I need help to write a script that detects the first instance of a paragraph style and then change

I need help to write a script that detects the first instance of a paragraph style and then he goes to a different paragraph style.  I don't necessarily need someone to write all this, by the biggest problem is to find how to find just the first instance of the paragraph style.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


then try this with your active doc:


myDoc var = app.activeDocument;

mStyle var = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item ("PS_NameToFind"); change the name to paraStyle

var mStyle_1 = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item ("PS_NameToChange"); change the name to paraStyle

var mFrames = myDoc.pages.everyItem ().textFrames.everyItem () .getElements ();

app.findTextPreferences = null;

app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = mStyle;

for (var k = 0; k)< mframes.length;="">


currFound = mFrames [k] .findText ();

If (currFound.length > 0)

currFound [0] .paragraphs [0] .appliedParagraphStyle = mStyle_1;


app.findTextPreferences = null;



Tags: InDesign

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    I know it of very frustrating when his apprenticeship and things don't go as planned, but understand that it is quite confusing as it is and do not add more confusion to the mix by using other tools than those provided. I mean JSLint, it might be useful with GENERAL javascript syntax, but Adobe's Javascript implementation is another animal, or another language, always JavaScript, but intended to be run by its own engine. JSLint has no idea what "layers", or "pathItems" are, it will trigger errors when he sees the objects, it does not recognize.

    .. .in learning... not to take baby, write a single line of code and run... If it works, write another line of code

    Try this version (always in the ESTK),'re missing you a few "++", and you do not change "documents" with "docs" in a certain place

    var docs = File.openDialog("Select Files to Open", "*.ai", true);
    var idx = 0;
    for (idx = 0; idx < docs.length; ++idx) {
        var doc = app.open(docs[idx]);
        var myCounter = 0;
        for (myCounter = 0; myCounter < doc.layers.length; myCounter++) {
            doc.layers[myCounter].locked = false;
        doc.layers.getByName('Through Cut').hasSelectedArtwork = true;   
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    current script:

    var doc = app.activeDocument,

    pStyle = ['100% ', '120% ', '133% '];

    for (var i = 0; i < pstyle.length; i ++)


    If (pstyle [i] is "100 %")


    doc.paragraphStyles.add ({name: pstyle [i], appliedFont: 'Deer', pointSize:10});})


    ElseIf (pstyle [i] == "120 %")


    doc.paragraphStyles.add ({name: pstyle [i], appliedFont: "Deer", pointSize:10 * 1,2})


    ElseIf (pstyle [i] == "133 %")


    doc.paragraphStyles.add ({name: pstyle [i], appliedFont: "Deer", pointSize:10 * 1.33333})



    Try this,

    var doc = app.activeDocument,
        pstyle = ["100%", "120%", "133%" ];
    for(var i =0;i

    Kind regards


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    Hello Kenneth Pincus,

    You can create a new profile on the computer and if the desktop icons stay on their position. If this is not the case, the other profile is corrupt. To create a new user profile, you can see the article mentioned below for the procedure.

    How to create and configure user accounts in Windows XP



    How to copy data from a corrupted to a new profile in Windows XP user profile


    Let us know the results.

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    Thank you.


    Try something like this

    Get - VM |

    Select Name,

    @{N = "OS"; E={$_. ExtensionData.Config.GuestFullName}},

    @{N = "VideoRamMB"; E = {}

    [math]: Round (($_.)) ExtensionData.Config.Hardware.Device |

    where {$_-is [VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineVideoCard]} |

    (Select VideoRamSizeInKB - ExpandProperty) / 1 Ko, 1).

    }} |

    Export-Csv vm - videoram.csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

  • Help with a script that detects the content in a cell and apply the cell style to line


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    function checkWhichTable()
    // ensure the user made a selection
    if (app.selection.length != 1)
    return null;
    var currentTable = app.selection[0];
    if (currentTable.hasOwnProperty("baseline"))
    currentTable = app.selection[0].parent;
    while (currentTable instanceof Cell || currentTable instanceof Row || currentTable instanceof Column)
    currentTable = currentTable.parent;
    if (!(currentTable instanceof Table))
    // No table selected
    return null;
    return currentTable;
    app.doScript(checkUserSelection, ScriptLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, undefined, UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT, "Process Table");
    function checkUserSelection ()
    var a_table = checkWhichTable();
    if (a_table == null)
    if (confirm("No table selected. Do you want to process *all* tables?") == false)
    allTables = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem().getElements();
    for (aTable=0; aTable<allTables.length; aTable++)
    processTable (allTables[aTable]);
    } else
    processTable (a_table);
    function processTable(table)
    // do something here!
    //Set 1st Row Height
    table.rows[0].height = "30mm";
    //Find Text in Cell and apply Cell Style to Row 
      myCellText=['Budget', 'Budget:', 'Budget: (E)'];  
     var myRegEx = new RegExp("^("+myCellText.join("|")+")$");
      for (i=0; i<table.cells.length; i++)
        if (table.cells[i].texts[0].contents.match(myRegEx))
          table.cell[i].appliedCellStyle = "SponsorCells";
    //end - do something here!

    I can get the script to apply the cell style to "SponsorCells" for each cell that contain the word 'Budget' etc, but I need cell ever on this line to have the cell style applied. I tried to re-write line 56 which applies the style to a cell, but I can't seem to make it work. Any help would be great.

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    Thanks in advance!

    But that could be painfully slow. To speed things up, follow these steps:

    var cells = table.cells.everyItem().getElements();
    for (var i=0; i

    It is faster, because it creates an array of cells with a call to table.cells, which is several times faster than calling table.cells. And before assigning to line 12mm height is useful to check if it is already 12 mm. checking things in InDesign and do things only when it is necessary is much more effective than simply doing things even if they are not necessary.

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    (1) create a snapshot of the virtual machine

    (2) keep the snapshot of the machine virtual for a period of 24 hours (or anytime definable)

    (3) remove the snapshot... .Rinse and repeat

    Sort of a "backup" of 24 hours. One of our VMs finance must be able to quickly return to the config of the previous days

    All licensees/aid

    Thanks in advance

    At its very simplest, you could do something in powershell and run every 24 hours on your virtual machine center:

    #Add PowerCLI

    Add-PSSnapin-name 'VMware.VimAutomation.Core '.

    http://Reflection.Assembly: LoadWithPartialName ("vmware.vim")

    $VCServer = "VCServer.

    $VMName = "FinanceVM".

    $SnapName = "NightlyBackupSnap".

    $VM = get-VM-name $VMName

    Remove-Snapshot - Snapshot (Get-Snapshot - name $SnapName - VM $VM) - confirm: $False

    New-Snapshot - VM $VM - name $SnapName - suspend: $True - confirm: $False

  • Need help importing CSV file with commas in the rest of the data

    I have a linux script that gets the CSV files from a remote server and import the data into a table using SQLLoader.

    The problem I have is that the data in the CSV files sometimes contains commas in the text field that is interfering with the import and I have no control over what is in the file.

    my table:

    Create the table my_tab
    * (TIME_STAMP date, *)
    REQUEST_IP varchar2 (30),
    User_id varchar2 (30),

    example of a CSV file:

    * 27032011 story 232708,,user123,cstmr_view_hlr_history,0,Viewed with 10 results per page for 1234567890 *.
    * 232737,,user123,cstmr_view_customer,0,Facility 27032011 [display] selected *.
    * 232744,,user123,cstmr_add_gprs,0,Facility 27032011 [Add x] selected *.
    * 232759,,user456,cstmr_hlr_request,0,Facility 27032011 [x orders] selected *.
    * 27032011 added 232806,,user123,cstmr_hlr_request,2,Customer note: note [x], MSISDN [1234567890] *.
    * 232806,,user789,cstmr_hlr_request,0 27032011, queue update: Action [46], IMSI [1234567890] old [, MSISDN IMSI [1234567890] *.
    * 232815,,user789,cstmr_view_customer,0,Facility 27032011 [display] selected *.
    * 27032011 232822,,user123,cstmr_view_customer,5,Screen ' display customer details ': MSISDN [1234567890] *.
    * 27032011 232702,,user456,cstmr_hlr_request,0,Queue update: Action [45], IMSI [1234567890] old [, MSISDN IMSI [12345678901], AFN [], [PDPREC] *.
    * 27032011 connection 232825,,user456,adm_login,1,Successful: user [user_name] *.
    * 232829,,user456,cstmr_view_customer,0,Facility 27032011 [display] selected *.

    How can I get around the commas in the text?

    Published by: cinnamon on April 4, 2011 08:07

    There is a way to do it, but it depends on a few assumptions, and (b) you have to jump through hoops to do it.

    First of all, this only works if there is no comma request_id, user_id or facility_id. (if there is, then you're stuck, because there is no way to determine which commas are part of data and those that are separators.)

    Second, he must know if there are any particular character - say | -who never appears in the detail.

    If you can do both of these assumptions, then what you have to do is:
    (1) create an array that consists of a single VARCHAR2 column large enough to hold longer line of your input data.
    (2) to import your data into this table.
    (3) replace the first five commas in each row of the table with. (or whatever your "unused" character).
    For example:

    UPDATE temp_data_table
    SET row_text = REPLACE(SUBSTR(row_text, 1, INSTR(row_text, ',', 1, 5)), ',', '|') || SUBSTR(row_text,  INSTR(row_text, ',', 1, 5) + 1);

    (4) write a SQL INSERT command to build your target table according to the values separated by the | characters.


  • Need help to optimize this script.


    I use ID CS5 on Windows7.

    I have a requirment where I need to type text in a block of text perticular and copied it to any other text frames.

    I wrote this little script that does the job for me.

    It has a few obvious repitations and is ineffective.

    Please help me optimize it.

    myDocument var = app.activeDocument;

    myPage var = myDocument.pages.item (0);

    find a block of text with the title of specific script and store its content in a variable

    for (var i = 0; i < myPage.pageItems.length; i ++)


    currItem = myPage.pageItems.item (i);

    If (currItem.label is "ParentText")


    source var = currItem.contents;



    find all the blocks of text except the text with the title of script block and set its content to the source

    for (var i = 0; i < myPage.pageItems.length; i ++)


    currItem = myPage.pageItems.item (i);

    If (currItem.label! = "ParentText")


    currItem.contents = source;




    You could match to your 'model' textFrame using string functions.

    Text operations are faster and there is no need of extra loops:

              mLabel = "ParentText",
              mBreak = ";_;",
              mString = app.activeDocument.textFrames.everyItem().label.join(mBreak ),
              mID = mString.search(mLabel),
              mFrames = app.activeDocument.textFrames.everyItem().getElements(),
              source, k;
    if (mID == -1)  { alert ("Desired label not found"); exit(); }
    mID = mString.slice(0,mID).split(mBreak).length - 1;
    source = app.activeDocument.textFrames[mID].contents;
    for (k = 0; k < mFrames.length; k++)
              if (mFrames[k].label != mLabel)
                        mFrames[k].contents = source;

    Arrival to the string table returns a string,

    Search method returns the index

    Slice method cut the string.

    Split method trasforms it back towards the table length (minus 1) is equal to the index of the textFrame.

    The rest is to change the content of the frames inside a loop


  • is it possible to write a script that will display the script files folder in the tree

    is it possible to write a script that will display the script files folder in the tree

    Yes :-)

    In your previous post, someone suggested to search for the file "SnpCreateTreeview.jsx", because it would just be the asked.

    The script can be found here, just accept the EULA and download the example scripts of Bridge CS3. (For some reason it is not in CS4 samples because as far as I know)

    Here's a version with small changes, it is up to you to point the script in the folder 'root' right, because this is, needless to C: on PC:

    Copyright 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    All rights reserved
    NOTE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file according to the
    the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.  If you received this file from one
    source other than Adobe, then your use, modification or distribution of it is required in advance
    written permission from Adobe.

    @fileoverview shows how to use an item in the tree list and how to capture events with
    functions of recall or script registered event listeners.
    @class shows how to use an item in the tree list and how to capture events with
    functions of recall or script registered event listeners.

    Its use


    1. Run the extract in the ExtendScript Toolkit (see Readme.txt).
    2. Enlarge / reduce the list items
    3. Check the JavaScript Console to see the events captured by the elements of the TreeView.



    Creates two hierarchical list of TreeView items. One is static, with a fixed set of point
    nodes that you can expand and collapse. The other is dynamic; Item nodes are added and removed as
    the need for a view of the file system.

    The list items in the TreeView control to display the folders and files custom images.  When you add items to the
    TreeView list, type 'article' is used for elements of the leaf and 'node' to the elements of the container.

    Dynamic TreeView captures events in two different ways. It uses callback functions to capture the
    node to expand and collapse events and selection changes and also registers an event listener to
    capture double-click events.

    @constructor constructor
    #targetengine "session".
    function SnpCreateTreeView()
    The context in which this code snippet can work.
    @type string
    this.requiredContext = "\tNeed runs in the context of the Bridge\n."

    The location of this script file system
    @type file
    var scriptsFile = new File($.fileName);
    The location of the file system resource PNG file used to represent folders
    @type file
    this.folderIcon = new file (scriptsFile.path + "/ resources/Folder_16x16.png");

    The location of the file system resource PNG file used to represent files
    @type file
    this.fileIcon = new file (scriptsFile.path + "/ resources/Story_16x16.png");

    The root folder that will be used for the dynamic tree
    @type string

    If (File.fs is "Windows")
    this.rootFolder = "C:";
    on the other
    this.rootFolder = ' / ';.

    Functional part of this code snippet. Creates the ScriptUI window and its components,
    and defines the behavior.
    @return true if the code snippet is executed as scheduled, false otherwise
    Boolean @type
    SnpCreateTreeView.prototype.run = function()

    $.writeln ("about to"run SnpCreateTreeView");
    Create the window
    var win = new window ("palette", "SnpCreateTreeView", undefined, {resizable: false});

    Create the Committee for the static TreeView control
    sPanel var = win.add ('Committee', undefined, 'TreeView Élément') static;
    sPanel.alignment = ["fill",""];
    sPanel.alignChildren = ["fill",""]

    Create a TreeView list
    sTv var = sPanel.add ("treeview");
    sTv.preferredSize = (300, 200);
    Add static items to the list, in a hierarchical structure.
    for (var i = 0; i)<>
    sTv.add ("node", "Item" + i);
    for (var j = 0; j)<>
    sTv.items [i] .add ("item", "Sub Item" + j);

    Create the Committee for the dynamic TreeView control
    var dPanel dynamic = win.add ('Committee', undefined, 'TreeView Élément');
    Create a TreeView list
    TV digital var = dPanel.add ("treeview", undefined);
    dTv.preferredSize = (400, 300);
    Create the root node element
    var aNode = dTv.add ("node", "/");
    Pair it with an image of the icon
    aNode.image = this.folderIcon;

    Define a handler for the double clicks
    myOnDoubleClick = Function
    if(e.detail == 2)
    $.writeln ("double click");

    Adds the handler as an event listener to the TreeView element.
    dTv.addEventListener ("click", myOnDoubleClick);

    Keep a reference to this object
    var that = this;

    Define an event handler for when a node is expanded
    dTv.onExpand = function (point)
    $.writeln (item.text + "is now expanded.");
    nextItem var = item;
    var path = "";
    goUp var = true;

    While (goUp)
    path = "/" + nextItem.text + path;
    nextItem = nextItem.parent;
    If (instanceof TreeView nextItem)
    goUp = false;

    Remove all children of this element
    item.removeAll ();

    var Ref = new file (that.rootFolder + path);
    If (Ref instanceof Folder)
    children var = ref.getFiles ();
    for (var i = 0; i)<>
    If (children [i] instanceof file)
    Item.Add ("node", children [i] p:System.NET.mail.MailAddress.DisplayName);
    Item.Items [i] .image = that.folderIcon;
    on the other
    Item.Add ("item", children [i] p:System.NET.mail.MailAddress.DisplayName);
    Item.Items [i] .image = that.fileIcon;

    Define an event handler for when a node is reduced
    dTv.onCollapse = function (point)
    $.writeln (item.text + "is now reduced.");

    Define an event handler for when the selection changes
    dTv.onChange = function()
    $.writeln ("selection changed");

    Display the window
    Win.Show ();
    $.writeln ("Ran SnpCreateTreeView");
    Returns true;

    "main program": construct an anonymous instance and run
    as long as we are not unit - test this code snippet.
    If (typeof (SnpCreateTreeView_unitTest) == 'undefined') {}
    new SnpCreateTreeView () .run ();

  • Can any body help to get a script that can generate the sequence (length 3) with a combination of numbers and characters example: T11... TA1... TZ9... then on

    Can any body help to get a script that can generate the sequence (length 3) with a combination of numbers and characters example: T11... TA1... TZ9... then on

    With the help of the clause type

    Select sqnc

    from (select sqnc

    from (select 'T00"sqnc, '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ordr

    of the double



    size of (0 I)

    measures (sqnc, ordr, length (ordr) len)

    rules iterate (1300) until (instr(sqnc[iteration_number],'~')! = 0)

    (sqnc [iteration_number] = case when sqnc [cv (i) - 1] is null

    then sqnc [0]

    of another substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 1, 1) |

    -case when substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 2, 1)<=>

    so when business substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 3, 1)<>

    then substr (ordr [0], instr (ordr [0], substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 2, 1)), 1)

    of another nvl (substr (ordr [0], instr (ordr [0], substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 2, 1)) + 1.1),'~ ')


    end |

    -case when substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 3, 1)<>

    then substr (ordr [0], instr (ordr [0], substr (sqnc [iteration_number - 1], 3, 1)) + 1.1)

    else ' 0'





    where instr(sqnc,'~') = 0



  • Need a script that lists the VM with a snapshot


    I am relatively new to powershell scripting and even newer to the vSphere CLI. I have no problem reading and understanding scripts, but what makes one is another story. In any case, I'm looking for help to create a script that will check that all the vm's on all ESX hosts, if they have a snapshot and if they echo the name of the virtual machine to the screen.

    That's what I have so far but I'm stuck and probably on the wrong track. Any help/suggestions are welcome!

    $user = "< removed >.
    $passw = "< removed >.
    $VIServers = "< IP ESXi host >", "< IP ESX Host1 >', '< IP ESX Host2 >', '< IP ESX Host3 >', '< IP ESX Host4 >', '< IP ESX Host5 >', '< IP ESX Host6 >.

    {foreach ($VIServer to $ViServers)
    SE connect-VIServer-Server $VIServer - user $user-password $passw
    $vms = get-vmhost $VIServer | Get - vm

    {foreach ($vm to $vms)
    < code that checks to see if there is a snapshot and echo is the name of the virtual machine to the screen. Clueless >


    Forward thanks!

    Kind regards


    Why directly to the ESX: you?... To connect to vCenter instead and then it s very easy...

    Get - VM | Get-Snapshot | Select the virtual machine, name, Description, created. Kind created


  • Need help to write a sub query

    Our environment - Oracle 10 g

    Hi all
    Need help to write a sub query to reach him here are examples of data using which iam trying to replace the value column in the table based on two other columns in the same table

    Examples of data

    ClaimNo flag LineNo Procedurecode
    100 01 N MN4567
    100 02 Y 7863
    100 03 N MN8976
    100 04 Y 9000
    101 01 Y 8954
    101 02 N MN6754
    101 03 N MN7654
    101 04 Y 8976
    102 01 Y 1234
    102 02 Y 2345
    102 03 Y 3456
    102 03 Y 4567

    Each column of ClaimNo has several rows of data. But if column procedurecode for a claimNo starts with MN then all values associated with the claimno for the flag column should replace N

    If the data must become like below

    ClaimNo flag LineNo Procedurecode
    100 01 N MN4567
    100 02 N 7863
    100 03 N MN8976
    100 04 N 9000
    101 01 N 8954
    101 02 N MN6754
    101 03 N MN7654
    101 04 N 8976
    102 01 Y 1234
    102 02 Y 2345
    102 03 Y 3456
    102 03 Y 4567

    Thank you

    See the example:

    with t as (
                  select 100 ClaimNo, '01' LineNo, 'N' Flag, 'MN4567' Procedurecode from dual
        union all select 100, '02', 'Y', '7863' from dual
        union all select 100, '03', 'N', 'MN8976' from dual
        union all select 100, '04', 'Y', '9000' from dual
        union all select 101, '01', 'Y', '8954' from dual
        union all select 101, '02', 'N', 'MN6754' from dual
        union all select 101, '03', 'N', 'MN7654' from dual
        union all select 101, '04', 'Y', '8976' from dual
        union all select 102, '01', 'Y', '1234' from dual
        union all select 102, '02', 'Y', '2345' from dual
        union all select 102, '03', 'Y', '3456' from dual
        union all select 102, '03', 'Y', '4567' from dual
          when count(decode(substr(procedurecode,1,2),'MN',1)) over(partition by claimno)>0
            then 'N'
          else flag
        end new_flag,
    from t

    Kind regards
    Sayan M.

  • the friends hyii UA HUD need help how to make a backup of the files from his deleted with (shift + delete) memory card

    the friends hyii UA HUD need help how to make a backup of the files from his deleted with (shift + delete) memory card


    It seems that you want to restore the files removed from the memory card.

    I will definitely help you with this.

    I would say you can search the Internet for data recovery software by using your favorite search engine.

    Warning: Using third-party software, including hardware drivers can cause serious problems that may prevent your computer from starting properly. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the use of third-party software can be solved. Software using third party is at your own risk.

    It will be useful. If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know. We will be happy to help you.

    Thank you.

  • I'm on Acrobat 10 and I need help with the distribution of shape feature. Is there a way to change the registration e-mail download addressed to the? Currently all forms I create and then distribute may only be subjected to my email account... I appreciat

    I'm on Acrobat 10 for mac and I need help with the distribution of shape feature. Is there a way to change the registration e-mail download addressed to the? Currently all forms I create and then distribute may only be subjected to my email account... I appreciate any help!

    Do not use the feature distribute the form. Instead of this, just put up a button "submit" and configure it to send email using any email address you want. Just add a button and set the action of the mouse upward on "Submit a form" and use a type mailto URL and specify that you want to send the full PDF. Then activate the reader of the document: where "Advanced/extended features in Adobe Reader" is located in Acrobat XI?

    If you really want to use distribute the form for some reason, change the e-mail address in your preferences: Edit > Preferences > identity > Email address

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