Number of days between two Dates in the Correct month

I am trying to write a SELECT statement that returns the number of days spent on a project.

Here's my problem. I have a table with several columns of date (start_date, end_date, etc.) as well as several other columns. Here is an example of the table.

123 ................. 1ST JANUARY 13... 15 JANUARY 13
456 ................. 25 JANUARY 13... FEBRUARY 5, 13
789 ................. 30 JANUARY 13... FEBRUARY 5, 13
999 ................. 1ST FEBRUARY 13... FEBRUARY 8, 13

I'm counting the number of days spent on projects in each month. For example, with the above data, I would come back...

Jan ............. 24
Feb ............. 18

I tried to use a CASE statement, but I'm having a hard time to understand. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Published by: 987079 on February 8, 2013 13:12

An option would be something like

  1  with project as (
  2    select 123 project_id, date '2013-01-01' start_date, date '2013-01-15' end_date from dual union all
  3    select 456, date '2013-01-25', date '2013-02-05' from dual union all
  4    select 789, date '2013-01-30', date '2013-02-05' from dual union all
  5    select 999, date '2013-02-01', date '2013-02-08' from dual
  6  ),
  7  all_days as (
  8    select start_date + level - 1 dt
  9      from (select min(start_date) start_date,
 10                   max(end_date) end_date
 11              from project)
 12   connect by level <= end_date - start_date + 1
 13  )
 14  select trunc(dt,'MM'),
 15         count(*)
 16    from all_days ad
 17         join project p on (ad.dt between p.start_date and p.end_date)
 18   group by trunc(dt,'MM')
 19*  order by trunc(dt,'MM')
SQL> /

TRUNC(DT,'MM')        COUNT(*)
------------------- ----------
2013-01-01 00:00:00         24
2013-02-01 00:00:00         18


Tags: Database

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  • Calculate the number of days between two dates


    Can someone help please change my formcalc script to calculate the number of working days between two date fields.  My script currently calculates the total number of days between two dates, including the weekends which must be excluded from the total.


    (HasValue (Start_Date1) & HasValue (End_Date1)) then


    = Date2Num (End_Date1, "YYYY-MM-DD" "en_IE") - Date2Num (Start_Date1, "YYYY-MM-DD" "en_IE") + 1

    on the other



    Any help will be most appreciated.

    Thank you.


    (1) you said that you put the script on the event «days1» calculate My sample imitates the variable names used in the original message, "Start_Date1" and "End_Date1". If the names of variables for the start and end dates are different, you will need to modify the script to account for these names.

    (2) the Date2Num functions in the calculation of the "totalDays" use the date format "YYYY-MM-DD". If your date habits differ from "YYYY-MM-DD" FormCalc will complain.


  • Dynamic calculation of the number of days between two dates in a table


    I'm working on request where I dynamically calculate the number of days between two dates in a table.

    The calculation must be dynamic, i.e., when I recover the Start_date and End_date and move to the field following (call_duration) in the same row, the difference must be calculated dynamically in this area and make sure the field read-only.

    APEX version: 5.0

    Hi BO123,

    BO123 wrote:


    I'm working on request where I dynamically calculate the number of days between two dates in a table.

    The calculation must be dynamic, i.e., when I recover the Start_date and End_date and move to the field following (call_duration) in the same row, the difference must be calculated dynamically in this area and make sure the field read-only.

    APEX version: 5.0

    one of the way to do this by calling ajax on change of end_date.

    See the sample code given below to fetch the resulting duration and making the field read only after calculation

    Step 1: Change your page

    under CSS-> Inline, put the code below

    .row_item_disabled {
      cursor: default;
      opacity: 0.5;
      filter: alpha(opacity=50);
      pointer-events: none;

    Step 2: Create on demand Ajax process I say CALC_DURATION

    Please check Procces Ajax, see line 6.7 How to assign a value to the variable sent by ajax call

      p_start_date  date;
      p_end_date    date;
      p_duration number;
      p_start_date  := to_date(apex_application.g_x01);
      p_end_date    := to_date(apex_application.g_x02);
       --do your calculation and assign the output to the variable p_duration
      select p_end_date - p_start_date into p_duration
        from dual;
      -- return calculated duration

    Step 3: Create the javascript function

    Change your page-> the function and the declaration of the Global Variable-> put the javascript function

    You must extract the rowid in the first place, for which you want to set the time, see line 2

    assuming f06, f07 and f08 is the id of the start date, and end date columns respectively, and duration

    See no line no 8 how set the value returned by the process of ajax at the duration column

    Replace your column to the respective column identifiers in the code below

    function f_calulate_duration(pThis) {
      var row_id  =;
      var start_date = $('#f06_'+row_id).val();
      apex.server.process ( "CALC_DURATION", {
      x01: start_date,x02: $(pThis).val()
    }, { success: function( pData ) {
    // set duration to duration column
    // disable duration column
    $("#f08_" + row_id).attr("readonly", true).addClass('row_item_disabled'); }

    Step 4: choose the end date call the javascript function

    Go to report attributes-> edit your Date column end-> column-> Attrbiutes element attributes-> put the code below


    hope this helps you,

    Kind regards


  • JavaScript anomaly on the number of days between two dates

    Use ApEx 4.0, I found an anomaly in a javascript code that calculates the number of days between two dates, the current_date and the past_date. If the past and present is the or before March 10, 2013, and the current_date lies between 10 March 2013 and November 3, 2013, the number of days will be from 1 day to less than the actual number. Between November 3, 2013 and on 4 November 2013, the increments of number by 2, then the count will be accurate from this date forward.

    Here are some examples:

    March 10, 2013 = 69 days of December 31, 2012
    March 11, 2013 = 69 days of December 31, 2012
    March 12, 2013 = 70 days of December 31, 2012

    November 3, 2013 = 306 days in December 31, 2012
    November 4, 2013 = 308 days in December 31, 2012

    11 March should be 70 and 12 March should be 71. November 3 is 307 and 4 November corrects the number of fake, which began March 11.

    Change the past_date to March 10, 2013 produces the following:

    March 10, 2013 = 0 days of March 10, 2013
    March 11, 2013 = 0 days of March 10, 2013
    March 12, 2013 = 1 days of March 10, 2013

    But change the past_date to 11 March 2013, product of the correct numbers:

    March 11, 2013 = 0 days of March 11, 2013
    March 12, 2013 = 1 days of March 11, 2013
    March 13, 2013 = 2 days of March 11, 2013

    I would certainly all help to determine the cause of this anomaly. Here's the javascript code:

    var w1 = ($v ("P48_PAST_DATE"));
    W1 = (w1.toString ());
    vmon var = (w1.substr (3.3));
    vyr var = (w1.substr (7));
    var r = (vyr.length);
    If (r == 2)
    vyr. = (parseFloat (vyr) + 2000);
    vday var = (w1.substr (0.2));
    var y = (vmon.concat ("", vday, ",", vyr));
    y = Date.parse (y);

    var w2 = ($v ("P48_CURRENT_DATE"));
    var vmon2 = (w2.substr (3.3));
    var vyr2 = (w2.substr (7));
    var vday2 = (w2.substr (0.2));
    var x = (vmon2.concat ("", vday2, ",", vyr2));
    x = Date.parse (x);

    var numdays = (x - y);
    numdays = (Math.floor(numdays / 86400000));
    $s ("P48_NUMBEROFDAYS", numdays);

    Did you google for something like "javascript number of days between two dates. I think you will find the explanation to this observation:

    This method does not work correctly if there is an advanced economies jump between the two dates.

    There are examples available to calculate the difference between two dates.

  • Dynamically calculate the number of days between two dates and amounts of split


    I have searched for a solution for this, but had no success.
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    For example, for this line.
    insert into my_test values (' 1, '' 3-mar-2010, ' 7 - mar - 2010 ", 1000);

    the query returns this (split $1,000 over 5 days)

    ID Date amount
    1 ' 3-mar-2010' 200,00
    1 ' 4-mar-2010' 200,00
    1 ' 5-mar-2010' 200,00
    1 ' 6-mar-2010' 200,00
    1 ' 7-mar-2010' 200,00

    create table my_test)
    ID number (10),
    start_date date,
    End_date date,
    amount number (10.2)

    Select * from my_test

    insert into my_test values (' 1, '' 3-mar-2010, ' 7 - mar - 2010 ", 1000);
    insert into my_test values (2, 10-mar-2010 ", 19-mar-2010", 2000);
    insert into my_test values (3, 20-mar-2010 ',' 21-mar-2010, 5000);

    Thanks in advance.


    One way is to join a Meter of Table , a table, or (more often) a set of results includes a line for eery number 1, 2, 3,... until the maximum number of times you need to divide a line.
    For example:

    WITH     cntr     AS
         SELECT     LEVEL - 1     AS n
         FROM     (  SELECT  MAX (end_date - start_date)     AS max_day_cnt
                 FROM        my_test
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL <= 1 + max_day_cnt
    ,       t.start_date + c.n                    AS dt
    ,       t.amount / (t.end_date + 1 - t.start_date)     AS amt
    FROM       my_test      t
    JOIN       cntr            c     ON     c.n <= t.end_date - t.start_date
    ORDER BY  id
    ,            dt

    This assumes that all dates have the same number of hours, minutes, and seconds, as is the case in your sample data.
    If this isn't the case, then use TRUNC (start_date) and TRUNC (end_date) instead of start_date and end_date or post some sample data and results if some lines do not represent a whole number of days.

  • difference between two dates in the year/month/day in Obiee

    Hi gurus,

    I know this question have been asked and answered several times but I have a requirement that is a little different, then the previous ones.

    I want to calculate the difference between two dates in OBIEE10g in year/month/day format similar to the below SQL output

    SQL > select end_date, start_date,

    trunc (months_between (end_date, start_date) / 12) years.

    months of mod (trunc (months_between (end_date, start_date)), 12).

    End_date - add_months (start_date, trunc (months_between (end_date, start_date))) days


    Thanks in advance


    Search for this


    or else

    To get the current mandate of employees since the date of hiring in the form of # years # mths or # year (s) # month (s)

    Concat (concat (cast (TIMESTAMPDIFF (SQL_TSI_Month, "Employee attributes". (((' ' Hiring last Date employee ", CURRENT_DATE) / 12 as char),"Year (s)"), concat (cast (MOD (TIMESTAMPDIFF (SQL_TSI_Month,"Employee attributes". (((((' ' Hiring last Date employee ", CURRENT_DATE), 12) as char), 'Month (s)'))

    Concat (concat (CAST (TIMESTAMPDIFF (SQL_TSI_YEAR, "Employee attributes". (((' ' Hiring last Date employee ", CURRENT_DATE) as CHAR),"Year (s)"), concat (cast (MOD (TIMESTAMPDIFF (SQL_TSI_Month,"Employee attributes". (((((' ' Hiring last Date employee ", CURRENT_DATE), 12) as char), 'Mth (s)'))

  • find the difference in days between two dates

    Hello world

    I'm trying to find out the difference in days between two dates and the execution of the query that I'm passing

    SELECT TO_char(sysdate, 'dd/mm/yyyy') - TO_char('15/11/2011', 'dd/mm/yyyy') DAYS FROM DUAL

    the error I get is

    ORA-01722: invalid number
    01722 00000 - "invalid number."
    * Cause:
    * Action:

    Could someone please help.

    Thanks in advance

    user10636796 wrote:
    Hello world

    Thanks a lot for all the replies. I am trying to apply it in a statement to my table like this

    SELECT trunc (sysdate) - TO_char (date_last_recommended, ' dd/mm/yyyy') DAYS OF recommendation;

    SELECT trunc (sysdate) - TRUNC (date_last_recommended) DAYS OF recommendation;

  • Behavior of days between two dates

    If anyone can help? ... with differences in Date? :

    All I want is to calculate the number of days between two dates:

    InitDate has been entered as 01/10/2010 planning, to recover is 20101001
    HireDate was entered into the 1980-10-01 planning, to recover is 19801001

    I tried

    NumDays = @DATEDIFF (InitDate, HireDate, DP_DAY);

    but give me only 0 and -1.

    When I try the regular difference:

    NumDays = InitDate - HireDate;

    He returned to 30,000 (which in the example is 20101001-19801001) - which should not.

    I use Essbase/Planning, I tried also to break dates in years and months using INT and operations, but when I want to get the calendar days he is ugly. The two dates live in the same block.

    Someone at - it an idea?

    Thank you very much!

    Here's a piece of code in my trunk of code which may help you. This assumes you have string CDF pack (

    var y1, y2, m1, m2, d1, d2, difx1, difx2;


    Y1=@round ("Date of 1" / 10000,0);
    Y2=@round ("Date 2" / 10000,0);
    M1=@round (("Date 1"-y1*10000)/100, 0);
    M2=@round (("Date 2"-y2*10000)/100, 0);
    D1 = ' Date of 1 "-(y1*10000+m1*100);"»
    D2 = "Date 2"-(y2*10000+m2*100); "»

    difx1=@TODATEEX ("mm/dd/yyyy",
    @JconcatStrings (@LIST (@JgetStringFromDouble (m2,@_false,@_false), ' / ', @JgetStringFromDouble (d2,@_false,@_false), ' / ', @JgetStringFromDouble (y2,@_false,@_false)))
    ) ;
    difx2 = @TODATEEX ("mm/dd/yyyy", @JconcatStrings (@LIST)
    @JgetStringFromDouble (m1,@_false,@_false), ' / '.
    @JgetStringFromDouble (d1,@_false,@_false), ' / '.
    @JgetStringFromDouble (y1,@_false,@_false))

    diff=@DateDiff (difx2, difx1, DP_DAY);

    See you soon,.

  • County of days between two dates without weekend

    I need a solution in the query or another thread, which returns the number of days between two dates without considering the weekend (Saturday and Sunday), I have a column of type Date, and return need in the form of a column HH hours and days in another column.


    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    Don't forget you can do a search on this forum.
    Your question has been asked before.

    Some other tips:

  • Number of Saturdays between two dates


    How can I get number of Saturdays between two dates, including the two dates?

    for example number of Saturdays between 09/05/2014 and 10/05/2014 is five

    Help, please

    I use oracle 10g

    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select to_date('05/09/2014 ', 'dd/mm/yyyy') from_dt
      5       , to_date('05/10/2014 ', 'dd/mm/yyyy') to_dt
      6    from dual
      7  )
      8   select to_char(from_dt + (level-1), 'fmDay') day_
      9        , count(*) cnt
     10     from t
     11  connect
     12       by level <= to_dt - from_dt + 1
     13    group
     14       by to_char(from_dt + (level-1), 'fmDay');
    DAY_             CNT
    --------- ----------
    Saturday           5
    Thursday           4
    Tuesday            4
    Friday             5
    Wednesday          4
    Monday             4
    Sunday             5
    7 rows selected.
  • Number of weeks between two dates that are in the same or different year


    How to calculate the number of weeks between two dates?

    for example. "" "17-mar-2013' and June 27, 2013" or June 15, 2013 "and" 25-mar-2014

    Thanks in advance.



    Looks like your date range is incorrect.

    Please try the below.

    SQL >-front right

    SQL > select D2 - D1 "days."

    2 round ((D2-D1)/7.0) "weeks."

    3 round (Months_between (d1, d2), 0) 'months '.

    (select 4

    5 TO_DATE ('20121201', 'YYYYMMDD') D1, D2 TO_DATE ('20130116', 'YYYYMMDD')

    6 from two

    (7) date_range;

    Elapsed days weeks months

    ------------ --------- ---------

    46         7         1

  • Calculate the difference in days between two Dates


    I'm trying to understand how to calculate the difference in days between two dates using JavaScript in LiveCycle. (Minimum = JavaScript knowledge)

    Where 'Start_Date' and 'Current_Date' are the names of the two dates in the palette of the hierarchy. (the two Date/time field)

    * Current date is using the object > value > execution property > current Date/time

    I need a text or number field showing the difference in days. (Difference_in_Days)

    I noticed the following code is pretty standard among other responses:


    Start_date = new Date (Start_Date);


    Current_Date = new Date (Current_Date);


    nAgeMilliseconds = Current_Date.getTime) - Start_date.getTime ();


    nMilliSecondsPerYear = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ;

    I know there is lack of code and code above are may not be not correct.

    Please notify.

    OK, that's because of the way that javascript and works of the calculate event.  The field will be filled with whatever the script resolves at the end of execution. Technically, your script does not have a value because the last thing you do is an assignment to a variable.  Change the last line as follows:

    Math.ABS ((firstDate.getTime)

    ((- secondDate.getTime (()) / (oneDay));

    (eliminate the variable assignment) and get rid of the app.alert.  Your script will "return" (have) regardless of the value of calculation from the East and which will be stored in the field.

  • How to find the number of days between 2 date elements in the XSLT file


    I need to calculate the number of days between 2 date elements (type xs: date). Can you please direct me as to how I can do the same thing.

    I work in 11g and using XSLT 1.0. I tried several options but yet to get a solution for this. I think that this can be done also using XSLT 2.0, but who has not worked for me.

    Can someone please help with this problem, thanks in advance!

    Thank you


    Have you seen this message?
    Re: Get the Date difference between 2 values of date in days

    You can do in the XSLT file since the dates are in ISO 8601 format.

    Here is a sample XSLT...


    The XSLT above will result in * 4 * for the next entry...


    You can test this example here...

    I hope this helps...

    See you soon,.

    It is considered good etiquette to the answerers rewards with points (as "useful" - 5 pts - or 'correct' - 10pts)

  • to calculate the number of days between 2 dates

    Hi all

    I need to calculate the number of days between 2 dates.
    Y at - it no oracle built on that basis.

    Thanks in advance
    Kind regards


    user646786 wrote:

    Thanks a lot its really useful, but I must make a correction, I just want weekdays rather working days

    As already said, there are many examples on the forum of the calculation of the working days or the days of the week or whatever you want between certain dates of restrictions. You will need to have a go at adapting what has already been given before and then when you get stuck, come here and your postcode, and someone will take a look for you.

  • days between two dates, excluding Saturday and Sunday

    I have an obligation as: there are two entries in the query 1) startdate and 2) end date when the end user enter the start date and end date of the sql query to retrieve the number of days between given dates of beginning and end, and it should be retrivied with two condition 1) every Sunday between the above dates excluded 2) second and fourth Saturday of the month between the start dates and should be excluded.
    example of start date: 01-May-09
    end date: 16-May-09

    release date: 13

    (SELECT TO_DATE('01-may-09') + LEVEL - dates 1)
    CONNECT BY LEVEL<= (to_date('16-may-09')="" -="" to_date('01-may-09'))="" +="" 1)="">
    WHERE ((TO_CHAR (inner.dates, 'd') = 7
    AND TO_CHAR(inner.dates, 'W') NOT IN (2, 4)
    GOLD TO_CHAR (inner.dates, 'd.') not in (1.7)

Maybe you are looking for