Need your help with the following 3 error messages that now appear on my PDF document.

Hi all

I worked on a PDF document to the University for the past 4 months. Its a PDF which I was informed as I go along and recording with no problems.

Today however I try to open it to work and that's what I get now...

"This document enabled features extended in Adobe Reader." The document has been changed since its creation and use of the extended functionality is no longer available. For the original version of this document, contact the author'

"There is an error on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem.

«The font 'GTAJBY + Bliss-Regular' contains a bad /BBbox.»

It has never done this before, and even when I tried to open my backup file it did the same.

Can someone help me please? I have so much work that is potentially lost on this...

(Also, I'm not a large part of the head of the computer, so please keep in simple terms)

Thanks in advance everyone...

Great thanks for your help...

Some "experts".

Tags: Acrobat

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    I have two SWF Flash files I want to download in the same HTML file. But I would like to load only one at the time and would like to have a button on each Flash SWF file that causes the other SWF to load.

    Hmmm... I don't know if I managed to make sense. (: o) I would like to try it once more. (: o) I would like to exchange a SWF file to another SWF file by clicking on the buttons that are placed on the SWF files! : o).

    I was wondering if it is possible, or should I think of another way to work around this problem of mine.

    Thank you very much for your help and have a great day.

    See you soon,.


    Khoramdin wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I have two SWF Flash files I want to download in the same
    > HTML file. But I would like to load only one at a time and would
    > like to have a button on each Flash SWF file that causes the other SWF to be
    > load.
    > hmmm... I don't know if I managed to make sense. (: o) I would try one more
    > times. (: o) I would like to exchange a SWF file to another SWF file by clicking
    > on the buttons that are placed on the SWF files! : o).

    make a swf as a holder. call the main.fla file main.swf.
    Embed this file in your html document. This button in place of the file with the
    the following measures:

    on (release) {}
    loadMovieNum ("second.swf", 1);

    in this file have a button with the action to load the 3rd file:

    on (release) {}
    loadMovieNum ("3rd.swf", 1);

    by charging them at the same level (1), they replace each other.
    Pretty simple... uh?




    Happy new year guys - all the best there is in the 2006 :)

  • can someone help with the following code plsql errors...


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    create or replace package lib_01 as

    procedure lib_proc01 (p_user_id in numbers, p_user_name in varchar2);

    end lib_01;

    create or replace package body lib_01 as

    procedure lib_proc01 (p_user_id in numbers, p_user_name in varchar2) as

    number of v_user_id;

    v_user_name varchar2 (50);

    number of v_avl_books;

    number of v_avl_days;

    date of v_end_date;

    date of v_return_date;


    dbms_output.put_line ('Enter User Name');

    dbms_output.put_line (' username :'|| p_user_name);

    Select user_id, user_name in v_user_id v_user_name of user_registration where user_name = p_user_name;

    If v_user_name <>p_user_name then

    dbms_output.put_line (' username is not.) Please submit full name ');

    end if;

    If v_user_id is null or v_user_name is null then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' user not found");


    on the other

    validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount);

    end if;

    If v_issuecount < v_avl_books then


    on the other

    Number of return of late_fee (p_mem_id, p_extradays, p_latefee_total);

    end if;

    If paid_flag = "Y" then


    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ("' book may be issued due to its maximum reached late fees");

    end if;

    end lib_proc01;

    procedure validate_userLogin is

    procedure reg_proc is

    procedure user_validate (p_id_proof in varchar2, p_id_no out varchar2) is

    v_id_proof varchar2 (20);

    v_id_no varchar2 (20);


    Select user_name, id_proof, id_no, v_user_name, v_id_proof, v_id_no of user_registration where id_proof = p_id_proof;

    If v_id_proof = "Adhar_Card" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('user a valid proof of ID');

    dbms_output.put_line (' and the id no. :'|| is p_id_no).

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('Invalid ID evidence.) Please submit valid proof of ID ');

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ('No Data found');

    end user_validate;

    procedure member_validate (p_mem_id series)

    v_mem_flag char (1);

    curr_date date: = sysdate;

    date of v_mem_enddate;


    dbms_output.put_line('Mem_flag:'|| v_mem_flag);

    Select mem_flag in the v_mem_flag of user_login where user_id = v_user_id;

    If v_mem_flag = 'n' or v_mem_flag is null then

    dbms_output.put_line ('The User do not have membership');

    on the other

    Select mem_id in the v_mem_id of user_login where user_id = v_user_id;

    dbms_output.put_line ('the user has membership');

    v_mem_id: = p_mem_id;

    Select mem_enddate in the member_login v_mem_enddate where mem_id = v_mem_id;

    If v_mem_enddate < curr_date then

    dbms_output.put_line ('Membership has expired' | v_mem_id |' on ' | v_mem_enddate);

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('User a validity again' | v_mem_enddate);

    end if;

    end if;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    while others then

    dbms_output.put_line (' another error.) Please find");

    end member_validate;


    insert into user_registration values ('& first_name ',' & last_name', null, ' & user_type',)

    address_ty ("& bldg_no",

    '& bldg_name',

    '& Street',

    ' & city ",

    '& State',

    '& zip'


    user_phone ',' & user_mail ',' mem_idproof', ' & id_no');

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user is properly registered');


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' data not found");

    end reg_proc;


    Dbms_output.put_line (' enter ID or user name ');

    Dbms_output.put_line (' username: ' | p_user_name);

    If v_user_name is null then

    Dbms_output.put_line ('user not found');


    Insert user_login SELECT user_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_name, NULL, mem_id_seq. NEXTVAL, user_type FROM user_registration WHERE user_name is lower (p_user_name);

    Dbms_output.put_line (' because the user wants to have the membership? ");

    Dbms_output.put_line ('If Yes, please pay dues");

    INSERT INTO member_login SELECT mem_id_seq. CURRVAL, SYSDATE, SYSDATE + avl_days, 500, 'Y' of user_login ul, bl book_loan WHERE ul.mem_type = bl.mem_type AND user_name = p_user_name;

    END IF;


    When no_data_found then

    dbms_output.put_line ("' no data found");

    When too_many_rows then

    dbms_output.put_line (' too many lines).

    END validate_userLogin;

    procedure validate_issuedbooks (p_issuecount series)

    number of v_issuecount;


    Select user_login u, bl book_loan, avl_days, avl_books in v_avl_days, v_avl_books where bl.mem_type = u.mem_type and user_id = p_user_id;

    SELECT count (case when end_date < end return_date then p_mem_id) as invalidcount in v_issuecount from book_count where mem_id = p_mem_id;

    v_issuecount: = p_issuecount;

    dbms_output.put_line (' no. books that the user contains the :'|| p_issuecount);

    end validate_issuedbooks;

    procedure issuebooks is

    procedure book_avl (p_avl_now_flag in p_avl_date Boolean, date) is

    v_avl_now_flag char (1);

    date of v_avl_date;

    procedure reader_bookissue is


    insert into values drive (p_user_id, v_book_id, sysdate, sysdate, null);

    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,v_book_id,sysdate,sysdate,null);

    Update book_availability set issued_to is "Reader" where book_id = v_book_id;.

    end reader_bookissue;


    Select book_name, b.book_id avl_now_flag v_book_name, v_book_id, v_avl_now_flag of the book b, book_availability b where b.book_id = ba.book_id and ba.book_id = p_book_id;

    If v_avl_now_flag = "Y" then

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is available for issuance' | v_book_id);

    on the other

    Select mem_type in the v_mem_type of user_login where user_id = (select user_id from book_availability where avl_now_flag = 'n' and book_id = p_book_id);

    If v_mem_type = "Reader" then


    dbms_output.put_line (' the book is with Reader.) Please try tomorrow.') ;

    on the other

    dbms_output.put_line ('the book is member');

    end if;

    Select avl_date in the book_availability v_avl_date where book_id = p_book_id;

    v_avl_date: = p_avl_date;

    dbms_output.put_line (' the available date is: ' | p_avl_date);

    end if;

    end book_avl;


    insert into book_count values(p_mem_id,p_book_id,sysdate,sysdate+v_avl_days,v_return_date);

    Update book_availability set book_id = p_book_id, avl_now_flag = 'n', avl_date is to_date (sysdate + v_avl_days,' dd-mm-yyyy ""), issued_to = v_mem_type, user_id = p_user_id where mem_id = p_mem_id;


    dbms_output.put_line ("' the book published successfully");

    end issuebooks;

    Number of function return late_fee (p_mem_id in number, p_extradays series, p_latefee_total number) is

    number of v_extradays;

    number of v_latefee_total;

    number of v_latefee_per_book;

    number of v_latefee_per_day;

    number of v_book_count;


    Select trunc (sysdate) - v_end_date in v_extradays from book_received where mem_id = p_mem_id and book_id = p_book_id;

    p_extradays: = v_extradays;

    v_latefee_per_book: = v_latefee_per_day * v_extradays;

    v_latefee_total: = v_latefee_per_book * v_book_count;

    p_latefee_total: = v_latefee_total;

    dbms_output.put_line ('The total AMT for not returned books' | p_latefee_total);

    end late_fee;

    end lib_01;


    I checked the first 10 lines after the beginning and I could count already several errors.

    Is it an exercise or a real code, you must provide?

    Kind regards.


  • Please I need your help in the next issue.

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    I'm trying to change a driver of function generator to perform the following operations:

    starting with the initial value (for example 1 MHz) for some time (for example 10 sec.) and turn off the output for another time (e.g. 20 seconds) and then start again but this time with the frequency increment value (for example 1 MHz + 0.1 x n MHz = 1.1 MHz for n = 1, 2, 3,... n).

    The function generator model is ag33xxxGPIB and the link of the driver is

    There is no modifications are required for the driver, although there might be an example that you can edit. You use the function of the frequency set in a loop with a shift register. Initialize the registry to offset with the frequency of your departure and each iteration of the loop, add the value of the step. Exit the loop when the stop frequency is reached. Try to write something and after back if you have any problems. Fix what you wrote.

    It's pretty basic LabVIEW code. Did you do the online tutorials?

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    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.674 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.impl.handlers.base] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [username: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] compensate the method called in a process of running User Manager CREATE with process Id 498 509 and Event Id 3 306 663

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.703 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20043] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = basic 207 SRCH = scope = base filter = objectclass = * requestedAttributes = [] sizelimit = 0 timelimit = 0 typesOnly = false

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.703 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20044] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = 207 RESULT err = 0 tag = 0 nentries = 1 etime = 0 = 0 mem = 2, 058, 395 728 dbtime / 4294967296

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.703 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20043] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = basic 208 SRCH = scope = base filter = objectclass = * = sizelimit timelimit [] = 0 requestedAttributes = 0 typesOnly = false

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.703 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20044] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = 208 RESULT err = 0 tag = 0 nentries = 1 etime = 0 = 0 mem = 2, 058, 395 728 dbtime / 4294967296

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.703 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20043] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = base 209 SRCH = xxxxxxxxxx, dc = net scope = filter sub = orclguid = 56ca2d28625f47819064b8241ab44539 requestedAttributes = [orclguid] = 0 = 0 = false typesOnly timelimit sizelimit

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.705 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20044] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = 209 RESULT err = 0 tag = 0 = 1 = 2 = 0 = 2 mem dbtime etime nentries, 058, 395 728 / 4294967296

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.705 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20040] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [username: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = 210 DEL dn = cn = afdada, cn = users, xxxxxxxxxx, dc is net

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.709 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [LIBOVD-20039] [oracle.ods.virtualization.accesslog] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] conn = op 78 = 210 RESULT tag = 0 = 0 = 4 etime nentries err = 0

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.723 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.impl.handlers.custom] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [username: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] compensate the method called in a process of running User Manager CREATE with process Id 498 509 and Event Id 3 658 306

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.763 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] completed the orchestration with the result of the action - oracle.iam.platform.kernel.EventFailedException: IAM-3051103: failure of the create operation on the entity user at the point of action. :

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.775 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.iam.request.impl] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [username: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: IOM #] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] Orchestration process with id 498509, failed with the IAM-3051103 error message: failed to create operation on the entity user at the point of action. :.

    [2015 07-28 T 12: 53:51.784 - 07:00] [oimext_server1] [WARNING] [] [oracle.adf.controller.faces.lifecycle.Utils] [tid: [ASSETS].] [' ExecuteThread: ' 74 ' for queue: "(self-adjusting) weblogic.kernel.Default"] [userId: xelsysadm] [ecid: 77744a889dde03de:77dc1a7d:14ec20555f9:-8000-000000000099b7c8, 0] [APP: oracle.iam.console.identity.self-service.ear #V2.0] [IDDM: 0000KvMCNcVEoIs6wjyWMG1Lgf5y00000k] ADF: adding the following JSF error message: IAM-2050243: Orchestration process with id 498509, failed with the IAM-3051103 error message: failed to create operation on the entity user at the stage of the action... [[

    oracle.iam.ui.platform.exception.OIMRuntimeException: IAM-2050243: process of Orchestration with the id 498509, failed with the IAM-3051103 error message: failed to create operation on the entity user at the stage of the action...

    at oracle.iam.ui.platform.exception.OIMErrorHandler.reportServiceException(

    at oracle.iam.ui.platform.exception.OIMErrorHandler.reportException(

    at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl.reportException(

    at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer.reportException(

    at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer.reportException(

    at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCControlBinding.reportException(

    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBinding.reportException(

    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBinding.doIt(

    at oracle.adf.model.binding.DCDataControl.invokeOperation(

    at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBinding.invoke(

    at oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PageLifecycleImpl.executeEvent(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlActionBinding._execute(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.binding.FacesCtrlActionBinding.execute(

    at oracle.iam.ui.platform.utils.FacesUtils.executeOperationBinding(

    at oracle.iam.ui.platform.utils.FacesUtils.executeOperationBindingFromActionListener(

    at oracle.iam.ui.catalog.view.backing.CartReqBean.submit(

    at oracle.iam.ui.catalog.view.backing.CartReqBean.submitActionListener(

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method)

    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

    at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(

    at com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl.invoke(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.taglib.util.MethodExpressionMethodBinding.invoke(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.broadcastToMethodBinding(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCommand.broadcast(







    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.broadcastEvents(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(

    at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at (unknown Source)

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(

    to org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$ FilterListChain.doFilter (

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(

    at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.iam.ui.platform.servletfilter.IdentityContextFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.iam.platform.servletfilter.PwdMgmtNavigationFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(







    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(




    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ (



    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(




    Thank you

    As IOM tablespace maxed out, we were receving a lot of mistakes. It was one of them.

    Thank you Anne for your contributions.

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    I get the following "Install" error message is damaged and cannot be opened. You must eject the disk image.  Looking for advice on how to install components.  Thank you.

    See the link below:

  • Can you tell me how I can ask for help with the following question of Indesign: I am a new user of Indesign and creative Member Cloud.  I was using the fall of the window/Pages to the bottom of the window to view my pages alphabetically or by page number

    I am a new user of Indesign and creative Member Cloud.  I was using the fall of the window/Pages to the bottom of the window to view my pages alphabetically or by page number and also to determine whether or not my JPEGs have been sufficiently high resolution of the printer.  I don't know how I did it, but somehow the window has changed so that now, there not alphabetical/digital/hi-res information.  It shows just the pages in a two pages in numerical order.  How to restore the window so that I'll be able to view the information I did previously.

    Your help will be appreciated,

    Don Unwin

    [Personal information]

    All I had to do was to click on the links and information in the drop-down list.

  • Script alert: "Sorry I couldn't treat the following files" (Error Message by using the Image Processor)

    I am a seasoned Photoshop/Bridge CS5 user who has recently upgraded to CS6.  In bridge I ran my first batch of Image Processor, trying to convert a set of RAW. NEF files. PSD files with a basic editing action that I created apply them.  Photoshop CS6 opens the bridge files and applies the actions, but then I get the error message "alert of Script" "Sorry, I could not deal with the following files" and a list of all the files in the batch, I tried to run the script on.  The files all remain open and are saved on my hard drive in a folder created by the Image Processor script, but will not close unless I close them manually.  I never had this problem in CS5 where would apply the actions that you want to the batch of photos one at a time image processor, then save and close.  Reflections on how I can fix this bug?

    Get your number of history States. I moved mine the default of 20 to 60, and all is well. For the record, this action does not work on 16 and 32 bit.

    Remove resetting of the State history, you will get into trouble if you copy more than one file type. If you go with the change above, I would recommend only with one type of output at a time.

    The script should probably define States of high story then put back to the end. The problem with this, is that machines perhaps isn't able to handle the large amount of stages of history. Which means, hit the stages of history can lead to 'out of memory' or "scratch disk is full" errors.

  • I need help with the following sql.

    I'm lost. I'm collecting information for the days of the month.  For days I have not, I would like to query to get these days also.
    The days of return I have with data and all other days where I'm not.

    How can I get the rest of the days of the month of June.  If I execute sql against the following.

    Select * from
    (Select '02' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '03' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '04' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '04' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '05' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '06' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '09' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '10' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '11' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '12' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '13' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '16' as the double Study_Date
    Union Select '19' as double Study_Date)

    Thank you


    Hello, Howard.

    Thanks for posting the sample data!  Don't forget to post the exact results you want from these data.

    Looks like you want something involving everyday of the month, they have a day corresponding to your table or not.  This looks like a job for an outer join.

    This should give you some ideas:

    WITH days_wanted AS


    SELECT TO_CHAR (LEVEL, 'fm00') n

    OF the double



    SELECT d.n


    NVL2 (t.study_date

    'Yes '.

    'No '.

    ) AS in_table_x

    OF days_wanted d

    LEFT OUTER JOIN table_x t ON t.study_date = d.n

    ORDER BY d.n




    --- ---------- ----------

    01 NO.

    02 02 Yes

    03 03 Yes

    04 04 Yes

    05 05 Yes

    Yes 06 06

    07 NO.

    08 NO.

    09 09 Yes

    10 10 Yes

    11 11 Yes

    12 12 Yes

    13 13 Yes

    14 NO.

    15 NO.

    16 16 Yes

    17 NO.

    18 NO.

    19 19 Yes

    20 NO.

    21 NO.

    22 NO.

    23 NO.

    24 NO.

    25 NO.

    26 NO.

    27 NO.

    28 NO.

    29 NO.

    30 NO.

    You must use a DATE for study_date, not a VARCHAR2 column.  What will you do if you have days of different months in the table?

  • Need urgent help with the startup of the database

    Hi all

    I use oracle 10g on 32 bits of windower server.

    I try to start my database today and it gives me error, and that's my production database.
    I need very urgent help you. (I have no rman backup, and data are not n6cessoires so, since it is the practice of the student).
    SQL> startup open
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area  524288000 bytes
    Fixed Size                   790180 bytes
    Variable Size             250343772 bytes
    Database Buffers          272629760 bytes
    Redo Buffers                 524288 bytes
    Database mounted.
    ORA-01110: data file 34: 'G:\ORACLE\DATAFILES_ACADEMY\ACADEMY'
    ORA-01115: IO error reading block from file 34 (block # 1)
    ORA-27070: async read/write failed
    OSD-04016: Error queuing an asynchronous I/O request.
    O/S-Error: (OS 23) Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
    Kind regards.

    Maahjoor wrote:
    Hi dear,

    I need further assistance on your side, I restarted the server, but the same problem.
    as there is a way to drop and re-create a system tablespace? given that the 34 file belong to the tablesapce system.


    N °
    So just create a new database. Who will have every ten minutes. And to say that your students to create new storage spaces. Who will be the two minutes.

  • I need help with a 1706.Does error message, someone knows how to solve this problem without cost me?

    Someone will help me fjnd out what to do and how to fix it. My problem is when I try to install anything, I get an error message 1706.  can anyone help me solve this problem without cost me fifty dollars or more


    You receive an "error 1706. Setup cannot find the required files...

  • I receive the following stop error message when you try to install Windows XP: Stop: 0x0000007B

    I need help with this error code: Stop: 0x0000007B (0xF7C85524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0 x 000000000)

    I'm a noob Microsoft Answers. I have an old computer, I'm trying to reinstall Windows XP.  It's a Dell XPS Dimension 3 (3.40 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4, 1 G of RAM).  It does start normally or in Safe Mode.  I tried to use Fixmbr, Fixboot, Bootcfg/Rebuild, chkdsk/r, Memtest86, Killdisk.  I tried to install using another hard drive (which leads me to believe that it is perhaps a hardware problem).  He gave the same error code, I think, even if I didn't write it.  The only thing I found that I have not tried is "How do I recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP startup" because it is said that it will not work on OEM devices.  The error code is Stop: 0x0000007B (0xF7C85524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0 x 000000000).  I tried to install Ubuntu on two disks and they have installed and worked properly.  I don't know what else to try except hardware troubleshooting, although I'm not too good with hardware problems.  If you have any recommendations that could put closer me to a resolution I would be very happy!

    PS Windows XP actually ran on the second hard drive, I have tried (which is currently the drive in the machine at this time).  I installed it and it starts directly in Windows.  Yay!  I have restarted this configuration several times without any problems.  But I had a problem with the Microsoft Security Essentials update so I thought that a clean install would be better.  In hindsight, I wish I had tried harder to solve this problem, but I did not.  The first hard drive suffered a crash of Windows led me to be upgraded to a Windows 7 computer.  It was more than 1.5 years ago.  I just thought that the full back story might help.


    I'm close to some (but my experience tells me very little is certain at 100%), which has a generic windows installation CD install without the need for the Setup F6 disk, as long as the BIOS is set to RAID Autodetect / ATA (or possibly 'mix'). AHCI is a more efficient disk access method but requires F6 floppy or "slipstreaming". If the CD is already slipstreamed for your PC, AHCI should work without F6. As you say your default BIOS to auto detect RAID/AHCI, I expect a CD specifically for your system to support it, while a generic CD would not.

    I doubt that they will provide F6 floppy but you never know. If you do not ask that you probably won't get.

    You can mark the answers on this topic as "answers"...

    .. But if I remember correctly, you can only score a maximum of 2 'responses. I offer my final diagnosis (and maybe my first answer) as candidates, but it is completely at your discretion. You can even hold off on tagging the "answers" until you get another CD from Dell and try. It also helps other people viewing this thread hoping to find a solution to 7B stops.

    You can designate the other answers as useful if you think that it is appropriate.


  • Satellite Pro A40 guard stop with the ATI driver error message

    My girls having some problems with her laptop and get back to Uni at the end of week for me to have a look on.

    Basically, he keeps closing sometimes with an ATI graphics driver error message. I had updated the memory last Christmas and resinstalled from scratch.

    My first impressions are it is overheating and I probably need to clean the fan, was wondering if anyone had any ideas?

    Thank you very much
    Keith (South end)

    Satellite Pro A40 is about 3 years old and it is possible that the unit needs to be cleaned. If the appliance is used intensively, I assume that there is more dust inside. By overheating of the appliance stops suddenly without any warning.

    As a first step the device. I don't know if it's the right idea to do it alone, but if you are familiar with laptops, you can give a try. After having done that, your daughter should carefully watch what happens the next few days.

  • If please help me solve a 400 error message that I receive for a site I've visited several times and is accessible via the Safari browser.

    I am an owner fitbit and downloaded their app on my macbook pro several weeks ago. I have consulted this app to review the progress of fitbit several times a day since. Today, I can't do that. I can not even access the Fitbit site. I get an error 400 - your browser sent an invalid request.

    I cannot access any other internet content through firefox.

    I can access my account and the Fitbit site via Safari. I can also access the Fitbit site and my account via my iphone. The problem seems to be something specific between my firefox and Fitbit.

    Thanks for your help.

    It seems that sometimes, cookies and cache files can be damaged (they not be saved correctly). Why does that happen? I don't really know. I don't know there are several reasons for this. If we could, we could stop him from past ever. Because we cannot do this, we have just this way again.

  • can copy CDs on computer but when I try to sync with the 4HDS mp error, clear DRM HDS APPEARS AND WON'T PLAY

    Can copy CDs on computer and on mp4 then error clear DRM HDS HDS appear and will not play


    1 did you change on your computer?

    2. What is the exact error message you received?

    3. What is the model number of the device you are trying to synchronize?

    4. what application you are using Sync?

    I suggest you to follow the links and check out them.

    The Player Windows Media DRM: frequently asked questions

    Windows Media Player sync: Frequently asked questions

Maybe you are looking for

  • I can't use a function of 'set' on my iPad

    Hi all I just bought mini iPad 4. When I try to hold on a few texts to get a definition, it is said that "no definition not found." Click on 'manage' and I hope to find the dictionary available for download, but nothing appears. How can I solve this

  • How to enlarge web links open in firefox

    Firefox is my default internet. IGoogle is my home page. I have XPWindows. Recently, I had Firefox put in and use it as my default internet connection. When I click on a web page, it does not fill my screen - there is anywhere from 2 to 4 inches of w

  • Help! Don't know what it is.

    My bank account has been hacked and I picked up bit defender to see if there may be something on my iMac.  It shows that I have W97M. Downloader.NW and its path is by. Spotlight-V100.  Everyone comes through this?  I have spent hours trying to figure

  • Lag and Ideapad Z410 win 8 audio stuttering

    I used this laptop for almost 2 weeks. Everything is going very well, but 3 questions that quite significant The first problem is the audio latency At first, it went well... But, a week, I noticed that the audio became stuttering and even in some cas

  • Y410p dead. No power.

    With the help of my Ideapad Y410p this morning (six months), the computer suddenly crashed and without warning of any kind. Directly to the black screen and the lights went out. I thought that maybe it has overheated and shut down as a kind of securi