Help to insert data in table chain control

Hello world

I'm trying to insert 2 chain control data in a table. I had to insert 1 control of the string in a table data, but when I try to add 1 chain control, it doesn't work. You guys could help me?

Thank you

I think that's what is wanted... to add data to a table. Only problem is that it is an an indicator of control so this example may require changes slightly if the user needs a control. If you don't want the user to enter anything, this method should work. The function used is insert into table

Tags: NI Software

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    Check your post previous order by clause

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    select distinct student_id
    from students_table;
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    Name         Null?    Type
    ID                  VARCHAR2(10)
    Now create a sequence
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    select * from student
    no       id
    This is the main part

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    Thank you.

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    no     id
    1     234
    2     298
    Why I'm doing this instead of
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    ERROR at line 2:
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    Thank you.


    As you discovered, you cannot use SELECT DISTINCT and sequence. NEXTVAL in the same query.

    You can SELECT DISTINCT in a subquery, like this:

    CREATE TABLE     student
    WITH     distinct_ids     AS
         SELECT DISTINCT     student_id     AS id
         FROM     students_table
    SELECT     st_seq.NEXTVAL     AS st_id
    ,     id
    FROM     distinct_ids;
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    procedure 'IL_BAL_CAL_PROC' is

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    il_bal_cal_acc_tab il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type:=il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type();


    -first approach
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    --deuxieme approach
    / * Insert in il_bal_cal_acc_tab
    Select p_gidno,
    NULL as closdt
    stvws_cust_account_if a.,
    b stvws_branch_dates,
    sttms_account_class c,
    sttms_dda_maininfo d
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    and b.branch_code = d.branch_code
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    and a.record_stat = 'O'
    and I'm c.dda_account_type <>'
    and a.auth_stat = 'A'
    and d.region_code = p_region
    Select p_gidno,
    stvws_cust_account_if a.,
    b stvws_branch_dates,
    stvws_cust_ac_closure_if c,
    sttms_dda_maininfo d
    where a.acc = c.ac_no
    and c.ac_no = d.customer_account
    and a.brncd = b.branch_code
    and b.branch_code = c.branch_code
    and c.branch_code = d.branch_code
    and a.record_stat =' it
    and c.closdt > = trunc (, 'mm')
    and d.region_code = p_region;
    commit; * /


    Please tell me how to insert data into tables of this kind?

    I generally do like this

       CURSOR cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type
          SELECT p_gidno,
                 NULL AS closdt
            FROM stvws_cust_account_if a,
                 stvws_branch_dates b,
                 sttms_account_class c,
                 sttms_dda_maininfo d
           WHERE     a.acc = d.customer_account
                 AND a.brncd = b.branch_code
                 AND b.branch_code = d.branch_code
                 AND a.account_class = c.account_class
                 AND a.accopendt < TRUNC (TO_DATE (, 'dd-mon-yy'), 'mm')
                 AND a.record_stat = 'O'
                 AND c.dda_account_type <> 'M'
                 AND a.auth_stat = 'A'
                 AND d.region_code = p_region
          SELECT p_gidno,
            FROM stvws_cust_account_if a,
                 stvws_branch_dates b,
                 stvws_cust_ac_closure_if c,
                 sttms_dda_maininfo d
           WHERE     a.acc = c.ac_no
                 AND c.ac_no = d.customer_account
                 AND a.brncd = b.branch_code
                 AND b.branch_code = c.branch_code
                 AND c.branch_code = d.branch_code
                 AND a.record_stat = 'C'
                 AND c.closdt >= TRUNC (, 'mm')
                 AND d.region_code = p_region;
       TYPE il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type IS TABLE OF cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type%ROWTYPE
                                          INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
       il_bal_cal_acc_tab   il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type;
       OPEN cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type;
       FETCH cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type
       BULK COLLECT INTO il_bal_cal_acc_tab;
       CLOSE cur_il_bal_cal_acc_tab_type;
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    FROM :: Oracle 10g database
    pr_code varchar2(20 byte)
    pr_desc varchar2(80 byte)
    To :: Oracle 9i database
    code      varchar2(12 byte)
    desc      varchar2(100 byte)
    companyid Number
    1. All gr_product.pr_code with following pattern should go to pom_code.code and companyid =10
    a. <one digit><.><two digit><alphabet> ex code:  1.01A
    b. <one digit><.><two digit><alphabet><space><two alphabet> ex code: 1.01B ZF  
    2. All gr_product.pr_code with following pattern should go to pom_code.code and companyid =20
    a. <two digit><.><one digit><alphabet> ex code: 10.1A         
    b. <two digit><.><one digit><alphabet><space><two alphabet> ex code: 10.5A HR    
    3. All gr_product.pr_code with following pattern should go to pom_code.code and companyid =30
    a. <alphabet><.><two digit><alphabet>  ex code: B.42A
    b. <alphabet><.><two digit><alphabet><space><two alphabet> ex code: N.10B AT 
    Thank you


    The CASE expression I posted earlier does what you want?
    If so, please mark the thread as "answered".
    If this isn't the case, after a complete script that people can run to recreate the problem and test their ideas. Includes TABLE of CASH and INSERT statements for some examples of data for all the tables, the results you want from these sample data and your request (or INSERT statement) using the CASE expression. Report where the code you posted does not have what you need and explain how to get good results in these places.

  • Is there an easy way to add text to a chain control / indicator and keep the colors


    Bassically I want to add text to a chain control / indicator without losing the formatting of the previous text.

    For a part of a program that I create, data will be transmitted to and from a serial device. I want to display this data in a chain control / indicator and change the color of the text of certain strings depending on data type (sent, received). Basically as a nice log window.

    At the moment, I update the chain control / indicator by reading the text and concatenated with the new string. However, this method removes the colors of previous text :-(

    Is it possible to add data to the control of the chain / indicator without losing the text previous formatting?

    I started to create a sub vi who reads a text both character and adds a new element in an array (offset color and text), if the color is distinguished by the previous character. Only problem is it seems to be quite time CPU.

    Thanks in advance,


    MattB-5906 wrote:

    Is it possible to add data to the control of the chain / indicator without losing the text previous formatting?

    Actually, no. This means that you will have to use workarounds. Your workaround solution seems a bit involved. Basically, all you need to do is just to keep track of the pairs of end start/selection selection that must be colored in a table. Then just you loop in this table to color the text marked by the power positions.

    An alternative is to use a different indicator. Rather than an indicator of the string, you can use a table with a column. You can then set the foreground color on a cell by cell basis, and add a new line (row) will not affect the coloration of the previous lines.

  • Insert data

    Please help me to insert data in the following table
    create table xddw.temp_quarter_vj
    (QNum_in_Year varchar2(128)
    ,Year Number
    ,QNum varchar2(128)
    Insert data into table from 2006 to 2030
    Expected output for 01.01.2006


    Daniel wrote:
    Please help me to insert data in the following table

    create table xddw.temp_quarter_vj
    (QNum_in_Year varchar2(128)
    ,Year Number
    ,QNum varchar2(128)

    That is the future! With 128 characters for qnum_in_quarter, you will be all together through the 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 of the year. But why do you need 128 characters for the quarter? Because you don't need 128 characters for qnum, you shouldn't have at least 132 characters for qnum_in_year?
    If you don't need as many characters, reduce the maximum size. Request string to big just trouble.

    Insert data into table from 2006 to 2030
    Expected output for 01.01.2006

    Here's one way:

    INSERT INTO     temp_quarter_vj (qnum_in_year, year, qnum)
    WITH     quarters   AS
         SELECT     TO_CHAR (LEVEL, 'FM00')     AS qnum
         FROM     dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 4
    ,     years        AS
         SELECT     2005 + LEVEL     AS year
         FROM     dual
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 25
    SELECT     q.qnum || TO_CHAR (y.year)
    ,     y.year
    ,     q.qnum
    FROM          quarters     q
    CROSS JOIN     years          y
  • Detail table data control not insert data


    I use JDev and fusion web application, I have 2 main table and, when I run APP module and insert data in the table in detail its registered successfully, but when I drag the VO of the data control to af:form some data and other will be null.

    Any suggestion?


    Finally I found the solution

  • Inserting data in several related tables using the database

    Hello world
    I'm working on a BPM application using Oracle BPM and JDeveloper

    In my database, I have two tables, loan and guarantee that are related by a field named employeeID (PK on loan) and FK in warranty.
    Each line can have several lines of guarantee.

    At this point, I'm doing an entry form for the user to insert data in the two tables.

    I did successfully before with a single table that has no relations.

    The way I'm doing here is, after the creation of the database successfully adapter, a type of LoanCollection is created in the types module, which can be used to create business objects and data objects of.

    The problem is when I create an object of type loanCollection process data and then create a UI generated automatically on that basis, only the fields in the primary table (the Table of loan) appear in the form.
    On the other hand, if I create a business object based on the LoanSchema, the form for all of the two tables is created automatically (the loan as a form, the guarantee in a table), but then, when I try to access it in the section processing service mission which calls the database adapter, I have no access to such.
    In fact, the only type which can be used in the service task is the process based on the loanCollection data object.

    To summorize, I have to use the type of business for my UI object to include all the fields in both tables, so I have to use the data object from the collection process in the transformation of service task dialog box.
    And I can't find a way to map to another.

    Can someone help me with this please?
    Thank you very much

    Try to follow these steps.

    1. create a new module in your catalogue our BPM project management section
    2. in this new module create 3 Business Objects - (LoanBusinessObject, GuaranteeBusinessObject and GuaranteeArrayBusinessObject)
    3. Add the attributes appropriate to the LoanBusinessObject and the GuaranteeBusinessObject so that they mimic your database tables, then to the GuaranteeArrayBusinessObject add an array of type attribute GuraranteeBusinessObject
    4. now you need to create two process data objects, type loanProcessObject LoanBusinessObject and type guaranteesProcessObject GuaranteeArrayBusinessObject
    5. as inputs to your human task adds the loanProcessObject and guaranteesProcessObject, these should now be available in your data controls and can be used to auto generate the form
    6. in your dbadapter you'll then use XSL Transformation and use for each so that it will write the data to the ready table and all the line items of warranty for the warranty table.

  • Visible data in a 2D table but not in the Table connected control

    In the attached drawing, you will see that I take control of Table in table form, change the items to help replace a subset of table and then return the resulting table in the Table control.

    I can see my data in "Table of output" and a probe on this thread, but my Table control is empty.  The Table control is 10 columns of 50 lines.

    Can someone tell me why there is no data for the Table control?

    Please do not ask I post the VI because it is big, ugly and not mine to post.

    I can't believe.

    I couldn't see the data because it was out-of-frame.  My Control Panel flashed down a 30 line window and my data was in the first line only.

  • PLS-00201: identifier 'i' must be declared when using BULK COLLECT with FORALL to insert data in 2 tables?


       cursor c_1
        select col1,col2,col3,col4
        from table1
       type t_type is table of c_1%rowtype index by binary_integer;
       v_data t_type;
       OPEN c_1;
          FETCH c_1 BULK COLLECT INTO v_data LIMIT 200;
          EXIT WHEN v_data.COUNT = 0;
          FORALL i IN v_data.FIRST .. v_data.LAST
             INSERT INTO xxc_table
                SELECT v_data (i).col1,
                       v_data (i).col3,
                       v_data (i).col4
                  FROM DUAL
                 WHERE NOT EXISTS
                              (SELECT 1
                                 FROM xxc_table a
                                WHERE col1=col1
             INSERT INTO xxc_table1
                SELECT v_data (i).col1,
                       v_data (i).col2,
                       v_data (i).col3,
                  FROM DUAL
                 WHERE NOT EXISTS
                              (SELECT 1
                                 FROM xxc_table1 a
                                WHERE col1=col1
           --exit when c_1%notfound;
       END LOOP;
       CLOSE c_1;

    I get 40/28-PLS-00201: identifier 'I' must be declared what the problem in the above code please help me and I have lakhs of data

    Thank you

    Post edited by: Rajesh123 I changed IDX

    Post edited by: Rajesh123 changed t_type c_1 in Fetch

    But by using a SET of INSERT to insert into two tables at once in the same query would do the job without any collection of bulk of PL and avoid to query two times too.

    for example, as a single INSERT...

    SQL > create table table1 as
    2. Select 1 as col1, col2 of 1, 1 as col3, 1 as col4 Union double all the
    3 select 2,2,2,2 of all the double union
    4 Select 3,3,3,3 Union double all the
    5 Select 4,4,4,4 of all the double union
    6 select 5,5,5,5 of all the double union
    7 select 6,6,6,6 of all the double union
    8 select 7,7,7,7 of all the double union
    9 select 8,8,8,8 of all the double union
    10. Select 9,9,9,9 to the Union double all the
    11. Select double 10,10,10,10

    Table created.

    SQL > create table xxc_table like
    2. Select 1 as col1, col3 2, 3 as col4 Union double all the
    3. Select the 3, 4, 5 Union double all the
    4. Select the 5, 6, 7 double

    Table created.

    SQL > create table xxc_table1 like
    2. Select 3 as col1, col2, col3, 5 4 "n" as col4 Union double all the
    3. Select the 6, 7, 8, double "n"

    Table created.

    SQL > insert all
    2 when the xt_insert is null then
    3 in xxc_table (col1, col3, col4)
    4 values (col1, col3, col4)
    5 when the xt1_insert is null then
    6 in xxc_table1 (col1, col2, col3, col4)
    7 values (col1, col2, col3, 'Y')
    8. Select t1.col1 t1.col2, t1.col3, t1.col4
    9, xt.col1 as xt_insert
    10, xt1.col1 as xt1_insert
    11 from table1 t1
    12 left join external xxc_table xt (t1.col1 = xt.col1)
    13 left xt1 xxc_table1 outer join (t1.col1 = xt1.col1)

    15 rows created.

    SQL > select * from xxc_table by 1.
    COL1 COL3 COL4
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    1          2          3
    2          2          2
    3          4          5
    4          4          4
    5          6          7
    6          6          6
    7          7          7
    8          8          8
    9          9          9

    10 selected lines.

    SQL > select * from xxc_table1 by 1.

    COL1 COL2 COL3 C
    ---------- ---------- ---------- -
    1          1          1 Y
    2          2          2 Y
    3          4          5 N
    4          4          4 Y
    5          5          5 Y
    6          7          8 N
    7          7          7 Y
    8          8          8 Y
    9          9          9 Y

    10 selected lines.

    SQL >

  • Inserting data in the nested table

    I explore the differences between the OBJECT and RECORD.

    As I'm still learning, I found that both are structures which essentially brings together different elements of types of different data or columns of data types, one is used in SQL and other is used in PL/SQL, please correct me if I'm wrong in my understanding.

    Below, I am trying to insert data into an array of type object, but I can't can you please help.

    v1 NUMBER,
    v2 VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)
    ---Nested Table---
    create or replace type t_sam as table of sam;
    --Inserting data----
    insert into table(t_sam) values(sam(10,'Dsouza'));

    Error message:

    Error starting at line 22 in command:
    insert into table(t_sam) values(sam(10,'Dsouza'))
    Error at Command Line:22 Column:13
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00903: invalid table name
    00903. 00000 -  "invalid table name"

    Ariean wrote:

    So the only purpose of the equivalent concept of SQL types of nested tables is to use one of the data types when you define an actual table?

    So-you can certainly use more that a simple "set an actual table. (I'm fairly certain that you can pass a table nested within a procedure, for example - try it, though - I'm not 100% sure on that - it just 'logic'.) If you can define a type, you can use it, pass it around, whatever.).

    Ariean wrote:

    And this nested table could be a record in SQL or object in PLSQL or simple data type (varchar number, etc.)?

    Nested tables are just like any other type of custom data. You can create a nested table of other types of data. You can create a custom of nested tables data type.

    Stupidly, he could become... uh, stupid O_0

    CREATE TYPE o_myobj1 AS object ( id1   number, cdate1  date );
    CREATE TYPE t_mytype1 AS table of o_myobj1;
    CREATE TYPE o_myobj2 AS object ( id2   number,  dumb  t_mytype1 );
    CREATE TYPE t_dumber AS table of o_myobj2;


    OK, my brain is starting to hurt - I hope you get the idea

    Ariean wrote:

    Second is my understanding correct any OBJECT & RECORD?

    I see no benefit to describe another way.

Maybe you are looking for

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