help me to do this? Here is my php code for the table that will display the data:

      $servername = "localhost";
      $username = "root";
      $password = "pass";
      $dbname = "ses";
      // Create connection
      $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
      // Check connection
      if ($conn->connect_error) {
      die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
      $sql = "SELECT No, Calon, ID, Jurusan FROM candidates";
      $result = $conn->query($sql);
      if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
      echo "<table >
      <th>ID Number</th>
      // output data of each row
      while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
      echo "<tr>
      <td align='center'>" . $row["No"]. "</td>
      <td>" . $row["Calon"]. "</td>
      <td>" . $row["ID"]. " </td>
      <td>" . $row["Jurusan"]. "</td>
      <td align='center'><a href='main2.php?edit=".$row["No"]."'>Edit</a></td>
      <td align='center'><a href='delete.php?del=".$row["No"]."'>Delete</a></td>
      echo "</table>";
      } else {
      echo "0 results";

    hope someone can help me with this.

    Thank you.

    You must first create a search form for the user to enter a search word:

    Then create a page named search_page.php and insert the following code into it and save it. The code in red below Gets information from the search form field name = "Calon" and the SQL query finds in the "Calon" database field for a game.


    $servername = "localhost";

    $username = 'root ';

    $password = "pass";

    $dbname = 'his ';

    Create the connection

    $conn = new mysqli ($dbname, $servername, $username, $password);

    Check the connection

    If {($conn-> connect_error)

    Die ("connection failed:".) $conn-> connect_error);


    $Calon = trim($_POST['Calon']);

    $sql = (' SELECT no, Calon, ID, Jurusan candidates WHERE Calon = "'.") $Calon.' » ") ;

    $result = $conn-> Query;



    If ($result-> num_rows > 0) {}

    ECHO '.


    each line output

    While ($row = {$result-> fetch_assoc())}

    ECHO '.



    ECHO '.

    NO. Candidate Identification number Program Edit Delete
    " . $row ["no"]. " " . $row ["Calon"]. " " . $row ['ID']. " " . $row ["Jurusan"]. " Edit Delete

    } else {}

    echo "0 results."


    $conn-> close();


  • How to extract an XML data that have different namespace prefixes?


    I have inserted XMLs in an XMLTYPE column which are based on a common XSD that allows different namespaces.

    How can I extract some data from these XMLs using extractvalue when will be preceded different namespaces for this node?

    Thank you and best regards,


    You can use XPath:


    For example:

    with t as (
     select xmltype(
     ) doc
     from dual union all
     select xmltype(
     from dual
    select extractvalue(t.doc,'//*[local-name()="name"]') as name,
           extractvalue(t.doc,'//*[local-name()="place"]') as place
    from t;


    with t as (
     select xmltype(
     ) doc
     from dual union all
     select xmltype(
     from dual
    select x.*
    from t, XMLTable(
      element name { //*[local-name()="name"] },
      element place { //*[local-name()="place"] }
    passing t.doc
     place varchar2(30) path 'place',
     name  varchar2(30) path 'name'
    ) x;
  • Check invalid date and display error message for that forms 10 g or 12 c

    Hi all

    a text element text_fdate is of data type date mask and the format is dd/mm/rrrr

    In this text element that I want to display validation message "you have entered an incorrect date that does not exist.

    When the user enters an invalid date as 30/02/2016 which is not exists.

    What trigger I use and when.

    Florian wrote:

    Hey Hamid,

    GET_ITEM_PROPERTY ('ITEM_NAME', ITEM_IS_VALID);<--it is="" not="">

    Above will work only on the query mode.

    The code works, but the below error code you gave does not work in forms 12 c.

    1. IF ERROR_CODE = 50012 THEN
    2. MESSAGE ("Please enter the correct date.");
    3. MESSAGE ("Please enter the correct date.");
    4. END IF;

    The correct error code is 50004 12 c forms.

    Just change the ERROR_CODE of 50012 to 50004 and it will work.

    I'll check the error code in form 10g and will play with you again.

    I already checked and functional at 10g.


Maybe you are looking for

  • How to find my connection messages from my Keychain password

    Just logged in my POSTS, and he asked me for my password which I know. How can I go to my keychain and find my password for MESSAGES? Although I can't believe something has changed and I have no idea

  • MacBook Pro glued on the gray screen and does not start. Help, please!

    Hello My 13 "MacBook Pro (mid-2009), running Snow leopard (10.6.8), has finally given up and won't start. I tried to boot into SafeMode several times, but the loading bar does not move and the laptop just completely stops. I also tried to boot in sin

  • Extreme problem of airport with the guest account

    It drives me crazy! I had the extreme AC router from the airport for a couple of years now. It works perfectly if the guest account is disabled. Whenever I try to enable the guest account access, I have a time very very difficult to connect to this a

  • AutoComplete does not.

    Since the resettlement 4.2.1 JDE to my rebuilt the machine any instance of a class can I write does not seem AutoComplete for the names of fields and methods. Can anyone think why?

  • starting cold on hp Pavilion a1737c (resolved)

    I have a problem with the hp Pavilion a1737c computer and it it cold boots for some reason, the side fan that lights is colder than usual and is also stronger as usual, when I plug the cord each time light led goes off for 1 second then turn it, this