I try to use Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA to call app photo on JDE 4.5.0. It works well, but I would like to call using recorder option void. Now any time I change manually. Is there a way?

Thank you


This gives a shot:

try {    int moduleHandle = CodeModuleManager.getModuleHandle("net_rim_bb_videorecorder");
    ApplicationDescriptor[] apDes = CodeModuleManager.getApplicationDescriptors(moduleHandle);
catch (ApplicationManagerException e) {
    System.out.println("Oh noes!!!");

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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  • Call APP_TYPE_CAMERA on 4.5 os RuntimeException

    try {
        Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Dialog.inform("Could not start camera.");


    Such a code, I try to start on 4.5 JDE (8700g Simulator).

    EI As RuntimeException exception with message: could not start...

    and Simulator not having a native camera.

    How will I know programmatically, on my device unsupported?

    (class Invoke supported since 4.0.0 and APP_TYPE_CAMERA since 4.2.0)

    Thanks in advance

    Use the DeviceInfo.hasCamera () method

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  • Picture taken with the camera...

    Hi all

    I am currently facing a lot of problems to use the camera. After days and days of trying to change/adapt my code, you are my last hope...

    What I want to do is:

    1. Departure from camera
    2. The take a snapshot
    3. Resizing in my application
    4. Store in the FET (don't cause me problems)

    Here is part of my code:

    1. Beginning camera & look the file system
        public CameraBlackBerry() {
    //            invoking camera
            Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());

    2 get path to the new image and transfer to another class

        public void fileJournalChanged() {
            AIDOO.debug(">>>>>>>> FS MODIFIED !!!");
            Application app = UiApplication.getApplication();
            long USN = FileSystemJournal.getNextUSN();
            for (long i = USN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                System.out.println(">>>>>>>> FS MODIFIED !!! : " + i);
                FileSystemJournalEntry entry = FileSystemJournal.getEntry(i);
                if (entry.getEvent() == FileSystemJournalEntry.FILE_ADDED) {
                    path = entry.getPath();
                    if (path.endsWith(".jpg")) {// Try to kill camera app here by injecting esc. HAD to remove condition '&& path.indexOf("IMG") >= 0' because changed in OS6
                        //#ifdef DebugMode
                        AIDOO.debug(">>>>>>>> Found a file added ending with jpg @  :" + path);
                        // Get out of camera app
                        EventInjector.KeyEvent inject = new EventInjector.KeyEvent(EventInjector.KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN, Characters.ESCAPE, 0);
                        AIDOO.currentCameraBlackBerry = null;
                        new CameraBlackBerryFileHandler(path);
                if (entry == null) {
                    // we didn't find an entry.

    3. how to get a FileConnection

        private FileConnection openFile() {
            try {
                FileConnection file = (FileConnection)"file://" + path);
                if (file != null) {
                    boolean fileExists = file.exists();
                    int existCount = 0;
                    while (!fileExists && existCount < 50) {
                        AIDOO.debug("fileExists sleeping for 100 msecond");
                        fileExists = file.exists();
                    if (existCount < 50 && fileExists) {
                        return file;
                    } else {
                        return null;
                } else {
                    return null;
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), "InterruptedException while opening picture connection : " + ex.getMessage() + "  " + ex.getClass() + " path :" + path, null, null);
                AIDOO.handleError("Exception while opening picture connection", ex);
                return null;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), "IllegalArgumentException while opening picture connection : " + ex.getMessage() + "  " + ex.getClass() + " path :" + path, null, null);
                AIDOO.handleError("Exception while opening picture connection", ex);
                return null;
            } catch (ConnectionNotFoundException ex) {
                alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), "ConnectionNotFoundException while opening picture connection : " + ex.getMessage() + "  " + ex.getClass() + " path :" + path, null, null);
                AIDOO.handleError("Exception while opening picture connection", ex);
                return null;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), "IOException while opening picture connection : " + ex.getMessage() + "  " + ex.getClass() + " path :" + path, null, null);
                AIDOO.handleError("Exception while opening picture connection", ex);
                return null;

    4 getting the stream

        private DataInputStream tryAccessingImage(FileConnection file) {
            DataInputStream is = null;
            nbBytes = 0;
            try {
                is = file.openDataInputStream();
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                return null;
            if (is != null && file.canRead()) {
                try {
                    nbBytes = file.fileSize();
                    isAvailNbBytes = is.available();
                    int unreadableCount = 0;
                    while (nbBytes <= 0 && unreadableCount < 50) {
                        AIDOO.debug("fileSize problem, sleeping for 100 msecond");
                        nbBytes = file.fileSize();
                    if (unreadableCount < 50) {
                        return is;
                    } else {
                        return null;
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    String problem = Lng.getString(Lng.pic_couldnt_be_stored) + "(2) " + ex.getMessage() + "/ InterruptedException can read file : " + file.canRead() + " " + nbBytes + "bytes / " + path;
                    append(problem, imageProblem);
                    alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), problem, null, null);
                    return null;
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    String problem = Lng.getString(Lng.pic_couldnt_be_stored) + "(2) " + ex.getMessage() + "/ IOException2 can read file : " + file.canRead() + " " + nbBytes + "bytes / " + path;
                    append(problem, imageProblem);
                    alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), problem, null, null);
                    return null;
            } else {
                alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), Lng.getString(Lng.pic_couldnt_be_stored) + "(2) / InterruptedException can read file : " + file.canRead() + " " + nbBytes + "bytes / " + path, null, null);
                return null;

    5 reading the stream

        private byte[] readingImage(DataInputStream is) {
            byte[] raw = new byte[(int) nbBytes];
            isReadBytes = -2; // -2 to differ from eventual -1, 0 or n (positive) returned by read()
            try {
                isReadBytes =;
                return raw;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                String problem = Lng.getString(Lng.pic_couldnt_be_stored) + "readingImage " + ex.getMessage() + "/ IOException1 can read file : " + nbBytes + "bytes / " + path;
                append(problem, imageProblem);
                alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), problem, null, null);
                return null;

    6 then I do the following

    try {
                            screenWidth /= 4;
                            screenWidth *= 3;
                            screenHeight /= 4;
                            screenHeight *= 3;
                            append("resizing image", imageBlank16);
                            raw = resizeImage(raw, 640, 480);
                            append("resize for preview image", imageBlank16);
                            byte rawPreview[] = resizeImage(raw, screenWidth, screenHeight);
                            AIDOO.debug("ok here");
                            append("creating preview image", imageBlank16);
                            imagePreview = Image.createImage(rawPreview, 0, rawPreview.length);
                            AIDOO.debug("ok here2");
                            String devinceInfo = DeviceInfo.getSoftwareVersion();
                            AIDOO.debug("ok here3");
                            //#if !BlackBerry_OS_46 && !BlackBerry_Older_than_46
                            //raw = resizeImage(raw);
                            nbBytes = raw.length;
                            if (nbBytes > CAMERA_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE) {
                                alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), Lng.getString(Lng.pic_size_is_too_large) + " : " + nbBytes, null, null);
                                System.out.println("error 2 after insert");
                                returnValue = false;
                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                            alerta = new Alert(Lng.getString(Lng.a_alert), "IOException : " + ioe.getMessage() + "available Bytes : " + nbBytes, null, null);
                            AIDOO.handleError("IO problem while saving picture 0", ioe);
                            System.out.println("error 2 after insert");
                            returnValue = false;

    7 Behold my image resizing function

        private byte[] resizeImage(byte[] image, int width, int height) {
            AIDOO.debug("Start of image resizing");
            Bitmap bmp1 = null, bmp2 = null;
            try {
                bmp1 = Bitmap.createBitmapFromBytes(image, 0, -1, 1);
                bmp2 = new Bitmap(width, height);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("exception while createBitmapFromBytes()" + ex.getMessage() + "isAvailNbBytes = " + isAvailNbBytes + " isReadBytes = " + isReadBytes + " length = " + image.length + " nbBytes = " + nbBytes + " image = " + image);
            AIDOO.debug("Scale into");
            bmp1.scaleInto(bmp2, Bitmap.FILTER_BILINEAR, Bitmap.SCALE_TO_FIT);
            AIDOO.debug("End of Scale into");
            JPEGEncodedImage encoded = JPEGEncodedImage.encode(bmp2, 90);
            return encoded.getData();

    My problems are:

    1. sometimes the image is cropped, this size (w/h) is OK, but for some strange reason it is not all the time. There is always a large black area at the bottom of the image. It seems that something has not been correctly readen.

    2. sometimes I had an IllegalArgumentException in createBitmapFromBytes() function.

    I read a lot of posts that talk about these problems, but I have found no solution.

    Is it so hard to take a picture of the camera and display it?

    Anyone have a good example/code example on how to handle this?

    Thank you for your support and for reading me

    (Sorry for my English )

    I suspect that these problems are caused by the fact that the earpiece of the paper you use is told on the file being written until the writing is actually completed.

    I think that Ihad this problem in an application that I wrote and to get around it, rather than process the image in the JournalListener, I actually got the JournalListener to save the file created in the method of invocation of the "onExposed" screen, I checked to see if the name of the file has been updated and if so , I would treat it then.  onExposed is not get leads until the camera application has closed at this time, according to me, that it is save saying that the file has been saved.

    I think that there are other options.  For example, you could start a thread check the size of the file and if it does not grow after a second or two, you might assume that the writing was completed.

    In all cases, this is where I would start looking for the problem.

  • While using camera in my current screen close request


    I'm creating an application to send the form camera Images and gallary,

    (1) if I press the camera button in my application I want to capture image and show that image to the current screen.

    currenltly 2) I use below functioin to do, but the first use of the user application is invited to give permission to use the camera after that if we allow so the current screen is closed. before that it is capturing the picture.

    (3) if the use the application even after leaving the second time there is no closure of the current screen and it works fine.

    All of the suggestions. can be given permissions such as the use of the camera before even install app in android permissions.

    The function that I used is

    public void uploadPhotoFromCamera (final int flagg) {}
    final FileSystemJournalListener listener = new FileSystemJournalListener()
    long lastUSN;
    long a = lastUSN;
    Public Sub fileJournalChanged()
    try {}
    Thread.Sleep (50);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
    Generative TODO catch block
    e.printStackTrace ();
    Long USN = FileSystemJournal.getNextUSN ();
    external: for (long I = USN - 1; i > = lastUSN;--i))
    Entry FileSystemJournalEntry = FileSystemJournal.getEntry (i);
    If (input! = null)
    If (entry.getEvent () is FileSystemJournalEntry.FILE_ADDED)
    If (entry.getPath () .indexOf (".jpg")! = - 1).
    lastUSN = USN;
    photoPath = entry.getPath ();
    acceptance of Boolean = false;
    APM ApplicationPermissionsManager = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance ();
    Original ApplicationPermissions = apm.getApplicationPermissions ();

    ApplicationPermissions permRequest = new ApplicationPermissions();
    If (original.getPermission (ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION)! = ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW)
    permRequest.addPermission (ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION);
    permRequest.addPermission (ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_AUTHENTICATOR_API);
    permRequest.addPermission (ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_EVENT_INJECTOR);
    acceptance = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance () .invokePermissionsRequest (permRequest);
    Inject the EventInjector.KeyEvent = new EventInjector.KeyEvent (EventInjector.KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN, Characters.ESCAPE, 50);
    EventInjector.invokeEvent (inject);
    EventInjector.invokeEvent (inject);
    EventInjector.invokeEvent (inject);

    If (photoPath! = null) {}
    Here I use this image from this path

    } catch (Exception e) {}
    RIMLogger.getInstance("TraceCRM").error ("# error photo Capture >" + e.getMessage () +")<>

    break outer;
    lastUSN = USN;

    UiApplication.getUiApplication () .addFileSystemJournalListener (listener);
    Invoke.invokeApplication (Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments (CameraArguments.ARG_CAMERA_APP));

    Thank you

    Ask permission before you make in this--see


  • Use the image in your application


    I am building a blackberry application that can connect to the camera. How to save a captured image and use it in your application? For example, in blackberry messenger, you can capture images and set it as your display picture. I plan to do the kind of the same thing like that.

    Thanks a bunch before!


    This is the code to call the camera and save the captured image

    private void takePhoto()
            final FileSystemJournalListener listener = new FileSystemJournalListener()
                long lastUSN;
                boolean hasAppPermission;
                public void fileJournalChanged()
                    long USN = FileSystemJournal.getNextUSN();
                    outer: for (long i = USN - 1; i >= lastUSN; --i)
                        FileSystemJournalEntry entry = FileSystemJournal.getEntry(i);
                        if (entry != null)
                            if (entry.getEvent() == FileSystemJournalEntry.FILE_ADDED)
                                if (entry.getPath().indexOf(".jpg") != -1)
                                    lastUSN = USN;
                                    photoPath = entry.getPath();
                                        ApplicationPermissionsManager apm = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance();
                                        ApplicationPermissions original = apm.getApplicationPermissions();
                                        ApplicationPermissions permRequest = new ApplicationPermissions();
                                        if(original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION) != ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW)
                                            boolean acceptance = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance().invokePermissionsRequest(permRequest);
                                            EventInjector.KeyEvent inject = new EventInjector.KeyEvent(EventInjector.KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN,Characters.ESCAPE,  50);
                                            if(photoPath != null)
                                                photoPath = "file://"+photoPath;
                                            if(photoPath != null && !photoPath.equals("file://"))
                                                Bitmap bmp  = ResizeImage.getBitmapImageFromFilePath(photoPath);
                                                                       here you will get the image path what you captured. By using this path you can get the image
                                     }catch (Exception e){
                                            System.out.println("Exception caught :" + e);
                                    break outer;
                    lastUSN = USN;
            Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());
  • Cannot call ESC key two times of the key event

    Hello, this is my second post here...

    lately im trying to call the camera application via:

    UiApplication.getUiApplication () .addFileSystemJournalListener (new fileJournal());
    Invoke.invokeApplication (Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());

    and when the user to take a photo, then the application will grab the location of the file and close the camera application. but when I try to close the camera application using:

    Inject the EventInjector.KeyEvent = new EventInjector.KeyEvent (EventInjector.KeyEvent.KEY_DOWN, Characters.ESCAPE, 0); (); ();

    Simply call the () once and jump down (when I tried it on a simulator its works well but when I tried it on gemini 8520 is not working as the Simulator). I put the () at the end of my FileSystemJournalListener class.

    is there anyone who can help me please, thank you

    I had to use it to simulate the copy / paste before, it is what I did to get permission to use:

    ApplicationPermissionsManager apm = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance();
    ApplicationPermissions ap = new ApplicationPermissions();
    if(apm.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_DENY) {
        ReasonProvider rp = new ReasonProvider() {
            public String getMessage(int permissionID) {
                if(permissionID == ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION) {
                    return "";
                return null;
            apm.addReasonProvider(ApplicationDescriptor.currentApplicationDescriptor(), rp);
        catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
  • take a picture

    Hi everyone, I need help, how can I take a picture with the camera on BB? I tried some codes but does not work

    Thank you.

    Well, I was looking for this simple code

                Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new
                }catch (Throwable e) //cannot inform user

    Thank you.

  • How do I get the picture after a screenshot via camera, pls?

    If I call the camera of my application using:

    Invoke.invokeApplication (Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());

    How can I get all the images from this camera?

    This link helps you:

    Save the image captured in a file in blackberry

    In this link, you will get:

    1st post gives that captures an image of the camera and display it in the bitmap.

    2. capture an image as a page; and save it to the SD card.

  • Record a video

    Hi all

    I want to record amd record a video in my application, there is not a lot of info on this on the forum.

    I don't want to invoke the camera as 'Invoke.invokeApplication (Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments())';

    and the following code snippet gives me a white screen

    Please can anyone provide me with a useful link or some examples that could help me.

    Thank you

    MP4 seems to work with code in the link, below, but I do not understand why 3gp does not work because it is supported by your handheld?

  • In application display unit


    I'm sorry if my English is bad, I am french

    I want to know how I can view the camera in java application?

    Invoke.invokeApplication( Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, null )
  • Call directly the video camera

    How the appeal of video camera directly, without going through camera?

    Now using: Invoke.invokeApplication (Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments()) application starts with camera and

    User menu select video camera.

    Thank you in advance!

    Within the CameraArguments, you can specify CameraArgments.ARG_VIDEO_RECORDER to start the Video Recorder application.

  • Cannot close the camera using EventInjector for touchscreen models

    Hi all

    In my application, I opened the app native camera help

    Invoke.invokeApplication (Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());

    I have a listener added to monitor changes made to the file system. As soon as a new image is taken and added to the file system, the camera is close to the EventInjector.

    I'm running it on JRE 5 and 6, and it works very well for models with no touch screen on the Simulator. However, it will not work for 9550 and 9800. On simulators, it is frozen just after the photo is taken (and probably saved). I loaded my torch, the photo is taken, then he brought me to the camera application instead to close the camera and take back me to my request.

    There should not be a problem with my code, as I moved to a programme of work. So what could be the problem?

    Same assumptions or any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you very much


    Hey everybody,

    I solved the problem... It's because you don't have the appropriate permissions for your application to INJECT key events... Use the following code to request the appropriate permissions and you'll be on your way to the injection of events!

               ApplicationPermissionsManager permManager = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance();
                if(permManager.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION ) != ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW ||                permManager.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_IDLE_TIMER ) != ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW  )             {             //Request our permission to inject events             ApplicationPermissions pAppPermission = new ApplicationPermissions();
                pAppPermission.addPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION);               pAppPermission.addPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_IDLE_TIMER);
                  if( permManager.invokePermissionsRequest(pAppPermission) == false)                {

    Please give Kudos if it solves your problem

  • BB Torch - Dialog.doModal (disabiling FileSystemJournalListener reminder)?

    In our application, we display a unique dialogue (for most of the instructions) before launch us the camera application. However, when the user types a picture on the BlackBerry Torch 9800, our class FileSystemJournalListener does not fileJournalChanged() at all, even if we record the reminder with our Application object. However, when the user closes the camera and re - open it via the same method (where the dialog box does not display once again), the callback works very well. That's what I have so far:

    //within my UI container's constructor that launches the camera
    myImageListener = new QRCapturedJournalListener(this); //Implements FileSystemJournalListener
    //within my fieldChanged method in my UI container when the user clicks on the field that launches the cameraif(permissionCheck()){  if(myPersistDataObj.showHelp()){ Dialog d = new Dialog(Dialog.D_OK ,STR.INSTRUCTION,Dialog.D_OK, Bitmap.getPredefinedBitmap(Bitmap.EXCLAMATION),FIELD_HCENTER | FIELD_VCENTER);d.setFont(Fonts.getFont(6));d.doModal()myPersistantDataObj.shownHelp(true);showExternalCamera();   }} else {//notify user permission was denied}
    private void startExternalCamera(){            myAppIns.addFileSystemJournalListener(imageListener);     Camera.getInstance().invoke(); // start camera. Wrapper function that invokes the camera app}...
    //Invoke function in Camerainvoke(){   Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());}

    If the dialog box is a bit conflicted with my PopupScreen, that shows my user interface, saving my reminder, which not is defined before the opening of the camera?

    Looks like I was wrong completely.

    Even if he entered my FileSystemJournalListener class, it was indeed to call fileJournalChanged after all. Part of the problem was that for some reason, when OS 6.0.0 calls the camera, there is some cases where she would call fileJournalChanged and send JPEGs of no return paths (during initialization on the Simulator for the first time, he sent back/store/home/user/camera /), in which my reminder in my UN-registed PopupScreen my FileSystemJournalListener without validating that the incoming path contained a JPEG file.

    Now, he's going only to unregister the listener if we indeed have a way with a JPEG file and then process it. I'm just curious to know if this is expected behavior go ahead with OS 6.0.0 since this never happened with the previous OS versions? I just want to be sure that it makes sense to unregister it if I only want to deal with the last image captured by the user via the camera.

  • Change the example of the camera to activate Flash

    Is there a way to turn on the flash on the camera as an example?  I would like the flash or light from the video camera to be activated when the Application starts.  I read some posts that say it is not possible now, but those who were a year ago or more.

    Thank you

    Do you mean to incorporate the camera application in your application? If this is the case, then not to my knowledge. Then, you will need to do the way it is done in the example of the camera and build all the features you need in your user interface.

    However, you can launch the native camera for aid which is available for 4.2 +:

    Invoke.invokeApplication (Invoke.APP_TYPE_CAMERA, new CameraArguments());

    And if you are for example answering a picture taken so that you can ask the user to return to your application, you can use the FileSystemJournalListener to be notified of any changes (adding file to take a photo).

Maybe you are looking for

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