need help on how to make my roll of Web site!

I'm really stuck on how to create a scroll effect in Flash CS4 for a simple site. I need the screen for movw up and down to view all the content. What is the best way to proceed and where can I get the script, any help will be much appreciated.

Thank you!

If the that represents the dimensions of your swf file and the bowser does not scroll bars then look for and delete the following, since the HTML file or css file that supports (probably related to the tag bpdy styling)...

overflow: hidden;

Tags: Adobe Animate

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  • NEED HELP: on how to make the text field on the image (file I) sliced in Dreamweaver

    First of all, I will apologize for not being a guy of current code or understanding terminology.  I'm old school and build Web sites for my businesses and programs.  I have a situation where I have designed a website on Illustrator and sliced the site and imported into Dreamweaver. Everything works fine, however, I train for the life of get me a (perhaps called a tag div or something) text box on one of my sliced background images.  I have tried everything; read online tutorials and watched, however, it does not work for me.  In the past, I had someone just put the code in (or fix my code) to make a table of open field, on top of my background image that I slit, so that I could add the content type to it.  Can someone help me with this please?

    Here is the code for the site.  I put RED, the text field I try to overlay a text table or a box to work with.   Thank you a lot if someone maybe can add the code (or the DIV) to make it work, but also if you can put it in a different color so I know how to this in the future, it would be a great help too.

    < html > < head > < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; charset = ISO-8859-1 ">"

    < title > News < /title >

    < style type = "text/css" >


    background-color: #000;


    < / style >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    function MM_swapImgRestore() //v3.0 {}

    var i, x = offline. MM_sr; for (i = 0; a & & I <.) Length & & (x = a [i]) & & x.oSrc; i ++) x.src = x.oSrc;


    function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

    var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();

    var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)

    If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}


    function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01

    var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}

    d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

    If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];

    for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);

    If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments; document. MM_sr = new Array; for (i = 0; i <(a.length-2); I += 3).

    If ((x = MM_findObj (a [i]))! = null) {document. MM_sr [j ++] = x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc = x.src; x.SRC = a [i + 2] ;}


    < /script >

    < / head >

    < body bgcolor = « #000000 » vlink = « #00FF00 » leftmargin = « 0 » topmargin = « 0 » marginWidth ne = « 0 » marginheight = « 0 » onLoad = « MM_preloadImages (' images/sur-lien-TopBLURR.jpg','images/éducation-lien-TopBLURR.jpg','images/Team-Link-TopBLURR.jpg','images/Training-Link-TopBLURR.jpg','images/Contact-Link-TopBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-OverviewBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-FounderBLURR.jpg','ima ges/Bottom-LocationBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-TestimonialsBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-Board-M embersBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-Justin-SienaBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-BoardingBLURR.jpg', 'images/Bottom-InternationalBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-RosterBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-Staff BLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-ScheduleBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-NewsBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-VideosBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-Skill-DevelopBLURR.jpg' ' images/ fond-force-BLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-Training-VidsBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-MentorBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-Fun draisingBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-DonationsBLURR.jpg','images/Botton-SponsorsBLURR.jpg','i mages/Bottom-ContactBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-storeBLURR.jpg','images/Bottom-Bball-campsBL URR - 27.jpg') ">"

    < div style = "position: absolute;" left: 0px; Top: 0px; Width: 1231px; height: 840px; ">

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_01.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 0px; Top: 0px; Width: 1px; height: 840px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Top-Left-Logo.jpg);" position: absolute; Left: 1px; Top: 0px; Width: 719px; height: 119px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Top-Blank-Rectangle.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 720px; Top: 0px; Width: 511px; height: 64px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(About-Link-Top.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 720px; top: 64px; Width: 85px; height: 55px; "title =" "> < a href ="AboutOverview.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image1',", ' images/sur-lien - TopBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" topic-link - Top.jpg "width ="85"height ="55"id ="Image1"> < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Location-Link-Top.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 805px; top: 64px; Width: 108px; height: 55px; "title =" "> < a href ="Academics.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage (" Image2 "," ' images/education-link - TopBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" Education-link - Top.jpg "width ="108"height ="55"id ="Image2"> < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Team-Link-Top.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 913px; top: 64px; Width: 76px; height: 55px; "title =" "> < a href ="Roster.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image3',", ' images/team-link - TopBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src = ' team-link - Top.jpg" width = height "76" = "55" id = "3" > < /a > "

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Training-Link-Top.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 989px; top: 64px; Width: 96px; height: 55px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Development.html Skill" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image4 '", ' images/training-link - TopBLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "training-link - Top.jpg" width = "96" height = "55" id = "Image.4" > < / has >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Contact-Link-Top.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1085px; top: 64px; Width: 145px; height: 55px; "title =" "> < a href ="Contact.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Picture5'", ' images/Contact-link - TopBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" Contact-link - Top.jpg "width ="145"height ="55"id = 'Picture5' > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_09.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1230px; top: 64px; Width: 1px; height: 715px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Left-Star.jpg);" position: absolute; Left: 1px; top: 119px; Width: 233px; height: 720px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < span style = "background-image:;" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 119px; Width: 996px; height: 482px; ' >< img src = "images/Blank - Body.jpg" width = "996" height = "482" alt = "" ></span >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Titles.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 601px; Width: 996px; height: 59px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Overview-.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 660px; Width: 178px; height: 30px; "title =" "> < a href ="AboutOverview.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image6'", ' images/down - OverviewBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src ="Bottom-overview-.jpg"width ="178"height ="30"id = 'Image6' > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_14.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 412px; top: 660px; Width: 1px; height: 30px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Justin-Siena.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 413px; top: 660px; Width: 189px; height: 30px; "title =" "> < a href ="Academics.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image11'", ' images/bottom-Justin - SienaBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom-Justin - Siena.jpg "width ="189"height ="30"id ="Image11"> < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Roster.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 602px; top: 660px; Width: 108px; height: 29px; "title =" "> < a href ="Roster.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image15',", ' images/down - RosterBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Roster.jpg "width ="108"height = '29' id = 'Image15' > < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Skill-Develop.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 660px; Width: 218px; height: 29px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Development.html Skill" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image20 ',", ' images/low-skill - DevelopBLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "low-skill - Develop.jpg" width = "218" height = '29' id = 'Image20' > < /a >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Mentor.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 928px; top: 660px; Width: 133px; height: 30px; "title =" "> < a href ="Mentorship.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image23',", ' images/down - MentorBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Mentor.jpg "width ="133"height ="30"id ="Image23"> < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Contact.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 660px; Width: 168px; height: 29px; "title =" "> < a href ="Contact.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image27',", ' images/down - ContactBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom - Contact.jpg "width ="168"height = '29' id = 'Image27' > < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_20.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1229px; top: 660px; Width: 1px; height: 29px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Staff.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 602px; top: 689px; Width: 108px; height: 21px; "title =" "> < a href ="Staff.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image16',", ' images/down - StaffBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Staff.jpg "width ="108"height ="21"="Image16"id > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Skill-Develop-23.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 689px; Width: 1px; height: 1px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Strength-.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 711px; top: 689px; Width: 217px; height: 21px; "" title = "" > < a href = Mm_swapimgrestore "Force and Cond.html" "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image21 ',", ' images/background-force - BLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "Bottom-force-.jpg" width = "217" height = "21" = "Image21" id > < / has >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-store.jpg); position: absolute; top: 689px; width: 169px; left: 1061px, height: 21px;" "" title = "" > < a href = " "Mm_swapimgrestore"onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image28 ',",' images/down - storeBLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "bottom - store.jpg" width = "169" height = '21' id = 'Image28' > < /a >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Founder.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 690px; Width: 179px; height: 23px; "title =" "> < a href ="Founder.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image7'", ' images/down - FounderBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Founder.jpg "width ="179"height ="23"id ="Image7"> < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Boarding.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 413px; top: 690px; Width: 189px; height: 23px; "title =" "> < a href ="Boarding.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image12',", ' images/down - BoardingBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Boarding.jpg "width ="189"height ="23"id = 'Image12' > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Staff-28.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 690px; Width: 1px; height: 20px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Fundraising.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 928px; top: 690px; Width: 133px; height: 20px; "title =" "> < a href ="Fundraising.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image24',", ' images/down - FundraisingBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Fundraising.jpg "width ="133"height = '20' id = 'Image24' > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Schedule.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 602px; top: 710px; Width: 108px; height: 23px; "title =" "> < a href ="Schedule.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image17',", ' images/down - ScheduleBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Schedule.jpg "width ="108"height ="23"id ="Image17"> < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Training-Vids.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 710px; Width: 218px; height: 22px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Videos.html training" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image22 ',", ' images/bottom-training - VidsBLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "bottom-training - Vids.jpg" width = "218" height = "22" id = "Image22" > < /a >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Donations.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 928px; top: 710px; Width: 133px; height: 23px; "title =" "> < a href ="Donations.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image25',", ' images/down - DonationsBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Donations.jpg "width ="133"height ="23"id ="Image25"> < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-9.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 710px; Width: 169px; height: 22px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Location.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 713px; Width: 179px; height: 21px; "title =" "> < a href ="Location.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image8'", ' images/down - LocationBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Location.jpg "width ="179"height ="21"id ="Image8"> < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-International.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 413px; top: 713px; Width: 189px; height: 21px; "title =" "> < a href ="Mission.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image13'", ' images/down - InternationalBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom - International.jpg "width ="189"height ="21"= 'Image13' id > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Bball-camps.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 732px; Width: 218px; height: 1px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-10.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 732px; Width: 169px; height: 23px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-News.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 602px; top: 733px; Width: 109px; height: 23px; "title =" "> < a href ="News.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image18',", ' images/down - NewsBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom - News.jpg ' width = '109' height = '23' id = 'Image18' > < /a > "

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Bball-camps-39.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 711px; top: 733px; Width: 217px; height: 20px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Bball Camps.html" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image29 ',", ' images/bottom-Beni-campsBLURR - 27.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "Bottom-Beni-camps - 38.jpg" width = "217" height = '20' id = 'Image29' > < / has >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Botton-Sponsors.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 928px; top: 733px; Width: 133px; height: 22px; "title =" "> < a href ="Sponsors.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image26',", ' images/Botton - SponsorsBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" Botton - Sponsors.jpg "width ="133"height ="22"id ="Image26"> < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Testimonials.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 734px; Width: 178px; height: 21px; "title =" "> < a href ="Testimonials.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image9'", ' images/down - TestimonialsBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" low - Testimonials.jpg "width ="178"height ="21"= 'Image9' id > < / has >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-5.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 711px; top: 753px; Width: 217px; height: 26px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Board-Members.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 755px; Width: 178px; height: 23px; "" title = "" > < a href = "Members.html room" Mm_swapimgrestore "onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image10 '", ' images/bottom-Board - MembersBLURR.jpg', 1)" > < img src = "bottom-Board - Members.jpg" width = "178" height = "23" id = "Image10" > < /a >

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 412px; top: 755px; Width: 190px; height: 23px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_45.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 928px; top: 755px; Width: 1px; height: 85px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-7.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 929px; top: 755px; Width: 132px; height: 24 PX. "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-11.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 755px; Width: 169px; height: 24 PX. "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-49.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 602px; top: 756px; Width: 1px; height: 22px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Videos.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 603px; top: 756px; Width: 107px; height: 24 PX. "title =" "> < a href ="Videos.html"Mm_swapimgrestore" onMouseOver ="MM_swapImage ('Image19',", ' images/down - VideosBLURR.jpg', 1) "> < img src =" bottom - Videos.jpg "width ="107"height = '24' id = 'Image19' > < /a >"

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-5-51.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 756px; Width: 1px; height: 24 PX. "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_51.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 778px; Width: 178px; height: 29px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-2.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 412px; top: 778px; Width: 191px; height: 29px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-6.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 711px; top: 779px; Width: 217px; height: 28px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-8.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 929px; top: 779px; Width: 132px; height: 29px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-13.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 1061px; top: 779px; Width: 170px; height: 61px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-Blank-3.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 603px; top: 780px; Width: 107px; height: 27px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_57.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 710px; top: 780px; Width: 1px; height: 27px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-0.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 234px; top: 807px; Width: 179px; height: 33px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-copyright.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 413px; top: 807px; Width: 515px; height: 32px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Bottom-blank-12.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 929px; top: 808px; Width: 132px; height: 32px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_61.jpg);" position: absolute; Left: 1px; top: 839px; Width: 233px; height: 1px; "title =" ">

    < / div >

    < div style = "background - image: url(Pro-Prep-Website_62.jpg);" position: absolute; left: 413px; top: 839px; Width: 515px; height: 1px; "title =" "> < / div > < / div >

    < body / > < / html >

    You sent a couple of workarounds

  • I need help with Google Analytics in my Adobe Muse Web site. behavior of the 404 error pages

    I created and published a Web site using the muse of adobe.
    After you have copied and pasted the tracking codes exactly in Muse master pages that have then been copied to all pages of the site.

    Opening google analytics,
    Menu option > Reporting
    Under menu > behavior > the content of the Site > Pages

    All my pages have an icon next to them that looks like this:
    Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 15.29.56.png
    That when I click on takes me to a default error page that says:

    Error 404 File not found

    The page you are looking for has been deleted,
    had its name changed or is temporarily unavailable.

    I can't understand why the pages meet errors and would be deeply grateful if someone could guide me through the resolution of this problem.

    Thank you.

    Please check the links used for page icons, in addition, the page that shows GA in the console, check if the url and page etc. are the same that you configured in the Muse.

    Thank you


  • Need help nav State active started working on the Web site pages 1 vertical slide...

    Hi guys!

    I created a Web site vertical slide you can see here...

    When you click a navigation button, when it takes you to the relevant slide, the active State should move the Home button to the relevant slide. It works fine without the 3 links on the end to external pages but it is only when these additional links are that something seems to get confused...

    Anyone know how I can get the States of nav working for the slide of the site section?

    Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you.


    Try this:

    . NAV-collapse: hover,.

    . NAV-collapse: active,.

    . NAV-collapse: focus {}

    background: #e8e8e8;


    Nancy O.

  • Need help on how to make dll with VC ++ 2008 for Labview function liblary

    I use VC ++ 2008Express and you want to make the DLL.

    Since I'm using VC ++ 2008, do I have to install the 'MS redistributable"on PC what dose does not have VC ++?

    Is there any free ANSI C compiler do DLL for Labview for use with the function call in libraly?

    Yes, you will probably need the Redistributable Package. Remember to distribute the "Final" of the DLL and not the "debug".

    Regarding the free ANSI C compilers, I'd do a Google search. GNU C/C++ is a very popular.

  • need help! How to open a folder via web browser

    Hi all LV'ers.

    as indicated in the subject, I try to find a way to display the shared folder w / in the network of the company via web browser. is this possible? is there an easier way? I never been used FTP vi before any other vi or to deal with this situation, but I tool of web publishing successfully used to access from the front before LV remotely using "web publishing tool. BTW, im using LV 8.5.1.

    My goal for this is to let our boss to have quick access to data from excel files (w / "s" because many excellent report file is generated daily data updates) lay in the remote computer (this computer runs the LV program and we can view its façade remotely via web publishing tool (, but I also need to consult the file on this computer that contains the files). That's why im finding a way to access a specific excel file, but a specific folder. of course, we can access the folder through "my network places > entire network > microsoft windows network" If the folder is shared, but our boss is a lot easier if we LV programmers can create a button to lead automatically to the folder containing the files they need.

    I hope that someone already dealing with that can shared their solutions.

    appreciate your help!

    Kind regards


    problem solved...

    just to share with others who may encounter the same problem. the conflict is when opening a file from the remote computer (Chinese OS) w / Chinese characters in its file name with the computer that cannot recognize a Chinese police (English OS). I tried my VI (joint in the 5th msg) into the computer using the Chinese version of the OS (w / installed in LV) and it can open the Excel in remote areas with success.

    So I can change the OS version of the remote computer in English version to avoid conflicts in the future... in any case, here is the picture of the conflict. the attached VI before is OK...

    Thank you guys for coming by... This LV forum helps me a lot to learn LV software very quickly in a way that I could ever imagined...


  • How to make ticker rss to Web sites of active power after marking of the power set as read?

    Cannot do recharge now.

    History of compensation worked I think! Seems to work for the moment. Thank you!

  • Help, please... I need to know how to crop my video segments?  I also need to know how to make several clips to run at the same time by dividing the screens?  How to fade a clip?

    Help, please... I need to know how to crop my video segments?  I also need to know how to make several clips to run at the same time by dividing the screens?  How to fade a clip?

    I watched the video tutorials.  I need to know also how to add additional video tracks to my screen.  Any help please?

  • I need help on how to audio output when I go. I ticked the box at the bottom, but when I go to view my video on quicktime, it does not play audio.

    I need help on how to audio output when I go. I ticked the box at the bottom, but when I go to view my video on quicktime, it does not play audio.

    GUYS, I GOT IT. AND THE SOLUTION IS WAYYYYY WITH JUST A RENDERING. So after countless time I spent trying to make it, I found a way that me really happy that my old rendering has not worked. All you have to do is download adobe media encoder and BAM your gold. I make it in h.264 that i couldt using the old rendering and now it works fine.

  • I'm trying to connect on Apple TV.  It keeps generating a 6-digit verification code, sent to another device.  I need a 4 digit or need to know how to make a space on the verification code entry screen

    I'm trying to connect on Apple TV.  It keeps generating a 6-digit verification code, sent to another device.  I need a 4 digit or need to know how to make a space on the verification code entry screen

    Read this noting the last two paragraphs:

    For Apple ID - Apple Support two-factor authentication

    You can try to add on your suggested such password or disable the service and then connect.

  • I need help, find how to install Windows Vista on a HP Pavilion 6475z disk.

    I need help, find how to install Windows Vista on a HP Pavilion 6475z disk.   I had to replace the hard drive, so he has nothing about it and I added more ram, but I replace the cd player so it is not yet installed on the HP.   So I was wondering if I could put the installation disc in my laptop cd/dvd and connect computers by usb ports and install it this way and if not how can I?

    Thank you


    You are welcome

    If the CD/DVD drive in the works of PC Gateway, you can (at least temporarily) remove it and install it in the HP, you can run your recovery disc and reinstall Vista.  Once everything is running on the HP, you can always remove the CD/DVD drive and reinstall it in the gateway PC if you wish.

    Kind regards

    DP - K

  • I need help on how to remove Adobe CS3 on windows 7

    I need help on how to remove Adobe CS3 on windows 7. Have to use Adobe Creative Tool, but it does not work. He invites a message that 'the Installer database is corrupt". I need your help. Thank you

    Error «...» The Installer database is corrupt... "When you install Adobe Creative Suite 3 products

  • Need help on how to use the conference room in adobe connect

    I need help on how to use the conference room in adobe connect?

    I would recommend you start here: Getting Started with Adobe Connect - Adobe Connect user community

  • I need to make changes to a Web site created by a different person with Muse

    My aunt has created his site with Muse some time ago. It must make changes on his photos and asked me to help him.

    Can I make changes to its Web site? I have all his FTP information, but can not see his site on Muse, after I downloaded it on my computer.

    How to display the window 'manage' for its Web site in my computer?


    You can work on files .muse only in Muse. Download the file from the server hosting will get it in .html format and it will not work in Muse. Ask your aunt send you the .muse size version. You can then open it by using Muse on your computer.

    Kind regards


  • When I need something send to an email address of a Web site, even I have shortcut Outlook Express him pay not only electronic mail by default

    When I need something send to an email address of a Web site, even I have shortcut Outlook Express him pay not only electronic mail by default

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