How to retrieve a model host?

Ladies and gentlemen,

I know I should know this, but I feel a little worse for wear this morning and can't get my head around this simple problem.

How to retrieve the host name of the virtual machine to a model?

From a virtual machine, it's as simple as:

VM - Get MY - VM | Get-vmhost

but the following does not work

Get-MY-MODEL | Get-vmhost

It just doesn't seem to be a Host property on an object model, or rather I can't get my mind to establish what property to track down. (This is probably due to the low amount of blood in my alcohol stream).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



A model is nothing more then a "special" virtual machine

Unfortunately the Get-VMHost cmdlet doesn't seem to know how to handle this type of virtual machine.

If you have 2 choices:

(1) convert the model to a virtual machine, and then use the Get - VM | Method Get-VMHost

(2) find the host with the object of the SDK VirtualMachine

This is a sample script for the 2nd method

Get-Template | Select @{Name = "Template"; Expression = {$_.Name}},
                      @{Name = "Host"; Expression = {(Get-View (Get-Template -Name $_.Name | Get-View).Summary.Runtime.Host).Name}}

A lining of 1 1/2 but then after all it is Friday

Tags: VMware

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    Thank you

    That is why it is generally useful to mention the version of Oracle you are using, especially if you are using a version 4 releases old...

    That said, you can probably still use the UTL_INADDR package

    SQL> select utl_inaddr.get_host_name( null ) from dual;
    SQL> select utl_inaddr.get_host_address( null ) from dual;


    Published by: Justin Cave Sep 29, 2008 22:54

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    {} Selector
    ID: Zodiac
    string myValue property: "RAM - Rat".
    Title: "Zodiac".
    Description: zodiac.myValue
    genre: PickerKind.List / / end of onSelectedValueChanged

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    Source: "zodiacvalues.xml".
    } / / end of dataModel

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    content: {container
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    Label {text: zodiac.myValue ;}}

    Thank you

    Hi BabyPinky,

    Check it,

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        Container {
            Picker {
                id: zodiac
                property string myValue: "Aries - Rat"
                title: "Zodiac"
                description: zodiac.myValue
                dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                    source: "model.xml"
                } // end of dataModel
                pickerItemComponents: [
                    PickerItemComponent {
                        type: "item1"
                        content: Container {
                            Label {
                                text: pickerItemData.background
                            } // end of Label
                        } // end of Container
                    }, // end of PickerItemComponent
                    PickerItemComponent {
                        type: "item2"
                        content: Container {
                            Label {
                                text: pickerItemData.text
                            } // end of Label
                        } // end of Container
                    } // end of PickerItemComponent
                ] // end of pickerItemComponents
                onSelectedValueChanged: {
                    var selectedItem =[ 1, selectedIndex(1) ]);
                    zodiac.myValue = selectedItem.text
                } // end of onSelectedValueChanged
            } // end of Picker
            Label {
                id: zodiacLabel
                text: zodiac.myValue
            } // end of Label
        } // end of Container
    }// end of Page

    also chek the section Index

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    Here is the access log captured by Fiddler, "" is my custom login page.

    -----------------------------Web Gate 10g (IIS)----------------------------

    GET HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, xaml application / + xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application xbap, application / - excel, application / - powerpoint, application/msword, * / *.
    Referer: 252bDKaF9GdypVNZAKSdxSdUKcVCWHneHRRRtqdW8jcUEcTzohuCdCOvEgETz%252fksM7nsFHq01GHakc8174sXvcEE1l1jvsPy8f1CBf75DtguanLVIfenmUEp7kcRhe1vIgiBxmNefuhMKhLV%252fW%252fveJgnuMtWZ%252bgc2Yr%252bYFL5Qe9yz3Zz0Zn2d4PAzZWiS9teBrLqzAk6dU5dM9JTGdthstrhwjovP96J252mAGrRjo%252fFWTByyfrXYoQzETxV8QCDl8kDWaCsZl6V3Ahm94gDcTQrW8MYK8PJDlkUlnVtRtaDevrv4%252fQY%252bFvo78W1iKYM9v9O%252fu0EgPqyOJBg%252fYsBC5fI4VV7OvLZ1YoPb2v6IsepN9avD8nTB6B%252f5ZW0z1IxocptShWgjb5fMrDclA%252fEqgShz0QXzkoOa80cqLu%252bNEG7aUHQQXhZEG42zCN0NaJZbENpksK5ZyKo8U92KdjdSgHeUsFbWA0jZ%252b5nIIYHtesLFwoRZw%252f%252bbceyXAG8%252b6LMjJWYsRpl8bKKJejnOIvzM1dlY7PQ%252bf8eCtGxPkCaCa%252bkuJUkhHcK%252bsS5T2JMyocrBj0hIZsBXiWIrtmGr5h%252bbQIT8TdTfVCmUiv3zBRgDSvQqpJ3hAFc0NIk6zJS%252bPxSquhuYIH15G7zeN%252faW3sRecDpH8% 252bFqa7HsT7xDukI2c6Ro3x7Bvp5MBEBSITibP41PJo7f5kPP6wFIk3rMpsC9r7zsSU0pzN3RvWn5M5gNyQ4EZVuwYMFCfgIAjRKRcNUWHebwSMxsOhwrsYESNfA9rFYxtOapzvIcx63B%252baR%252bsQXHI%252fQ4eoP2VBkkCOktummpQ41bDC6elI5LhFrAlSwCT5qv4ytCSBRan6OfMZ%252bLSA5J%252fkFtTvx2aNbV&locale=en_US
    Accept-Language: en-US
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729 .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; NET4.0C;. NET4.0E)
    Cookie: ObSSOCookie=NQqPNA%2BvLoyIujMLO%2F3VWalLMpFbnK6IW4uvEl1piC8hoQVQw%2FqGbDdkVg%2BDDcx1O7YeJhFVYinyJtKF8vI3VTQ%2BL3StaWFRZFLl7KqHnQEqdNVgkn4FCfx49t2KzXNQ%2FxLBkF0olHoNU1P01VTMOdQsq4hzdc6C0B7X6PM9hoaVGWvVmsbUKr5BmqWBG0aHbT1HXgNKlVsDimyz2Q9iy%2Briiu8%2B7x190rm8PTm3uXqEUqs4zuvOSdjZGs77uUFzeYnEzQb6T9gcZqyUvo8OtXqnmrUtPwdva8UrV9GlUkymsWDDtNk3iIqapLxQL1oXHO0iH2KXzXfUAcnQca%2BfNw%3D%3D
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Pragma: non-cache
    Host: alan - hu .mydomain .com

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Cache-Control: non-cache, private
    Pragma: non-cache
    Content-Length: 649
    Content-Type: text/html; charset = utf-8
    Set-Cookie: UserID = TEST; Path = /.
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Date: Thu, 5 July 2012 08:14:13 GMT

    -----------------------------My Access Gate (IIS)----------------------------

    GET HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, xaml application / + xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application xbap, application / - excel, application / - powerpoint, application/msword, * / *.
    Referer: 252bSj9Aha6AKy3yPYlEOTA0o5HqOMe2NTu2sSvJxUJJW0ZYXvqkprkWsaw5SBACH473KY7WS0kqUIiV7UoN60cRdT9I3fAdyuLzWDS7dhGKKTstmpTxClQQNlw7XcDfdczqJJBRSwbZQyomnSPRcO%252f%252f5EY56wSXMJLv5WDkfb3RC4Va5rzXeQn1McihExvrymn6ztZ2A6zZso%252b0jDObEa%252bWioCBinvdK%252bF85qk8ai%252bLal30b27oNzFHKc1AELQ7eP%252bkoyXDYQpVeHfX9ujHGAcEdN4FTGyxBoIohbQb%252fEvl3uEga%252fsufBa%252fVcFVM8WTI59kUSOCKankogv9ABry7CxYByZURjjloQp1CZif%252fuN1ddg5yGMuqmvY7OFz8BIT8mm%252b0klysXJbcneztKbVm2njffvj29gardyyFZ1%252fXDPqMJM1OKVcughERRZW%252fHbBFZ5h%252fupGqhgXaNXZGoeg%252bm8iaAXqrxRIg7NHmK7VnEtIV2qo4iDYWl%252fmf09eJJHMrhhQNRLjV5drgiIwGuPZWVC4irUhXBOPixks8StHx0c0TV%252boIRPxiyupLJKzdlE0SBjplC1%252ffMjiVgQGqZ2zena7601QT89vmuU%252bkO1NoAnN8iwZNF1dT45RDbfg8TLcK1C0CGb29eN7dbwBtbgnAAOXX8F421RTSv9W6UAn%252bttP%252fr2teYO8eXOwFkGMrGkdxdt% 252b7%252fj9oH1nJ92Mviv5fiuxhnx9ukvyjQdkdGl0gnGVehnDIQODIXEG0EmEo9%252fJtQkNjgwLlKvTK5bcqIg0Kez27GqEKYhNc4XRsuYsfPQ2byH%252bnnsSDz%252bOLo43ub8vZ7XNWjMtQrNUpfbOwmw5jhfPsU9E2xgYTHGvDdbKBrLXgxQrO%252fSflCzRPhpc5gE9zOOFkCskHxy%252b%252bI8zyJFT7lEaIhz6WgXa5nk3An%252b9yukw2YkoFe1WB%252bfZsgdr%252fq%252b%252blUqjfUf1G5lHDUjODh0qh&locale=en_US
    Accept-Language: en-US
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729 .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; NET4.0C;. NET4.0E)
    Cookie: ObSSOCookie=fhyRb/mqqsz1Tk7Ma3aAvuTmisrarOveqR1FWPkCOKcMG860oQ/V/trZzor0ZPZs4lOl3yHvf83Jj1ahsffCMIueaSlJqHoBZPFB+uLlof9KV6OzyztVzLaxUql/qddGnzajvRs0ti9vKx84AsnMEbZwTcYdf8CNesOh5aSSgz4r6U2D3/rWaT/s1h7vda9rUhD7McjybboHWThM1sKVUGmDFJBA3XdXpwCbG+L35yw5NdablTgB8KOCaAiYDSNsbRkDRluzAxrwD9r/glEq9xI7X3fQ+t40PEQ/sIVFAy+BH6fqXUUEN6D8sc3GKt5RxxTzNzaHLoczlLyakAainQ==
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Pragma: non-cache
    Host: alan - hu .mydomain .com

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Cache-Control: private
    Content-Type: text/html; charset = utf-8
    Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
    X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
    X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
    Date: Thu, 5 July 2012 08:29:41 GMT
    Content-Length: 649

    Yes you can user authentication policy response to retrieve information about the user.
    ASDK provides APIs to retrieve information from the user. Here is the link for the api reference -

    You can use UserSession-> getActions() to retrieve actions specified in the authentication response.

    Hope this helps,

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    Take a look:

    If you have forgotten the password for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, or your device is disabled - Apple supports

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    Even if the e-mail account is closed the Apple is still valid. If he has forgotten the password, see: If you forgot your Apple ID - Apple Support password

    What follows has instructions on how to change the e-mail address he serves his Apple ID: change your Apple - Apple Support ID

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    I renamed a folder in Thunderbird, but it disappeared immediately. I opened all closed files to ensure it had not moved, but it does not appear on the left side of the screen. Any ideas where he might have or how to retrieve the contents of the folder?

    Thanks in advance.

    I have marked you post as solved, but could you share how. We get a lot of very similar questions. Your experience can help me by informing the next person.

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    If you have an iTunes backup - you may be able to restore back to the top and the app will be restored with her


    You can download it from the app store

  • How to make a model for a quarter fold card

    How to make a model for a quarter fold card - horizontal and vertical format

    HI Mickey,

    Check the file > new file selector model to see if your version of Pages offers card models. This began as a two "single fold" card on US letter in landscape orientation.

    The model included three pages. Page 1 Page 2 inside, outside, and the third was a blank page. Only Page 1 was included in the original document.

    I started by the insertion of a page inside, containing two of the big text box below.

    Back to Page 1, I chose an image returned vertically then horizontally, then repeated this procedure with the text box that contains "Thank You".

    I traced the two objects, then moved inside page, placing the pair in the upper left corner.

    Inside page, I removed the text in the box on the left and replaced by "left inside,"a label to mark the position of this section in the final map. "

    I added a text box, entered 'Back' returned vertically then horizontally and dragged to the position shown.

    Save the result as a model.

    Using the same document, I went to file > layout and changed the landscape to Portrait orientation.

    Do drag the blue guides to the indicated positions, then reshape the elements to fit the new space.

    Save the result as a model (with a different name of the above registered version).

    Kind regards


    PS: Executed using Pages ' 09.

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    Replacement of Firefox 3.6.16 containing my history, bookmarks etc to version 4.0, I find that it does not open on my Mac Power PC G4 OS 10.4.11. Is there is a compatibility issue and how to retrieve version 3.6 with my favorites etc.

    Firefox 4 requires at least OS X 10.5 and an Intel Mac. There is a third part of Firefox 4 version that works under OS X 10.4/10.5 and PPC Macs, for details, see

    If you prefer, you can get the latest version of Firefox 3.6

    When you install one of the above it will use your existing bookmarks, etc.

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    In: Toshiba

    How to clear the model Toshiba Satellite PS271L - 6K 906 CMOS PASSWORD?
    Please respond to my E-mail [email protected]
    Thank you

    To: King
    Read this thread very carefully!

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    Someone knows how to identify my model number? On the bottom it says it is PSMD4L-O1E00C model and serial number is 48188716W but when I go to who must tell me the model number for use on the Web site for drivers etc it says - Combo series and model valid, couldn't find it in our database. Please try again

    Ive tried all combinations, in the case of O are zeros or O ideas?

    Its a satellite M300, I bought in Singapore


    To be honest, I never saw this Toshiba site
    Normally, the numbers are correct, because I compared it with my laptop.

    However, why you n t download the drivers on the site of Toshiba Asia? Here, I founded your model code, PSMD4L: => Services & Support

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    Unfortunately there is no way to recover messages text deleted from an iPhone, unless you had a previous backup in iTunes before delete you messages. Restore this backup would be the only way to recover deleted messages. Once they are deleted they are gone forever, unlike the Photos that you can pick up if accidentally deleted by restoring their from the album "recently deleted".

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    Original title: maintenance cleaning disc

    all my files were deleted and I don't know how to retrieve them.

    Hi BarbaraJenkins,

    ·         How do you delete files?

    ·         Did you remove them permanently? (Shift + delete)

    ·         What is the operating system installed on the computer?

    You can check if the files are available in the Recycle Bin

    Windows 7: recover files from the Recycle Bin

    Windows Vista: recover files from the Recycle Bin

    If there are no files in the Recycle Bin, then unfortunately, you maybe not be able to recover their return.

    However, try looking for a third-party software that can help you to do. You may need to search the Internet.

    Important note: this response contains a reference to third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft provides this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and no has not tested any software or information found on these sites; Therefore, Microsoft cannot make any approach to quality, security or the ability of a software or information that are there. There are the dangers inherent in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.

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    I sent an email to someone by mistake, how to retrieve the email until the receiver reads?

    You can not. It's like putting a letter in a physical mailbox. There is no way to recover it.

Maybe you are looking for