Need an API to retrieve the sessiontimeout attribute wcSessionTimeoutPeriod WebCenter Portal


Can someone let me know any WebCenter APIs for querying attribute to session timeout WebCenter portal 'wcSessionTimeoutPeriod' on the Portal Server. I need the value of this attribute in a Custom HttpServlet and so cannot use a simple EL as #{WCAppContext.application.applicationConfig.customAttributes ['wcSessionTimeoutPeriod'].

If there is no api REST also available to retrieve this attribute, that should be fine.

Thank you

Jean Claude


I have the code to get easily into the MDS and also a wrapper that can be used.

In the meantime, try the following in your servlet:

Import oracle.webcenter.webcenterapp.internal.model.WebCenterUtils;

String timeout = WebCenterUtils.getAppCustomAttributeValue("wcSessionTimeoutPeriod");

Kind regards.

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    You can use a small procedure stored Java to extract the required fields.

    SQL> create table cert_storage (id integer, cert clob);
    Table created
    SQL> insert into cert_storage values (1,
      2  '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      4  V0dVMQ0wCwYDVQQLEwRNU0lBMR4wHAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFg90d2lsbDYzQHdndS5l
     11  ALzwniQTgM79kwIOIqo2GE+Ufl56F0E/Rg956Ho6FoT9tBhvvQfI1SDvRzsrMGYP
     12  2VDAT7I7HEUnwFPMF7YAiLbK/6LlKDv0D+JyP3q9k/ENsZd0Z33KZ3HrJV1sdZZK
     13  iCv7isHKJ7xJgxQq+9ecpBG2Y9Vr5rLg8WPqnjvnaI60PN+NEsWnFNr/u6rBfv9R
     14  CQBtbLG6nhq5rxd67cWYR1hLpQg/S40AYcJBMIOApDN96YzDFXUM269JdHLSMgbt
     16  Vav2t9igeXq7bUspcFTHQX8CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOCAQEAAoOfoSSo
     17  sN78pSuDAAD95AgATzmCFxLvV9LWrIkFOF6mLwpnvR9UvjoOfQRWjVNnHKZ+1SPw
     18  oRo9KnMaWBltnXgKktfNYsSqCgZ889VaFlZfOL7TTq+jWqG9sRNXcJHkC+o07cxS
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     22  +vQ4jwHbxRhV7g==
     23  -----END CERTIFICATE-----')
     24  ;
    1 row inserted
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete
    SQL> create or replace and compile java source named testx509src as
      2  import*;
      3  import*;
      4  import java.sql.*;
      5  import oracle.sql.CLOB;
      6  import oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ;
      8  public class TestX509 {
      9      public static TIMESTAMPTZ getExpirationDate(CLOB cert)
     10              throws SQLException, IOException, CertificateException {
     12          Connection conn = (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:default:connection:");
     13          BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(cert.getAsciiStream());
     15          CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
     16          X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) cf.generateCertificate(is);
     17          is.close();
     19          return new TIMESTAMPTZ( conn, new Timestamp(c.getNotAfter().getTime()) );
     21      }
     22  }
     23  /
    Java created
    SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CERT_GetExpirationDate(cert in clob)
      2  RETURN timestamp with time zone
      4  NAME 'TestX509.getExpirationDate(oracle.sql.CLOB) return oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ';
      5  /
    Function created
    SQL> select CERT_GetExpirationDate(cert)
      2  from cert_storage
      3  where id = 1;
    16-NOV-13 AM +01:00

    If you need to access the fields again, it would be best to wrap them in an Oracle object type and have the Java method return an instance of this object.

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    Thanks and greetings

    Zulfiqar haider

    I think you can use HR_PERSON_API. UPDATE_US_PERSON to update the attribute columns. Please check in your test before proceeding
    You can use it for your final update in bulk. Hope this helps you.

    Thank you

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    The closest to what you are looking for would be endpoints of assistance for a description of the fields. Example of /api/bulk/1.0/contact/fields


    "items": [{}

    'name': "E-mail address",

    "internalName": "C_EmailAddress",

    'dataType': 'emailAddress;

    'hasReadOnlyConstraint': false,

    'hasNotNullConstraint': false,

    'hasUniquenessConstraint': true,

    'Déclaration': '{{Contact.Field (C_EmailAddress)}}.

    "uri": "/ contact/field/100001",

    "converted': ' / Date (-2208970800000) /"

    'updatedAt': ' / Date (-2208970800000) / ".



    'name': "First name",

    "internalName": "C_FirstName",

    'dataType': "string",.

    'hasReadOnlyConstraint': false,

    'hasNotNullConstraint': false,

    'hasUniquenessConstraint': false,

    'Déclaration': '{{Contact.Field (C_FirstName)}}.

    "uri": "/ contact/field/100002."

    "converted': ' / Date (-2208970800000) /"

    "updatedBy": "MgrzzzOracleCloudSupportP01E10",

    'updatedAt': ' / Date (1408993722380) / ".


    If so, it will also include an element "defaultValue". How many characters you can store in a field (precision) is documented here: Type of data (data and Digital Formats). The same endpoint exist in bulk 2.0, and there are variants for the account fields and Objetpersonnalise. Another exists in the REST through Api/rest/2.0/assets/contact/fields?depth=complete... It does not include the declaration of ML, but there other useful information such as the type of default update and a flag 'isAccountLinkageField '.

    Similarly, if you describe a form via SOAP or REST, it also will give you the fields and their type.

    Kind regards


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    With our thanks,


    Hi Chris and all,.

    Sorry for not being very active lately as this pretty much fall in my area of expertise. Would the following works for you:

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Application application = context.getApplication();
    TaskFlowDefinition definition = MetadataService.getInstance().getTaskFlowDefinition(taskFlowId);
    Map parameters = definition.getInputParameters();
    for (TaskFlowInputParameter parameter : parameters.values())
        String name = parameter.getName();
        String expression = parameter.getValueExpression();
        Object value = application.evaluateExpressionGet(context, expression, Object.class);
        // Do something with the parameter

    I hope that's what you're looking for as I am scanning the thread very fast atm and speed of reading often missing some subtleties.

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    Thank you, in advance!

    I see that you managed to post on the forum script.

    To find a specific Adobe forum, when you're on the Welcome screen,

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    Who said that the API does not accept the UDF. Pass it as USR_UDF_PERSONID or what you have. It will work.

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    or borrow a vista microsoft dvd; not a HP, Acer recovery disk etc

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    they contain all versions of vista

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    It's true on the question of field lookup on an object, it retrieves only the Ids and not values, but if you intend to match it with display value that you can use GetPicklistValues of the Service API that retrieves the ID and display value that can be sought for a particular ID.


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    and assign it to an attribute of workflow for use later, or even check the value.

    From the looks of the workflow, it records only the value.

    Is it possible to natively in vRO?

    Thank you!


    Are you trying to retrieve the custom attribute using the workflow "toget the attribute custom" (in the folder library/vCenter/Custom attributes )?

    If so, then Yes, this workflow only saves the retrieved attribute and does not return as an output parameter. You have the following options:

    • Write your own workflow to help "get the attribute custom" as a starting point. You can duplicate, then add a new parameter of type string and set it to the value of customAttributeValue.
    • Directly call the () action in your script code and use its return value of string.
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    The usename you use AD administrator (IE CN = admin) must have the required attributes with non-empty values - firstName, lastName, email.

    When HW connect to AD with bindDN he added that makes the system user who applies the required properties.

    These properties are required for each user that needs to be added/synchronized to the workspace of horizon.

    To correct this error, you must go to AD and adds these admin user attributes.

  • Need help to retrieve the Satellite Pro C850 - 1 k 3


    I'm new to this forum, but I really need someone's help that my laptop has had a virus on it, and I have to do a complete uninstall of windows 8, (it was preinstalled, so I don't have a restore disc)

    Every time I try to uninstall windows it says that some files are missing and to insert a disc of recovery of some sort that I did not.

    How can I do this?

    Thanks in advance for assistance.
    PS: I tried to create a recovery with a blank dvd disk but it says insert USB pen, I did not.

    > I tried to create a recovery with a blank dvd disk but it says USB pen insert, I did not.
    Usually, you can choose between USB flash memory and the DVD disc.
    Did you change this option before trying to create the recovery media?

    > When I try to uninstall windows it says that some files are missing and insert a disc of recovery of some sort that I did not.

    I have no idea what you tried to do, but the fact is that if you want to retrieve the laptop, you must use either the Toshiba recovery media (USB key or DVD disc) or recovery of HARD drive option, you can try:
    More details [here:]

  • Research of interface software for FlexRIOs using API c do I need LabVIEW once I use the C API generator?

    Current versions of software:

    LabVIEW 2014 SP1

    LabVIEW FPGA 2014

    Xilinx Vivado

    Hi all

    I plan to interface my FlexRIOs to the software programmed in C, then the C API FlexRIO is excellent.

    My question is more economy of memory sake.

    I have a PC with Visual Studio, I want to add the minimum amount of software development.

    If I have a station (a separate Visual Studio PC PC) FPGA development with all LabVIEW software necessary to take the step of the use of the generator of the C API to create the necessary files of C and H, should what software I on the development PC Visual Studio in interface with the files in the generated C API?

    If all goes well, it's just (from the help)

    What you need to get started

    • Drivers for devices OR RIO August 2013 or later

    However... The help of the C API, it gives me the full list of the software including LabVIEW and LabVIEW FPGA... (below)

    What you need to get started

    In addition to a RIO device like a CompactRIO reconfigurable chassis, a Single-Board RIO device or RIO PCI or PXI hardware, you need the following software to use FPGA Interface C API.

    • LabVIEW 2009 SP1 or later (32-bit only)
    • LabVIEW FPGA Module 2009 SP1 or later (32-bit only)
    • Drivers for devices OR RIO August 2013 or later
    • Operating system supported development
      • Windows 8 or 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit)
      • Windows 7 Professional (32-bit or 64-bit)
      • Windows Vista Business (32-bit or 64-bit version)
      • Windows XP Professional SP2
      • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit version)
      • Windows Server 2003 (64-bit version)
    • Target supported OS
    • Supported C/C++ compiler

    So I have LabVIEW and LabVIEW FPGA on the development PC?

    (If all goes well no....)

    Thank you

    Hey Colonel1013,

    With the C API, you only need LabVIEW to build a bitfile and run the generator of C API tool, but LabVIEW is not required to run. That is, you need all the software listed, but it must not all be on the same machine. You can transfer the file lvbitx and the .c and .h files generated on another machine where you need only NOR-RIO and Visual Studio installed.


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    Hi Rob,

    Your question is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums. It is better suited for the IT Pro TechNet public. Please post your question in the Office IT Pro. You can follow the link to your question:

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