FrameMaker-> XML-> FrameMaker questions


I have currently about 150 pages fm submits, that were originally unstructured, but I managed to make a structure of work for her. There are mainly paintings, which have references, images, graphics, tables and internal stuff, so all normal technical document. Reason I'm structuring it and what about XML is that we have another file XML where we will add data in this document, and currently, it is done by hand and we want to do it my machine. These things are done by the magic of programmers who can better c-related speaking in tongues English.

I can make the XML of this fine, so that the XML that is created is valid and structure looks like, it is very well copied as XML. Graphics, images and internal tables are currently inside anchored like graphics frames, since they were something similar in the informal document and read/write rules that transform images EPS, because internal tables do not work like SVG, I prefer otherwise, because it is also the XML and anchored frames have some links referring to other parts of the document. SVG would be also easier to manage in programming (or so I think) as the EPS. If anyone can think of the best way to do this, I'm open to suggestions.

Question now is when I opened this created XML in FrameMaker, it loads first half-hour (computer is Intel T2500 2 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, computer laptop XP Pro SP3 and FM is version 10), then displays the 9 error pages records concerning 'framemaker cannot insert table (cell) at the current position cell' and then document appears as 600 to 1000 pages 'masterpiece' where 150 pages seems normal but after this first page If displays of new and tables is presented as a column in the page. It was suggested that if the file is created by FrameMaker, FrameMaker it would open normally, but apparently this is not the case.

Reading/writing-rules currently look like this: (if it is useful at all)

{"Table" element

is the table fm "Table" element


element {"TableHead"

is the fm "TableHead" table header element


element {"TableBody"

is part of fm "TableBody table body."


element {'Row'

table fm line item is "Row".


element {'cell'

is fm "Cell" table cell element


cross reference fm 'HRef' element's "HRef";

element {'Row'

is the element of row in table fm 'ROW '.


'Cell' is fm "CELL" table cell element

element {"Graphic"

is the graphic element of fm;

writer anchored frame {}

export to file ' $(entity) .eps "as"EPS ".

specify the size in pt;



element {"Equation"

is fm equation element.

export equation writer to file ' $(entity) .eps "as"EPS ".


There are some things that might look odd for some people. There are a few conditional text in FM submit and without rules as

'Cell' is fm "CELL" table cell element

XML is not valid against the DTD.

I'd appreciate any help. I can also provide other files here, but due to NDA reasons, real document is no-go, but I think that if the structure is needed to see, the DTD is very good.

Ian, Russ,

As you probably know both, it is perfectly acceptable to have multiple rules read/write for a type of item. In this case, the rules include:

element {'Row'

table fm line item is "Row".


element {'Row'

table fm line item is "ROW".



element {'cell'

is fm "Cell" table cell element


'Cell' is fm "CELL" table cell element

The first pair of rules said FrameMaker when it creates XML, FrameMaker and PLACE items that both are output as an XML line items. The second pair of rules said the items FrameMaker and CELL are saved as XML as cell.

When there are several relevant mappings, FrameMaker uses the first to appear in the rules of r/w. When is the reading of XML documents by using these rules, he could map a line XML line or LINE item and a cell to cell or CELL. Since mixed case of these two rules version appears before the version all uppercase, when reading XML, FrameMaker elements with the same name as the XML namespace it creates.


Your FrameMaker EDD has both row and LINE (cell and CELL)? If this isn't the case, you can remove rules for the types of items you don't use.

Insofar as the error messages and the wrong document when you open XML, Ian is quite correct that FrameMaker needs to know the number of columns there are in the table. If your DTD does not yet of this attribute, the simplest solution is to add a. It is possible using a plug-in or script to create columns as needed, but it's a lot more effort.


Tags: Adobe FrameMaker

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    Auto1 < modelNumber > < / modelNumber >

    ... year, etc.

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    < part >

    part1 < partNo > < / partNo >

    < / part >

    < joinAutoPart >

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    part1 < partNo > < / partNo >

    < / joinAutoPart >

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    Q1 - Yes when XML is loaded into the form it goes in a node called You can also load your own in your own region, so it is not inconsistent with what the (highly recommended) form. There is a set of full of functions to deal with the dom or you can create an E4X object in javascript and use the E4X standard tools to manipulate.

    Q2 - depends on how build you. Case of failure, the SOAP call expire and you can not stop it and report accordingly. Then you can continue in the form without that data (if you allow).


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    Please try this

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    Error: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: input length must be a multiple of 16 when with padded decrypting cipher

    Appreciate all the help!

    My simple program
    Encryption by aesCipher;

    try {}

    Byte [secretKey] is Base64.decode ("fqqwZu9U1PCAZQUX + 3nUTA is");.
    SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec (secretKey, "AES");

    Create the encryption algorithm
    aesCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");

    Initialize the encryption for the encryption algorithm
    aesCipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec);

    Byte [] plaintext = "< RQLastName > TESTLastname < / RQLastName > < RQFirstName > TestFirstName < / RQFirstName > '. getBytes();

    Encrypt the plaintext
    Byte [] ciphertext = aesCipher.doFinal (cleartext);

    Base64encodedCiphertext string = Base64.encode (ciphertext);

    System.out.println (base64encodedCiphertext);

    Initialize the same cipher for the decryption algorithm
    aesCipher.init (Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keySpec);

    Byte [] base64decodedCiphertext = Base64.decode (base64encodedCiphertext);

    Decrypt the ciphertext
    Byte [] cleartext1 = aesCipher.doFinal (base64decodedCiphertext); <-exception on that line

    System.out.println (new String (cleartext1));

    clear and cleartext1 are the same.
    catch (Exception ex) {}
    ex.printStackTrace ();

    I use, written by Stephen investigation.

    public class {Base64
    public static byte [] encodeData;
    public static String charSet =
    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 + /";

    {public static
    encodeData = new ubyte [64];
    for (int i = 0; i < 64; i ++) {}
    c byte = (bytes) charSet.charAt (i);
    encodeData [i] = c;

    private Base64() {}

    * base64 encode a string
    @param s the string ascii coding
    * @returns the base64 encoded result

    Public Shared Function
    Encode(String s) throws Exception {}
    Return encodes (s.getBytes ("UTF8"));

    * base64 encode a byte array
    @param CBC byte array to encode
    * @returns the base64 encoded result

    Public Shared Function
    Encode (byte [] src) {}
    return encode (src, 0, src.length);

    * base64 encode a byte array
    @param CBC byte array to encode
    @param start starting index
    @param len the number of bytes
    * @returns the base64 encoded result

    Public Shared Function
    Encode (byte [], int start, int length src) {}
    Byte [] dst = new byte [(length+2)/3 * 4 + length: 72];
    int x = 0;
    int dstIndex = 0;
    Int State = 0;     What jacquard tank
    old int = 0;     previous byte
    int len = 0;     length decoded so far
    int max = length + start;
    for (int srcIndex = start; srcIndex < max; srcIndex ++) {}
    x = src [srcIndex];
    switch (++ State) {}
    case 1:
    DST [dstIndex ++] = encodeData [(x >> 2) & 0x3f];
    case 2:
    DST [dstIndex ++] = encodeData [((vieux << 4) & 0 x 30)]
    | [((x >> 4) & 0xf)] ;
    case 3:
    DST [dstIndex ++] = encodeData [((vieux << 2) & 0x3C)]
    | [((x >> 6) & 0x3)] ;
    DST [dstIndex ++] = encodeData [x & 0x3F;
    State = 0;
    old = x;
    If (++ len > = 72) {}
    DST [dstIndex ++] = (byte) "\n";
    Len = 0;

    * now to clean the end bytes

    switch (State) {}
    case 1: dst [dstIndex ++] = encodeData [(vieux << 4) & 0 x 30];
    DST [dstIndex ++] = (byte) '=';
    DST [dstIndex ++] = (byte) '=';
    case 2: dst [dstIndex ++] = encodeData [(vieux << 2) & 0x3c];
    DST [dstIndex ++] = (byte) '=';
    return new String (dst);

    * A Base64 decoder. This implementation is slow, and
    * does not handle wrapped lines.
    * The output is not set if there are errors in the entry.
    s @param a Base64 encoded string
    * @returns the byte array eith the decoded result

    public static ubyte]
    Decode (String s) {}
    int end = 0;     final State
    If (s.endsWith ("=")) {}
    end ++;
    If (s.endsWith ("is")) {}
    end ++;
    int len = (s.length () + 3) / 4 * 3 - end;
    Byte [] result = new ubyte [len];
    int dst = 0;
    try {}
    for (CBC int = 0; src < s.length (); src ++) {}
    code int = charSet.indexOf (s.charAt (src));
    If (code ==-1) {}
    switch (src %4) {}
    case 0:
    result [dst] = (byte) (code < < 2);
    case 1:
    result [dst ++] | = (byte) ((code >> 4) & 0x3);
    result [dst] = (byte) (code < < 4);
    case 2:
    result [dst ++] | = (byte) ((code >> 2) & 0xf);
    result [dst] = (byte) (code < < 6);
    case 3:
    result [dst ++] | = (byte) (code & 0x3f);
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
    return the result;

    * Test the encoder and the decoder.
    * Call as < code > Base64 [channel] < code >.

    public static void
    survey of hand (String [] args) {Exception
    System.out.println ("encode:" + args [0] + ""-> () "")
    + encode(args[0]) + ")");
    System.out.println ("decode:" + args [0] + ""-> () "")
    + New String (decode(args[0])) + ")");

    903857 wrote:
    I use, written by Stephen investigation.

    Your code works when you use a decent Base64 encoder/decoder (for example then throw the investigation one.

    Note: block ECB is not secure because it allows counterfeit by splicing of the ciphertext. You must use one of the methods of feedback as a random IV with CBC.

    PS one obvious fault with the encoder/decoder Uhler Base64 is that the encoder adds a new line after 72 characters but the decoder does not correctly remove the new line. He is the likely cause of the IllegalBlockSizeException.

  • The CPF in the first XML: Audio Question


    I exported a 5 out of 7 FCP XML in body 5.5 and it is open beautifully but I have an audio issue.

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    First deals on this audio as two mono tracks so I can only change either left or right - it's the same when editing in hearing, either left or right.

    If it wasn't an import XML that I would normally get over this by changing the audio until I fall on the timeline which is the first way that I understand, but he usually lets me do it with the clips of brough in via XML, I guess because they are already tied to a timeline.

    I also tried a deletion of channels and panoramic centre - it works but overall levels are lowered, and I hesitate to simply increase the levels as this also raises background noises artificially. In FCP, if I had only one channel I'd just copy a channel, and then create a stereo pair.

    What I want is to be able to edit the left channel and right at the same time with audio provided via XML of the FCP - can anyone help?

    Thank you very much

    I would have created a submix track in Premiere Pro and used the track output assignment in the Audio Mixer Panel to send each of the two mono tracks to stereo submix. Then, set the keyframes on the track to submix to increase/decrease the volume on the two mono tracks simultaneously.

    If true stereo, pan the mono channels to left to keep the stereo integrity.

    / Roger

  • Extract XML - Namespace question

    I try to extract a value from an xml element, but it does not work when I put the name space.
    The following XML code:

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >
    < nfeProc xmlns = "" xmlns:ds = "" xmlns: xsi = "" versão "1.10" = >
    < NFe xmlns = "" >
    < infNFe Id = versão "1.10" = "NFe35100492754738007094550010000418641120612904" >
    < ide >
    < cUF > 35 < / cUF >
    < cNF > 112061290 < / cNF >
    < indPag > 0 < / indPag >
    < mod > 55 < / mod >
    < set > 1 < / series >
    < naturist > 41864 < / naturist >
    < a half > 2010 - 04 - 26 < / half >
    < dSaiEnt > 2010 - 04 - 26 < / dSaiEnt >
    < tpNF > 1 < / tpNF >
    < cMunFG > 3548708 < / cMunFG >
    < tpImp > 1 < / tpImp >
    < tpEmis > 1 < / tpEmis >
    < VAC > 4 < / cDV >
    < tpAmb > 2 < / tpAmb >
    < finNFe > 1 < / finNFe >
    < procEmi > 0 < / procEmi >
    < verProc > 1.0 < / verProc >
    < / ide >
    < / infNFe >
    < / CHILD >
    < / nfeProc >

    But this XML file is a BLOB in a table that I converted to CLOB and after to XMLTYPE.
    And here is the SQL code that I am trying to run:

    Select extract (column_value,'cUF / text () ') AS 'XML ELEMENT.
    of (xmltype (blob_to_clob (fl_l.file_data)) select media_data_clob)
    of fnd_attached_documents fad_l
    fnd_documents_tl fdt_l
    fnd_lobs fl_l
    where fad_l.document_id = fdt_l.document_id
    and fdt_l.media_id = fl_l.file_id
    and fdt_l.language = 'PTB '.
    and fad_l.entity_name = 'NFe_iSupplier') myxml.
    table (xmlsequence (Extract (media_data_clob, '//cUF'))) t;

    Can someone help me?

    Thank you!


    You must add a namespace clause the extract() function.

    table example (xmlsequence (extract (media_data_clob,'/ / EUC ',' xmlns =')))



  • XML / Actionscript Question


    I try to add a widget "weather" on my site. I'm pulling the forcast XML using this link:

    XML weather

    I get the code XML back ok, but the XML contains the names of data as "weather icon" and others with dashes. When I try to read the data I get an error about an invalid property, "icon". I guess that's because the hyphen is a kind of character "reserved"?

    If anyone can suggest how I can access this information would be great!

    Thank you


    I guess that makes you the AS3 and try to read the nodes using the point E4X syntax,

    node. Weather-icon
    node. Weather-icon [0]
    node. Weather-icon [1]


    Try to use
    node. Child("Weather-Icon")
    node. Child("Weather-Icon") [0]
    node. Child("Weather-Icon") [1]


  • Hierarchy XML query question

    I have a table in the form of:

    A, B AND C 1 2 3
    B 4 5 6 D
    A C 7 8 9

    I want my XML in the form
    < name FOO = 'A' >
    < BAR name = "B" >
    < name ZEE 'C' = >
    < x >/< x > 1
    < Y > 2 / < y >
    < Z > 3 < /z >
    < / ZEE >
    < name ZEE = "D >.
    < x > 4 / < x >
    < Y > 5 / < y >
    < Z > 6 / < z >
    < / ZEE >
    < / BAR >
    < BAR name = "C" >
    < name ZEE = 'A' >
    < x > 7 / < x >
    < Y > 8 / < y >
    < Z > 9 / < z >
    < / ZEE >
    < / BAR >
    < / FOO >

    Is such a thing possible via SQL directly or I have to do a sort of XSL transformation? Can someone tell me something that speaks of how this is done?

    It should do so using bys group successive and enveloping the xml of lower level with parent elements.

    -- Get the distinct data sets by domain, datacenter, resource.
    res as(
    select akdomain, datacenter, akresource,
             xmlforest(currentload as "currentload", targetload as "targetload", capacity as "capacity")
           ) x
    from   clusterload2
    group by akdomain, datacenter, akresource
    -- Consolidate the resources by domain, datacenter.
    dc as(
    select akdomain, datacenter,
             xmlelement("resource",xmlattributes(akresource "name"),x)
           ) x
    from res
    group by akdomain, datacenter
    -- Consolidate the datacenters by domain.
    domain as(
    select akdomain,
             xmlelement("datacenter",xmlattributes(datacenter "name"),x)
           ) x
    from   dc
    group by akdomain
    -- Wrap the xml with a domain.
    select xmlelement("load-object",xmlattributes(akdomain "domain"),x) x
    from   domain


  • Release of FrameMaker XML question

    I have a problem with an attribute not be exported in XML format by FM8.

    Here is the excerpt of the DTD:

    <! ELEMENT std.table.header (+ std.table.row) >
    <! ATTLIST std.table.header
    CDATA #REQUIRED passes
    rowsep CDATA '1 '.

    The first question I had was "collar" does not present as an attribute in the structured view. I solved it in question (with the help of MarttiP) by adding it to the EDD as shown below:

    Element (container): std.table.header
    General rule: std.table.row +.
    List of attributes
    Name: whole passes required

    Now I'll have is on the export of XML, the "collar" attribute is not exported and I get an error "required attribute"cols"unplanned". Any suggestions?


    Add this rule to write:

    element 'std.table.header '.
    is part of fm;
    "collar" attribute is the attribute of fm;

    This replaces the built-in handling for the cols attribute without affecting the CALS tables.


  • How is a parent and child, rights and roll determind in the script

    How is a parent and child, rights and roll determind in the script as an exe of java or xml. It's first and second user and which assings these rolls? thanx


    Thanks for posting your question in the Microsoft Community.

    Sinc you want to determine the parent and the child rights usings script as an exe of java or xml, the question you posted would be best suited in the MSDN Forums. I would recommend posting your query in the MSDN Forums for further assistance:

    MSDN forums

  • -bash: /usrxit/devenv.env: not a directory

    Dear all,

    I tried to change the pwd apps using the FNDCPASS utility in the production.

    After changing the pwd, autoconfig was correctly executed in DB level.

    But while running autoconfig in its completed with error as application layer below.

    Unable to set the environment and make a mistake as "-bash: /usrxit/devenv.env.

    [applmgr@auaterpdb000 appl] $. ./APPSUAT_auaterpdb000.env

    -bash: /usrxit/devenv.env: not a directory

    [applmgr@auaterpdb000 scripts] $

    Enter the password for user APPS:

    ERROR: There is no directory.

    Because of this file xml in question showing empty. There is no data in the xml file.

    I followed this document-bash: /usrxit/devenv.env: not a directory ($ [applmgr@a0 Appl].. / APPSUAT_auaterpdb000.env) (Doc ID 1533570.1()

    According to the document, we copied the xml file to < INST_TOP > / admin/out/< MMDDhhmm >

    And once again ran autoconfig in the application layer, but once again the xml file is corrupted (empty) and finished with the error.

    Please offer me to solve this problem.



    Dear all,

    Issues has been fixed.


    Previously, we faced of questions below that we have made changes a file any which is the cause of this problem, we have restored the file and changed the Pwd apps.

    Old question: some concurrent requests fail with the error:

    REP-0069: error internal means: failed to create new native thread

    So we edit the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ file and add the lines:

    REPORTS_JVM_OPTIONS = "- Xms256M - Xmx2048M".


    Its worked for me.

    Thank you & best regards


  • Bug report: authentication

    Integration of advertisements

    We must use AD, especially the ad groups, manage access to loginsight, and we need to be a secure connection.

    For us, the best integration would be to have these LDAP connection settings:

    -Host & Port

    -SSL is enabled

    -Bind DN & bind DN password

    -Base user DN

    -Group base DN (use groups)

    I tried to configure AD based on usage and documentation of LogInsight 1.5 beta secure ldap Protocol

    Document: Journal-insight-15-administration - guide.pdf

    lack of strike - small /usr/lib/loginisight/app / etc. /loginsight-config - base.xml

    expected to be-- / usr/lib/loginisight / etc. /application/loginsight-config-base.XML

    Question n ° 1

    'LogInsight EMS Admins' - group in AD

    • Adding group does not work - SOME users in this ad group are not able to access loginsight...
      • We have more than 1 domain: Eng. some users have the UPN suffix that is simply "
      • We use the service account to bind to AD, it is the area of

    1 change the config:

    add < ad-protocols value = "LDAPS" / > for specifically using LDAP with SSL only

    -How to check that it uses the ldaps Protocol? is it really ldaps?

    2. service loginsight restart

    Question 2 (known - ESX stopped sending data)

    3. the lost data

    The host of "loginsight:514" has become inaccessible.  Stopped A logging remotely to this host.

    4. administration-> integration-> vSphere

    ESXi hosts configured to send logs to log Insight

    Click on "View ESXi syslog configuration details... »

    Check the list of the hosts 'Configured' ESXi, reselect them and 'configure selected.

    -is it possible to 'automate' this when you need to restart LogInsight?

    5. the data are back -need to check if we have double entries in ESX logging section

    Thank you


    Hey Ildus - I think that your problem is solved now. Can you mark this question as answered?

  • How to recover the XMLP report after publication

    There is a custom created page that has some data (all data is display only) on level 1. There is also a link on that level 1.
    When the user arrives on this page for a particular search (from the search page) values and on a level 1 line and click this link, an XMLP report must be generated and open.
    When the user comes to the same page with the same values of research and the same line at level 1 later, after some time/day, the XMLP report which came already should open instead of generating a new report XMLP.
    Therefore, the XMLP report has generated only once for a particular line of level 1 and should now be reused.

    Technique of the logic applied so far:*.
    The logic was written on the component.record.fieldchange of the link level 1.
    I was able to generate the XMLP data file. By using this data file, I was able to generate the report (in PDF) and publish as well.

    Creates the object:
    & oRptDefn = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn(<Report_Definition_Name>);
    & oRptDefn.Get ();
    & oRptDefn.SetRuntimeDataXMLFile (< XML data file >);

    Set the outdestination:
    & oRptDefn.OutDestination = < Some Unix Path >;

    Report of the process called:
    & oRptDefn.ProcessReport (< name of the report definition model >, % language, date, & oRptDefn.GetDefaultOutputFormat ());

    And published:
    & oRptDefn.Publish ("PSUNX", "", "", 0);

    The report is published. I can view the report in pdf format on
    Main menu > Reporting tools > XML editor > search for XML report

    Question (which is also a roadblock):*.
    Now how should I proceed in order to open (display) the same report when the user clicks on the link to the level 1 again.
    How can I reopen this same report next time?
    I was wondering that if I get the report Id, and the process Instance (as displayed in the search for XML report), I can save for later use. So I can dynamically create the report using these 2 URL identifiers when the user clicks on the same link next time. But not able to get the correct values of these properties.
    After publication, & oRptDefn.ProcessInstance gives 0 instead of the process instance, as shown in the XML report search page.

    Please help with your expertise.

    The instance of the process number is automatically filled by PeopleSoft during the call to publish. However, the problem is that you cannot recover the instance number of processes assigned by PeopleCode after the call to publish. I think that this property has a use when you run the report through the process scheduler and not the application server (which is the case in this situation).

    Take a look at the PSRF_RINFO_TBL notice. In this recording all the XMLP reports will be stored by the report URL. Your condition said that when a user enters a component with a certain search criteria and a report has already generated so that criteria at level 1 should link to open that specific report. With the file PSRF_RINFO_TBL, you know what reports have been produced so far. The only thing you need then is to link a report to a specific search criteria. If you run a SQLExec on the PSRF_RINFO_TBL after you have published it you should be able to recover the process instance and the content id. If you add a record or some fields of the record exist for this component, you can bind the instance of process/contentid to search criteria. If a report already exists, you can use the code I posted in my previous post to open the report on the screen.

  • Printable report query problem

    I try to develop a printable report query. I created a report under shared components query which consists of 12 separate queries that collect data are all related to a single page element. The intention is to create a PDF document that is printed to the user on demand that will display all this information on the page element they have chosen.

    The query of the report gathers information and generates an XML file in the following format.
                             *Data from query 1*
                              *Data from query 2*
                              * Data from query 2*
                              * Data from query 3*
                              * Data from query 3*
    Then, I took this XML file and developed a model RTF using Office BI Publisher and imported as a layout of the report.
    I then connected this provision of the RTF to the report query and he ran. I don't have all the data to print.

    I found the reason why that it did not work, it is that the XML file that is generated by the report query is not static. The following XML file that was generated by the report query looked like this:
                               * Data from query 3*
                               * Data from query 3*
                               * Data from query 7*
                               * Data from query 7*
                               * Data from query 7*
                               * Data from query 1*
    So I can't develop a RTF model to display the data, if I do not know where these data will appear in the generated XML.

    Questions (I'll offer several POINTS to anyone who can answer all of these questions!)

    I use APEX version 3.1

    * 1. Why the report query seems randomly to renumber and reorganize the XML it produces? *

    * 2. Is it possible to make the report query to display the XML data in the order in which the individual queries are classified each time? *

    * 3. Is it possible to designate exactly the lines of sets of lines or lines supported by APEX? *

    * 4. Are there other methods can I Explorer to produce this report? *

    * 5. Is it a problem because I'm on an older version? Is it not a problem on 4.1? *

    Published by: bhenderson on February 1, 2012 08:22

    So, you have 12 separate petitions? No there is no way to join them in a union to build the required data set? Or even using views inline in a query for each set of values?

    Thank you

    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • Store the file names and then display then in order


    I have a procedure that writes about 10 files on drive DB...
    File1. XML
    File2. XML
    file3. XML
    file10. XML

    My question is should I capture these names and put them in a text file and load them with files generated in DB drive...

    However, I have to use a table to load these names, then write them in the text file and then delete after each race...

    any suggestions... ?

    Something like

    v_conts_file := 'Something.txt';
    f_conts_file := utl_file.fopen(v_out_dir, v_conts_file, 'W');
    v_filename := v_mail_code.xml';
    f_xml_file := utl_file.fopen(v_out_dir, v_filename, 'W');
    utl_file.put_line(f_xml_file, v_RECORD_DATA);
    utl_file.put_line(f_conts_file, v_filename);

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