How to convert EDI XML?

Hi all
I'm writing some BPEL process that will send the EDI Documents for using the AQs B2B integration.

BPEL works with enqueues and finally the XML data it to the AQ IP_OUT_QUEUE. From there B2B will take and send to the Trading partner. I have examples of EDI documents, but they are not xml. Can someone tell me if I can convert these EDI XML documents?
The EDIFECS constructor can be of any use here?


Yes, SpecBuilder (generator of EDIFECS alias I guess) can help with that.

(1) start SpecBuilder
(2) in the menu, select Tools/parser
(3) select one of your data files and type EDI data, also don't forget to check 'Advanced Options '.
(4) then (ignore preprocessor)
(5) then (no special data structure)
(6) choose the ECS file that you then use in B2B.
(7) possibly select next several times to accept the default values (displayed only if necessary dialog boxes)
(8) in Analyzer mode, select 'generate XData", following
(9) SpecBuilder displays the parsed file. Switch mode XML (top right button) and you're there!

The XML file can be saved, with the active XML view, select the button "save data under ' and save in a directory. There is your test in the XML file. The process is a bit complicated and it is easy to forget to select 'Advanced Options '.

Good luck!


Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    You can do this way...

    Bind the date field in your XML tag.

    Set the model display to the date field.

    Place the following code in the initialize event of the date field.

    The value JavaScript as a language.

    var dtStr = this.rawValue;
    var pos1 = dtStr.indexOf ("-");
    var pos2 = dtStr.indexOf ("-", pos1 + 1);
    var strMonth = dtStr.substring (0, pos1);
    strDay = dtStr.substring var (+ 1 pos1, pos2);
    var strYear = dtStr.substring (pos2 + 1);

    Assign the value to put in shape to the Date field.

    this.rawValue = strYear + '-' + strMonth + '-' + strDay.

    Thank you


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    < /p >

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    Gestione dei con translations TLF e Testo classico

    Novità introdotte con Ultima version di Flash CS5 sono molteplici, una di queste novita if i campi di testo.

    C cosa'e da sapere sul Text Layout Framework (TLF)?

    Che respect al Testo Classico,

    --------------------------------------------------------------------- end

    Instead of:


    Gestione dei con translations TLF e Testo classico
    Novità introdotte con Ultima version di Flash CS5 sono molteplici, una di queste novita if i campi di testo.
    C cosa'e da sapere sul Text Layout Framework (TLF)?
    Che respect al Testo Classico,

    --------------------------------------------------------------------- end

    like I want to.
    Now I see that with spark.utils I can use importFromXML to convert to a textFlow with collapse of the line in excess, but unfortunately the spark of class is not visible in Flash/as3.
    Can you help me?
    Thanks in advance

    config = new Configuration();
    format = new TextLayoutFormat (config.textFlowInitialFormat);
    format.whiteSpaceCollapse = "collapse."
    config.textFlowInitialFormat = format;
    collapsingTextLayoutImporter = TextConverter.getImporter)
    TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT, config);

    Flex SDK is opensource. Scrap of code above comes from spark.utils.TextFlowUtil.

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    I am now able to post data to a web server by using Blackberry JDE (medical use).

    Now, instead of display the plain text, I would like to send an XML file.

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    import java. IO;
    Org.w3c.dom import. *;
    Import javax.xml.parsers. *;
    Javax.xml.transform import. *;
    Javax.xml.transform.dom import. *; import. *;

    public class {XML
    Public Shared Sub main (String [] args) {}
    try {}
    DocumentBuilderFactory plant = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder ();
    Doc document = builder.newDocument ();
    Root element = doc.createElement ("root");
    doc.appendChild (root);
    Child element = doc.createElement ("child");
    child.setAttribute ("name", "value");
    root.appendChild (child);

    Add a text element to the child
    Text = doc.createTextNode ("text");
    child.appendChild (text);

    implement a transformer
    TRANSFAC TransformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance ();
    Transformer trans = transfac.newTransformer ();
    trans.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, 'yes');
    trans.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, 'yes');

    create the string of the xml tree
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult (sw);
    DOMSource source = new DOMSource (doc);
    TRANS. Transform (source, result);
    String xmlString = sw.toString ();
    System.out.println (xmlString);
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    make error management

    However, on the Blackberry JDE, many functions is not recognized.

    I saw the class DocumentBuilderFactory (net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory), the DocumentBuilder (net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder) class and the interface of Document in the docs of Blackberry Java (4.2.1).

    So, I'm able to create an XML Document... but I don't know how to convert to a string?

    How can I do this? The TransformerFactory class doesn't seem to exist... and I did not find an alternative yet.

    At the present time, here is the code I use to publish data:

    String coord = lat + ";" + LNG; post data
    con = (HttpConnection) (url); Open the connection URL
    con.setRequestMethod (HttpConnection.POST); POST method
    con.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-formulaires-urlencoded");
    out = con.openOutputStream (); display the results in a stream
    out. Write (Coord.GetBytes ());

    responseCode = con.getResponseCode (); Send data and receive the response code
    If (responseCode! = HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {}
    System.out.println ("HTTP STATUS CODE: 404"); error
    } else {}
    System.out.println ("HTTP STATUS CODE: 200"); successful
    If (con! = null) con. Close; close the connection to the URL

    As mentioned, rather than display a string with a delimiter between each value (there will be a lot more than two values finally), I would like to publish an XML.  It will be more "elegant" and easier to parse by my code on the web server.

    Maybe I don't have to convert it to a string?

    In other words, how can I convert my XML Document to send it via the wireless network?

    Thanks for your help!

    TransformerFactory does not exist in the BlackBerry API.  As far as I can tell, you need to implement yourself.  You can do this by walking the DOM and the output of channels.  They have an example of the market of the DOM in the XMLDemo, but they view as fields, you just need to write strings.

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    Thank you


    I was able to create this script with your help, which is a generic XML to JSON converter xml obj passes just in the service.
    Thanks for your suggestion Silly-V

    function xmlToJson(xml) {
      // Create the return object
      var obj = {};
      if (xml.nodeKind() == "element") {
      if (xml.attributes().length() > 0) {
      for (var j = 0; j < xml.attributes().length(); j++) {
      var attributeName = xml.attributes()[j].name();
      obj[attributeName] = String(xml.attributes()[j]);
      } else if (xml.nodeKind() == "text") {
      obj['text'] = xml.text();
      if (xml.children()) {
      for (var i = 0; i < xml.children().length(); i++) {
      var item = xml.child(i);
      if (xml.children()[i].nodeKind() == "text") {
      obj['text'] = xml.children()[i].toString();
      } else {
      var nodeName =;
      if (typeof(obj[nodeName]) == "undefined") {
      obj[nodeName] = xmlToJson(item);
      } else {
      if (typeof(obj[nodeName].push) == "undefined") {
      var old = obj[nodeName];
      obj[nodeName] = [];
      return obj;

    Thank you

    Upendra Stifler

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    Thank you

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    Published by: skud on February 24, 2011 21:17

    Published by: skud on February 24, 2011 21:28


    You need to replace the scott.nature_of_trans by nature_of_trans and re he convert to xml, and then create.

    Kind regards

    Patel Kartik

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    Of application A How can I get the xml data (or text file) for the request object before sending it to application B ?

    As described the connection is passing Java object such as request and I know that in some point this request will be converted to xml file. How to get it?


    Missing important information which can be confusing.

    I'm generated the Java rating were generated using the Axis framework

    The problem is solved by, add the following statements in the bindingStub class that was automatically generated from the WSDL file to the web-services you are trying to access.

       String request = _call.getMessageContext().getRequestMessage().getSOAPPartAsString(); 
     String response = _call.getMessageContext().getResponseMessage().getSOAPPartAsString();

    These statements should be placed after the following method call _call.invoke otherwise you will get NullPointerException .

    _callis a variable of type org.apache.axis.client.Cal and it is automatically generated byAxis

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    Thanks in advance for the help.

    First of all, you should watch the Date object constructor to find out how to specify different parameters.

    public void Date (yearOrTimevalue:Object, month:number, date:number = 1, hour:number = 0, minute:number = 0, second:number = 0, millisecond:number = 0)

    Then you need to determne how to break the string by using the String.Split method.  The first split() should be the space between the date and time, the second for the slashes in the date and the third for the colon in time.

    Then you come to take each of these paintings of substrings and feed them in the constructor as the Number() values.

    If you remain unsure how to do this, look at the different terms that I have identified in the help documents and you will find them all explained with examples.

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    Hello PrasanW.

    Thank you for using communities Support from Apple. I see your message that you want to convert PDF files into ePub files.

    Read this article.

    Creating ePub with Pages files

    Have a great day.

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    Thank you

    With a transcription like this service:

Maybe you are looking for