Method is never triggered.

I do some indepth BB10 development tutorials as I learn myself. Especially for beginners and for those coming to BB Android/Java Dev.

In any case, I'm my current tutorial I want to talk about networking and FIO. So far I have not all errors in compiling or running the application however watch console I do not get an expected debug output.

My code:

Download.HPP (my class managed file download):


// Import required classes

// Class Download extends class QObject
class Download:public QObject
  // Macro code required for signals/slots mechanism

  // Methods and attributes are declared
  // in header files and implemented in cpp file.
    // Constructor takes our xml and same as in Java/Android we have
    // to provide Context class in this case in a form of QObject
    explicit Download(QUrl xml, QObject *parent = 0);
    virtual ~Download();
    // Method to return our downloaded data in array of bytes
    QByteArray downloadedData() const;

  // Signals and Slots implement similar mechanism in C++/Qt
  // as Observer/Observable concept does in Java/Android
    void downloaded();

  // Method will emit a signal in a form of a downloaded() method
  // much like setChanged() and notifyObservers() does in Java/Android
  public slots:
    void fileDownloaded(QNetworkReply *reply);

  // An instance of QNAM class used for HTTP requests
  // much like DownloadTask in Android
    QNetworkAccessManager manager;
    QByteArray data;

#endif /* DOWNLOAD_HPP_ */

The Download.cpp:

#include "Download.hpp"

// Notice unlike in Java/Android where we used a secondary thread
// to process the download in the background all of our methods in
// QNAM are async. so they are run in the background automatically.

// The constructor of this class equals:
// public Download(Url xml, Context context) {
//   super(context);
// }
//  .. in Java/Android
Download::Download(QUrl xml, QObject *parent):QObject(parent)
  // Similar to addObserver(..) in Java/Android we need to link the
  // slot and signal from our Download calss. Here we use: connect()

  // Takes address to our QNAM variable
  connect(&manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), SLOT(fileDownloaded(QNetworkReply*)));

  // Our QNAM requires a Request in form of a QNetworkRequest
  // a lot like HttpUrlConnection
  QNetworkRequest request(xml);

  // Now we can use get method to retrieve our data

  // 1. Create an instance of a Download class
  // 2. In turn this creates a request on a given URL
  // 3. QNAM Receives the request in a form of a QNRequest class
  // 4. QNAM Returns the response in a form of a QNReply class
  // 5. fileDownload() method is triggered upon compleated download
  // 6. fileDownload() emits a signal to observing classes


// Think of the following method as onCompleatedDownload() from our
// Listner class and our Observable
void Download::fileDownloaded(QNetworkReply *reply)
  // QNAM Returns the data it pulled from our URL in a form of QNReply
  // class we will store this data in a ByteArray
  data = reply->readAll();

  // Dispose of QNReply

  // This is same as in our onCompleated..() method where we called
  // setChanged() and notifyObservers() methods to tell all classes
  // who are registered as listeners that our file has been downloaded
  emit downloaded();

// Simple getter method for received data
QByteArray Download::downloadedData() const
  return data;

And my applicationui.cpp

#include "applicationui.hpp"


// Import our download service class
#include "Download.hpp"

using namespace bb::cascades;

ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app) :
    // prepare the localization
    m_pTranslator = new QTranslator(this);
    m_pLocaleHandler = new LocaleHandler(this);

    bool res = QObject::connect(m_pLocaleHandler, SIGNAL(systemLanguageChanged()), this, SLOT(onSystemLanguageChanged()));
    // This is only available in Debug builds
    // Since the variable is not used in the app, this is added to avoid a
    // compiler warning

    // initial load

    // Create scene document from main.qml asset, the parent is set
    // to ensure the document gets destroyed properly at shut down.
    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);

    // Create root object for the UI
    AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();

    // Set created root object as the application scene

    // Prepare url for our resource
    QUrl url("");

    // Once our main activity is set we can create a new
    // instance of Download class
    Download down(url, this);

    // Once Download(Observable) emmits a signal(notifyObserver)
    // in a form of downloaded() ApplicationUI which will be listening
    // will respond with showNotice()
    connect(&down, SIGNAL(downloaded()), SLOT(showNotice()));

// Shows message once Download class emmits a signal
// that file download has been compleated
void ApplicationUI::showNotice()
  // Show notice in debug console

And applicationui.hpp

class ApplicationUI : public QObject
    ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app);
    virtual ~ApplicationUI() { }

  private slots:
    void onSystemLanguageChanged();
    // We will treat ApplicationUI as our Main Activity class
    // thus it will be observing our Download class. Once
    // we are notified that our download is complete we want to
    // do something with that data for now just display the message.
    void showNotice();

In my applicationui.cpp in the constructor I create a new instance of download and request a download on successful download showNotice(); method must be triggered despite no error that the showNotice method is never executed because qDebug line is never displayed.

To expand my question:

Once a file is downloaded by programming where is the stored file and can we specify our own destenation or is the file stored under downloads folder automatically?

You represent download like local and end of the function will be thus destroyed as well as the connection.

Try to declare on the job not the battery. that is of new Download();

Wherever you get your http response I think that it's already been destroyed.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    See you soon,.


    Your method object in the code below is simply a local method, since UiApplication does not implement object.

    I think that you wanted to substitute her object in your screen class, but is not what you're doing here.

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    jDeveloper 11g Release 1

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    Published by: user2931026 on Apr / 10/2010 01:13

    Published by: user2931026 on Apr / 10/2010 09:01

    good work, now I can read the code :-)
    Strange, nothing appears immediately.
    The buttons in the showDetailItem are the only ones who does not?
    One thing you can try is to use the visible property rather than the rendered attribute. The user interface looks the same, but the properties behave different (rendering = false means components are not on the page, visible = false means components are on the page but do not appear to the user).


  • Custom not pulling field TrackwheelClick

    Hey all,.

    I have a custom field that extends to the field. I want to know when we click on the control, so I outweigh the trackwheelClick method.  However, when I use the debugger, the trackwheelClick method is never triggered.  What Miss me? Thank you.

    public class MyControl extends Field
        public MyControl()
        protected boolean trackwheelClick(int status, int time)
            // Never gets here when control clicked.

    Your domain is active? AFAICS in your code snippet, it is not. How do you choose the field of non-Focus?

    public MyField(){        super(Field.FOCUSABLE);}

    Change your constructor as in the code above, I can handle click in navigationClick in my 4.2.1 Simulator. trackwheelClick is not called because navigationClick returns true (for example, it shows that he has consumed the event).

  • Get AIR.fileApplicationStorage jpg files

    It drives me crazy

    load jpg in the directory is simple and works well:

    public void setImage (imageName:String, image: Bitmap image): void
    var encoder: JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder (80);
    var byteArray:ByteArray = encoder.encode (image.bitmapData);
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath (imageName);
    var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();

    try {} (file, FileMode.WRITE);
    fileStream.writeBytes (byteArray);
    fileStream.close ();

    } catch (error) {}
    trace ("ERROR setImage:", e.message);

    them out again seems almost impossible:

    public void getImage (imageName:String): Bitmap
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath (imageName);
    var bytes: ByteArray = new ByteArray();
    trace ("getImage BEF', bytes.bytesAvailable");
    var stream: FileStream = new FileStream();
    Stream.Open (file, FileMode.READ);
    stream.readBytes (bytes, 0, stream.bytesAvailable);
    Stream.Close ();
    trace ("getImage AFT', bytes.bytesAvailable");

    var loader: Loader = new Loader();
    loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete)
    loader.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);
    loader.loadBytes (bytes);

    var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData (175,175);
    bitmapData.draw (loader);
    var bitmap: Bitmap = new Bitmap (bitmapData);

    return bitmap;

    trace ("getImage-");

    private function onComplete (event: Event): void
    trace ("onComplete", ");

    private void onError (event: IOError): void
    trace ("onError", event.message ");

    two images running through this method of recovery gives the following trace output:

    getImage BEF, 0
    getImage AFT, 6760
    getImage BEF, 0
    getImage AFT, 7039

    so clearly the bytearray data is loaded, but the onComplete, onError, and methods are NEVER triggered and the returned Bitmap is just a white square. the files in question are certainly jpg files.

    what I am doing wrong?


    Since my first comment, you have the wrong charger earphone,

    loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener<----- you="" need="" to="" add="" the="" listener="" to="" the="" contentloaderinfo="" rather="" than="" to="" the="">


  • Method Sublayout()


    Does anyone know the triggers the sublayout method? I know not tilt the device triggers it but my sublout method is executed when I press on the screen permanently. Why is this?

    Most likely, you're doing something in the layout() or sublayout() methods that actually triggers another provision.

    You could try single-no not your code to find the problem, or post your code for us to see.

  • [java rmi] PortableRemoteObject method not referenced

    Hello everyone.

    I use a portable proxy between an IIOP client and server of connection JRMI (activated). While the proxy has an active reference on the login server, it cannot execute his method not referenced. So I try to use the source not cited in the proxy too, but once he gets a reference to the login server (the first time a user IIOP calls the PortableProxy.login () method, the replacement no quoted source method is never called.

    It's my proxy code:
    public class PortableProxy extends ClientAuthentication, Unreferenced{
         private String path = System.getenv("WORKDIR");
         private ClientAuthentication authLogin = null;
         private static final String authServer = "authServer";
         private static final int authServerPort = 1098;
         private static final String authServerIP = "localhost";
         private static final int portableProxyRMI = 3500;
         private static final String portableProxy = "PortableProxy";
            * PortableProxy()
         public PortableProxy(){
              Properties prop = new Properties();
              Object obj = null;
              System.setProperty("", "123456");
                      System.setProperty("java.rmi.dgc.leaseValue", "12000");
                      System.setProperty("java.rmi.dgc.checkInterval", "6000");
              }catch(RemoteException re){
                   System.out.println("PortableProxy.PortableProxy() RemoteException: "+re.getMessage());
              System.out.println("PortableProxy exported");
            * lookRef()
         public void lookRef(){
              Properties prop = new Properties();
              Object obj = null;
              prop.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.rmi.registry.RegistryContextFactory");
              prop.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "rmi://"+authServerIP+":"+authServerPort);
              InitialContext ic = null;
                 ic = new InitialContext(prop);
                 obj = ic.lookup(authServer);
              }catch(NamingException ne){
                 System.out.println("PortableProxy.lookRef() NamingException: "+ne.getMessage());
              authLogin = (ClientAuthentication) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj, ClientAuthentication.class);
            * login()
         public Runnable login(String user, String password){
              System.out.println("Sono in PortableProxy.login()");
              Runnable ret = null;
              if(authLogin == null){
                   ret = authLogin.login(user, password);
              }catch(RemoteException re){
                   System.out.println("PortableProxy.login() RemoteException: "+re.getMessage());
              return ret;
            * unreferenced()
         public void unreferenced(){
              authLogin = null;
              if(authLogin == null){
                   System.out.println("authLogin = null");
                   System.out.println("Something went wrong: authLogin != null.");
         * MAIN
         public static void main(String[] args){
              Properties prop = new Properties();
              PortableProxy proxy = new PortableProxy();
              prop.put("java.naming.factory.initial",  "com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory");
              prop.put("java.naming.provider.url", "iiop://localhost:"+portableProxyRMI);
                   InitialContext icProxy = new InitialContext(prop);
                   icProxy.rebind(portableProxy, proxy);
              }catch(NamingException ne){
                   System.out.println("PortableProxy.main() NamingException: "+ne.getMessage());
    I closed all the user jvm, but nothing happened. I don't have a reference to the proxy each time, I put it to null.
    Where I am doing wrong?
    PS: I also want to set the leaseValue and the checkInterval for a shorter time. In this way (under the PortableRemoteObject.exportObject (()) the right way?
    Tell me thanks in advance, if you need additional information. Thank you

    In my view, that the unreferenced support is available only when the use standard rmi. the iiop based RPC does not support distributed gc.

  • AttributeChangeEvent not triggered when the position of the separator is changed by the user


    I have a dispatcher Panel as below:

    < af:panelSplitter orientation = 'vertical' id = 'ps1z' collapsed = 'true '.
    positionedFromEnd = "true" splitterPosition = "240".
    styleClass = "AFStretchWidth AFStretchHeight"
    clientComponent Binding = "#{pageFlowScope.discrepancyView.panelSplitter}" = 'true' "
    attributeChangeListener = "#{pageFlowScope.discrepancyView.attributeChangeListener}" >

    This splitter makes fine between the two areas of my page. But the attribute change event does not seem to be pulled when splitter is collapsed/expanded and when the position of the separator is changed by moving the mouse. The earpiece of the attributeChangeListener method is never get called.

    Can someone tell me what could be the reason for this?

    Thank you


    change attribute thse listeners only fire when a component is changed implicitly by the rendering engine kit. So it should not change when the user repositions the separator


  • refresh the component whenever it becomes visible

    This is probably not the first time at his request, but search results are not much of a help.

    in the Main.mxml that I have two buttons to display (or hide) of custom components.

    the first time that the components are loaded / showed that they use the creationComplete event with lets call the init() method. (a call of service/CallResponder to fill some signs/labels etc.)

    When switching to and on components likely to have changed the information contained in the database and for this purpose, I need to remind the init() method again to restart the service/CallResponder again. So, I always have the info displayed on my screen most acurate.

    is it possible to invoke the init() method whenever the custom component becomes visible?

    Thanks in advance


    static cooling, follow these steps:

    public static void refresh(event:Event):void {}

    event.currentTarget.init ();

    This will ensure that init is called on the particular instance with distributed event.  Also your init function now takes a parameter of the event, you must be making it optional or remove it completely.

    I just put an alert and trace in the updating of the static function "empty."

    good event that her name in the show, it is never triggered?

    How do you get the visible component?

  • Process to install devours the application memory.

    I hope that someone can help me, I'm a 2013 MacBook Air running OS X El Capitan (10.11.6) according to a system to update a few days ago my laptop slowed significantly (by moving the cursor would trigger the spinning Rainbow).

    I've identified what I think is the issue using the activity monitor; I have two installation running process, and each of them use all a gig of memory. When I leave my laptop process dates back to work normally, but after a reboot, the process to install reappear and slow down.

    After some research, I have seen that many people had a similar problem to 2014 and is advertising software named Genieo, unfortunately which don't seem to be the same problem that I encounter as I can find no trace of Genieo on my laptop.

    Do not know if installers are left by the system update, I just, or something else, I downloaded. I have traces in the finder and attempted to eject but they returned after a reboot and they cannot be sent to the trash, so the other then by a force quite everytime I want to use my laptop, I don't know what to do next.

    Anyone know what is happening or have suggestions on how I can solve this problem?

    Restart in safe mode

    Try safe mode if your Mac does not end commissioning - Apple Support

    Set your guard at a higher level of security currently occupies it if it is set to "any place"

    OS X: on Gatekeeper - Apple Support

    check your user account for the elements of launch, then remove them

     > System Preferences > users and groups

    Access your account

    unlock the pannel

    Go to the login items

    remove anything you don't have "here highlighting by clicking on the" sur le «» icone "icon"


    Macintosh HD/library/StatupItems

    delete everything you don't want by dragging it there.

    You can download etrecheck for a more in-depth analysis of your system and display the results here

    This will allow the volunteers here to get a better idea of what is installed on your computer, if you have detected malware and it detects, it can remove, if not you can check and remove the malware more experienced with this tool.

    Although no single method can never be100% effective, both of these tools are free for mac and volunteers often suggest to use them for these types of questions and many others.

  • Structure of the event in primary vi and sub - VI with queues

    Hi all

    I have an application that uses the architecture of producer-consumer in which a queue transmits messages of a main VI by a Subvi, in response to the events of the user in the front panel. Inside the Sub VI, the queue is removed and treaty based on the corresponding message, and the result is displayed on the façade the sub of VI. User events are captured in the main VI using a Structure of the event. This works as expected.

    However, I also the controls on the Panel before the sub - VI to change the queue. My approach is to have another structure of the event in the VI sub for this. However, while the events in the main work of fine VI, events of sub - VI never treated.

    A simplified sandbox VI of what I'm trying to do is attached. As you can see, the main VI events are triggered as expected, but events in the sub VI are never triggered.

    I watched this white paper: detect an event in a Subvi from a high level VI , but it's not exactly what I'm trying to do. Instead, I'm just trying to detect an event generated within the Subvi. I searched this forum and found some research related, but none of them seemed to answer what I'm trying to do.

    Thank you


    Your major issue here is the loop location.  While the structure should be inside the Subvi to make a message in the appropriate queue manager.  In fact, you should have 2 loops within your Subvi: 1) the QMH and (2) of the event loop.  You must use a user event to congratulate the event loop in the Subvi to stop.  You should NOT use the time-out of the Structure of the event unless you absolutely must.  And since everything in the Subvi is the message function, you do not have expectations.  They will be inactive (no CPU using) when there are no items to process from the queue or queue.

  • asynchronuous functions do not work in a c# used by CVI application dll


    I have an application written with CVI 9.0.1, who must interact with a dll c# 2010 (which has no window) through a CVI<->wrapper .net (created with the controller of the CVI useful .net).

    This c# dll uses the functions asynchronuous, as NetworkStream.BeginRead () and EndRead() of an object of System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient for example.

    These asynchronuous functions work very well when the c# dll is used by a c# application (with a main window) or the c# dll is converted into a stand-alone c# program (having a window with buttons, call its methods, just to try), but asynchronuous functions do not work when my c# dll is called by my CVI application (which is my goal) : execution remains inside the NetworkStream.BeginRead () for example (for the concerned thread).

    NetworkStream.BeginRead () can be bypassed successfully by using the function alternator NetworkStream.Read () instead, but the c# dll uses any other asynchronuous functions which have no associated alternator function.

    Here's some c# code (I don't have the source code of the Snmp object; got_trap() method is never called when asynchonuous calls do not work):

    public void run() / / wire


    SNMP snmp = null;



    SNMP = new Snmp (true);

    SNMP. NotifyListenPort = 162;

    SNMP. NotifyRegister (null, null, new NotifyCallback (got_trap), CB_DATA_);

    isActive = true;





    Thinking it might be a problem with the window messages that could not be processed (in the c# dll), I tried to replace the Timeout.Infinite statement in the code where the management of asynchronuous are held, by a creation of window over my loop of messages in Win32 window, but asynchronuous functions do not work better (while my loop seems to process messages successfully) :

    Form myForm = new Form(); an empty window

    myForm.Show ();

    int bRet;

    MSG msg = new MSG();

    While ((bRet = GetMessage (out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0))! = 0)


    If (bRet == - 1).


    handle the error and possibly out


    on the other


    Switch (msg.message)


    default: / / everything else

    TranslateMessage (Ref msg);

    DispatchMessage (Ref msg);





    Any idea?

    Thank you


    Solved: in fact, the Assembly of snmp I used just need to be registered dotNet.


  • Vista update error prevents the Windows startup

    I had a very similar breakdown on windows vista update
    I get! 0xc0190036! 4998/93973 (dwup.inf)

    I tried suggestions Microsoft all the in

    When I try Method 1 never complete the restore, just gets stuck on finalize it for a long time

    method 2 does nothing to help.

    method 3: when I try to rename dwup.inf in the command prompt, it says it can't find the file!

    need to return my Vista PC. very frustrated


    Maybe these can help if you can get Safe Mode or use a disc of Vista (if you do not borrow)
    a friend of as they are not protected against copying).

    I guess that part of the question could be a driver which is really old or similar should not be loaded.

    This exit Windows updates on (after you have access) and stop the updates of the driver to load.

    How to disable automatic driver Installation in Windows Vista - drivers (WS.10) .aspx


    You can use the solutions in this KB - 3 methods and I listed a little help for them below

    The update is not installed successfully, you receive a message, and the computer restarts when you try to
    install an update in Windows Vista

    Method 1: Start Windows Vista with the Windows installation media and use the repair feature

    How to do a startup repair in Vista

    You can also do a safe mode startup repair to access the Recovery Options If you have them available
    or use the DVD as described above.

    This tells you how to access the System Recovery Options

    Try recovery options Startup Repair

    How to do a startup repair

    Method 2: Start the system in safe mode and then use the system restore feature

    How to make a Vista system restore

    You can also do a restore of the system of starting with a Vista disk.

    Method 3: Rename the Pending.xml file, and then change the registry (this method is part of the advanced troubleshooting)

    See article below for that.

    You can use this method on the updates that have this problem.

    Hide the update (click right - HIDE in the updates of Windows) and go to the Microsoft Download Center to download
    and install it.

    Microsoft Download Center


    Once you are in Windows I was running once again reset here as a precaution.

    How to reset the Windows Update components?

    Try the Startup Repair tool-

    This tells you how to access the System Recovery Options and/or with a Vista disk

    Try recovery options Startup Repair

    How to do a startup repair

    If necessary:

    You can try an In-Place Upgrade (hopefully save programs and data) or a repair installation (if all goes well
    saves the data, and you need to reinstall the programs). Be sure to do a good backup or three.

    You can use another DVD that are not protected but you will need to copy you have the product key.

    On-site upgrade

    If nothing works, you can make a repair facility that must save the data but you will need to
    Reinstall the programs. This also requires correct Vista disks especially for OEM versions. You will be
    need to know your product Code.

    This tells you how to access the System Recovery Options and/or a Vista DVD

    How to perform a repair for Vista Installation

    Hope this helps sort it out for you.

    Rob - bicycle - Mark Twain said it is good.

  • providerStateChanged... again

    Never get called the providerStateChanged method?

    I've disabled GPS and disabled location caregiver.

    Still my app still does not call the method in the class that implements LocationListener.

    Thanks for the suggestion. That will keep in reserve, don't really like to do workaround when it appears something like cut and dry that the method is never executed. I would like to use the providerStateChanged method as it was designed/intended.

    Are you aware of what is a bug or I use it wrong?

    Thank you.

    BUG - see thread

    Created the: March 25, 10 15:55 updated: 22 Apr 10 15:33
    Return the search of
    Number 1 of 2 issue (s)
  • TextField, submitted using c ++ does not

    Hi all

    I am trying to connect to the TextInputProperties::submitted(bb::cascades::AbstractTextControl*) signal, but in fact it does not. This is my code:

    TextField *inputField = uiPage->findChild("damageInput");

    I see no error on the console. In any case my events onSubmitted method is never called, even if it is declared as a crack:

    public slots:
        void addClicked();
        void subtractClicked();
        void onDialogFinished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type );
        void onSubmit(bb::cascades::AbstractTextControl *);

    I did something wrong?

    The only mistake I found on the log of the device is that:

    Dec 09 11:10:54.807 com.example.MagicManager.testDev_agicManageref1201b1.237248764... 0 csuifw_error ERROR ClientObject::removeAttributeListener() 15555 - recorded none of these headphones attribute on object

    But I don't know if it is related to my problem. Any idea?

    In theory, it is not strictly necessary,

    I tried to add the name with the same result.

    In any case, I found the problem, whas my fault.

    in fact in the connection, I stated as a crack the onSubmitted method events:


    But the crack in the class's onSubmit:

    void onSubmit(bb::cascades::AbstractTextControl *submitter);

    Then, to fix this problem, solved the problem. Unfortunately this kind of errors is not recognized by the compiler.

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