I need to round up a formula a.5

I'm working on a formula that calculates the total for a review to a percentage.  They want the overall score to round to the nearest le.5.  It is pretty basic formulas.  Here is an example

First section is GA40 (section with a value of 40%)

Section two is CCR (section with a value of 60%)

Overall score is the total of GA40 more CCR but flare at un.5

The formula of the excel worksheet looks like this: = MROUND (E55 * 0.4 + E65 * 0.6, 0.5)

I think that you are rounding up the result of a formula to the nearest multiple.

I believe that the following script will do the task:

function GetField (cName) {}
get the field with error chdecking object;
oField var = this.getField (cName);
if(oField == null) app.alert ("field of error for access to the"+ cName, 1, 0 ");
return oField;

MRound (value, number) {} function
Returns a number rounded to the most desired multiple.
return Math.floor(nValue / nNumber) * number;

var oE55 = GetField ("GA40");
var oE65 = GetField ("CCR");
Event.Value = MRound (oE55.value * 0.4 + oE65.value * 0.6, 0.5)

You will need to adjust the names of the fields as necessary.

Tags: Acrobat

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    Hi B',.

    Buying and selling in column B

    Price of entry in column c.

    Exit in column D price

    Formula (and outcome) in column E

    If the column will B always contained 'Buy' or 'Sell', it works. It is default to a calculation of 'sell' if sale or has been specified.

    E2: = IF (B = "Buy", D - C, C - D)

    If you want to delay the calculation until the amounts entered in C and D, use this version:

    E2: = IF (OR (LEN (C) < 1, LEN (D) < 1,"", IF (B = "Buy", D - C, C - D) ")

    If you want to delay the calculation until all three ducks are on a line (B contains buy or sell, C and D contain both data), use this version:

    E2: = IF (OR (LEN (C) < 1, LEN (D) < 1,"", IF (B = "Buy", D - C, IF(B="Sell",C-D,) "" ")))

    Third version used in this table.

    Kind regards


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    TFDC and Denzz have been kind enough to help me solve one of my problems with the other day.  Here is some information.

    Hi people,

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    TFDC suggested the following syntax for a formula (Custom.TA) and it worked perfectly!

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    Now I think I need to create a new derived 'name' property to take care of this, but I don't know where to start. Ideas or workarounds?  Thank you, everyone!

    The formula TA_Name is incorrect-


    If (and (Equals (String, SUBSTRING (ABBREV (), 1, 4), IND-), GreaterThan (PropValue (Core.Children), 0, Integer)), ListNodePropValues (ListChildren (), [comma],Custom.ParentTest), Abbrev())

    Should be

    If (and (Equals (String, SUBSTRING (ABBREV (), 1, 4), IND-), GreaterThan (PropValue (Core.Children), 0, Integer)), ListNodePropValues (ListChildren (), [comma],Custom.TA_Parent), Abbrev())

    Parent_Test was my property, you should have your property parent instead.

    Thank you


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    55855.48 = > 55860
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    Well, you could do it this way

    ceil (col/10) * 10

    and with a complete example

    SQL> with test as
      2  (select 55830.01 col from dual union all
      3  select 55855.48 from dual
      4  )
      5  select col
      6       , ceil (col/10) * 10
      7    from test
      8  /
           COL CEIL(COL/10)*10
    ---------- ---------------
      55830.01           55840
      55855.48           55860
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    You can use the presentation variables to pass the value of the command prompt in the report or any formula in the column.

    In the dash prompt, you see an option called 'Set the Variable' where, and you must give a name to the variable. (Say Var_value)

    Now, the value of the variable can be referenced simply by using the syntax @{name} {10}. Here '10' being the default is optional you can simply reference using the @{Name} and you value invited past.

    Hope this works
    Thank you

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         function getVal(pNd){
              return ($v(pNd)!= "")?parseFloat($v(pNd)):0;
         function grossamt(){
    $s('P2_NET_AMT_1',getVal('P2_GROSS_AMT_1')+getVal('P2_TAX_AMT_1'));     }
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    How to get to Funtion in JAva script.

    Thank you

    Published by: Sophie on April 19, 2011 02:08

    It would be more readable if you create a variable and do

    var  x = Your complex formula to get the value
       x = Math.round( x * 100)/100;

    Kind regards

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    Thank you

    HI Maria,

    The smiley face, inserted by the text editor got in our way.  If you replace the smiley face in my response to "close parenthesis" character, then the code runs successfully.  I must admit, though, it seems to be an error in logic, despite the fact that the code is executed properly on the data set, with that I tried.  But find that the line of the pic is something that you can do less ambiguous and more easily with the PNo() function:

    R4 = CMax (Ch("[1]/TRAVEL_DISTANCE"))

    Line = PNo ("[1] / TRAVEL_DISTANCE", R4)

    Call DataBlDel ("[1] / TRAVEL_DISTANCE_SMT", line, 2000, 1)

    Brad Turpin
    Tiara Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    can someone help me with this? I know I should know how to do this, but I can't seems to think properly now. been 3 hrs trying this.

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    Like this:

    Alternatives to the rounding to the nearest are round worms + infinity and round - to infinity.

  • Error of comparison while trying to round like Excel

    I have two different but related issues. First: my LabVIEW application is not passing validation of my client because the results in LabVIEW are not exactly the same as those that my customer buy when using MS Excel. The problem is with rounding: LabVIEW and Excel round numbers differently and (unfortunately) I have to round up the numbers in the way that Excel.

    Because I need to round up after the comma, I started using a beautiful VI I found here at ni.com called 'DecimalRoundingLV8.5vi'. However, due to the difference between LabVIEW and Excel, I can't use this VI as it is. For example, rounded to the third place after the comma:

    The number to round LABVIEW EXCEL
    0.0045 0.0040 0,0050

    So, my first question is this one, I need to round like Excel... However, the solution I implemented raised an odd question, and I don't know if I see a bug in LabVIEW.

    I changed the decimal rounded VI. Here is a picture of the code and I also enclose it:

    First of all, if the number is negative I change into a positive for rounding. In the end, I return the sign.

    Like the original VI, I multiply the number to round up times 10 ^ x, where x is the place after the decimal point, I would like to turn to, I'm rounding and then dividing by 10 ^ x.

    However, I also multiply the number of round 10 ^(x+1) time and divide the result by 10 to get the unit as the reminder and to evaluate this number. If the number is less than 5, I tour as usual; If not, round towards + infinity.

    So far, so good and everything seems to be fantastic. But when I tested this code I found the following bizarre scenario. For example, rounded to the third place after the comma:

    The number to round LABVIEW EXCEL
    0.0855 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0856 0.0860 0.0860
    0,0857 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0858 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0859 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0860 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0861 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0862 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0863 0.0860 0.0860
    0.0864 0.0860 0.0860
    0,0865 0.0860 0.0870
    0,0866 0.0870 0.0870
    0,0867 0.0870 0.0870
    0,0868 0.0870 0.0870
    0.0869 0.0870 0.0870
    0.0870 0.0870 0.0870
    0.0871 0.0870 0.0870
    0.0872 0.0870 0.0870
    0.0873 0.0870 0.0870
    0,0874 0.0870 0.0870
    0,0875 0.0880 0.0880

    Note When the flare 0,0865. LabVIEW is wrong! However, LabVIEW was not wrong for 0.0855 or 0,0875. When I ran the code using the highlight feature, it turns out that the problem was the comparison function. It is said literally than 5<5 is="">.

    I tested in LabVIEW 8.2 and LabVIEW 12. I use Windows XP SP3.

    These numbers are not the only cases with this weird behavior. Other numbers are 0.1425, 0.1725 0.1745 and more. I don't see a drawing (or a reason!)

    Can someone please test my code and report if you met the same behavior?


    It is a fundamental issue with the help of the binary representation over for numbers.  Event that you post and think that numbers like decimal representations, the computer stores in a binary format.  As 0.0045 or 0.004 number can be represented in binary format used by LabVIEW.  Place a digital control on a new VI. Set the display format to show ~ 20 significant digits.  Type in 0.004 or 0.0045 hit and hit enter.

    0.0045-> 0.0044999999999999996600

    The correct rounding for this value is 0.004.  Of course typing 0.004 gives 0.004000000000000000080.

    I don't have Excel so I don't know what it does, but it will have the same problem with approximate representations of numbers.

    There are a lot of posts on the Forums about number representation.

    In addition, the reason that the exact equality comparisons on the non-entier data types should be avoided or used with caution.


  • Math.Round all dimensions

    Hi, guys. I need math.round sizes. For example:

    "350 000 mm"-> "350 mm",

    "420 001 mm"-> "420 mm"

    "mm 419,97"-> "420 mm.

    and so on. All in a script.

    The thing is that I know how to play with the numbers and characters at the same time, I only know how math.round numbers.

    Thank you.

    There are different ways to solve this, one's of them

    var s_number = "419.97 mm";
    var delimeter = ' ';
    var a_number = s_number.split(delimeter);
    $.writeln(Math.round(a_number[0]) + delimeter + a_number[1]);
  • mathematical round fuction?


    documentation , I know that the function round() oracles not rounding commercial.

    But I need mathematical rounding:

    select math_round(1.5), math_round(2.5) from dual;
    ----------------- -----------------
      2              2

    is there an easy way to get this?

    Good bye



    What is "mathematical rounding" to this problem?

    If you mean that the numbers that are exactly halfway between integers get rounded to the same integer (be it to 0 or close to 0), then you can do something like this:


    WHEN ABS (MOD (n-2)) =.5

    THEN TRUNC (n)

    ANOTHER round (n)


    ) AS round_n

    FROM table_x

    ORDER BY n


    ROUND does exactly what you want except when n is in the set {..., - 2.5,-. 5,.5, 2.5, 4.5,...}; that is, when MOD (n-2) is either-. 5 ou.5.

    In cases where ROUND is not what you want, the fact of TRUNC.

  • How to do manual rounding?

    Hi all

    I am currently in the need to do a round of a particular number. I am aware that oracle has the round() but I can't because of my requirements differ so that the function will provide.

    Here is an example of my situation:

    I need to round to the nearest 5(i think)...

    Suppose I have a value:

    80.21 > > 80.20

    80.22 > > 80.20

    80.23 > > 80,25

    80.24 > > 80,25

    80.26 > > 80,25

    80.27 > > 80,25

    80,28 > > 80,30

    80.29 > > 80,30

    What is the best way I could write the sql code to respond to the situation described above? the round() function will do a round based on the number below and above 5. This district is really need to round cents.

    If someone could propose an idea, that I would be grateful

    or a little bit simpler:

    results of the col de 9g990d00

    with t

    Select col1,

    result of the Round(col1*20,0)/20




  • Rounding to a desired number of significant digits

    I have a set of calculated results I need to round to two significant figures.  The rounding rules that I need to use are 5 and above towers upward and below 5 laps down (I do not take into account or not the digit preceding the 5 is odd or even).  For example, I would need round etc. 0.04255 to 0.043 and 0.0255813953 to 0.026.  What is the best way to do it?

    Round (a, 3)


    Ramin Hashimzade

Maybe you are looking for