NavigationPane ButtonBack question

Hi all, I tried to change NavigationPane backButton, but nothing happens. This is a bug or I'm doing wrong? Here is my code:

NavigationPane {
    id: navigationPane
    paneProperties: NavigationPaneProperties {
        backButton: ActionItem {
            title: "text"
            imageSource: "asset:///images/npane.png"
            onTriggered: {

It is not supposed to be a part of another component. This example makes be think so...

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    When I do


    Stuff from my container are covered by the navigationbar with the backButton

    my simple code:

    constructor() {
        ......    Menu *menu = new Menu;    SettingsActionItem *settingsItem = new SettingsActionItem;    menu->setSettingsAction(settingsItem);    connect(settingsItem, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openSettings()));    Application::instance()->setMenu(menu);    ....
    openUI() {
        navigationPane = NavigationPane::create().add(uiPage);
    openSettings() {

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  • How to connect the ButtonClick events to NavigationPane.popAndDelete within QML

    Hi all

    I know to connect my click event of the button to NavigationPane.popanddelete in the native SDK,

    I want to implement this feature in QML, how to implement it.

    My struct QML is something like this:


         onClicked:..//how to write here
    within C++
                QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("MyPage.qml");
                AbstractPane *mypage= qml->createRootNode();
               // Button *button = alertPage->findChild("BackButton");

    Thanks in advance...


    I want everything first, make sure that you know about the properties of the component in QML. If you have inserted a page in your navigation pane and want to have a back button seems natural, you can use the following code in your definition of QML Page {}:

    paneProperties: {NavigationPaneProperties}
    ButtonBack: {ActionItem}
    Title: 'Back '.
    onTriggered: {}
    _navPane.pop ();

    This will insert a lower bar filled with a previous button following a consistent style.

    If you want to raise the pop event from the QML document via manual button (no), in the property of your onClicked button, you can simply call pop on the handle of your navigation pane.

    for example
    Button {}
    ID: buttonTest
    objectName: "buttonTest.
    text: "text".
    onClicked: {}
    _navPane.pop ();

    Please note that in both cases, you have exposed the handle of "_navPane" in your C++ code with subsequent calls (assuming that m_SidePaneContentQML is the name of your page with the back button):

    m_SidePaneContentQML = QmlDocument::create().load("SidePane/SidePane.qml");
    m_SidePaneQmlContext = m_SidePaneContentQML-> documentContext();
    m_SidePaneQmlContext-> setContextProperty ("_navPane", m_Nav);

    In this case, m_Nav would be the navigation pane that you use.

    Let me know if you need more information, I'm happy to help you.

    Good luck!


  • NavigationPane and deprecatedPushQmlByString issues

    I have a few beginner questions:

    I explore the NavigationPane in QML component and the recommended method to push pages is "deprecatedPushQmlByString()". But the API documentation says, that this method is temporary and will be replaced. What to use instead?

    And a second question: when I use this method, how do I access the push page from inside the NavigationPane (which is the parent component), for example to set a property of the page push? Can I set the pages inside the navigationPane instead to get a reference to each page one and then push them when necessary?

    Look at the navigationpane documentation a bit more far, he explains how you can use attachedobjects with an example.

  • NavigationPane metal back button


    I placed a NavigationPane in a component of sheet cascading through qml. It works very well. If I place actions in the Page element that works too. But I can't afford to get the new action button in the NavigationPane. I can close the leaf via an ActionItem I manually place, but what looks like no standard for stocks to return. Also, I know that I could use the dismissAction in the title bar, but as I use a SegmentedControl in the title bar that is not an option for me.

    Here is a snippet of my code qml:


    ID: detailsSheet
    NavigationPane {}
    paneProperties: {NavigationPaneProperties}
    ButtonBack: {ActionItem}
    Title: qsTr ("BACK")
    ID: sheetPage
    Title: qsTr ("Library")
    ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
    onTriggered: {}




    It works for the closure of the leaf, but the back button does not appear. In momentics there is a check box for "back buttons visible. Any ideas?

    The back button will only appear if there are two or more screens in NavigationPane. I don't know if it's good for UX close the worksheet by using the "back" button.

  • Call the function QML from C++ (simple question)

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    Page {
        objectName: "funct"
        function printStat() {

    In one of the functions in applicationui.cpp there is a function called resendNotification() (you may know this code from the model of the app without head)

    void ApplicationUI::resendNotification()
        InvokeRequest request;
        m_invokeManager->invoke(request);    // --> call the printStat() function of Functions.qml file

    My question is, before you minimize the app How can I call the function printStat() of the qml file? I have always developed my apps in QML so never had to deal with c ++. Should be easy enough to call a function well.

    Thank you in advance!

    first step is to find the object by ObjectName using findChild, usually from your element root (navigationPane).
    NAV-> findChild ("myTextField")

    If you have the object of another source that is fine too, of course.

    second step is to use QMetaObject::invokeMethod with the object and the name of the method.
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod (container, "setText", Q_ARG (QVariant, text));

  • NavigationPane Query


    I use a NavigationPane in my application. My main screen consists of headers and labels and labels have onTouch {} events that will grow to a specific page in the stack.

    As each page a WebView, I was wondering if it is possible to create a dynamic WebView? (so the actionBar is identical every time) and I don't have to create a new WebView on each page, and I'm a little confused by the WebStorage; I tried to give a key that caches all WebViews then a button to clear the cache.

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    function resizeText(multiplier) {
        if ( == "") {
   == "1.0em";
        } = parseFloat( + (multiplier * 0.2) + "em";

    I then imported in one of my pages QML

    import "TextResize.js" as TextResize
    actions: [
    ActionItem {
                title: "Increase Font Size"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: "Decrease Font Size"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                onTriggered: {

    Yet the buttons do not seem to do anything when the increase or decrease of the police in a WebView, so I was wondering if there is another way to increase or decrease the police in a WebView using ActionItems?

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    Finally, I'm looking to create a page of settings - options for a clear/dark theme selector (coupled with a dialog box: to inform the user that they will have to restart the app) but I don't know where to start on this one here.

    Thanks in advance

    LOL, in fact there are four questions here are not here can you create 4 threads separated, thank you.

  • Policy QML camera question


    When you use element QML camera in my application, I was faced with the following problem - Z10 camera he always does photo in landscape orientation, even if the device is in portrait mode. AFAIK, QML camera should deal with orientation of the unit by itself, and it doesn't have even the methods or properties to combat it. All other screen elements (such as the navigation pane) to have proper placement for the current orientation of the device (as for the navigation pane, it is always on the bottom of the screen). The code example looks like this:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.cascades.multimedia 1.0
    import bb.multimedia 1.0
    Page {
        id:         cameraPage
        objectName: "cameraPage"
        onCreationCompleted: {
            OrientationSupport.supportedDisplayOrientation = SupportedDisplayOrientation.CurrentLocked;
        paneProperties: NavigationPaneProperties {
            backButton: ActionItem {
                onTriggered: {
        Container {
            background: Color.Black
            Camera {
                id: camera
                onCreationCompleted: {
                    if (allCamerasAccessible) {
                onCameraOpened: {
                    cameraSettings.flashMode = CameraFlashMode.Off;
                    cameraSettings.focusMode = CameraFocusMode.ContinuousAuto;
                onTouch: {
                    if (event.touchType === TouchType.Down) {
                onPhotoCaptured: {
                attachedObjects: [
                    CameraSettings {
                        id: cameraSettings
                    SystemSound {
                        id:    shutterSound
                        sound: SystemSound.CameraShutterEvent

    I looked for similar problems in the browser of the question and found the following problem:

    It is somewhat similar to mine, but it is marked as fixed in Dev Alpha OS 10.0.09, while this problem occurs in on Z10.

    What could cause, with the exception of the firmware issue? Should I change something orientation of the camera by hand? How can I do this for element QML camera?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    The different flavors of the Z10 (as well as future systems) can manage rotation in different ways. Some will be actually rotate the image for you, some will just tag the jpeg resulting with EXIF data that indicates the orientation of the image desired. Not all image viewers supports EXIF rotation.

    In addition, currently on the Z10 rotation of the image is locked for the orientation of the device. So if the user locks the application in portrait mode, all their photos will be marked as if the device is held upright in portrait mode, unless you do a follow-up work with the gyroscope/accelerometer and then rotate the image yourself. You will notice that even in the built in camera app. This is currently a known limit.

  • [SOLVED] Show/hide options in af:navigationPane


    I use JDeveloper

    I followed this tutorial to create a menu of left of base and clear in my request.

    This tutorial shows moving to other topics, but I have created a simple menu on the left, with a list.

    I haved created one unlimited workflow, drag and drop a wildcard character, then the views, then the control flow... It works perfectly

    In the JSF model, in the left side, I have this code:

    <af:navigationPane id="pt_np1" hint="list" value="#{supervision_menu}" var="supervisionInfo">
                        <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
                          <af:commandNavigationItem text="#{supervisionInfo.label}" id="pt_cni1"

    I need an advanced feature, and I want to show/hide some options, based on a parameter.

    I need to run a display with this parameter object, process the results, in order to get to know the options that could be shown or hidden.

    So, my questions are:

    • How can I force to run this control as the first step of this flow?
    • In menu.xml and af:commandNavigationItem, we're visible attribute. Where should I put the condition?

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you

    Hi user,

    I was about to give you this talk here about what you need to do. However, since you are not allowed to change the approach, you need access somehow to the UserID and ExecuteWithParams your 2 viewObjects with the previously created and applied ViewCriterias based on the user ID. After that, I don't know how you can use the visible property of the menu.xml, but if you can get your hands on your ViewObject attributes then you will need to make the comparison to show/hide according to the role.

  • Rich Faces navigationPane hint = buttons do not use - does?


    We have questions where we try to installation to the top of two levels of navigation the two using the af: navigationPane. The first uses the indicator = "tabs" and it works. The second level uses indicator = "buttons" and does not have a valid URL. I am trying to use the navigation of upper level (default) for both.

    So for nav1 translates a valid as URL: / MyApp-ViewController-context-root/faces/WarehouseHome; jsessionid = GNLYSMwK1ry7RLMVNJBCG7...

    The second translates URLs such as: / MyApp-ViewController-context-root/faces /; jsessionid = GNLYSMwK1ry7RLMVNJBCG7...


    With the name of the page get naked.

    If I pass the second level of navigation tips = "tabs" it works very well.

    If it works? According to the documentation, there should be no difference of navigation for both types.

    Build JDEVADF_11.

    Thank you!


    The source of the page for navigation:

    < af:panelGridLayout id = "hm_psl1" >

    < af:gridRow id = "hm_gr_main_nav" >

    < af:gridCell halign = "stretch" id = "hm_gc4" columnSpan = "3" >

    < af:panelGroupLayout layout = "horizontal" id = "hm_pgl2" halign = "right" >

    <!-disabled = "#{userbean.loginScreen}"-> "

    < af:navigationPane hint = "tabs" id = "hm_np1" >

    < af:commandNavigationItem text = 'Home' selected = "#{userbean.homeSelected}" rendering = 'true' ""

    action Disabled = "#{UserBean.loginScreen}" = "GoWarehouseHome" "

    immediate = "true" id = "hm_cni2" / >

    < af:commandNavigationItem text = "Admin" selected = "#{userbean.adminSelected}" rendering = 'true' ""

    action Disabled = "#{UserBean.admin}" = "GoAdmin' immediate ="true""

    ID = "hm_cni3" / >

    < text af:commandNavigationItem = selected = "#{userbean.receivingSelected 'Receiver'} '"

    rendering = "true" disabled = "#{userbean.receiving}" action = "GoReceiving" "

    immediate = "true" id = "hm_cni4" / >

    <! - SNIP - >

    < / af:commandNavigationItem >

    < / af:navigationPane >

    < / af:panelGroupLayout >

    < / af:gridCell >

    < / af:gridRow >

    < af:gridRow id = "hm_gr2" >

    < af:gridCell columnSpan = "3" id = "hm_gc5" >

    < af:navigationPane hint = "buttons" id = "hm_np2" >

    <! - Home - >

    < text af:commandNavigationItem = rendered = "#{userbean.receivingSelected"General Reception"} '"

    Disabled = "#{UserBean.receiving_General or userbean.receiving_General_Selected} '"

    inlineStyle = "#{userbean.receiving_General_Selected?" "font-size: 13px; make-weight: bold; color: #FFCC66; "{text-decoration: underline':"} ".

    action = "GoReceivingGeneral" immediate = "true" id = "hm_cl6" / >

    < af:commandNavigationItem text = "Cancel SID" rendered = "#{userbean.receivingSelectedCancelSID} '"

    Disabled = "#{UserBean.receiving_CancelSID or userbean.receiving_CancelSID_Selected} '"

    inlineStyle = "#{userbean.receiving_CancelSID_Selected?" "font-size: 13px; make-weight: bold; color: #FFCC66; "{text-decoration: underline':"} ".

    action = "GoReceivingCancelSID" immediate = "true" id = "hm_cl7" / >

    <! - SNIP - >

    < / af:navigationPane >

    < / af:gridCell >

    < / af:gridRow >

    < / af:panelGridLayout >

    OK work autour was to use the deprecated tag commandLink in a toolbar separated by groups. This give the same basic look and work in this version.

  • How to use af:goLink in af:navigationPane?


    Is it possible to use af:goLink inside the af: navigationPane and should be made in the form of tablets or any other equivalent to achieve device navigationPane? (I don't want to use AF: commandNavigationItem)

    I don't want my tabs to publish for navigation, I just want to go to the requested page acting as pure links.

    Thank you.


    I've never tried the CTRL + click, but I don't see why it wouldn't work, unless the JavaScript client component is something fishy (which is possible), I doubt that the problem is caused by af:form. As for your second question, only 1 form in the jspx root should be necessary to use af:subform for, well, subforms.

    Kind regards

    ~ Simon

  • iOS 10 people record problem/question


    I have a couple of "faces" in the issue of people who are coming in white, but acknowledged same 'face' of many times.  Is anyway to update it for photo comes actually?  At a few faces, I don't know that facial recognition found since it is coming from white.

    Hi JohnP007,

    Congratulations on your iPhone 7 more running iOS 10! I understand that some of your faces in the album of people pull up as a draft and you want to refresh. You can try to use the steps below to fix the faces on the thumbnails in albums.

    Difficulty faces and names mixed-up

    If you notice that there is a photo of someone in a collection that is poorly identified, you can remove it.

    1. Tap the person you want to remove in the album of people > select.
    2. Type Show done face to emphasize his face in every photo.
    3. Press on each photo that is not the person.
    4. Type > not this person.

    Hide people

    You can hide the people or groups that you don't want in your album of people.

    1. Open the album people and press Select.
    2. Touch the people you don't want to see.
    3. Click Hide.

    If you want to see the people that you have hidden, press on show hidden people.

    People in the Photos on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

    This should be corrected without delay faces. Please use the Apple Support communities to post your question. Good day.

  • Questions - and answers forgotten

    How to get my 'secret' answers to the questions that I have noted the way back when?

    If you forgot the answers to your questions of security of Apple ID - Apple Support

  • I can't reset the security questions. We received notice as below:

    Hello world

    I can't reset the security questions. We received notice as below:

    "Cannot reset Security Questions."

    We have insufficient information to reset your security questions. "

    Please help me as soon as possible! Thank you very much.


    You will need to contact the Apple Support.

    The information is available here:

    Contact Apple for assistance with the security of the Apple ID - Apple Support accounts

    (I'm afraid that no one here can solve the problem for you - this is a user-based community).

  • Question of cloning for SSD upgrade on 12 Macbook Pro

    Previously, I did an upgrade to SSD on my Macbook Air to 2012 according to the instructions of JetDrive transcend. Basically connection via USB 3 and using Mac OS X to clear (and format) disc utilities new SSD, then restore again SSD and then remove the original 128 GB SSD and insert the new 480 GB SSD.  For about a month and so far without problem.

    Now I'm trying to 2012 Macbook upgrade my Pro partner (on 10.11.6).  I got a Crucial SSD MX300 to replace his HARD drive.  Crucial comes with (or recommend) Acronis software.  And a lot of the messages of the forum recommend Carbon Copy Clone.

    My question is if I can use the same method for the cloning of the HD as my Macbook Air (just restore disk of Mac OS X utilities)?  This time, I'm upgrading HARD drive and I don't know if something is different.  At the same time, if I got lucky the first time, I don't not ruin Macbook Pro my spouse this time.

    Thank you.

    Yes, you can use disk utility to clone your MBP wives, but unlike CCC, it will not clone the recovery and Partition.

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