named destinations

I'm trying to declare named destinations within my PDF form and use a

comboBox to allow the user to go directly to the desired section.

It seems that it should be simple-

But I'm having some unexpected, difficult to find how do.

I have a combo Box with my predefined destinations listed and which works very well-

What I don't know, and the difficulty of finding is:

1. How can I create destinations named inside the PDF? and

2. How can I get the form to move to the appropriate destination?

As always, any help is appreciated.

Thank you

You can use the setFocus() function to access an object in your form.

This script will set the focus on a textfield named "Textfield22" for example. (xfa.resolveNode ("Form1. #subform. Textfield22'))

Tags: Adobe LiveCycle

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    No, if the file is already open.

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    Two copies. Answer here:

    named destination

    Be well...

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    This.gotonameddest ("BK1");

    This.zoom = zoom;


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    Respect of

    Thirusanguraja V

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    If a PDF file is not open in a browser, then the browser download and (maybe) start Reader with the file name. The named destination was long thrown before the browser startup drive.

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    By Evermap's Autobookmark did for me.

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    Not possible with Acrobat Javascript.

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    See here: tml

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    See you soon

    daniellem64018250 wrote:

    Thanks, Yes by trial and error, I discovered that it works as long as web browser is supported by Adobe Plugin but Viewer PDF from Google Chrome does not work. I have found no discussions concerning the problem with Chrome since #nameddest 2013 and the place was supposed to be the new solution.

    Maybe Google's PDF Viewer does not support this.

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    You want to make the URL a "shared destination.

    For the first use of the URL of a hyperlink, check the "shared hyperlink target.

    On subsequent uses of the URL, choose Destination shared in the new Hyperlink dialog box menu:

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    Thanks for any help.


    Using InDesign CS5:

    Change or delete hyperlink destinations

    1. Open the document in which the destination is displayed.
    2. Choose the Destination Options of hyperlink in the hyperlinks Panel menu.
    3. For Destination, select the name of the destination you want to change.
    4. Do one of the following:
      • Click on edit and then make the changes to the destination as necessary.

      • Click on delete to remove the destination.

    5. When you're done to modify or remove destinations, click OK.
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    A button is not a named destination. Named destinations cannot be created by a script, they must be created by the user or by the application that created the PDF file.

    However, a script can open a destination named, provided that his name is known.

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    Did you put the document on a web site?

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    AHA, a PDF file is different from a web page!

    For me, who have a link scroll down to page 15, that seems a bit random. I tried Firefox 20.0.1 and 21 Firefox beta 7, the two using the (introduced in Firefox 19) built-in PDF Viewer. Test yourself in the Viewer, or in Adobe plugin?

    There was a bug in the Viewer, set a little more than 3 weeks ago, however, Firefox does not pick up these changes immediately.


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