Hidden Subtypeattributes in the table of object


Can someone clear this up for me?
I had a supertype of tPerson, containing the attributes firstname, lastname, phonenr etc...

I created a peopletable, based on the tPersonobjecttype.

I created a subtype of tPerson, called tWebUserand added some attributes like emailaddress and password.

Now, it is possible to insert instances of tPerson in the table, but it is (obviously) also possible to insert instances of the subtype tWebUser.

Here's my question: where are the additional of the subtype attributes stored? If you do a describe table statement, you see just the columns store the attributes of supertype, if I do a select (normal) to the table, I see only the attributevalues, which belong to the supertype tPerson. But when I do a select using as tWebUser, I see all the attributes of the file tEpmloyee .

Can anyone clear this up for me? I have created a few small business to become familiar with the Oracle objects and using tables to objects, but I have found no documentation about it.

hereby the code to reproduce:
-- Create the tPerson object
create or replace type tPerson as object
( firstname    varchar2(50)
, middle_name  varchar2(50)
, lastname     varchar2(150)
, phonenr      varchar2(15)
, gender       varchar2(10)
) not final

-- Create the object table based on tPerson
create table persons of tPerson;

-- Create a subtype tWebUser
create or replace type tWebUser under tPerson
( emailaddress   varchar2(150)
, secretpassword varchar2(100)

-- Insert a row the normal way
insert into persons values(  'Peter', null, 'Boekelaar', '555 NETHERLANDS','M');

-- Insert a row as an object
insert into persons values(  tPerson('John', null, 'Doe', '555 ATHOME','M'));

-- insert a row as an subtype
insert into persons values( tWebUser('Jane', null, 'Doe', '555-ATWORK', 'F', '[email protected]', 'secretpassword' ) );

select *
  from persons;

---------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  ------
Peter                   Boekelaar  555 NETHERLANDS  M
John                    Doe        555 ATHOME       M
Jane                    Doe        555-ATWORK       F

select psn.*
     , treat(value(psn) as tWebUser).emailaddress   emailaddress
     , treat(value(psn) as tWebUser).secretpassword secretpassword
  from persons psn;

---------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  ------  -------------------  --------------
Peter                   Boekelaar  555 NETHERLANDS  M
John                    Doe        555 ATHOME       M
Jane                    Doe        555-ATWORK       F       [email protected]  secretpassword
Looking at the hidden using this statement columns
select sys_nc_rowinfo$
  from persons;
Returns only the content in the form of objects, but it is always presented as a tPerson object.

See you soon,.

Subtype attributes are stored as columns hidden in your table of people.

If you choose to user_tab_cols rather than describe, you can see:

column_name, data_type, data_length, hidden_column, qualified_col_name
from user_tab_cols
where table_name = 'PERSONS'

[url http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e11822/adobjadv.htm#CHDCFBJI] Documentation tells you about the types of objects are stored.

Tags: Database

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    Hi Scott,.

    This should be fixed in version 3.3 of ai2 which is now available on OTN.


  • Problem with table of object


    I wrote a calendar program using the table of object. Its storage name correct month in the object table. But when I store the date and run the program so that a single iteration, then it runs correctly and shows me the dates for the month of January. But when I run it for 2 iterations (IE it should show me the dates of January and February), it shows me the dates of February both times. Goes same for 3 iterations IE that it correctly displays the names of months but the dates are March for all 3 iterations. Can some body please guide me?Java Calendar.png

    import java.applet.Applet;

    import java.awt.*. *;

    Javax.swing import. *;

    class calendar {}

    MonthName string;

    String the day of the week [] = new String [31]; worst case

    int [] dayNo = new int [31];

    Calendar (String monthName1, String [] dayName1, int [] dayNo1) {}

    monthName = monthName1;

    day of the week = dayName1;

    dayNo = dayNo1;


    void display (int daysInMonth) {}

    int i;

    Dim str As String ="";

    String str1 = monthName;

    String str2 ="";

    for(i=0; i<daysInMonth;++i)

    ' str2 = str2 + dayNo [i] + day of the week [i] + "";

    Str = str1 + str2;

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Inside" + str);



    public class useCalendar2 {}

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}

    String [] months = {}



    'Market ',.











    int [] daysInMonths = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};

    String the day of the week [] = {'My', "Tue", "Wed", "Game", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};

    String [] dayNameEntireMonth1 = new String [31];

    int [] dayNo1 = new int [31];

    Calendar [] obj = new calendar [13];

    int month, day, dayNameIndex;

    dayNameIndex = 4;

    Dim str As String ="";

    for (month = 0; month < = 2; month ++) {}

    for (day = 1; day < = daysInMonths [month]; ++ day) {}

    dayNameEntireMonth1 [day 1] = day of the week [dayNameIndex];

    dayNo1 [day 1] = day;

    dayNameIndex ++;


    dayNameIndex = 0;


    obj [month] = new calendar (month [months], dayNameEntireMonth1, dayNo1);


    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < = 2; ++ I)

    obj [i]. Display (daysInMonths [i]);



    I tried very hard, but I can't find the error. I have written other programs of object arrays, they work very well, but it has slain. Some body please guide me.


    Thanks it worked.

    In my previous example, I was not store values, but here I store me values, so I have to use 'new' with data not primitive type i.e String.

    import java.applet.Applet;

    import java.awt.*. *;

    Javax.swing import. *;

    class calendar {}

    MonthName string;

    String the day of the week [] = new String [31]; worst case

    int [] dayNo = new int [31];

    Calendar (String monthName1, String [] dayName1, int [] dayNo1) {}

    monthName = monthName1;

    day of the week = dayName1;

    dayNo = dayNo1;


    void display (int daysInMonth) {}

    int i;

    Dim str As String ="";

    String str1 = monthName;

    String str2 ="";

    for (i = 0; i<>

    ' str2 = str2 + dayNo [i] + day of the week [i] + "";

    Str = str1 + str2;

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, "Inside" + str);



    public class useCalendar2 {}

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}

    String [] months = {}



    'Market ',.











    int [] daysInMonths = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};

    String the day of the week [] = {'My', "Tue", "Wed", "Game", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"};

    String [] dayNameEntireMonth1 = new String [31];

    int [] dayNo1 = new int [31];

    Calendar [] obj = new calendar [13];

    int month, day, dayNameIndex;

    dayNameIndex = 4;

    Dim str As String ="";

    for (month = 0; months)<=11; month++)="">

    dayNameEntireMonth1 = new String [31];

    for (day = 1; day)<= daysinmonths[month];="" ++day)="">

    dayNameEntireMonth1 [day 1] = day of the week [dayNameIndex];

    dayNo1 [day 1] = day;

    dayNameIndex ++;


    dayNameIndex = 0;


    obj [month] = new calendar (month [months], dayNameEntireMonth1, dayNo1);


    int i;

    for (i = 0; i<=11;>

    obj [i]. Display (daysInMonths [i]);



  • Name of the dynamic property of object in the table based on the value of a variable

    I have two paintings of custom class objects

    var obj1:Object1
    var obj2:Object2
    var array1:Array = [obj1[0], obj1[1], ...]
    var array2:Array = [obj2[0], obj2[1], ...]

    Object1 has a property named. Name while Object2 has a property named. Title.

    Now I have a common function including cab accepts an array (array1 or array2) and the name of property the object ("Name" or "Title") as input and needs to access this name of the property of the objects in the array:

    function myFunction(arr:Array, fieldName:String)
        arr[0].fieldName  = "xxx";

    the problem I have this achievement does not because the code in the function assumes that the property of that object in the table is actually a string "fieldName" while I want to dynamically determine the names of the fields based on the value of this variable, but cannot understand the syntax to do!

    Don't know if I'm clear - hope that makes sense... ;-) Thank you

    Hey p3pp3r,

    I think I understood you. Try the following and see if you get good results:

    function myFunction(arr:Array, fieldName:String)
        arr[0][fieldName]  = "xxx";

    Let me know how it turns out. Good luck!

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    Select owner, table_name

    from dba_tables

    where USER_TABLES = "KEEP."


    David Fitzjarrell

  • Why am I not able to insert into the table object? Is this a bug? Probably not, but confused here

    Salvation of france

    Thank you for your intelligent help, but if you don't know about object types and tables of onject, just go your way.

    I use 12 c ( on OEL 6,7 in Virtual box

    Here's my use case

    drop table envparams;

    Drop type envparam_obj;

    Drop the params table;

    Drop type param_obj;

    create or replace type param_obj as an object


    PName varchar2 (32),

    RegExp varchar2 (128).

    GetName member function returns a varchar2.

    function GetRegexp return varchar2 Member,

    Member ToString function returns a varchar2.

    procedure Display of Member



    create or replace type body param_obj as

    member function GetName return varchar2 is


    return (PName);


    member function GetRegExp return varchar2 is


    return (RegExp);


    member function ToString return varchar2 is

    OutStr varchar2 (1000);


    OutStr: = 'parameter ' | PName;

    If (RegExp is not null) then OutStr: = OutStr | ' use control regexp ("|") RegExp | ')'; end if;

    return (OutStr |) '.');


    Members procedure display is


    dbms_output.put_line (self. (ToString());




    create table param_obj params (key primary pname) object identifier is a primary key;

    create an index only params_un01 on params (upper (pname));

    insert into values params (new param_obj ("nls_lang", null));

    Select * from params;

    Select params Ref (p) rparam p where p.pname = 'nls_lang. "

    drop table envparams;

    Drop type envparam_obj;

    create or replace type envparam_obj as an object


    paramref Ref param_obj,

    sys.ANYDATA pValue,

    REF. param_obj, GetParamRef member function return

    sys.ANYDATA, GetPValue member function return

    Member ToString function returns a varchar2.

    procedure Display of Member



    create or replace type body envparam_obj as

    REF param_obj is back from GetParamRef member function


    return (ParamRef);


    member function GetPValue return sys.anydata is


    return (PValue);


    member function ToString return varchar2 is

    OutStr varchar2 (200);

    TypeCode pls_integer;

    ValueType sys.anytype;

    Number num.

    Str varchar2 (20000);

    Dummy Pls_integer;


    Select deref (ParamRef). ToString() in double OutStr;

    If (PValue is not null) then

    TypeCode: = PValue.GetType (ValueType);

    case TypeCode

    When dbms_types.typecode_number then

    Dummy: = PValue.GetNumber (NB);

    Str: = to_char (Num);

    When dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then

    Dummy: = PValue.GetVarchar2 (Str);

    end case;

    OutStr: OutStr = | "The value is (' |)" Str | ')';

    on the other

    OutStr: OutStr = | "The value is (NULL);

    end if;

    return (OutStr |) '.');


    Members procedure display is


    dbms_output.put_line (self. (ToString());





    create the table envparams to envparam_obj;

    create or replace procedure as

    ThisParamRef ref param_obj;

    ThisParam param_obj;

    ANYDATA ThisValue;

    ThisEnvParam envparam_obj;


    SELECT ref (p), value (p), anydata.convertvarchar2('FRENCH_FRANCE.) WE8ISO8859P1 ") in ThisParamRef, ThisParam, ThisValue"

    params p WHERE p.PName = 'nls_lang. "

    ThisEnvParam: = envparam_obj (ThisParamRef, ThisValue);

    ThisEnvParam.Display ();

    INSERT INTO envparams

    Envparam_obj SELECT (Ref (p), anydata.convertvarchar2('FRENCH_FRANCE.) WE8ISO8859P1'))

    OF params p

    WHERE p.PName = 'nls_lang. "






    test is what gives:

    RA-22979: impossible to insert a REF to a view object OU a REF defined by user (translation is below...)

    ORA-06512: at "MMN. "TEST", line 16

    ORA-06512: at line 3

    22979 00000 - "cannot INSERT object REF or REF user-defined view.

    * Cause: Attempt to insert a view of the REF or REF object defined by the user in one

    Column REF created to store the system generated REF values.

    * Action: Make sure that the REF to be inserted is not a view object

    or a REF configurable column *.

    If I change the test and write:

    INSERT INTO envparams values (ThisEnvParam); = > Get the same message

    ORA-22979: impossible to insert a REF to a view object OU a REF defined by user

    ORA-06512: at "MMN. "TEST", line 16

    ORA-06512: at line 3

    22979 00000 - "cannot INSERT object REF or REF user-defined view.

    * Cause: Attempt to insert a view of the REF or REF object defined by the user in one

    Column REF created to store the system generated REF values.

    * Action: Make sure that the REF to be inserted is not a view object

    or a column defined by the user REF

    If I modify the testing and writing

    insert into envparams values (envparam_obj (ThisParamref, ThisValue));

    ; = > Get the same message

    ORA-22979: impossible to insert a REF to a view object OU a REF defined by user

    ORA-06512: at "MMN. "TEST", line 16

    ORA-06512: at line 3

    22979 00000 - "cannot INSERT object REF or REF user-defined view.

    * Cause: Attempt to insert a view of the REF or REF object defined by the user in one

    Column REF created to store the system generated REF values.

    * Action: Make sure that the REF to be inserted is not a view object

    or a column defined by the user REF

    WELL, I'm stuck in the stuckhouse.

    How can I make the test work

    Thanks again for reading me


    Michel M - N

    The error message gives an indication of what is wrong:

    Failed to INSERT the object REF or REF user-defined view

    In this case, you have a REF user-defined because you based the table OID of PARAMS on the PK.

    Storage of such a REF is possible only if it is worn, as explained in the documentation:


    Like this:

    create the table envparam_obj envparams)

    scope for (paramref) params

    ) ;

    or on the existing table:

    ALTER table envparams Add (scope (paramref) params);

    SQL> INSERT INTO envparams
      2  SELECT envparam_obj (ref (p), anydata.convertvarchar2('FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1'))
      3  FROM params p
      4  WHERE p.PName = 'nls_lang';
    1 row created.
    SQL> select t.paramref.getname() from envparams t;
  • Insert the object into the table

    Hi all

    I would insert my type of object in a table without specifying the name of the variable.

    That's my bad example:

    create or replace type MY_TYPE_OBJ as object 
      val1 number,
      val2 number,
      val3 number
        myType   MY_TYPE_OBJ;
      myType := new MY_TYPE_OBJ(1, 2, 3);
      insert into MY_TABLE values (myType.val1, myType.val2, myType.val3);

    As you can see, on my last procedure, I had to use the insert into statement with val1, val2, val3 name filed.

    Is there a quicker way to insert an object into a table? In the production environment of the object type that almost 100 filed is not so friendly to write each one by one.

    Thank you



    SQL> create or replace type TFoo as object(
      2          attr1   integer,
      3          attr2   varchar2(10),
      4          attr3   date
      5  );
      6  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create table footab of TFoo(
      2          attr1 primary key,
      3          attr2 not null
      4  ) organization index
      5  /
    Table created.
    SQL> declare
      2          foo     TFoo;
      3  begin
      4          foo := new TFoo( 1, 'test1', trunc(sysdate) );
      5          insert into footab values foo;
      6  end;
      7  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from footab;
         ATTR1 ATTR2      ATTR3
    ---------- ---------- -------------------
             1 test1      2014/08/27 00:00:00

    I agree though - be careful with tables of objects and now their technical implementation and advantages and disadvantages.

  • How to capture what oracle object delete rows in the table?

    Hi all

    I have a table in which I am storing data deleted from the main table. I have a delete on the main table statements in the various packages, now I want to capture what sql statement what package is remove rows from the table. I created the trigger to insert data into the backup table. I'm using oracle 11g.

    Please help me...

    Thanks and greetings


    SQL> create table t
      2  (
      3    no integer
      4  );
    Table created.
    SQL> create table t_log
      2  (
      3    str clob
      4  );
    Table created.
    SQL> create or replace trigger t_trig before insert on t
      2  begin
      3     insert into t_log(str) values (dbms_utility.format_call_stack);
      4  end;
      5  /
    Trigger created.
    SQL> create or replace procedure p
      2  as
      3  begin
      4    insert into t (no) values (1);
      5  end;
      6  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> create or replace package pkg
      2  as
      3     procedure run;
      4  end;
      5  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package body pkg
      2  as
      3     procedure run
      4     is
      5     begin
      6       p;
      7     end;
      8  end;
      9  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> exec pkg.run
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from t_log;
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
      object      line  object
      handle    number  name
    3abbbc6d8         1  anonymous block
    3ad03bf88         2  KARTHICK.T_TRIG
    3a51a18a8         4  procedure KARTHICK.P
    3ac4f1508         6  package body KARTHICK.PKG
    3ac91c250         1  anonymous block
  • Does not receive the table name in the list of schema objects creating EO


    IAM does not have my name of the table custom in the list of schema objects during the creation of EO.

    I created a custom table and I need to use this table looks for creation EO,

    But while creating the EO, I'm not able to find the table in the schema object list.

    in the connection database, these tables are present, but only in this window (window of creation of Eo) these tables do not come

    can someone please help how to solve this problem.


    I found the solution

    in business components that there is another database link that I've changed now, it works fine now

  • Hyperlink in the cell of a table in object state multi does not work


    We have an app (DOS2015), which includes a gallery (with the status of multiple object) and on two of the pages State tables there.

    In certain cells in these tables are texts with hyperlinks. And all these hyperlinks do not work in dps 2015.

    (They do not work also in the folio Viewer. But they work if I copy the table into the object status multi on a normal page.

    It is by design or is it a trick?

    Thank you


    Hyperlinks in tables are not supported in DPS. I'm not aware of a trick or workaround.

  • I want to get the property of the previous object in the table


    Here is my code

    for (var i in {MovieClip (root) .arrySpt)}

    var btn:MovieClip = MovieClip (box);

    duplicate the movielcip (add a new scene)

    var ClassDefinition: Class = Class (getDefinitionByName (getQualifiedClassName (btn)));

    var myMC:MovieClip = new ClassDefinition;

    myMC.inBin.text = MovieClip (root) .arrySpt [i];

    trace (getChildByName("myMCC"+i_as_String).width);

    myMC.x = i * myMC.width;

    myMC.y = 0;

    myMC.velocityY = 0;

    box.addChild (myMC);

    Box.Boxin.Visible = false;


    var myMC:MovieClip = new ClassDefinition;

    Movieclips here create a this line of code ND is the allocation of the post

    myMC.x = i * myMC.width;

    Here the width is the attribution to the X position of the object in progress, but I want to assign width X position to the object following unusual object. Average if movieclip generate it should get the previous movieclip of the table width.

    Please help me solve this problem.

    Thank you


    var prevX:int = 0;

    for (var i in {MovieClip (root) .arrySpt)}

    var btn:MovieClip = MovieClip (box);

    duplicate the movielcip (add a new scene)

    var ClassDefinition: Class = Class (getDefinitionByName (getQualifiedClassName (btn)));

    var myMC:MovieClip = new ClassDefinition;

    myMC.inBin.text = MovieClip (root) .arrySpt [i];

    trace (getChildByName("myMCC"+i_as_String).width);

    myMC.x = prevX;

    prevX += myMC.width;

    myMC.y = 0;

    myMC.velocityY = 0;

    box.addChild (myMC);

    Box.Boxin.Visible = false;


  • Auto refreshing display objects when the new line in the table inserted on another computer


    I'm using an application of ADF JDeveloper its been used by 2 separate computers.

    It's the same application, but I shared with security ADF for the person (Secretary) will see the half view of the application

    and the other person (doctor), the other half seen. Basically, I put adf username expression (rendering) for each display mode

    the specific menu, buttons, tabs, etc.

    My problem is, say the Secretary, creates a doctor's appointment, rather than re - run display objects

    every X minutes on the advice of the doctor, is there a way to notify the application that the new data are inserted into the database and must be re/refresh-execute?

    I have about 100 objects from view and I don't want to discount/re-execute all objects from view because I don't know on what table a new record its been inserted.

    Appointment is just one example, there are many paintings that both views are connected to.


    Here is the solution to your needs: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/2010/01/22/flexible-active-data-service/.

    Instead of the pop-up window in the sample you would be re - run the table of appointment. Now all you need is a mechanism that informs the change, which may be a trigger in the database or application that updates the new appointment


  • OGG-01028 object with the number of the object 80673 is compressed. Compression of the table is not supported.

    (1) I received an email like this:


    2013-09-17 22:00:16 ERROR OGG - 01028 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext_1.prm: object with the number of the object 80673 is compressed. Compression of the table is not supported.

    2013-09-17 22:00:16 ERROR OGG - 01668 Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext_1.prm: PROCESS ABENDING.

    (2) I have not found the OBJ

    SQL > select OBJECT_ID, OBJECT_NAME from dba_objects where object_id = 80673;

    no selected line

    (3) change a few times the process EXT recover;

    (4) my excerpt settings

    Cat ext_1.prm

    EXTRACT ext_1





    EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/t1


    TABLE YBK.*;

    This is a bug that has been fixed

    Excerpt from abending with Table of Compression is not supported, even if the database has no tables compressed. (Doc ID 1510691.1)

    event text: Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext_1.prm: object with the number of the object 86173 is compressed. Compression of the table is not supported.

    tableexclude *. DBMS_TABCOMP_TEMP *.

  • Filter the table display of the query object (it can a bug in jdev 12)


    I found an error/bug possible in jdeveloper 12 c when I migrate my application of jdev 11g.

    To test this issue, I did the same test request in jdeveloper 11g and jdeveloper 12 c (to avoid to migrate the process).

    Project template

    -Create a display of the query object. Code:


    -Create a Module of the Application, and then drag this point of view in.

    ViewController project

    -Create a page and drag in the criteria named 'All searchable attributes' of the previous ViewObject as "ADF table filtered.

    -Run the application


    On jdeveloper 11g, however it makes the filter above the table box in jdev not 12 c.

    Is this a bug or I need to select something in jdev12c to get the same functionality?

    Yes, known bug 17279781.  It is currently scheduled for a 12.1.4 fix.  If this issue is crucial to you, please file an SR, mentioning the bug number and indicate your reasons for wanting a fix as soon as possible.

    Note there is a solution:

    To work around the problem, you can configure the filter yourself by adding an af:inputText

    facet filter columns and bind the inputText property value to the EL

    #{vs.filterCriteria. }. The page to rerun the filter for

    the column look and work.


  • After save, populated the Table lines are hidden

    I have a Livecycle form that connects to a MS Access database. Everything works as expected with the exception of one question. If I have more row of tables not hidden and save the form, when I reopen it, all lines except the first row are hidden again. I check that the lines are visible when I save the form. Close it and when reopened, all but the first row are hidden again.

    When the form opens initially empty, it connects to the database and there is only one visible line. The other 12 rows are hidden. I have a custom button that makes an extra line visible whenever it locks. I can't find any script that causes these lines to be hidden or invisible. Could the script database below be the cause? If I stop the problem ceases only I do not know how there about!

    Form1.Subform1.EmployeeNo::exit - (JavaScript, client)
    //Reset DB to first Record
    //Walk thru all records to find highest file ID number
    var nMaxID =0;
    //Reset DB to first record
    var oDB = xfa.sourceSet.DataConnection1;
    //walk thru all records to find latest file ID
    if(xfa.record.DataConnection1.FileName.value > nMaxID)
      nMaxID = Number(xfa.record.DataConnection1.FileName.value);
    if((Subform1.FileName.rawValue ==null && Subform1.FileName.rawValue !="")){
     Subform1.FileName.rawValue = nMaxID + 1;
     Hide1.FileName1.rawValue = FileName.rawValue;
     Subform11.FileName.rawValue = Subform1.FileName.formattedValue;
     this.resolveNode("OrderDate").rawValue = util.printd("yyyy-mm-dd", new Date());
    else {
     Subform1.FileName.rawValue = Subform1.FileName.rawValue;

    Could you add an doc::ready event which displays the lines if they have something inside?

    var stopPlayingHideAndSeek = xfa.resolveNodes(tblStuff.Row1[*]);
    for (var i = 0; i

    Edit: correction of the errors in code

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