I have problem with Photosgop elements 14

  1. Company Adobe, ho a problema e chiedo a Voi di help:

Premetto, ho a PC con da 10 Windows in windows of da aggiornamento 8.1, e a i5 - 3750K

CPU 3.40 GHz 3.30 GHz, sistema a 64 bit con 16 Gb di RAM; Yesterday ho labor-intensive software of it dall'Adobe "Photoshop Elements 14" (premetto che avevo only Photoshop Elements 7 e funziona egregiamente).

Ho inniziato ad installarlo my dopo aver Program scompattato I have files nella cartella sul desktop "Adobe Photoshop Elements 14" ed begun ad installare, mi compare United Nations con box the th:«Error di inizializzazione del programma di film.» "Download Adobe Support Advisor by find it problema" Ho tried a download Adobe support my mi dice che "Adobe Support Advisor e stato hold off." Non sono riuscito a cars Adobe Reed perched non vi e una E-mail available per i problemi degli my solo users a forum in inglese. COSA posso fare? Ho will i soldi inutilmente o vi e una soluzione al problema? HO a PC (no mio) altro con windows 7 ultimate 64 bit e li riesco ad installarlo. MI potete help? Grazie anticipate. Saluti, Calogero Mascari

Dear Adobe, I have a problem and ask you to help me:

I declare, I have a PC running Windows 10 Windows 8.1 upgrade, is an i5 - 3750K

03:40 GHz CPU 3.30 GHz, 64 bit system with 16 GB of RAM; yesterday I bought the software from Adobe "Photoshop Elements 14" (I declare that I had installed Photoshop Elements 7 and works very well).

I inniziato to install it, but after the program unzipped files in the folder on the desktop "Adobe Photoshop Elements, 14" and has started to install, I get a box with the warning: "error Installer initialization. Download Adobe Support Advisor to detect the problem, "I tried to download the Support from Adobe, it is said that" Adobe Support Advisor was arrested. "I couldn't contact Adobe also because an E-Mail is available for users, but only an English forum problems. What can I do? I spent money needlessly, or there is a solution to the problem? I have another PC with windows 7 ultimate 64-bit (not mine) and I can install it. Can you help me? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Calogero Mascari

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