Is it possible a multiline EditField?

I know that editfields automatically resize when text occupy several lines, but by default, they have a line height. I need an EditField with n lines by default (when it is empty).

Now, I used a VerticalFieldManager substituted with a minimum height, where I put the (built with the USE_ALL_HEIGHT style bit) EditField, without success. The manager gets the minimum size, but the field keeps having a single line.

This will help you.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    See you soon,.


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    Thank you.


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    Way the easiest is the sequel:

    text: qsTr ("Plese don't hesitate to provide feedback to")
    Multiline: true
    Content.Flags: TextContentFlag.ActiveText

    Content.Flags: TextContentFlag.ActiveText does the trick.

    If you like my solution please accept my answer

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    Thank you

    class HomeScreen extends UiApplication {
        public static void main(String[] args)
            HomeScreen app = new HomeScreen();
        HomeScreen() {
            pushScreen(new EditScreen());
        private class EditScreen extends MainScreen {
                add(new EditField(EditField.EDITABLE));
            protected boolean keyChar(char key, int status,  int time){
                boolean result = false;
                if (key == Characters.ESCAPE){
                    Dialog.alert("Escape key is pressed");
                    result = true;
                return result;
    protected boolean keyChar(char key, int status,  int time){    if (key == Characters.ESCAPE){          Dialog.alert("Escape key is pressed");
            // consuming event if escape pressed         return true;       } else {         // for non-escape keys passing call to the parent          return super.keyChar(key, status, time);                        }}
  • help with my HorizontalFieldManager & EditFields on the same line, 2nd column is not displayed

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    |                                 |


    It seems to work perfectly when it is the only component on a line of a


    now I want to reuse this compenent such that I can have a screen that looks like

    someLabel another label

    ______________              ______________

    |                                 |             |                                |

    --------------------------             --------------------------

    and perhaps a third column.

    However, when you add my components of LabelAndEditField, the 2nd does not appear

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    HFM. Add (new LabelAndEditField ("someLabel"));

    HFM. Add (new LabelAndEditField ("another label"));

    then I just on the screen

    Add (hfm);

    but it does not show my second column, the second component of the LabelAndEditField

    Here is the snippet of code below, some can please help me get this to display

    (Sorry, that the code of my insert is wacked)

    public class LabelAndEditField extends VerticalFieldManager
        private EditField _editField;
        public LabelAndEditField(String label,
                                 String initialValueOfTextField,
                                 int maxChars,
                                 long style)
            HorizontalFieldManager textMgr = new HorizontalFieldManager(
                    | Manager.NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR);
            _editField = new EditField("", initialValueOfTextField, maxChars,
                         style | EditField.NO_NEWLINE | EditField.FOCUSABLE
                         | EditField.NON_SPELLCHECKABLE
                         | Field.FIELD_VCENTER | Field.FIELD_LEFT);

    and the code that adds as that on the screen

    super(NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL); // this is a VerticalFieldManager
    HorizontalFieldManager rowMgr =
         new HorizontalFieldManager(Manager.NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL
                 | Manager.NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR);
    LabelAndEditField col1=
           new LabelAndEditField("some label","initial value",12,Field.READONLY);
        LabelAndEditField col2=
           new LabelAndEditField("another some label","initial value",12,Field.READONLY);

    did anyone see anything wrong with that?

    As you can see for yourself, there is no place for the mktShare.  Try to go with FlowFieldManager and no HorizontalFieldManager as a container for your gadgets MyLabelAndEditField and see

    There is another possibility:

    The key in the code I provided is the super.layout (myWidth, maxHeight).  This myWidth tells your EditField its maximum size in pixels.  If you want to further restrict the domain, you have several options.  The only problem is - if you limit it too much, you will not be able to see the rest of the field.  To solve this, wrap your EditField (in which you now don't have to override the layout) in a HorizontalFieldManager (HORIZONTAL_SCROLL) (all this inside your MyLabelAndEditField) and limit the Manager rather than the field itself.  Then your customer will be able to scroll through the left field and right.

    In order to limit your HorizontalFieldManager, give him the width that you want in pixels (add that, as a parameter to the constructor of your MyLabelAndEditField) and substitute his sublayout like this:

    HorizontalFieldManager textMgr = new HorizontalFieldManager(Manager.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL | Manager.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR) {
      protected void sublayout(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
        int myWidth = Math.min(_desiredWidth, maxWidth);
        super.sublayout(myWidth, maxHeight);

    Thanks to his style HORIZONTAL_SCROLL, the infield will be almost infinite width, so the EditField inside fortunately "will display" all his characters.

    Then, when you design your MyLabelAndEditField, give him a maximum pixel value.  Say, you want three areas in a row.  Take your Display.getWidth (), subtract the margins planned, divide by 3 and pass that value to each of these areas.  Then add them to a HorizontalFieldManager (line2mgr in your example) and check the result.

    You seem to be competent enough to easily integrate my illegible bubbles in your code - let us know the results.

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    Thank you

    an editfield uses the width full-screen by default. You can change this by substituting getPreferredWidth or by using a custom layout.

    Yes. I use this code:

    if (blackberryContact.countValues(BlackBerryContact.PHOTO) > 0) {
      byte[] photoEncoded = blackberryContact.getBinary(BlackBerryContact.PHOTO, 0);
      byte[] decodedPicture = Base64InputStream.decode(photoEncoded, 0, photoEncoded.length)

    I guess that the field is not commonly used and can be developed easily.

    Yes, with a custom presentation:

  • Custom for an EditField method?


    I have revised my strategy for this project (a previous publication wrote to ask for the help of tables and by assigning a "ID" to an EditField).

    I wonder if it is possible to create a custom method to the EditField, which is able to store a string or an integer?  I looked at the CustomTextField post ( and I found some useful information, but this type of procedure is not covered.

    Here's an example of how this might work (and which might look like the code):

    int ID = 0;    //integer variable declared
    add(new customeditfield("Text...", ID);  //customeditfield is added to the mainscreen
    //customeditfield class declared
    class customeditfield extends EditField{
        public customeditfield(String string, int recordid) {
            setText(string); //sets contents using setText method
            RecordId(recordid); //stores recordid using RecordId method
        protected void RecordId(int integer){
            //store the contents of "ID" the variable that was set
                    //when the customfield was added to the screen for
                    //future use
                    //not sure what this code would look like???

    Any ideas?

    Thank you!!!

    Hello world

    I managed to find a solution after consultation of a text of Java late last night.

    That's what I came up with the option - compatible with your suggestion of Peter!  And you're right - I'll make a change of the variable name as well.

    public class customeditfield extends EditField{
        private String recordID;
        public customeditfield(String string, String IdVariable) {
        protected void setRecordId(String ID){
            recordID = ID;
        public String getRecordId(){
            return recordID;
        public boolean invokeAction(int action){
            //I createdthis editfield just to check to see if each
                    //new editfield was storing the correct id variable
            return true;
    }//closing bracket for main class

    Thanks for responding to my post!

    Yes, the goal is to connect the data in each editfield to a record in a database.

  • Update of the EditField values

    In my form, I have a text field with the value assigned to him and it seems while loads the form and action button click, I have to place the choice selected the choice field in the editfield, pblm that I face is, the values of selected field gets added to the edit created by default initial field value

    What method can be used to clear the editfield values completely and add the new value to it?


    Rakesh Shankar.P

    Hi guys, I found a possibility, first I created an emptyediitfield with the setText() method I gave the entry, that's all, and by clicking on each button and I put new values.

  • How to copy a text editfield on popupScreen

    I have an editfield on popupScreen and I put a text there, but how I can copy the text and paste it into another application. I don't know it's possible.

    Kind regards.

    You get this free feature if you leave the system adds the elements of the standard menu of fields like BasicEditField.  If you use your own domain, you can use the Clipboard If you want and put things in there and get stuff from there.  See the Javadocs of the Clipboard.

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    My requirement is the selection of the city in the list of cities, good now I get city selected in the list, but my requirement is developed (IE cursor) is must in search box as below img and scroll screen is also necessary.

    now im getting the names of the cities according to the type in the search box, but my requirement is cursor should stay in the find what box only during the scrolling of the screen using touchpad (i.e. navigationmoment) and slide the screen (TouchEvent). Please help me with this...

    Sorry for my English if someone can't understand...

    Thanks in advance...

    Hi Lacouture

    The thread above gives us the solution that you need.

    check it out... main logical thing is that

    We use below the code snippet in the paint of your field method (i.e., EditField/BasicEditField/TextField) regardless of the domain you use for entering text in this...

    protected void paint (Graphics graphics)
    getFocusRect (new XYRect());
    drawFocus (graphics card, true);

    Super.Paint (Graphics);

  • How do EditFields width and much more...


    I'm putting two small EditField on the same line, but nothing helped. I tried setting with as you see below, but it always shows only the first field. Any suggestion is appreciated.

    Here's my simple extention of editfield:

    private final class halfEditField extends EditField
    private halfEditField (label As String, String initialValue, int maxNumChars, long style)
    Super (label, initialValue, maxNumChars, style);
    setExtent (Display.getWidth () / 2, getHeight());

    I was hoping by defining the scope of half the width of the screen, both will not fit on the same line. Should I have tried with smaller width, say Display.getWidth () / 2 - something?

    I don't want it to be horizontal scrolling, even if I tried, but I suppose that is a function of the screen itself main drop-down. Anyway I didn't ' want to scroll.

    A relevant question, it is possible to have an EditField with lable with a different color? I mean real editable rectangle stand out somehow and distinct from the label? The default value is very lame and does not suggest to the user that he is in fact a rectangle to edit it. Again, I prefer to avoid border addign since it will thicken up the field and uses the alarmist real state on the screen.

    I use the component 6 with Simulator 9800 on eclipse.

    Thanks for your suggestion.

    You can't do this in the constructor. You must replace getPreferredWidth() and probably layout (int, int). Something like this should work:

    public int getPreferredWidth() {    return Display.getWidth() / 2;}
    protected void layout(int width, int height) {    width = Math.min(getPreferredWidth(), width);    super.layout(width, height);}
  • Binder EditField in a table?

    Is it possible to have multiple instances of an EditField bearing the same name and are stored in a table?  My problem is that I need the user to be able to enter as many times as they need to in a certain area. E.g.  I have a product number field, they could enter a serial number, or they could enter the 50. So I want something like

    EditField efProductNumber = new EditField ("number of product :","");

    Add (efProductNumber);

    Add (efProductNumber);

    There is other things as a listener to another field of add (efProductNumber) so I would be able to create fields on the fly if needed.

    Any ideas?


    Welcome to the forums!

    I assume you have some kind of misunderstanding about the "field name" - there is no such thing!  There could be a member of class/variable named efProductNumber, but it only that contain a reference to an instance of the EditField class.

    What you want to do is probably something like this:

    Vector productNumbers = new Vector();

    EditField efProductNumber.

    The string number;


    in a loop or a method called at various times somewhere in the code

    efProductNumber = new EditField (...);

    productNumbers.addElement (efProductNumber);

    Add (efProductNumber);


    Once the user has entered all the codes, it wanted to

    for (int i; I)< productnumbers.size();="" ++i)="">

    efProductNumber = productNumbers.elementAt (i) (EditField);

    number = efProductNumber.getText ();

    do something with this number


  • How to set the caret at the end of EditField

    Hi I have an editfield, who receives a default value in the constructor.

    I want the caret to show at the end of the editfield, so that users can automatically

    continue to add more letters to the default text. (Right now the circumflex accent always starts at the beginning of the text, so type pushes the letter at the beginning).

    Is it possible to do this?

    Thank you


    You can use

    setCursorPosition(int offset)

    Kind regards


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