How can I myself live bookmarks to highlight the visted links?

In older versions of Firefox (I think version 13 and earlier versions) live bookmarks would have the attention of the links visited by changing the icon displayed next to the bookmark the Favicon of website. It is a basic concept and I am surprised and a little irritated that Mozilla has chosen to get rid of this feature. Anyway is to activate this in the new versions?

You can use this to restore a default icons.

Add code to the file userChrome.css below default @namespace.

Customization files (interface) userChrome.css and userContent.css (Web sites) are located in the chrome folder in the user profile folder.

@namespace url(""); /* only needed once */

/* default favicon */

#tabbrowser-tabs .tab-icon-image:not(src),
 list-style-image: url("")!important;
 -moz-image-region: rect(0px,16px,16px,0px)!important;
 -moz-image-region: rect(0,32px,16px,16px)!important;

 list-style-image: url("")!important;
.bookmark-item[container][livemark] .bookmark-item{
  list-style-image: url("")!important;
 -moz-image-region: rect(0px,16px,16px,0px)!important;
.bookmark-item[container][livemark] .bookmark-item[visited]{
 -moz-image-region: rect(0px,32px,16px,16px)!important;

Tags: Firefox

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    You happen to have the classic menu bar displayed? When you view the full width with its own menu bookmarks menu bar, then the icon of bookmarks in the toolbar hides automatically. When you use the compact menu (orange button Firefox) then on the favorite icon reveals.

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    Vista recovery media obtain and/or use the Partition Recovery Vista on your computer to the factory settings .

    There is no Vista free download legal available.

    Contact your computer manufacturer and ask them to send a recovery disk/s Vista set.

    Normally, they do this for a cost of $ small.


    In addition, ask them if you have a recovery Partition on your computer/laptop to restore it to factory settings.

    See if a manual provided with the computer or go to the manufacturer's website, email or you can call for information on how to make a recovery.

    Normally, you have to press F10 or F11 at startup to start the recovery process...

    Another way I've seen on some models is press F8 and go to a list of startup options, and launch a recovery of standards of plant with it, by selecting the repair option.


    Also ask them if it is possible to do the recovery disk/s for the recovery Partition in case of a system Crash or hard drive failure.

    They will tell you how to do this.

    Every computer manufacturer has their own way of making recovery disk/s.


    Or borrow a good Microsoft Vista DVD (not Dell, HP, etc).
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    The product key determines which version of Vista is installed.

    There are 2 disks of Vista: one for 32-bit operating system, and one for 64-bit operating system.

    If install a cleaning is required with a good DVD of Vista (not HP, Dell recovery disks):

    Go to your Bios/Setup, or the Boot Menu at startup and change the Boot order to make the DVD/CD drive 1st in the boot order, then reboot with the disk in the drive.

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    MS advice on the conduct of clean install.

    A tutorial on the use of a clean install

    Super Guide Windows Vista Installation

    After installation > go to the website of the manufacturer of your computer/notebook > drivers and downloads Section > key in your model number > get latest Vista drivers for it > download/install them.

    Save all data, because it will be lost during a clean installation.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    Sure thing.

    1. Open the dialog box run by pressing the Windows key by pressing R
    2. Type of %appdata% in the immediate window and press ok
    3. Open the Mozilla folder
    4. Open the folder of Firefox
    5. Open the profiles folder
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    8. Closing of Firefox
    9. Repeat steps 1 to 5 on the new computer
    10. Open the folder that you copied from your old computer
    11. Copy the contents of this folder into the folder inside the folder of the profile on the new computer
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    See the attached screenshot. If you selected the option to remove my Aurora (nightly minefield, Firefox) the personal data and customizations you deleted all your profiles for each version you have / had installed. You can try to use a program for recovering files, like Recuva, to see what can be salvaged.

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