How to achieve this using an analytic function - please help

version 10g.
This code works very well with my requirement. I'm tyring learn analytical functions and implement than in the query below. I tried to use row_number,
but I could nt achieve the desired results. Please give me some ideas.

SELECT c.tax_idntfctn_nmbr irs_number, c.legal_name irs_name,
  FROM tax_entity_detail c,
       provider_detail e,
       provider_location f,
       provider_location_detail pld
 WHERE c.tax_entity_sid = e.tax_entity_sid
   AND e.prvdr_sid = f.prvdr_sid
   AND pld.prvdr_lctn_iid = f.prvdr_lctn_iid
   AND c.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
   AND c.status_cid = 2
   AND e.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
   AND e.status_cid = 2
   AND (c.from_date) =
          (SELECT MAX (c1.from_date)
             FROM tax_entity_detail c1
            WHERE c1.tax_entity_sid = c.tax_entity_sid
              AND c1.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
              AND c1.status_cid = 2)
   AND (e.from_date) =
          (SELECT MAX (c1.from_date)
             FROM provider_detail c1
            WHERE c1.prvdr_sid = e.prvdr_sid
              AND c1.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
              AND c1.status_cid = 2)
   AND pld.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
   AND pld.status_cid = 2
   AND (pld.from_date) =
          (SELECT MAX (a1.from_date)
             FROM provider_location_detail a1
            WHERE a1.prvdr_lctn_iid = pld.prvdr_lctn_iid
              AND a1.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
              AND a1.status_cid = 2)
Thank you

Published by: new learner on May 24, 2010 07:53

Published by: new learner on May 24, 2010 10:50

Can be like that not tested...

Select *.

SELECT c.tax_idntfctn_nmbr irs_number, c.legal_name irs_name,
f.prvdr_lctn_iid, c.from_date as c_from_date, max (c.from_date) more (partition c.tax_entity_sid) as max_c_from_date,
e.from_date as e_from_date, max (e.from_date) more (partition e.prvdr_sid) as max_e_from_date,
PLD.from_date as pld_from_date, max (pld.from_date) more (pld.prvdr_lctn_iid partition) as max_pld_from_date

OF tax_entity_detail c,.
e provider_detail
provider_location f,
LDP provider_location_detail
WHERE c.tax_entity_sid = e.tax_entity_sid
AND e.prvdr_sid = f.prvdr_sid
AND pld.prvdr_lctn_iid = f.prvdr_lctn_iid
AND c.oprtnl_flag = 'A '.
AND c.status_cid = 2
AND e.oprtnl_flag = 'A '.
AND e.status_cid = 2
AND pld.oprtnl_flag = 'A '.
AND pld.status_cid = 2

) X
where c_from_date = max_c_from_date AND e_from_date = max_e_from_date AND
pld_from_date = max_pld_from_date

Tags: Database

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    Oracle version: 10g
    -999 means that all THE values for this key
    with input_parameters as (select 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all
    select 50 filter_key ,'10ACCC0001' filter_value from dual union all
    select 60 filter_key , 'PIP' filter_value from dual union all
    select 70 filter_key , 'A' filter_value from dual) select * from input_parameters;
    with profile_search as(
    select 100 profile_id , 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all 
    select 100 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC0001' filter_value from dual union all
    select 100 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC0002' filter_value from dual union all
    select 100 profile_id , 60 filter_key , '999' filter_value from dual union all
    select 100 profile_id , 70 filter_key , '999' filter_value from dual union all
    select 101 profile_id , 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all
    select 101 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC001' filter_value from dual union all
    select 101 profile_id , 60 filter_key , 'PIP' filter_value from dual union all
    select 101 profile_id , 70 filter_key , '999' filter_value from dual union all
    select 102 profile_id , 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all
    select 102 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC0001' filter_value from dual union all
    select 102 profile_id , 60 filter_key , 'PIP' filter_value from dual union all
    select 102 profile_id , 70 filter_key , 'A' filter_value from dual)
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    need to identify profile that matches input parameters
    102 is first match because it matches exactly
    101 is second match because 999 can match any value
    100 is third match 
    A next highest weight KEY 60 and 50 next highest weight BUTTON

    required results:
    profile_id: 102

    Published by: devarade on January 19, 2010 20:01

    Published by: devarade on January 19, 2010 20:01

    I guess that there is a typing error in your sample:

    Select 101 profile_id, 50 filter_key, '10ACCC001' filter_value from all the double union

    must be:

    Select 101 profile_id, 50 filter_key, '01' filter_value from all 10ACCC00 the double union


    with input_parameters as (
                              select 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 50 filter_key ,'10ACCC0001' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 60 filter_key , 'PIP' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 70 filter_key , 'A' filter_value from dual
            profile_search as(
                              select 100 profile_id , 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 100 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC0001' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 100 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC0002' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 100 profile_id , 60 filter_key , '999' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 100 profile_id , 70 filter_key , '999' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 101 profile_id , 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 101 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC0001' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 101 profile_id , 60 filter_key , 'PIP' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 101 profile_id , 70 filter_key , '999' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 102 profile_id , 10 filter_key , '10ACCC' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 102 profile_id , 50 filter_key , '10ACCC0001' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 102 profile_id , 60 filter_key , 'PIP' filter_value from dual union all
                              select 102 profile_id , 70 filter_key , 'A' filter_value from dual
    select  profile_id,
            sum(direct_match_cnt) || ' direct matches out of ' || (select count(*) from input_parameters) match
      from  (
             select  b.profile_id,
                     sum(case when b.filter_value = a.filter_value then 1 else 0 end) direct_match_cnt
               from  input_parameters a,
                     profile_search b
               where b.filter_key = a.filter_key
                 and (b.filter_value = a.filter_value or b.filter_value = '999')
               group by b.profile_id,
            ) x
      group by profile_id
      having count(*) = (select count(*) from input_parameters)
      order by sum(direct_match_cnt) desc
    ---------- ----------------------------------------
           102 4 direct matches out of 4
           101 3 direct matches out of 4
           100 2 direct matches out of 4


  • How to achieve this using the sql query?

    Hello gurus,

    I have a table like this
    id    name
    1       a
    2       b
    3       c
    4       d
    5       e
    6       f
    7       g
    8       h
    9       i
    10     j
    11     k
    12     l
    13     m
    now my result should be like this
    id    name  id   name   id   name 
    1       a     6       f      11     k
    2       b     7       g     12     l
    3       c     8       h     13     m
    4       d     9       i
    5       e     10      j
    How to achieve by sql query?

    Thank you and best regards,

    Edited by: most wanted! February 22, 2012 05:55


    Did you mean this:

    with a as
    (select 1 id ,'a' name from dual
    union all select 2 id ,'b' name from dual
    union all select 3 id ,'c' name from dual
    union all select 4 id ,'d' name from dual
    union all select 5 id ,'e' name from dual
    union all select 6 id ,'f' name from dual
    union all select 7 id ,'g' name from dual
    union all select 8 id ,'h' name from dual
    union all select 9 id ,'i' name from dual
    union all select 10 id ,'j' name from dual
    union all select 11 id ,'k' name from dual
    union all select 12 id ,'l' name from dual
    union all select 13 id ,'m' name from dual
        id id_1
        ,name name_1
        ,lead(id,5) over (order by id) id_2
        ,lead(name,5) over (order by id) name_2
        ,lead(id,10) over (order by id)  id_3
        ,lead(name,10) over (order by id) name_3
        ,rownum r
      r <=5
    D_1                   NAME_1 ID_2                   NAME_2 ID_3                   NAME_3
    ---------------------- ------ ---------------------- ------ ---------------------- ------
    1                      a      6                      f      11                     k
    2                      b      7                      g      12                     l
    3                      c      8                      h      13                     m
    4                      d      9                      i
    5                      e      10                     j 

    Kind regards


  • How to achieve this using sql?

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    create table sk_abcd (a varchar2(6), b varchar2(4));
    insert into sk_abcd values ('abcdef', '1235');
    insert into sk_abcd values ('qwert', '15');
    now I want output as below:
    <some query>
    a       b 
    --      --
    ab     123
    cd      5  
    ef      null
    qw    15
    er      null
    t       null


    You don't give no matter what version of the database, or a clear explanation about the logic, so I just think that's what you want:

    SQL> SELECT substr(a, 2*value(t)+1, 2) a,
      2         substr(b, 3*value(t)+1, 3) b
      3  FROM sk_abcd,
      4       TABLE(
      5         CAST(
      6           MULTISET( select level-1 i from dual connect by level <= ceil(length(a)/2) )
      7           AS sys.odcinumberlist
      8         )
      9       ) t
     10  ;
    A        B
    -------- ------------
    ab       123
    cd       5
    qw       15
    6 rows selected
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  • Using the analytic function

    Oracle 11g Release 2

    I'm assuming that the best solution is the use of analytical functions.

    create table test3
    ( part_type_id  varchar2(50)
    ,group_id      number
    ,part_desc_id  number
    ,part_cmt      varchar2(50)
    insert into test3 values( 'ABC123',1,10,'comment1');
    insert into test3 values( 'ABC123',1,10,'comment2');
    insert into test3 values( 'ABC123',2,15,'comment1');
    insert into test3 values( 'ABC123',2,15,'comment2');
    insert into test3 values( 'EFG123',25,75,'comment3');
    insert into test3 values( 'EFG123',25,75,'comment4');
    insert into test3 values( 'EFG123',25,75,'comment5');
    insert into test3 values( 'XYZ123',1,10,'comment6');
    insert into test3 values( 'XYZ123',2,15,'comment7');
    select * from test3;
    -------------------- ---------- ------------ --------------------
    ABC123                        1           10 comment1
    ABC123                        1           10 comment2
    ABC123                        2           15 comment1
    ABC123                        2           15 comment2
    EDG123                        25          75 comment3
    EDG123                        25          75 comment4
    EDG123                        25          75 comment5
    XYZ123                        1           10 comment6
    XYZ123                        2           15 comment7
    9 rows selected.
    Desired output:
    -------------------- ---------- ------------ --------------------
    ABC123                        1           10 comment1 
    ABC123                        2           15 comment1
    XYZ123                        1           10 comment1
    XYZ123                        2           15 comment2
    RULE: where one part_type_id has multiple (2 or more distinct combinations) of group_id/part_desc_id
    NOTE: There are about 12 columns in the table, for brevity I only included 4.

    Post edited by: orclrunner was updated desired output and rule


    Here's one way:

    WITH got_d_count AS


    SELECT part_type_id, group_id, part_desc_id

    MIN (part_cmt) AS min_part_cmt

    COUNT AS d_count (*) OVER (PARTITION BY part_type_id)

    OF test3

    GROUP BY part_type_id, group_id, part_desc_id



    group_id, part_desc_id, part_type_id, min_part_cmt

    OF got_d_count

    WHERE d_count > 1




    ------------ ---------- ------------ ------------

    ABC123 1 10 comment1

    ABC123 2 15 comment1

    XYZ123 1 10 comment6

    XYZ123 2 15 comment7

    Analytical functions, such as the COUNTY and MIN, many global versions, in addition, it can give the same results.  Use the analytical versions when each row of output corresponds to exactly 1 row of input and the aggregate and GROUP BY version when each line of output corresponds to a group of lines 1 or more input.  In this issue, each line of output appears to be a group of input lines having the same group_id, part_type_id, and part_desc_id (I'm guessing just, this only has never stated), so I used GROUP BY to get 1 row of output for every input lines.

  • SQL using the analytic function

    Hi all

    I want a help in the creation of my SQL query to retrieve the data described below:

    I have a test of sample table containing data as below:

    State ID Desc

    MICHAEL 1 T1

    ACTIVE 2 T2

    T3 3 SUCCESS


    The thing I want to do is to select all the lines with an ACTIVE status in the table but is there is no ACTIVE status, my request will give me the last line with MICHAEL status.

    I can do this in a single request by using the analytical function for example, if yes can yiu help me on the request of unpacking.

    Kind regards


    Something like that?

    I had to fix it.

    with testdata until)
    Select 1 id, "T1" dsc "DISABLED" status of Union double all the
    Select 2 id, 'T2' dsc, the status "ACTIVE" of all the double union
    Select id 3, "T3" dsc, the status of 'SUCCESS' of all the double union
    Select 4 id, "T4" dsc "DISABLED" status of double

    of testdata
    status =
    -case when (select count (*) in testdata where status = 'ACTIVE') > 0
    then 'ACTIVE '.
    Another 'DISABLED '.
    ID in (select id from testdata where status = ' ACTIVE')
    ID = (select max (id) in testdata when status = 'DISABLED')


    '2' 'T2' 'ACTIVE '.

    Maybe it's more efficient

    of testdata
    status =
    -case when (select count (*) in testdata where status = 'ACTIVE') > 0
    then 'ACTIVE '.
    Another 'DISABLED '.
    ID =)
    -case when (select count (*) in testdata where status = 'ACTIVE') > 0
    then id
    on the other
    (select max (id) in testdata when status = 'DISABLED')

    Post edited by: correction of chris227

    Post edited by: chris227

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    Kind regards



    I usually just use the base pen. I draw the object with a few clicks of the pen, fill it with whatever color, the hue value if you want, then use the settings more or less as below.


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    I just want to know what do you call the effect which the corners of the screen is blurred and darker, and how can we achieve?

    See the video in this link

    Thank you in advance!

    Use a solid layer of the color of your choice then add a mask and change his pen:

    The effects coming from the photograph is called vignetting or vignnete

    Another way is to add a bright spot and animated, but its more difficult, I hope it works

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    Hi Roger,

    Please visit:

    I hope this helps.


    Megha Rawat

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    Original title: no local network connection

    No links to the local area network connection. But how to use the Internet again, please help establish a LAN connection.

    Hi H.mustafaakyurek,

    ·         What operating system is installed on your computer?

    You can view the following items on the creation of a network connection:

    Setting up a network home


    Start here to set up a home network in Windows 7


    Setting up a wireless network

    Also see the following articles on the connection of an Internet connection:

    What do I need to connect to the Internet?


    Allows to connect to the Internet mobile broadband

    Hope this information helps.

  • I have xp sp2 installed, I've upgraded to sp3 it settled and went to restart, but used to charge up please help

    Remember - this is a public forum so never post private information such as numbers of mail or telephone!

    Ideas: I have xp sp2 installed, I've upgraded to sp3 it settled and went to restart, but used to charge up please help

    • You have problems with programs
    • Error messages
    • Recent changes to your computer
    • What you have already tried to solve the problem

    Hi mapo1477,

    1. do you get an error at startup of the system?
    2 have you tried to start the computer in safe mode?

    If you do not get any error message, then we recommend you to start your computer in safe mode and check if it starts successfully on the desktop. If it starts in safe mode, and then restore the computer. To do this, try the following steps:
    a. see the description of the options course in Windows XP Startup Mode
    b. Once you have started your computer in safe mode, restore the computer.
    See How to restore Windows XP to a previous state
    c. start the computer and check if the system starts in normal mode.

    To install Service Pack 3 successfully, see steps to take before you install Windows XP Service Pack 3

    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

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    I have an email with attached wps files but I can't open them im using windows 7, someone please help

    It is a Microsoft Works file you need a viewer for. Have a look here.

    I hope this helps.

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    If they have been processed by Kodak and Kodak cardboard supports, the logo goes away from you when you look at the slide. In the case of plastic materials, they are often embossed with the text ' this side screen "on one side, or have some other difference evident between front and rear. I would take a peek at those you know are facing the right way and then others based on those in the case of similar media.

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    Topic: I'm havin' a time helluva determine how to scan 35mm slides... Please HELP!

    I'm havin' a time helluva determine how to scan 35mm slides... Please HELP!

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    Please refer to cancel your Adobe Creative Cloud membership

    Incase you still need help please contact the support.


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