How to find the page contains the indesign sdk?

PLS, someone help me, how to find the page contains the indesign sdk?

Thank you


Don't know, if you find a shorter way, but it works:

UIDRef language = YOUR_TABLE;

Error result code.



InterfacePtr textModel;

TextIndex beginning;

Len Int32;

result = table_get_text_model (read, 0, 0, textModel, start, len);

If (result! = kSuccess) break;

If (! textModel) break;

UIDRef frameRef = text_query_frame (textModel, start);

If (! frameRef) break;

Int32 pnum = - 1;

PageRef UIDRef = page_getref (frameRef, &pnum);)

If (! pageRef) break;



} While (false);


Error code (Table_get_text_model)

Language UIDRef,

Int32 left,

top of Int32,

InterfacePtr & textModel,

TextIndex & start,

Int32 & len)


Result ErrorCode = kFailure;




textModel = InterfacePtr (Nile);

Start = 0;

Len = text::kTextLen;

Make sure that we have a valid table model

InterfacePtr tableModel (label, UseDefaultIID());

if(!tableModel) break;

convert the network to a network ID address

GridAddress gridAddress (top, left);

get the container text table so we could make the text template.

InterfacePtr tableTextContainer (tableModel, UseDefaultIID());

if(!tableTextContainer) break;

textModel = InterfacePtr (tableTextContainer-> QueryTextModel());

if(!textModel) break;

InterfacePtr tableTextContent (tableModel, UseDefaultIID());

if(!tableTextContent) break;

GA GridArea (up, left, top + 1, left + 1);

Len = tableTextContent-> GetTextChunk (ga, start);

If (! len) break;

result = kSuccess;

} While (false);

return the result;



#if (csversion_<>

# define ITextFrameC_ ITextFrame


# define ITextFrameC_ ITextFrameColumn


UIDRef text_query_frame (InterfacePtr txt, TextIndex istartPos)


UID uid = kInvalidUID;

TextIndex startPos = istartPos;



If (! txt) break;

INNERE Textrahmen of the items

InterfacePtr frameList (txt-> QueryFrameList ());

If (! frameList | frameList-> GetFrameCount ())<= 0)="">

First INNERER Textrahmen of the items

InterfacePtr textFrame (frameList-> QueryNthFrame (0) / * QUF,: UseDefaultIID () * /);

#ifndef (csversion_<>

Location of RangeData (startPos, startPos);


TextIndex location = startPos;


Int32 frameIndex = - 1;

InterfacePtr tf = InterfacePtr (Nile);

If (startPos < txt-=""> tf TotalLength ()) = InterfacePtr (frameList-> QueryFrameContaining (location, & frameIndex));

of other tf = InterfacePtr (frameList-> QueryNthFrame (frameList-> GetFrameCount () - 1));

If textFrame (tf) tf =;

If (! textFrame) break;


Aus dem first inner Textrahmen bilden wir jetzt eine hierarchy.

In der Ebene uber hierarchy suchen wir jetzt nach nach einem dieser

Objekt, das ein Graphicrahmen ist. Dieses element ist der gesuchte

ÄUßERE Rahmen.


InterfacePtr child (textFrame, UseDefaultIID());

If (! child) break;



InterfacePtr parent (child-> QueryParent());

If (parent == nil) break;

InterfacePtr graphicFrameData (parent, UseDefaultIID());

If (graphicFrameData! = nil)


We have a regular text frame.

UID =: GetUID (graphicFrameData);



child = parent;

} While (child! = nil);

} While (false);

If (uid == kInvalidUID) return UIDRef (Nile, kInvalidUID);

Return UIDRef (: GetDataBase (txt), uid);



#if (csversion_<>

# define GLayout_:


# define GLayout_ Utils ()->


UIDRef page_getref (const UIDRef & frameRef, int32 * pgNum)


UIDRef result = UIDRef::gNull;



If (pgNum) * pgNum = 0;

If (! frameRef) break;

InterfacePtr itemHier (frameRef, IID_IHIERARCHY);

If (! itemHier) break;

If (! pause frameRef.ExistsInDB ());

ES more like evil EIB GetOwnerPageUID AB. ICH denke badly, at least

Ein muss ein Rahmen wohl schon haben Parent. Wenn wir da keinen find,.

tschüss Dann.

InterfacePtr parent (itemHier-> QueryParent());

If (! parent) break;

PageUID UID = GLayout_ GetOwnerPageUID (itemHier);

If (pageUID == kInvalidUID) break;

result = UIDRef (frameRef.GetDataBase (), pageUID);

If (pgNum)


IDataBase * db = frameRef.GetDataBase ();

If (! db) break;

UIDRef docRef (db, db-> GetRootUID ());

InterfacePtr PageList (docRef, IID_IPAGELIST);

If (!.) (Break from PageList);

Int32 pageIndex is PageList-> GetPageIndex (pageUID);.

* pgNum = pageIndex;


} While (false);

return the result;



Tags: InDesign

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    Set your path of debugging in visual studio 2013.

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    var dividerPgf = changesDoc.NewSeriesPgf (lastPgf);

    var TLoc = new TextLoc (dividerPgf, 0);

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    Hi Mark,

    The problem is that the dough does not occur when you think. The dividing line is added at the end of the file, but are not your actions of dough. Actually, I think that maybe a little random where pasta is produced, because this line:

    var changesTloc = new TextLoc (firstChgPgf, Constants.FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET);

    .. .is does not create a valid text location. You can check this by abandoning the service after:

    changesDoc.TextSelection = changesTRange;

    .. and look at where's the insertion point. It will probably be everywhere where you left it last, because the call is not valid. I can't tell you exactly why, except that it has something to do with the fact that you are using the last paragraph in the stream. There is something weird to try to define a range of full-paragraph text with the last paragraph. I'm sure it's related to how the last TFP in a stream does not show a mark of FMP, but beyond that, I don't know how to do what you're trying to do with the last paragraph.

    Having no knowledge of how do it right, any time I need to do this, I create a paragraph "dummy" at the end of the flow to fill that space strange 'last FMP", then do the work around it. In the end, I just want to remove fake TFP. I don't know if it's a good idea or not, but it's the only way I ever get it to work and it sorts the mirror how you could do this manually in the GUI.

    With this, I modified your script as follows, and it seems to work better. Note that I also modified the logic of how to find the last paragraph of the flow by writing a separate function. Your call to the 'FirstTextFrameInFlow' is OK, unless your doc begins to span several pages and/or begins with several empty pages. The function I wrote ensures that you really the last TFP in the stream.

    I hope this helps.


    function copyPasteChanges (doc, chgRange) {}

    Select the section with changebar and copy it.

    doc. TextSelection = chgRange;

    doc. Copy();

    Prepare for the changes doc and paste there the modified section.

    var lastPgf = getLastPgf (changesDoc);

    var dummyPgf = changesDoc.NewSeriesPgf (lastPgf);

    var changesTloc = new TextLoc (dummyPgf, 0);

    var changesTRange = new TextRange (changesTloc, changesTloc);

    changesDoc.TextSelection = changesTRange;

    changesDoc.Paste ();

    To go at the end of the file again (I think)

    Don't forget that last TFP is now fake TFP

    lastPgf = getLastPgf (changesDoc);

    var dividerPgf = changesDoc.NewSeriesPgf (lastPgf.PrevPgfInFlow);

    var TLoc = new TextLoc (dividerPgf, 0);

    changesDoc.AddText (TLoc, '_');

    dummyPgf.Delete ();


    function getLastPgf (doc)


    textFrame var is doc. MainFlowInDoc.LastTextFrameInFlow;

    var lastPgf = textFrame.LastPgf;

    While (! lastPgf.ObjectValid () & textFrame.ObjectValid ())


    textFrame = textFrame.PrevTextFrameInFlow;

    lastPgf = textFrame.LastPgf;


    Return lastPgf;


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    Here is the version k-means automated help .vi box tools


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    I recommend you contact Google support for assistance:

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    Version CC 2015 (and I guess in earlier versions) you would use:

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    dynamicEntities [0] = new EloquaAPI. DynamicEntity ();

    dynamicEntities [0]. EntityType = entityType;

    dynamicEntities [0]. Id = "???";

    dynamicEntities [0]. FieldValueCollection is new EloquaAPI. DynamicEntityFields ();

    dynamicEntities [0]. FieldValueCollection.Add ("C_GUID1", GUID);

    dynamicEntities [0]. FieldValueCollection.Add ("C_FirstName", FirstName.Trim ());

    dynamicEntities [0]. FieldValueCollection.Add ("C_LastName", LastName.Trim ());

    dynamicEntities [0]. FieldValueCollection.Add ("C_EmailAddress", Email.Trim ());

    dynamicEntities [0]. FieldValueCollection.Add ('C_Type1', 'Contact');

    EloquaAPI. UpdateResult [] result = service. Update (dynamicEntities);


    Hi Joey,

    If you do not already have the id of the contact, then you will need to use the. Function Query() to get it – most commonly ask you based on the email address.  For this call API documentation is here:

    The example code in this page is not large (without having to download the entire sample application), but here's a basic use (

    Dim contactId As Integer = 0

    Dim etContact As New ELQService.EntityType
    etContact.Type = 'Base '.
    etContact.Name = "Contact".

    Dim result = are. Query (etContact, "C_EmailAddress ="[email protected]"", {"Id"}, 1, 50)
    If result. TotalRecords > 0 then contactId = result. Entities (0). ID


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    In the front of the printer, go to configuration. Locate and enter the Web Services. Aprove any step to activate the service... leave the system a few minutes to complete your registration, a page will be printed automatically with the code printer and directions to select the email address of

    Kind regards.

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    He gives an example of:

    SQL > select ADDRESS, HASH_VALUE of V$ SQLAREA where SQL_ID like '7yc % ';

    ---------------- ----------
    000000085FD77CF0 808321886

    My question how they find the SQL_ID of the query they are wanting to be served before this step?

    Thanks in advance,


    How did find the SQL_ID of the query they are wanting to be served before this step?
    They probably got from V$ SQL

    select sql_id, plan_hash_value, exact_matching_signature, sql_plan_baseline from v$sql
    where sql_text = '. . put your query here . . .'; 

    Make a request like this or use WHERE SQL_TEXT LIKE if you know a part of the text of the query. Then use the SQL_ID.

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    If you can connect to the DB, you can query

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    Hi David,

    Nice Solution, but I think that it will not give the exact size of the string for a particular case where the string contains UTF string as a single letter format can exceed more than 1 byte.

    So I think it should be modified as:

    private function getTextSize(value:String): String


    var div_by:int = 100;

    var sze_is:String = 'KB ';

    var len_is:int = getUTFLength (value); now the length is actually measured, regardless of the format of the text

    If (len_is > 1000000)


    div_by = 100000;

    sze_is = 'mb ';




    private void getUTFLength(value:String):int
    var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    byteArray.writeUTFBytes (value);
    Return CharArray.Length;



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    For the experienced:

    Preparing to deploy my application, I use JDeveloper to deploy the application on the server standalone oc4j included in JDeveloper. After deployment, I get the error "404 Not Found" when trying to invoke the application in a browser. The deployment seems OK, because the log in JDeveloper window showed no error executing deployment from inside JDeveloper. So I guess the question is how to find the correct URL to invoke the application. Here are the steps I took to make the deployment.

    First, I installed the standalone oc4j by running the .bat < jdev_home > \jdev\bin\start_oc4j file. Installation is OK because I have deployed the application SRTutorial and invoked successfully in a browser.

    The WAR file has been created by right-clicking on the ViewController project and select this option to create a WAR file. At the root of the application its own name, I typed "ZB" in the area of the root of context.

    Then in ViewController-> resources, right_click the deployment file (ZBOV.deploy) and chose ' deploy to "the local_standalone_oc4j. Messages in the Journal of JDeveloper window for deployment are all nice and clean without errors.

    I then used this url to invoke the application deployed in a browser:


    But I got an error "404 Not Found". Immediately, I tried citing the application of SRTutorial, and it works fine.

    Login.JSPX is one of the pages of the application. In the browser of the application, it is with other files in the content of ViewController/Web/personal folder, so I used /staff/login.jspx after ZB/faces.

    What could be wrong? If the deployment is really successful, how to find the correct url to invoke the application?

    Thanks a lot for your help!



    According to me, there are 2 possibilities (could be more that I'm not aware of if :)).

    1. your deployment profile has been changed to use a different context root.
    2. your request has not been installed correctly.

    To 1, try to create a new deployment profile and leave the values by default as it is the case, run the jspx page, get the root context, deploy the application to a different OC4J instance (using the new deployment profile), and then run the application with the context root, that you received from the embedded OC4J.

    For 2, check the log file and see if you had any error / exception.



  • says that there is an update of firmware available for my 3 t time capsule. I get "an error occurred when downloading". How to find the problem?

    I said that there is an update of the firmware available for my 3 t time capsule. I get the message "an error occurred when downloading". How to find the problem? I have elcapitan 10.11.6 and capsule version 7.7.3

    Try temporarily, connect your MacBook Pro to your Time Capsule using an Ethernet connection... If not already, then try downloading the firmware again.

Maybe you are looking for