How can I change default then whare clase on the ViewProject

I HAVE a VIEW OBJECT 'myVacationsVO '.
select start_date,enda_date,vacation_type
from vacations
where emp_id = :p_emp_id;
In the ViewController project, I have a managed bean that contains some attributed one of the is "empId".
public calss EmpBean{

private int empId;

public int getEmpId(){
return empId;

public void setEmpIdint empId;) {
        this.empId; = empId;
In my page I drag and drop the VO of the datacontrol 'executeWithParamatrer '.

My question is
How to set the value by default when the clause of the VO on the viewController project be #{bean.empId}

Hop it is what you want: {message identifier: = 9952600}

Tags: Java

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