How to go to the next slide during Drag and Drop

I'm trying to go automatically to the next slide after the user makes a three 'drop zone' drag and drop.

I see the action on the successes in the Panel. I chose to go to the next slide, but nothing happens after I have test.

I also put in place the right answers for the drop areas three and thought that could trigger the part of "success."

but still nothing happens.

Any thoughts?

Hi again,

I understand, but in order to move to the next slide automatically the drag and drop must be introduced. It doesn't matter whether or not you include your drag and drop in a quiz. The option to send automatic drag / move it will include not a quiz, is to check if the answers are correct or not. You can leave to include it in an unchecked quiz.

Thank you!

Tags: Adobe Captivate

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    It looks like you can be a break the blade while it is still mitigation, while some of the objects on the slide fade.

    Watch your timeline and check that the point break for any interactive objects it (click boxes, buttons, etc.) are at least a second slide.

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    private void myDragDrop(e:DragEvent):void {}
    e.Whatthe #* &$

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    Use calculateDropIndex(event:DragEvent) which is a function
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    And it works:

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    Thank you, Joan!

  • How to prepare list for garbage collection after drag and drop operation

    Hi all

    I have a view in a mobile application that contains a list with the help of drag / move. The problem I encounter is that the NativeDragManagerImpl maintains a reference to this list in its _dragInitiator and _relatedObject properties. It is not a memory leak by - say, because the reference will be replaced the next time make drag and drop is used, however, my view that preclude any garbage collection, causing an unacceptable peak memory.

    Here is an example which illustrates the problem (app default AIR using Flex 4.5.1):


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="" xmlns:local="*"
                                                         xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:s="library://" width="800"
                                  protected function start_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                                            var element:ListGroup = new ListGroup();
                                  protected function stop_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
              <s:Panel id="panel" top="100" left="100" bottom="100" right="100" title="Drag Drop Test">
                                  <s:Button label="Start" click="start_clickHandler(event)" />
                                  <s:Button label="Clear" click="stop_clickHandler(event)" />


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx="" xmlns:mx="library://"
                         xmlns:s="library://" width="100%" height="100%">
                        <s:HorizontalLayout />
              <s:List id="sourceList" width="100%" height="100%" dragEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true">
                                            <fx:String>Item 1</fx:String>
                                            <fx:String>Item 2</fx:String>
                                            <fx:String>Item 3</fx:String>
                                            <fx:String>Item 4</fx:String>
              <s:List id="targetList" width="100%" height="100%" dragEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true">

    If you drag items to the list on the right, there is always at least one instance of ListGroup stuck in memory for the duration of execution (as seen in the profiler).

    Is there a way to perform cleanup on the DragManager (or in fact the underlying DragManagerImpl) upward to a time of my choosing? Thoughts or ideas will be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks a lot for your time!

    I think I'd be monkey-patch NativeDragManagerImpl.  And create a bug report.

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    Thank you!

    Hide the button back to begin with. A tip action can be triggered by an event the success and failure of the & slipped. I guess that you will need at least two commands:

    • View the "back" button
    • Go to the next slide.

    It seems the simplest solution. You can also ignore the slide D & D when they enter a second time, but then you will need a Boolean variable to be turned on/off by these same events and a conditional action on which checks this variable and immediately jumps to the next slide when it is set to 1.

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    If possible, let me know!

    Thank you!



    It is possible to redrag and withdraw the power of pull by setting the following two parameters.

    1 Select the Target Drop, Drag and Drop Panel > accordion target Drop, change of position as "absolute".

    2. activate the option "Source Redrag dropped" to drag and drop the Panel > accordion Interaction properties.

    But with these parameters, it allows to drag the object even when it is removed properly.

    Thank you

    VERALINE Sukumaran.

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    G, day,

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    PS My incoming mail has also stopped. Moderate P.C. Savvy.

    Kind regards.

    Alan B.

    The button send when you are working in a new message or a reply. It is not in the view of the overall message.

    Missing when you create a new message or reply to a message?

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    Thank you for your help


    Yes, it can be done. See this question recently on the same subject.

  • Problem slider disappears / Drag and Drop does not work

    Hey everybody,

    I have an urgent problem.

    Three butterflies are supposed to be slipped into an object.  My custom cursor is a kind of net to catch these butterflies.

    For the cursor, I have this code:

    cursor_mc.StartDrag ("true");
    Mouse.Hide ();

    My drag and drop code is:

    cursor_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
    redbutterfly_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
    violetbutterfly_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);
    yellowbutterfly_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMove);

    cursor_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
    redbutterfly_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
    violetbutterfly_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);
    yellowbutterfly_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopMove);

    function startMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {}
    redbutterfly_mc.StartDrag ();
    cursor_mc.StartDrag ();
    violetbutterfly_mc.StartDrag ();
    yellowbutterfly_mc.StartDrag ();

    function stopMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {}
    redbutterfly_mc.stopDrag ();
    cursor_mc.stopDrag ();
    violetbutterfly_mc.stopDrag ();
    yellowbutterfly_mc.stopDrag ();

    But when I'm clicking on a butterfly my cursor stops to move and stay on the throttle position, that I'm dragging. After a fall, there is no cursor at all so we don't know where the mouse is currently located.

    Anyone know why it does not work? I am currently working with a mousefollower, because right now, it's the only way it works...

    The mousefollower code is:

    addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler)

    function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void {}
    cursor_mc.x += cursor_mc.mouseX / 4;
    cursor_mc.y += cursor_mc.mouseY / 4;

    But now I have the problem that only the Yellow Butterfly moves even if I'm clicking on red or purple...

    Please help me! Thank you in advance!

    Try to use the following code to manage the cursor_mc...

    Mouse.Hide ();
    cursor_mc.mouseEnabled = false; keep the cursor to interfere
    this.addChild (cursor_mc); to place the cursor at the highest level

    function moveCursor(evt:MouseEvent_=_null):void {}
    cursor_mc.x = mouseX;
    cursor_mc.y = mouseY;
    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveCursor);

    moveCursor(); to locate initially mouseover

  • The SMA ListBox control, drag and drop reorder?


    Is it possible if, in my box, I have a ListBox control on the SMA (Mac OS X) to reorganize the content of this list by dragging the elements around? I was not able to find examples in the sample code, nor any references to a DND API in the docs. Any help is very appreciated. As always, thanks in advance!


    No, I'm afraid there is no magical flag

    That said, I think it's a little better than what you have outlined. If you use the MDRI * set of objects, you override just Track (tracker IADMTracker) on the IADMHierarchyListEntry (as opposed to the IADMHierarchyList). If you do not, it'll still be the proc Track() on entry, not in the list, so that you always know which entry of the event began-the easy part. Everything else, basically to do yourself so, Yes. Here is roughly what I do:

    On mouse down, use PickLeafEntry (click) to figure out what clicked. I do a quick check at this stage to ensure that the click is not on the arrow of the expansion, but you probably haven't this problem if you use this for a straight up list box. Determine if the user has clicked entry is draggable; If so, set a flag that says "drag underway".

    Then, when intercept you the moving events, make something similar and determine which input you are hovering above. You can do things like set a flag on this entry when his drawn it looks different. Just make sure that when you hover over the following keep you a reference any to it so you can clear the said flag when you hover over again somewhere else, you want to probably check whether or not the entry in question is a viable drop target and you can attract once again, the entry on different.

    Finally, you enter the high action. Once more, I uses the location of the click to determine who it is and if it is a viable choice (you can always bail if you must!). Can I get a list of selected items and it's my list slipped.

    Now, if you do order it again, you will need to find tune elsewhere a little, since you will probably want to choose your "target" as "seams" between the elements, rather than elements, and you can not use the PickLeafEntry to do it - you can always convert the click for global or local coordinates and use it to know exactly where you are compared to the borders of the entry (for example within 5px or not).

    One last note: scrolling. Ugh, it's a pain in the *. In the action move I determine if I am near the top or bottom of the list and so I begin to scroll in the appropriate direction. I begin to scroll using a timer. I put the enum direction and activate the timer. In the callback, I check the direction and move up to an entry. The thing to do to go faster or slower is to adjust the length of the timer, based on how far above or below the mouse is the edge of the list box. I have a maximum and minimum range for the period, and whenever the scroll of the pulse timer, I recalulate his period and restart (after scrolling). In this way, it speeds up or slows down while you adjust your position. Yes, it's a lot of work, but I must admit, its pretty slick when its right.

    in any case, I hope it helps!

  • Go to the next slide just after the completion of TEB (text input area).

    Hello all-

    I am using Captivate 4.

    I have a training course of the system where we require students to enter the date in BER.  After the date is entered, I want that Captivate to move to the next slide.  For example, on the screen 1, learner seizes '060510', then Captivate should advance to the next slide.

    I can do Captivate work very well with the menus text: for example, if the learner takes the correct menu item 'A', so I can put the shortcut to A key that causes Captivate to move to the next slide right now and very well.  But I can't figure out how to make this work with dates.  Any suggestions?

    I can explain why this works, but if I have the key set of shortcut input box text to be using 0 the ' or number: "drop-down list field, then both digital keypad and keyboard work for me.  If I set to include numberic keyboard, then select Numpad 0 AC doesn't work both ways.

    Try to use only the 0 in the number of drop-Numberic keyboard include unchecked.

  • Impossible to go to the next slide after the addition of advanced response and other action

    I'm creating a quiz and there are problems, that I can't solve.
    I have a flash project with the login page, where the user must fill out name, company and e-mail address. This e-mail address to send the results of the quiz. After correctly to fill in the gaps and click OK, my flash app starts within the project Adobe captive 4 (swf file). And now the problems:

    1. in my captivate project: I have a question, 3 replies, 3 possible attempts and only one correct answer. If the wrong answer user, there are gray hightlight, which should apears on my chosen wrong answer in a box and stay there to mark already selected response and there is also an animation of text "Sorry, your answer is not correct." under the quiz (on the same blade), who appears the error message instead. No problem, it works, I made a script for it, which is attached to each wrong answer (in edit the Question > advanced (responses) > execute advanced measures). But the problem is with the right answer (it shows text animation "Congratulations!" and the hightlight green box). If I specify the event on the right answer, and then send the correct answer, it shows the hightlight, animating text box, but it does not continue to the next slide! It stucks despite settings change the Question > Options > (if correct) Action: go to the next slide). If I add new statement to my script, which is "Go to the next slide" and then click on the right answer, she immediately move to the next page and does not display the box hightlight and animating text. How can I wait until the duration of the animation ends and after that go to the next slide?

    Script for action advanced on my correct answer is:
    --> To see the rightHighlightBox
    --> To see the congratulationsText

    2. I need to another option of fail passes, for example - I have 30 questions - 3 correct answers, 3 attempts. User submits the wrong answer, then he has the right, but he chose the wrong first-> 0 points. This is e-learning and I need allow users to correct.

    3. How can I export the value of correctAnswers for my flash? Is this possible?

    Thank you very much for the reply!


    Add a statement "Continues" at the end of your script, otherwise you will need to click on Skip to go to the next slide.

    And Quzzing information is accessed directly from Flash using the Quizn variable.

    Thank you

  • Drag and drop the blocks slide the whole project


    my project structure looks like this more or less:

    (1) ' normal glide. "

    (2) a slide with drag and drop tasks

    (3) sliding normal. "

    (4) Quiz random Question pool slides

    (5) ' normal glide. "

    What is the problem? When the quiz is finished and you click on view or try again button, drag and drop (No. 2) then appear it works correctly as long as the blade drag-and - déposer is removed. What is the problem?

    BTW. Could you suggest me how to randomize the slides in question with regard to the manufacture of new parts inside to open a project? In other words, I need allow the user to get a new set of random questions after you click try again. I don't want him to get the same as it had previously.

    See you soon

    It is only possible to get a new set of questions at random, if the course is raised.

    Regarding your first question: is slide it drop & set up as a question? If it is included in the Quiz, this is the normal behavior of recovery and review both will get back to the D & D slide.

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    Thanks and best,


    You can't and can never change how to drag and drop work - if you hold down the option key by dragging and dropping a picture, you will get the unmodified original or are you export the unmodified original, you will get it


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