GroupDataModel and append()

Hi all

Why we can not do append() in a GroupDataModel?

In some cases, it would be more useful than insert()...

I have to make it difficult to add an item at the end of my list

Thank you

Drilldown navigation project model import bb.cascades 1.0 Page {container {button {text: 'Add' onClicked: {data var = {'name': 'schutz', 'age': '23'}; model.append (data) ;}}}}}} {{ListView {dataModel: ArrayDataModel {id: template} listItemComponents: [ListItemComponent {Button {text: ListItemData.nom}}]}}}

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    QVariantList beforeList;
    //Should be 'branch' 1
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    You must use sort fields to sort the list and group by a property of your data

    Then, you will get the headers automatically and you can decide if the header contains the full value, or only the first character

    the order of your list is not serious - GroupDataModel will sort and group for you, and provide header and items.

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                id: dataModel
                // This works and the header is displayed properly by rating
                //sortingKeys: ["rating"] 
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                imageSpaceReserved: false;
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    Any suggestions?

    Hi joelajean,

    According to the documentation on this link "In a GroupDataModel, there are only two levels of items". Looking at how your xml file is formatted, I can see that the is a level deeper than the second level and this is probably why you can not retrieve the item. I suggest that you try to use a XmlDataModel instead of a GroupDataModel or analyze your file xml in two levels of items.

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    You have imageSource 2 times. One outside yew, one inside the fi.

    imageSource: {
                                                  if ( { imageSource = "asset:///images/on.png" ; }
                                                  else { imageSource = "asset:///images/off.png" ; }

    Try the following line

    imageSource: "asset:///images/" + ("on":"off") + ".png"

    It's a little shorter, and it works for me.

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    1. Relay nearby
    2. Read the voltage


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                    source: "hills.xml"
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "listItem"
                        StandardListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.skiHill
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "header"
                        Header {
                            title: ListItemData.key
                            touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.None


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                dataModel: dataModel
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "listItem"
                        StandardListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.skiHill
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "header"
                        Header {
                            title: ListItemData.key
                            touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.None
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    On the 2nd day of two different types of lists, the list item displays the news from another part of my XML, not the name of ski hill.

    Your head should look like:

     ListItemComponent {
                        type: "header"
                        Header {
                            title: ListItemData
                            touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.None

    i.e. just use ListItemData for the title - because since a GroupDataModel (and probably XmlDataModel) the first level of the row is always returned as a string, not as a piece of real data that has properties

    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        StandardListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.skiHill

    Your list items must have the type 'point' - because that's what indicates the GroupDataModel.

    You can substitute by using a reminder in QML itemType(), if you need something different, or if you need a mixture of different types in the list

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    I understood how to retrieve the group header element and child elements. I can also update any element children in the GroupDataModel.  If you have a better solution, please let me know. Thank you

    Please see my source code.

    for(var i=0; i < xxxDataModel.size(); i++ ){
        var indexPath = new Array();
        indexPath[0] = i;
        var headerItem =;
        if (headerItem != null){
            var childCount = xxxDataModel.childCount(indexPath);
            for (var j=0; j		   
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    Thank you very much, I'll use your workaround. So finally,.

    -in the ListView component:

    onSelectionChanged: {
      if (indexPath.lenght == 1)
        select(indexPath, false); // Don't allow selection

    -in the ListItemComponent:

    ListItem.onSelectionChanged: {
      if (ListItem.indexPath.length == 1), false);


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    Is it possible to turn off sorting?

    Thank you!

    Perhaps ArrayDataModel would fit better - he's not sort items.

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    var dataLine = new Object();
    dataLine["Title"] = "My Title";
    dataLine["Description"] = "My Description";


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                            "Title": "MyTitle",
                            "Description": "Rome"
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    You may be bitten by the fact that alphabetical order does not always mean numeric order. If your files are text1.txt, text2.txt, etc., the alphabetical list is text1.txt, text10.txt, text11.txt, text2.txt, text20.txt.

    Some workaround solutions, if that's the case, but my first suggestion would be to rename the existing files and numbers are used in all future measures the pad.  Text01.txt or text001.txt depending on the number of files.

  • Report Word formatting problems


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    There are added additional lines between each section made by Easy Word.

    I want to insert a table without border lines. However when I set borders and shading in a way this table without any boundaries should generated vertical border remain lines between the columns of the table.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards.


    mavlc wrote:


    I have two problems with the format of Word document automatically created in LabVIEW using the palette of report generation (specific Word).

    There are added additional lines between each section made by Easy Word.

    I want to insert a table without border lines. However when I set borders and shading in a way this table without any boundaries should generated vertical border remain lines between the columns of the table.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards.


    2. I want to insert a table without border lines. However when I set borders and shading in a way this table without any boundaries should generated vertical border remain lines between the columns of the table.

    Set the entry AutoFormat in Word easy to 0 will create a table without the internal lines, but that doesn't solve your problem #1.

    1. There are added additional lines between each section made by Easy Word.

    These additional lines are added by the easy text and the easy Word. If you don't want them using these screws. use the report text Append and Append table of the report live as in the following photo. (you then need to set the style using Word Format as I did for the title).


  • Adding handwriting on a spreadsheet file

    Same problem as this guy here:

    I'm in labview 7.1.  I am reading data and want to add on the new columns, while the excel spreadsheet function simply adds it on the bottom of the file.

    Y at - it an easier way to do it, or should I write a VI that reads from a file of the current worksheet, and then adds the data in the table, as said in this link?

    Thank you

    If you want to add columns, you will need to read in the data spreadsheet and use insert into to add to the columns Array.  Simply specify column instead of the line index indexes.  Or you could transpose the table insert in Array by using the row index and then convert again.  Then write all back.

  • ListView will not display datamodel set of c ++

    I have a listview that retrieves a file from a web service json and it analyzes in a datamodel (tried GroupDataModel and QListDataModel). Thanks to some discussions that I found here, I managed to get the data in the data model and attach properly to the listview. which I checked through debugging.

    However; When I return to QML, I'm not able to get the data to display.

    My loots listview like that at the moment, but it's really just a lighter version of what I want, since I'm trying to make it work:

    ListView {
                                objectName: "list"
                                listItemComponents: [
                                    ListItemComponent {
                                        type: "item"
                                        Container {
                                            id: root
                                            WebImageView {
                                                url: ListItemData.image
                                            Label {
                                                text: ListItemData.title

    Regarding my code, c ++, I use the Twitter example found here as my base:

    For reference, if I try to use QListDataModel, my cards will eventually look like this:

     QMap(("Description", QVariant(QString, "Description here") ) ( "image" ,  QVariant(QString, "") ) ( "title" ,  QVariant(QString, "title") ) )

    As I said, I see the datamodel get associated with my list by list-> setDataModel (model); but it does not display anything. I'm sure it's something on the side QML that I'm hurting, but hopefully someone here can help.

    So, I realized my problem while working on another part of the application.

    Unlike the example of Twitter I've provided, I wasn't using a global variable for * root. I believe that when I started with this example, that part was giving me problems, so I used local variables. For this reason, my application created the root object in the initialization and the method of "GetTimeline".

    Once I did fixed it is global, the list filled.

    Thanks for your help on this everyone.

  • QVariantMap loss of pointers

    I'm passing pointers for instance in one of my classes around as an element of a QVariantMap. 98% of the time it works well, while 2% is killing me. Sometimes when I extracted the pointer elsewhere in my app it comes out as NULL rather than this pointer valid that was on there.

    Here's an example of how to get the pointer in the QVariantMap:

    MyClass* myClassPtr;
    QVariantMap map;
    myClassPtr = &myClassInstance;
    map["title"] = "Pointer to my class";Q_ASSERT(myClassPtr);
    map["myClass"] = QVariant::fromValue( myClassPtr );Q_ASSERT(map["settings"].value());

    Once the 'map' is filled with other values too happening around in the application by various means, such as a signal when the user does something. In contrast, when I need the pointer back, I do the following:

    MyClass* myClassPtr = map["settings"].value();Q_ASSERT(myClassPtr);

    As I said, 98% of the time this works as expected, but the remaining time the pointer spell back as NULL, which obviously has critical implications when I try to call functions of the object of it. Strangely, the "title" element always comes out correctly even when the pointer is not. I know that the pointer is lost in transit because the first and the second fire Q_ASSERTs never, even when the third. Either way, I am trying to retrieve the pointer to the same place in the code every time. It will work fine 10, 20, 40 times in a row, then next time... boom!

    I can not understand what is happening here.

    Update: on the off-chance that it might be useful, I'll explain how the QVariantMap happening around. Only the first block of code is a class that generates a QList and use it to fill a GroupDataModel.

    The second block is a function that is triggered when the user clicks on one of the items in the ListView that uses this GroupDataModel, and it gets the path of the index of the item that the user has typed as a parameter. To develop this second block:

    QVariantMap map = dataModel->data( indexPath ).value();
    QString title = map["title"].toString();
    myClass* myClassPtr = map["settings"].value();

    AsI said before "title" comes out correctly, and usually 'settings', but not always. Maybe someone notices something wrong with this additional detail.

    UPDATE: Turns out that I was running a red herring, because it has nothing to do with QVariantMap. After weeks of having my app "randomly" close last night, I realized that there was a reason after all and I learned something new about ListView.

    What I didn't know, is that numbers of ListView by triggered() report not ONLY when you tap an item in the list, but also when you tap on a header. My articles are quite large while my headers are very narrow. What was going on, it was that a few times out of a hundred, I got a little sloppy typing element and hit header instead. This triggered a function which should receive a path index pointing to a QVariantMap of the datamodel that had been filled with the item "settings". When I typed in the header error, it was not to do the QVariantMap with the 'settings' so when I cast to MyClass * liquidation was always NULL.

    What made it particularly difficult to identify, it is that I'm very rarely enough botched hit header by mistake, and there was no indication that I had done, so I thought the app was going to die when I was the ListView element you tapoterez normally. I didn't know that ListView sends a signal triggered() for valves header too.

    I fixed it by checking the length of row in the slot in onTriggered of the ListView. If the length is two then an item has been exploited, so I call the function. However, if the length is one then this is a header instead, so I did nothing.

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