How to create the text field that accepts (only Alphabates no numbers or numbers)

Hey guys,.

I just want to know how to create a text field that accepts (only text without characters or numbers)?

I want to insert validation that field only accepts the alphabates no number or numbers are allowed!

Thanks in advance!

In the designer, click the field that you need to validate and open the script window, together the menu show drop-down list to validate in the drop-down list and place the code in the script window. Make sure that the language is Javascript and run is defined on the Client. If you don't see the script window goto window-> Script Editor Menu item.

Tags: Adobe LiveCycle

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    Unfortunately not. But what you can try is to use a certain type of Javascript on your page to Muse and achieve this goal

    A code example can be seen here, example Code snippets | Qualtrics

    Output: online survey software | Survey of Qualtrics Solutions

    Hope this helps

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    Well, you can create a text symbol (best solution).

    You can also use jQuery, but you must rewrite properties panel: police, position, width, height...

    One case:


    a new paragraph


    .appendTo ("#Stage")

    . CSS ({'position': 'absolute', 'top': '40px', 'left': '40px', 'color': 'blue'});

    You can use other tags:

    ... See html5 tags.

    With the help of classes.


    a new paragraph


    .appendTo ("#Stage")

    . CSS ({'position': 'absolute', 'top': '40px', 'left': '40px'});

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    If you used a standard text for the 'legend' field you could set the value by default (in the value of the object palette tab) in the legend and the legend of the value None (in the page layout palette).



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    Yes it is possible but not recommended approach.

    Here is the link that you can use if you want to implement using javascript

    Thank you

  • NEED HELP: on how to make the text field on the image (file I) sliced in Dreamweaver

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    < html > < head > < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = ISO-8859-1 ">"

    < title > News < /title >

    < style type = "text/css" >


    background-color: #000;


    < / style >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    function MM_swapImgRestore() //v3.0 {}

    var i, x = offline. MM_sr; for (i = 0; a & & I <.) Length & & (x = a [i]) & & x.oSrc; i ++) x.src = x.oSrc;


    function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

    var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();

    var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)

    If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}


    function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01

    var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}

    d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

    If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];

    for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);

    If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments; document. MM_sr = new Array; for (i = 0; i <(a.length-2); I += 3).

    If ((x = MM_findObj (a [i]))! = null) {document. MM_sr [j ++] = x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc = x.src; x.SRC = a [i + 2] ;}


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    < div style = "background - image: url(Location-Link-Top.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 805px; top: 64px; Width: 108px; height: 55px; "title =" "> < a href ="Academics.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage (" Image2 "," ' images/education-link - TopBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" Education-link - Top.jpg "width ="108"height ="55"id ="Image2"> < / has >"

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    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Training-Link-Top.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 989px; top: 64px; Width: 96px; height: 55px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Development.html Skill" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image4 '", ' images/training-link - TopBLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "training-link - Top.jpg" width = "96" height = "55" id = "Image.4" > < / has >

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    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Skill-Develop.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 660px; Width: 218px; height: 29px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Development.html Skill" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image20 ',", ' images/low-skill - DevelopBLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "low-skill - Develop.jpg" width = "218" height = '29' id = 'Image20' > < /a >

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    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Contact.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 660px; Width: 168px; height: 29px; "title =" "> < a href ="Contact.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image27',", ' images/down - ContactBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom - Contact.jpg "width ="168"height = '29' id = 'Image27' > < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_20.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1229px; top: 660px; Width: 1px; height: 29px; "title =" ">

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    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Staff.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 602px; top: 689px; Width: 108px; height: 21px; "title =" "> < a href ="Staff.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image16',", ' images/down - StaffBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Staff.jpg "width ="108"height ="21"="Image16"id > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Skill-Develop-23.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 689px; Width: 1px; height: 1px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Strength-.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 711px; top: 689px; Width: 217px; height: 21px; "" title = "" > < a href = Mm_swapimgrestore "Force and Cond.html" "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image21 ',", ' images/background-force - BLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "Bottom-force-.jpg" width = "217" height = "21" = "Image21" id > < / has >

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    < / div >

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    < / div >

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    < / div >

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    < / div >

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    < / div >

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    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-9.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 710px; Width: 169px; height: 22px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Location.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 713px; Width: 179px; height: 21px; "title =" "> < a href ="Location.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image8'", ' images/down - LocationBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Location.jpg "width ="179"height ="21"id ="Image8"> < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-International.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 413px; top: 713px; Width: 189px; height: 21px; "title =" "> < a href ="Mission.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image13'", ' images/down - InternationalBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom - International.jpg "width ="189"height ="21"= 'Image13' id > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Bball-camps.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 732px; Width: 218px; height: 1px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-10.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 732px; Width: 169px; height: 23px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-News.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 602px; top: 733px; Width: 109px; height: 23px; "title =" "> < a href ="News.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image18',", ' images/down - NewsBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom - News.jpg ' width = '109' height = '23' id = 'Image18' > < /a > "

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Bball-camps-39.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 711px; top: 733px; Width: 217px; height: 20px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Bball Camps.html" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image29 ',", ' images/bottom-Beni-campsBLURR - 27.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "Bottom-Beni-camps - 38.jpg" width = "217" height = '20' id = 'Image29' > < / has >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Botton-Sponsors.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 928px; top: 733px; Width: 133px; height: 22px; "title =" "> < a href ="Sponsors.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image26',", ' images/Botton - SponsorsBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" Botton - Sponsors.jpg "width ="133"height ="22"id ="Image26"> < /a >"

    < / div >

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    < / div >

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    < / div >

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    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 412px; top: 755px; Width: 190px; height: 23px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

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    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-5-51.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 756px; Width: 1px; height: 24 PX. "title =" ">

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    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-2.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 412px; top: 778px; Width: 191px; height: 29px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-6.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 711px; top: 779px; Width: 217px; height: 28px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-8.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 929px; top: 779px; Width: 132px; height: 29px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

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    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_57.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 780px; Width: 1px; height: 27px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-0.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 807px; Width: 179px; height: 33px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

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    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-12.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 929px; top: 808px; Width: 132px; height: 32px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_61.jpg);" position: absolute; Left: 1px; top: 839px; Width: 233px; height: 1px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_62.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 413px; top: 839px; Width: 515px; height: 1px; "title =" "> < / div > < / div >

    < body / > < / html >

    You sent a couple of workarounds

  • Make all the text fields to read only after signing form


    I have a form of direct cycle that must have all the defined text fields as read only after the signing.

    The java script has been placed in the sign post to a digital signature field event.

    for (var i = 0; i < this.numFields; i ++) {}

    NJC var = this.getNthFieldName (i);

    If (cNm.type = "text") this.getField (NJC) .readonly = true;


    After signing the following the error in console form appears:

    this.getNthFieldName is not a function

    Can someone advise please how to change the script so that when the form is signed all text fields become ready only?

    Any help will be most appreciated.

    Thank you.

    You don't need any JavaScript to do this.

    In the designer, you can configure the field signature in this way, that all fields will be locked after the signing.

    Look here:

  • How to make a text field to accept a capital letter has or a number in the position of the first character and only the numbers after that?

    Hi all

    We have a text field in one of our screen in our mobile app. Currently the user can enter alpha numeric characters in this text field.

    It is now that this field should accept a capital letter A or a number in the position of the first character and only the numbers after that.

    Could someone let us know how to do this?

    Thank you.

    Or, how about the substitution of this abstract method in textFilter?

    public boolean validate(character char,
                            AbstractString text
    int position)

  • How to create a date field that is fixed at the signing?


    I created a series of PDF forms on Adobe Pro XI which are designed to be filled out using Adobe Reader (where are saved as Adobe Reader Extended). Once the form is complete there are fields of signature that the user who digitally sign then it disables the specific form fields of editing more far. Next to the signature field, I have a date field that, at present, is using JavaScript to automatically generate the date of business at the opening. However, the question that I have is that I want this field date which will be fixed when the form is signed, rather than update again when the form is opened. Is this possible?

    The document JavaScript that I use to generate the date currently is:

    this.getField("Date1").value = util.printd ("dd/mmm/yyyy", new Date());

    But obviously, this is independent of the signature field.

    How can I create a date field which is set by the current date at the signing?

    I am very new to Adobe in general so I don't have much of an idea about how to go about doing this. Could someone please help me to do it if possible?

    Thank you


    Go to the properties of the field of Signature and on the signing tab, add

    Copy the following code in the section previous "this script is run when the field is signed.

  • How to create an edit field that auto-met uppercase the first character entered?

    I need to create an input field to enter names (first name, last name, etc.). I would like the field behaves similar to the behavior of these fields when you enter a new contact into the native Contacts app: the first character is automatically capitalized, however, if the user deletes the character, and, without waiting too long, entered another letter, the first newly entered character is not capitalized.

    I was able to create such a field myself by creating a custom TextFilter, however, I can't believe simply that this field is not readily available. Anyone know if this field is readily available, or at least can be easily created by small amount of customization of an existing class?

    AutoTextEditField what you are looking for.

  • How to create a text field in the shape of 'L '.

    I need to insert a text field in an Acroform with a label that begins partially on one line, then continues on the following line, as shown below.

    Is it possible to insert a text field in an L shape? If not, is it possible to automatically move the text to the next field cursor when the person filling out the form is running out of space on the first line? I use Acrobat Pro XI on Windows 7.


    Is it possible to insert a text field in an L shape?

    Lol the PDF form fields are always rectangular.

    If not, is it possible to automatically move the text to the next field cursor when the person filling out the form is running out of space on the first line?

    Yes, it's possible, but it takes using a script.

  • How to create the text entry?

    I created a table of text input fields class (TextBox) custom.  When the user types something into a text box, I want to compare the expected response (responses: Array).  I can't get the keyPressed function to read the input text.  When I trace box [boxnum] .text, it says "undefined".  What I am doing wrong and how I can fix it?

    var box: Array = new Array (6);
    responses of the var: Array = ['-36', '-36', '216', ' / 9 "," / 9 "," 24 "];
    var boxNum:int = 0;

    Sandbox (null);

    function setBox(event:Event):void {}
    box [boxNum] = new TextBox;
    addChild (box [boxNum]);

    box [boxNum] .x = 100; box [boxNum] there = 100 +(30*boxNum);
    Box [boxNum] .addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keypressed);

    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void {}
    Reply.Text = "";
    if(Event.keycode == Keyboard.Enter) {}
    var myText:String = box [boxNum] .text;
    trace (Box [boxNum]. (Text);
    If (myText is {answers [boxNum])}
    Reply.Text = 'It.';
    boxNum ++;
    Sandbox (null);
    } else {}
    Reply.Text = "try again.";

    This is why your code does not work.  your TextBox instances are movieclips and movieclips have no text properties.

    If you assign the textfield object that is a child of TextBox and instance name, you can reference the textfield object using the dot notation:

    var box: Array = new Array (6);

    responses of the var: Array = ['-36', '-36', '216', ' / 9 "," / 9 "," 24 "];

    var boxNum:int = 0;

    Sandbox (null);

    function setBox(event:Event):void {}
    box [boxNum] = new TextBox();
    addChild (box [boxNum]);

    box [boxNum] .x = 100;

    box [boxNum] there = 100 +(30*boxNum);
    Box [boxNum] .addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keypressed);

    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void {}
    Reply.Text = "";
    if(Event.keycode == Keyboard.Enter) {}
    var myText:String = box [boxNum].yourtextfield.text;  where yourtextfield is your textfield instance name class' are
    trace (MyText);
    If (myText is {answers [boxNum])}
    Reply.Text = 'It.';
    boxNum ++;
    Sandbox (null);
    } else {}
    Reply.Text = "try again.";

  • How to get the value of viewattribute and how to assign the text field. URG

    Hi all,
    I created messagestyled text programmatically and I want the value of viewAttribute.
    I don't know how to define the instance of the view and display attribute.

    I tried this way, it is what is called the vo class but after that i dnt know how to set

    Here the code that I used...

    (1) I create the messagestyled text
    OAFormattedTextBean cctextbean = (OAFormattedTextBean) pageContext.getWebBeanFactory () .createWebBean (pageContext, FORMATTED_TEXT_BEAN, OAWebBeanConstants.VARCHAR2_DATATYPE, "CCText");

    OAMessageStyledTextBean ccidbean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean) pageContext.getWebBeanFactory () .createWebBean (pageContext, MESSAGE_STYLED_TEXT_BEAN, OAWebBeanConstants.VARCHAR2_DATATYPE, "CCId");

    (2) and I called the view object
    OAViewObject ccview = (OAViewObject) AM.findViewObject ("CmpnyDetVO1");

    (3) I want to set the view instance and viewattribute using code. This stage i dnt know how to define.

    (4) I want to know, how to get the value of the attribute to display and how to set the value to the messagestyled text field.

    I'm new to OFA. It's Urgent.

    Thanks in advance


    Import oracle.jbo.Row;

    OAViewObject ccview = (OAViewObject) AM.findViewObject ("CmpnyDetVO1");
    Line line (Row) = ccview.first ();
    Test String = (String) row.getAttribute ("");

    then to set the value of the text of messagestyled

    OAMessageStyledTextBean bean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean) webBean.findindexedchildrecursive ("CCId");
    bean.setText (test);

    Thank you

    Published by: Gauravv on August 4, 2009 09:38

  • How to clear the inputText field that contains control data to the Web Service data?


    I use JDeveloper 12.1.3 and 2.2 of the MAF.

    I created a Web Service data control that offers the feature of the View object on the server side.

    To use this, I created a taskflow with two pages of amx. The first page of the amx contains a button to call the other.

    The second page of the amx contains fields inputText with the values of the parameters of creation out of the data control functions.

    If I call the second page of the amx inputText fields are empty. On the page, I have a button to call the function of creation itself. By pressing the key the inputText field values will be sent to the server. Everything works great! Pressing on the button also calls for action to return to the first page of amx in the taskflow.

    Now, if a next time I call the second page the inputText fields contain the values from the last call.

    I want the inputText empty fields each time. How can I achieve this?

    Thanks in advance.


    You can ask this question in the forum of the MAF

    Oracle Mobile Application Framework

  • How to create a small field that scrolls a series of images. (using Acrobat Pro)

    Using Acrobat Pro, we need to use a small field to track the progress of the student.  Successive clicks, the field would scroll:

    -a number (which identifies an element of study);

    -same number surrounded by a circle (indicates the element is assigned to the student).

    -the same number with a check mark (indicates the element is completed by the student).

    -return the original number.

    This could probably be managed by cycling through a series of small images when the user clicks on the field.

    The field of the "checkbox" allows only a control to add to the field.  It does not have the circle and does not work across several States.

    The area of the "text box" could enable this capability, but if so we are not able to configure correctly.

    All solutions?   Thank you!

    An example of PDF file that shows such a thing:

    The stoplight illustrates this. You can use what you want for the button icons. It uses JavaScript in various places, so you will have to study to see how it works. Post again if you get stuck.

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