. In Adobe CS5 first FCP files

I use Adobe CS5 first at work - on a PC. I just received several hours of video footage that's been captured in Final Cut Pro. The film is in the. The PCF format and had to be imported in Adobe CS5 first. What is the best way to achieve this?

Is it possible to import. Files FCP directly in first?

Any help is appreciated - thank you.

A. file FCP isn't the images; It is a Final Cut Pro project file. There is no way to import this file directly in first. Instead, the project should be exported as a Final Cut Pro XML of the CPF document - any computer with FCP can do this, so all you have to do is send the FCP file to this person, who can open and export to an FCP XML document. When it is sent to you, you import it in like any other first active, and the XML document will be converted to a Premiere Pro project. You can then repeat the media you already have.

Note that the PCF-> translation agency is not 100%; There are some things that don't travel at all and some things that don't travel well. See the help documentation for more information: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/premierepro/cs/using/WSd9957a95a81082eb28f05af5126718c47be-800 0 html

Tags: Premiere

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