How to get the length of the string a vm?


I'm trying to automate some consolidation of virtual machines and would like to add script. I have over 800 virtual machines manually would not work.

I would like to

$allVApps = get-CIVApp

foreach ($CIVm to ($allVApps |)) Get - CIVM)) {}

find the number of channels and if greater than 8 consolidate them.


Someone has this practice? or something else?

I'm in a cloud environment vSphere 5.5, installed latest powercli.

Thank you

Don't know why this does not work for others, but what I posted before work for me.  Here is a more complete version of how get the those of VAPP VM.  There are no doubt more direct ways, but that how I made it so far:

1. get the VAPP

$vApp = get-CIvApp-name 'Test-VAPP.

2. get the VMS of vApp

$VMs = $vApps.ExtensionData.Children.vm

3. get the ones for the VM first in the list of $VMs:

$VMs [0]. VCloudExtension.any.VirtualDisksMaxChainLength

This last command returns 18 for me which is the "Length of the string" value in the properties of the Virtual Machine to the virtual machine in the vCD UI.

I hope this helps.

Tags: VMware

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    .silence arr.getElements () [0]


    but that didn't work either.

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    Kind regards



    I did something wrong or

    App.Selection [0]. Lines [0]. Words [0] .silence

    is a 1 Word, you are looking for?

    I hope that...

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    This proves what I said before, on 0 and several commas commas.

    If we add these 3 rows to the sample data you posted:

    insert into names (fullname) values ("tou").

    insert into names (fullname) values (' David, Lloyd, George ");

    insert into names (fullname) values ('J, R, R, Tolkien");

    then the query I posted earlier produced these results:


    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    John, Kennedy John Kennedy

    Nicolas, Nicolas Shan Shan

    Don Bosco Don Bosco

    TOU tou

    David Lloyd, George David Lloyd, George

    J, R, R, Tolkien J R, R, Tolkien

    If you prefer to get these results:


    -------------------- -------------------- --------------------

    John, Kennedy John Kennedy

    Nicolas, Nicolas Shan Shan

    Don Bosco Don Bosco

    TOU tou

    David Lloyd, George David, Lloyd George

    J, R, R, J, R, R Tolkien Tolkien

    then you just change line 1:

    WITH got_commapos AS


    SELECT FullName

    , INSTR (fullname, ','-1) AS commapos-* CHANGED *.



    SELECT FullName

    , SUBSTR (fullname, commapos 1, -1) AS a first name

    SUBSTR (fullname, commapos + 1) in the FORM name

    OF got_commapos


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    find the script below.

    < List1 >

    < list >

    < List1 >

    < List1 >

    < List1 >

    < / list >

    < list >

    < List2 >

    < List2 >

    < List2 >

    < / list >






    -< / list1 >

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    var number = xfa.record.List1.List [0].nodes.length; (Does not work)

    But if var account = xfa.record.List1.nodes.length; (work)

    and also I want to delete a tag inside the < List > tag. How?

    Very Urgent.

    Thanks in advance.

    Yes, you need to use the name instead of the value to get the tag name... (0) .name

    Thank you


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    Hello experts,

    How to get the key to the user within an event handler. (Recon - BulkOrchestration in bulk of trust)?
    The code below works if I create a user from the administration Console, but its does not work for the recon trust.

    Recon trust incase it's go to loop else and do not return anything.

    private String getUserKey (long processID, orchestration BulkOrchestration) {}
    Take string;
    If (! orchestration.getOperation () .equals ("CREATE")) {}
    Take = orchestration.getTarget () .getEntityId ();
    } else {}
    OrchestrationEngine orchEngine = (OrchestrationEngine.class) Platform.getService;
    Take = (String) orchEngine.getActionResult (processID);

    Return take;

    Thanks and greetings

    Why not try it?

         public BulkEventResult execute(long l, long l1, BulkOrchestration orchestration) {
              logger.debug("BulkEventResult NEW");
              try {
              Identity[] newUserState = (Identity[])getNewUserStates(orchestration);
              logger.debug("newUserState :: " + newUserState);
              for(int y = 0; y < newUserState.length; y++){
                   logger.debug(y + " . " + newUserState[y]);
              for(int u = 0; u < newUserState.length; u++){
                   HashMap userAttrMap =  newUserState[u].getAttributes();
                         Iterator iterator = userAttrMap.keySet().iterator();
                         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                                      String key =;
                                      Object value = userAttrMap.get(key);
                                      logger.debug(key + " -- " + value);  
              Identity[] oldUserState = (Identity[])getOldUserStates(orchestration);
              logger.debug("oldUserState :: " + oldUserState);
              for(int y = 0; y < oldUserState.length; y++){
                   logger.debug(y + " . " + oldUserState[y]);
              for(int u = 0; u < oldUserState.length; u++){
                   HashMap userAttrMap =  oldUserState[u].getAttributes();
                         Iterator iterator = userAttrMap.keySet().iterator();
                         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                                      String key =;
                                      Object value = userAttrMap.get(key);
                                      logger.debug(key + " -- " + value);  
              }catch(Exception e){
                   logger.error("In Catch");
                   logger.debug("ERROR :: " + e.getMessage());
              logger.debug("Exiting BulkEvent");
              return new BulkEventResult();
         private Object getNewUserStates(BulkOrchestration orchestration)
            Object newUserStates = null;
            HashMap interEventData = orchestration.getInterEventData();
            if(interEventData != null)
                newUserStates = interEventData.get("NEW_USER_STATE");
            return newUserStates;
          private Object getOldUserStates(BulkOrchestration orchestration)
                 Object oldUserStates = null;
                 HashMap interEventData = orchestration.getInterEventData();
                 if(interEventData != null)
                     oldUserStates = interEventData.get("CURRENT_USER");
                 return oldUserStates;
  • How to get the name of the particular index table option.


    Can any body tell how to get the name of the item to a particular array.i have a table within array.i must compare the name of Francesca in particular is the table.

    myArray= Array (@43b1e09)
    [0] = object (@42b33f9)
    Testing_1 = Array (@4428821)
    [0] = object (@43adc19)
    choice_id = '0 '.
    delete = "N".
    DownloadURL = "xyz".
    selected = 'Y '.
    translation = "2_486."
    length = 1
    length = "N".
    Editable = 'Y '.
    field_id = '388 '.
    LanguageLink = 'Y '.
    linked_definition_id = null
    multiple values = "N".
    name = "Photo".
    otheroption = "N".
    photovitlink = object (@43ad0d9)
    required = "N".
    step = '1 '.
    translation = "Photo".
    visible = 'Y '.
    [1] = object (@43ad5d9)
    [2] = object (@4490089)

    Here is the structure of the table I get server side.i give table name of result as table myArray.This have several child as an object of object.each having .i table (Testing_1 in the first case) must get the name of this Testing_1 table and compare with my sort key that I perform an operation. But I am unable to get the name of this Testing_1 array(Since_it_is_dynamic_so_this_name_changes_some_times).can a body guide me how to get the name of this table.

    Thanks and greetings

    Vineet Sharma

    Hi Vineet Osho,

    You can browse your object using the loop and you can get the name of the table... as below...

    for each (var obj:Object in myArray)
    for (var str:String in obj)
    If (obj [str] is array)
    var arrayName:String = str;

    Thank you

    Jean Claude

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    How to get the video intro off my google home screen I already saw it, where is the firefox logo used to be. I started with the last update that I rebooted.

    to change the homepage when opening firefox-press 'Alt' and click on tools-> Options.

    Main menu, you can change the URL.

    If the problem persists, you can follow these simple steps:

    Enter about: config in the address bar and press ENTER. Accept the message of 'dragons' to see the Advanced preferences screen. Use the above search box to enter the below pref.

    You can assign an empty string to stop your Firefox to retrieve "extracts" and brandLogo changes the browser.aboutHomeSnippets.updateUrl pref. Right-click this pref and select Edit then clear the value as pref in the box that appears, and then click OK. Who will also disable "snippets" that appear under the container of the research on the default home page.

    Then you must open the folder of your profile, via help > Troubleshooting Information > profile folder > > button view folder. Then close Firefox. Your profile file open with Firefox closed (Firefox '3-bar' menu key > exit/Quit), wait or two minutes, then remove the storage\moz-safe-about + home folder in the Firefox profile folder to remove the brandLogo and stored in IndexedDB code snippets to make Firefox use the default brandLogo and a defined default code snippet.

    If you later change your mind about these changes, you can reset the pref browser.aboutHomeSnippets.updateUrl via the context menu and Reset allows to retrieve the default value using the storage\moz-chest-fort-about + home folder again.

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    Executes a test sequence of labview (essentially running "\Examples\TestStand API\Executing sequences using API\LabVIEW\Execute with no process") I need to get a parameter returned in 'Settings', after the sequence has run.

    My problem is that I get the value upon registration of the sequence and not the value after execution.




    in order to obtain the values of the execution, you need access to execution. The following screenshot shows how to access.

    Please note that this VI is lying will be called by TestStand. DO NOT USE THIS VI IN A CUSTOM USER INTERFACE!

    Thank you


    EDIT: This dummy code shows how to read the string parameter 'Return '. Each parameter must be read separately with appropriate playback function.

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    Thank you

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