How can I send an auto-reply with the contents of the form to the sender?


I am new to building websites, but I came a long way

I made a form and I want to send an AutoReply with the content of the form (if it is not too hard) to the person who completed.

What I did is in PHP (coding I copied in part by a person of the internet .)

You can see the of to:

So far my PHP coding

<? PHP

Variables Set email

$email_to = ' [email protected] ';

$email_subject = "request - VINDDIT NU!"

Set required fields

$required_fields = array('Voornaam','email','Achternaam','Plaats');

Set error messages

$error_messages = array)

"Chairwoman" = > "John yesterday uw Chairwoman in NL.

'email' = > ' John yesterday een geldig e-mail adres in NL.

"Achternaam" = > "John yesterday uw achternaam in NL.

'Place' = > ' John yesterday uw spend in NL.


Status of form

$form_complete = FALSE;

Configure the validation table

$validation = array();

check form submission

{if (!) Empty($_POST))}

Clean up the POST table

foreach ($_POST as $key = > $value) $_POST [$key] = remove_email_injection (trim ($value));

Loop in the required fields and make sure that they fit our needs

foreach ($required_fields as $field) {}

the area has been submitted?

If (! array_key_exists ($field, $_POST)) return ($validation, $field);

check the information in the field?

If ($_POST [$field] == ") return ($validation, $field);

validate the e-mail address provided

If ($field == 'email') if (! validate_email_address($_POST[$field])) return ($validation, $field);


result of the basic validation

If (Count ($validation) == 0) {}

Prepare our content string

$email_content = "new website comment: '. '\n\n';"

the simple e-mail content

foreach ($_POST as $key = > $value) {}

If ($key! = 'submit') $email_content. = $key. ': ' . $value. "\n";


If the success of the validation ok then send e-mail

mail ($email_to, $email_subject, $email_content);

Switch to update form

$form_complete = TRUE;



function validate_email_address ($email = FALSE) {}

return (preg_match ('/ ^ [^@\s] + @([-a-z0-9]+\.) + [a - z] {2}, $/ i', $email))? TRUE: FALSE;


function remove_email_injection ($field = FALSE) {}

return (str_replace (array ("\r", "\n", "0%", "% 0 d", "Content-Type:", "bcc:","to:","cc:"), ", $field));


? >

<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict / / IN" "" > ""

" < html xmlns =" "XML: lang ="fr"lang ="fr"> ".

< head >

form < title > < /title > request

< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = utf-8 "/ >"

< link href = "style.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / > "

" < script type =" text/javascript"src =" "> < / script > .

< script type = "text/javascript" src = "validation/validation.js" > < / script >

< script type = "text/javascript" >

var nameError = ' <? PHP echo $error_messages ['fullname'];? > ';

var emailError = ' <? PHP echo $error_messages ['email'];? > ';

var commentError = ' <? PHP echo $error_messages ['comment'];? > ';

function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();

var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)

If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}


< /script >

< style type = "text/css" >

< / style >

< / head >

< body onload = "MM_preloadImages('icons/x.png')" >

< p > < / p >

< p >

<? PHP if($form_complete === FALSE)?: >

< /p >

< form action = "vindditnu php feed.php" method = "post" enctype = "application/x-www-formulaires-urlencoded" name = "Form" id = "commentsform" >

< h1 > < img src = "icons/vinddit3.gif" width = "220" height = "80" alt = "logo" / > < / h1 > "

< h1 > Wat u zoekt? : < / h1 >

< table width = "690" border = "0" >

< b >

< td > in welke category zoekt u? * < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < select name = "Ophalen_verzenden" id = "Ophalen_verzenden" >

< option selected = "selected" > Meubels < / option >

Witgoed < option > < / option >

< option > Accessories Woon < / option >

Kleding < option > < / option >

Shoes < option > < / option >

< option > Mode accessories < / option >

Speelgoed < option > < / option >

Boeken, / tɛjd.sχɾɪft /, papierwaren < option > < / option >

< option > Overig < / option >

< / select > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > Kleur: * < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < select name = "using" id = "using" >

Blauw < option > < / option >

Rood < option > < / option >

WIt < option > < / option >

Zwart < option > < / option >

Beige < option > < / option >

Bruin < option > < / option >

< option > Geel < / option >

Oranje < option > < / option >

Rood < option > < / option >

< option > metal (great. REFLECTOR, Goud, Brons, Koper < / option >

< option > Meerkleurig < / option >

< option selected = "selected" > Overig / nadège < / option >

< / select > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

Merk < td >: < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < input name = "Me" type = "text" id = "Merk5" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Merk'])? $_POST ['Merk']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Brand', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['Merk'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > design: < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < input type = "text" name = "type" id = 'type' value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['type'])? $_POST ['type']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('type', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['type'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

Art < td >: < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < input name = "Art" type = "text" id = "Case" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Materiaal'])? $_POST ["art"]: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Art', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ["art"];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

Maat < td >: < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < input type = "text" name = "Maat" id = "Maat" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Maat'])? $_POST ['Maat']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Maat', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['Maat'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > condition *: < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < select name = "condition" id = "condition" >

Zo goed als nieuw < option > < / option >

< option > Nieuw < / option >

< option > Bebruikt < / option >

< option selected = "selected" > Geen information < / option >

< / select > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > collect/question: * < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < select name = "collect" id = "collect" >

Collect < option > < / option >

< option > question < / option >

< option > n < / option >

< option > Geen information < / option >

< / select > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > Prijs Min: < table >

< td > < input name = "prijsmin" type = "text" id = "prijsmin" size = "10" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['prijsmin'])? $_POST ['prijsmin']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('prijsmin', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ["prijsmin"];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

Max de Prijs < td >: < table >

< td > < input name = "Price" type = 'text' id = "Prijs" size = "10" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Prijs'])? $_POST ['price']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Prijs', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['price'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< h1 > unstable: < / h1 >

< table width = "690" border = "0" >

< b >

< td = "25" height > unstable: < table >

< td rowspan = "2" > < textarea name = "Unstable" cols = "67" lines = '10' id = 'Unstable' > <? PHP echo isset($_POST['Opmerkingen'])? $_POST ['unstable']: "?; > < / textarea >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Unstable', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages 'unstable'?; > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td = "78" height > < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< h1 > Uw Gegevens: < / h1 >

< table width = "690" border = "0" >

< b >

< td > Chairwoman / Voorletters *: < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "Chairwoman" id = "Chairwoman" class = "invul" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Voornaam'])? $_POST ['Chairwoman"]:"?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Chairwoman', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ["Chairwoman"];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< td > Achternaam: * < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "Achternaam" id = "Achternaam" class = "invul" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Achternaam'])? $_POST ["Achternaam"]: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ("'Achternaam", $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ["Achternaam"];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

Straatnaam < td >: < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "Straat" id = "Straat" class = "invul" = value "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Straat'])? $_POST ['Straat']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Straat', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ["Straat"];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

Huisnummer < td >: < table >

< td > < input name = "Huisnummer" type = "text" id = "Huisnummer" class = "invul" size = "10" = value "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Huisnummer'])? $_POST ['Huisnummer"]:"?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Huisnummer', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ["Huisnummer'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

Code postal < td >: < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "PostalCode" id = 'postal Code' class = "invul" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Postcode'])? $_POST ['postal code']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Postcode', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['postal code'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< td > place: * < table >

< td > < input type = "text" name = "Place" id = "Place" class = "invul" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Plaats'])? $_POST ['place']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Place', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['place'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

< td > email Adres: * < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < input type = "text" name = "email" id = "email" class = "invul" = value "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['email'])? $_POST ['email']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('email', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['email'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< b >

Number < td >: < table >

< td colspan = "3" > < input name = "Categories" type = "text" id = "Categories" class = "invul" value = "<?" PHP echo isset($_POST['Telefoon'])? $_POST ['categories']: "?; ">" / >

<? PHP if (in_array ('Téléphone', $validation)):? >

< span class = "error" > <? PHP echo $error_messages ['categories'];? > < / span >

<? PHP endif;? > < table >

< /tr >

< /table >

< p >

< label for = "Straat" > < / label >

< label for = "Huisnummer" > < br / >

< / label >

< input type = "submit" name = "Submit" id = "Submit" value = "Verstuur" / >

< input type = "reset" name = "Reset" id = "Reset" value = "Wissen" / >

< /p >

< / make >

<? PHP else:? >

< div class = "fresh" >

< p > Bedankt voor uw request! < /p >

< p > Wij zullen uw request zo mogelijk processing soon. Meestal if said 2-3 werkdagen. < /p >

< p > < img src = "icons/vinddit3.gif" width = "220" height = "80" alt = "logo" / > < / p > "

< / div >

< p >

< script type = "text/javascript" >

setTimeout ("ourRedirect ()", 5000)

function ourRedirect() {}


< /script >

<? PHP endif;? >

< / body >

< / html >

and. JS

window.addEvent ('domready', function() {}

Get the form

var form = $('comments_form');

If the form is...

If {(form)

get the error fields

var name = $('fullname');

e-mail var = $('email');

Var comment = $("commentaire");

Set the default state

var isValid = true;

function of input for the error messages error

addError var = function (field, msg) {}

field.addClass ('error'); Add the error class to the field

var error = field.getParent () .getElement ('span') | new element ('span', {'class': 'error'}); Add error message if not already placed

Error.Set ("text", msg); error text msg

Error.Inject (field, 'after'); Insert the error message after field


detach the function of error used to remove the error messages and remove the error class

removeError var = function (field) {}

field.removeClass ('error'); Remove the error of form fields class

var error = field.getParent () .getElement ('span'); find the existing error messages

destroy if error message

If {(error)

Error.Destroy ();



Insert the form submit event

form.addEvent ("submit", function (e) {}

Length of the name of test

If (name.get('value').length = 0) {}

isValid = false;

addError (name, nameError);

} else {}

isValid = true;

removeError (name);


check the length of e-mail

If (email.get('value').length = 0) {}

isValid = false;

addError (e-mail, emailError);

check the validity of the email

} else if (! email.get('value').test (/ ^ ([a-zA-Z0-9 + Zinsou-] +) (\.))) [a-zA-Z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.) + [a-zA-Z] {2, 6} ($/)) {}]

isValid = false;

addError (e-mail, emailError);

} else {}

isValid = true;

removeError (email);


check the length of the comment

If (comment.get('value').length = 0) {}

isValid = false;

addError (comment, commentError);

} else {}

isValid = true;

removeError (how);


If the invalid form then stop occurrence of the event

If (! isValid) {}

e.Stop ();





If the success of the validation ok then send e-mail

mail ($email_to, $email_subject, $email_content);

Only, you should be able to add automatic response php code before "mail" works in your existing php code (marked in red below). Then add another function of mail after the function of main e-mail as shown below.

build the auto answer

$reply = $_POST ['email'];

$replysubject = "auto-Reply: name of the Web site;

$replyfrom = "from: [email protected]\r\n";

$replymessage = 'your request has been sent successfully. A member of the staff is reviewing your request and is soon in contact. Thankyou.\r\n\r\n ';

$replymessage. = 'yours Sincerely, \r\n ";

$replymessage. = 'Position in society - society Name\r\n ';.

$replymessage. = "this email is automated, so please NO reply.\r\n;

If the success of the validation ok then send e-mail

mail ($email_to, $email_subject, $email_content);

mail ($reply, $replysubject, $replymessage, $replyfrom);

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Looks like you want to receive notifications from the Gmail app and the mailer of iOS application, but you do not want to remove your email from the Mail application account. In this case, you can disable notifications for one of these apps in settings > Notifications.

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    Thank you once again,
    David Myers

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    If you decide to give up and around the native player for a plugin, these changes of settings usually work for this:

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    (2) in the filter box, type or paste media and make a pause so that the list is filtered

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    See #Mousewheel.

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    As I did now successfully upgrade, I'll follow upward in describing my experience for someone else who cares about this and found this thread.  The short version is that if you can free 8 GB of storage, the media creation tool can do the upgrade and it requires no additional storage at all.

    I had the intention of putting it off until I learned more.  However, to my surprise, Windows Update downloaded the "update" and indicated that he wanted to install it, but had difficulties regarding disk space.  Contrary to what kyle_b said, he suggested, pointing to the extra storage space, and I pointed to a 32 GB SD card which had plenty of room.  He proceeded to create a 3 GB $WINDOWS. ~ TMP file on it.  After that, he tried the installation.  Which failed.  When I hunted that in history all the update I could find is a statement that was not without any explanation.  I was not surprised, because I had heard that Windows Update is unable to do so.  What surprised me, is that she is never even committed to do in the first place on the machine so attached to the disk space that he could not work.

    I thought it was too stupid to stop trying and it would be a chore, and if I had better go ahead and see if I could make it happen with the creation of media tool.  I had to tinker with removing some stuff and uninstalling programs to get my unused space up to 8 GB.  Then I made a few support upward to another computer on my LAN to a few files, that I couldn't afford to lose, and I've been duped on this other computer for awhile.

    I came back to the computer laptop, downloaded media creation tool, and it began.  He balked, saying: I do not have enough free storage.  Indeed, I discovered that I had more free 8 GB!  Windows Update has downloaded the "update" (about 3 GB) again for the update of the anniversary.  It took me a while to find that.  So I just deleted the download of the update folder to return at least 8 GB free.

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    you have to work with this camera and Photoshop cs4 atleat

    However, you can download the DNG Converter and convert all your images from the camera to the dng format, and then you will be able to open them in your CS3

    Download dng converter here:



    Kind regards


  • How can I set up my printer with the internet to avoid the impression in this tiny print and language I don't recognize?

    I used to be able to print very well and then something happened and I don't know how to correct it. Not only, it prints in very small font and lettering I do not recognize but also wants to print many pages, that I'm not. Thx for all help to correct.


    · What is the number and model of the printer?

    · You want to print Web pages?

    · Were there changes before the show?

    1 if the font is small when you print from Web pages, and then try to increase the size of the text on the Web page, change the size of text larger or largest.

    a. in Internet Explorer, open the Web page from which to print.

    b. on the view menu, point to text size.

    c. click the biggest or largest to enlarge the size of text.

    d. print the Web page again.

    2. you can also run the troubleshooter and check if that helps: printer in Windows problems:

  • How can I reformat laptop which came with the free upgrade to Windows 7. Update download

    I have a Hp Pavilion DV4-1430us comes with Windows Vista and had a free upgrade to Windows 7. I have updated successfully in December 2009. Laptop still works fine, but it's certainly time to reformat.  Only problem is that I don't have the disc of Windows 7 because it was a download.  I believe that the recovery partition will have the older operating system.  Can I create a recovery for the OS system disk I use now (windows 7)?  I don't have any except the original e-mail that said that I ordered the upgrade with a non-functional link on the HP Windows 7 Upgrade site.

    The Vista HP recovery partition may still exist, but, due to the upgrade of the operating system, it may not work. Options to return the computer to a factory State include the marking of the score of "HP Recovery" active using the Windows disk management console or you are ordering and using a set of HP recovery disks.

    Before you recover your computer, please check your email for a provided HP Windows 7 key or use the Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder to retrieve your current Windows 7 product key. Then download the same version of Windows 7, you have HERE or HERE. Now create your installation media of Windows 7 on a DVD or a USB Flash drive. Please download and use Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool to create the installation media.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.


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  • How can I associate and e-mail with the snipping tool program so that I can e mail what I snip?

    I love the snipping tool program in windows 7 and I'd love to use it, but can not e mail what I cut, I need asscociate and e mail with it, guests tell me to go to default and put programs in place, but no luck. help please

    What type of program you use for email? This is an email client? Otherwise, to save the snip, open a new message window, and then attach it.

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