New control using spfile file

Hi all

I want to multiplex my control folder to another volume. I have a spfile (no init.ora file). Just use a system alter with scope = SPFILE?


Thanks for any comments.

Geeter wrote:
Thank you all. So my last question is: in the alter, I include the control files of the instance, not only new I've created. Fix?

If you use RAC environment, then you can use just ALTER SYSTEM SET... SCOPE = SPFILE SID ='* ' and who is happy.

Tags: Database

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    Randy Ruttger

    Thanks for the follow-up.

    Missing in this equation are the Premiere Elements version you were using and the operating system on which it is running. But...

    The Act is accomplished. But... Up to now, and after that you went ahead and moved to version 12, we now learn what Premiere Elements version you were using. We don't yet know the operating system involved.

    You said first Elements 10. First 10 Elements is affected by a problem serious display known if the computer uses an NVIDIA GeForce video/graphics card card. In this issue, the only cure is to roll back the version of the driver about may 2013. The description of the problem and how to make the rear roller are described in one of the messages at the top of this forum. What video/graphics card your computer use?

    On another front, Adobe will release a new version of Premiere Elements any day now. Not one, but Adobe knows the function defined for the new version. This type of information is announced at the time of the release of the new version.

    So the solution to the problem you presented in this thread could have been...

    1 roll back the version of the NVIDIA GeForce driver for all may 2013 if possible (Windows 8 or 8.1 64 bit, maybe not possible)

    2. move to a different version of Premiere Elements (which you did)

    I offer the foregoing for consideration so that you can review your decisions. We are pleased to learn that the first items 12/12.1 works for you.

    Please do not hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification, but do not forget that the answers are in the details.

    Best wishes


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    A good program can be found here.

    Hope this helps

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    What version of Premiere Elements you are using and on what computer operating system is running?

    You cannot import a project file (.prel) in another.

    For now, generalize choice

    a. export your Timeline (your intro) content to a file saved on the hard drive of the computer. And then import that

    file in new projects by using the new project add Media/files and folders. See publish + Share/computer/and the other

    choices here to generate this file intro for later use in other projects.

    b. you can set up what is called a dummy projects - this is a project with nothing other than the intro file. And, at all times

    you want to use the intro, you open one of these saved dummy projects and add your media sources.

    A lot of things to discuss. Please fill in some details more and then we can refine the answer for your particular situation.

    Thank you.


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    You can export your new style in a local system folder and import it into your new project using the Style Manager object.


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    Kind regards


    Hi Renon,

    This is what happens when you schedule without the actual hardware to test it. What result do you get on the outputs digital real?

    Try this new version of the file.

    Kind regards

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    1. what operating system is installed on the computer?
    2. don't you make changes to the system before the show?

    Try the steps mentioned in the link below and check if this is useful:
    For Windows 7: Windows Search.
    For Windows Vista: Windows search
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    For Windows XP:

    Hope the helps of information provided.

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    -Have there been recent changes made on the computer before the show?


    Please follow the steps below and check if that helps.


    Method 1:

    I suggest you run the troubleshooter of performance on the system and verify.

    Open the troubleshooter of Performance



    Method 2:

    I suggest that you run SFC (System File Checker) scan on the system and check. Follow the steps in the following article.

    How to use the System File Checker tool to fix the system files missing or corrupted on Windows Vista or Windows 7

    Method 3:

    If the problem started recently, I suggest you do a system restore to the previous point and check.

    What is system restore?

    System Restore: frequently asked questions

    Important: System Restore will return all your files non-system as documents, email, music, etc., to a previous state. These files of types are completely affected by the restoration of the system. If it was your intention with this tool to recover a deleted file to non-system, try using a file instead of system restore recovery program.


    Method 4: If the problem persists, try to create a new user account and check. If the problem is resolved, then fix a corrupted user profile.


    Account for the new user:

    Fix a corrupted user profile:


    Let us know if it helps!

  • install new software, but the files are old

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    Did you install the version of Palm desktop that you got with the Centro, 6.2?

    There is a procedure to try to recover your files. Search in the following location to the user name of Palm Desktop folder.

    C:\Users\(Windows username) \Documents\Palm OS Desktop\

    Look in the folder of user name for category folders, of addresses/contacts, calendar/calendar, etc. In these files are data files. Search for files with names like address.mdb, address.mdb.bak. The .mdb file is the current data file, the. mdb.bak is the backup file. Try to rename the .mdb file to. mdb.old. Then rename it. mdb.bak (remove the.bak extension) .mdb file. Open Palm desktop and see if the data is there. IF you do not have the .bak file, then you cannot rename to retrieve the data.

    When you migrate to a new device, use of palm desktop 6.2, the files of the old version of Palm desktop in the user name folder are not compatible. You can't drag and drop the files to the new user name folder.  Data in Palm desktop 6.2 files are in a format that Microsoft Access Datbase, so the extension .mdb.

    See if you can rename the files .mdb first to see if you can recover the data. If you can not use method, can 'clean up' uninstall Palm desktop currently installed, install the version you were using before the update, copy the username folder you backed up from the old version and paste it into the old Palm Desktop folder. Open Palm desktop and see if the data is there. Another option is to sync the old device to the old version of Palm desktop and then export the data.

    Once it is installed and you have data intact in the old version of Palm desktop, export data, install the new Palm desktop and import the data. The export and import procedure, you can use the data in any version of Palm desktop.

    If the change of name does not work, do the 'clean' Uninstall using instructions below.

    You should first make a copy of your data to have just in case something
    is happening. You can find your data files by clicking on start--> Documents-->
    Palm OS Desktop. Select your Palm Desktop user name, and then right-click and
    copy. Then go to the desktop of your PC, click on a blank spot block and select.

    Now you want to uninstall Palm Desktop and remove anything that has to do
    with Palm Desktop on your computer.
    Go to the following locations on the PC and delete the folders listed below.
    C:\Program Files\Palm or Palm One
    C:\Users\[Vista username] \appdata\local\virtualstore\Program Files\Palm or
    C:\Users\[Vista username] \appdata
    * Note You may need to show hidden folders to join appdata. To do this go
    in your control panel and folder options open. Go to the tab and disable
    hide hidden files.
    Once this is done, you will need to remove certain keys in the registry of your PC operating system.

    Word of warning, go here and removing the wrong thing can cause your PC
    commissioning, crashing and deletion of programs and data. If you feel
    you're not sure of yourself, see if you have a friend who can help you or a
    PC technician that you can pay to help you. This procedure will show them everything they need to remove. To make sure that we have a good copy of the current registry, we make a backup of the registry.

    Go to start on your PC in the search box type "regedit.exe" without the quotes.

    Highlight COMPUTER, go to--> export file. Should appear with a save as box.
    Current place of residence is fine, must be within My Documents, or save to a location that you will remember. In the name of the file in low type "backup [todaysdate]" i.e. backup07072008. Then, the most difficult part.

    The best way to ensure that your work with the right key, select the key that is installation quick palm and press delete on your keyboard. You will be asked, you of course. Say Yes. Do the same for all the keys below.

    If you make a mistake, stop what you are doing. And call a PC technician.
    BUT do not turn off your computer.

    The reg keys are as follows (Note: some of the theses reg keys won't be here)
    But if they remove them)

    * Installation quick HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Palm
    * Transfer of files Robotics\PalmOne HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S.
    * Robotics\Pilot Office of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S.
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm, Inc.
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmDesktopAutorun
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\palmOne
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmSource
    * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PalmSource or anything else that says palm

    Then, restart your computer.

    Then, reinstall your palm desktop from the CD and do a hotsync. If she asks
    for a user name and you synchronized your device before you put "test" If you "
    no sync before creating a hotsync name.

    Message relates to: Palm i705

  • Numbers - how to import external data to a cell in a single file into a new cell in another file?

    Numbers - how to import external data to a cell in a single file into a new cell in another file?

    I want to do the same thing in numbers (3.6.2 (2577) I used to do in Excel (any version):)

    to import a calculation of a cell in a file in a new cell in another file.

    Example: I want to import the result of a sum in a specific cell of my accountant in August to a cell in comparison in my accounting of September.

    It was so easy in Excel. Until the reference computer broke down.

    By the numbers, I tried to copy - paste the contents of the cell formulated, but not good.

    No help manual online or anywhere. I think that maybe the function is absent in number.

    Then I return to MicroSoft Excel, that I have used for many years and I am sorry to say feel much more wysiwyg.

    Formulas in a numbers document cannot reference cells in other documents of numbers.

    "Much more wysiwyg" is another way to express what many of those who "used (MS Excel) for many years" expressed as "more intuitive. These two descriptions usually boil up to ' what I'm used to, ", which is also true in the other sense.

    Whatever the real explanation, the standard advice is "the tool that will do the job." If "the job" requires referencing values in a separate document, the numbers (alone and without the help of AppleScript) are not the best tool for this job.

    Kind regards


  • I get a message HTTP/1.1 401 unauthorized when I try to use a file sharing program. I use windows 7 Professional and firefox ver 40.0.2.

    I use a file to Exchange program
    It should bring up a box of connection credentials, but I get HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    I use windows 7 Professional, Firefox ver 40.0.2
    It works fine on other computers using FIrefox ver 40.0.2 and it worked fine for the past 2 weeks ago.

    This page is actually a framework around another site ( You can load pages framed in a new tab by right clicking on the error page, expanding the submenu 'this framework', then Open Frame in a new tab.

    40 Firefox no longer displays the login prompt of authorization basis for a framed page that is hosted on a different server. This is to protect you from accidentally giving your credentials for the external page for an attacker.

    One solution is to use the page framed directly, but if you prefer to disable this new protection, there is an option to do so. Of course, please be wary of this guest appearing on other sites.

    (1) in a new tab, type or paste Subject: config in the address bar and press enter/return. Click on the button promising to be careful.

    (2) in the search above the list box, type or paste auth and make a pause so that the list is filtered

    (3) double-click the preference of network.auth.allow - subresource-auth and edit the 1 to 2, and then click OK

    • 1 shows the dialog box logon only for pages framed, images, etc., hosted on the same site
    • 2 allows the connection to pages dialog box framed, images, etc., hosted on any site

    This should take effect the next time you reload the external page (your home address).

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    I tried dragging one bookmark in this window and then had this site full-screen. But when I exit Firefox and restart it, it is by default to the Site of Bing - I HATE BING
    I do not see the gear for new tab controls, and so I can't put it: 'display your top sites '.
    I uninstalled Firefox and installed the latest version - I found myself with the same thing, I had - including my homepage and exactly the same problem - your help would be appreciated

    What do you see on the page, just nothing?

    Could you come back: config, filter using newtab again once and if browser.newtab.url is bold claims to be 'set of users", right click and click Reset in the menu bit

    If you open a new tab, which solve this problem?

    Edit: sorry for typo's fault: browser.newtab.url

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