Number of the formula of implementation

I faced a problem to implement under question.

Here is an example

Main table

code desc
3 REVENUE / Capital load., %

Transactions table
months of amount code process
1 30 April 11 100
2 5000 1 May 11

Calculate the value of code 3 as (code 1 code 2) * 100
I want we want to keep this formula in a table and to calculate according to the formula in the table (the formula is variable) and for this reason, we cannot write any direct formula in the procedure.
I'm looking for help on the forum on this issue. Thanks in advance.
create table t  as (
select  10  REVENUES,
           100  CAPITAL_CHARGE,


                  REVENUES, CAPITAL_CHARGE,
                   TO_NUMBER (
                      EXTRACTVALUE (
                         xmltype (
                             getxml ( 'SELECT '||EQUATION ||' RESULT FROM T'
              FROM t
10     100     0.1

Tags: Database

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    Thank you!

    Hi Sinshassan,

    I don't know a way to escape your blue flags except to make a formula which is consistent with the expected numbers. It is not difficult.

    My formula D2 = yew (AND(D1,B2), C2, 0)

    The IF statement tests the two D1 AND B2. If they are true, then it indicates the value of C2 your carbon Modeling::High Poly #1, if one or both are false (unchecked) then 0 is displayed.

    Give it a try.


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    Hi Adam,.

    I think that currently, we're stuck with double click to open the formula editor.

    Menu > numbers > provide numbers of feedback for your comments and suggestions!


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    Column E: IF (OR(C6=0,D6=0), "", D6−C6)

    Column F: IF (OR (C6 = 0, D6 = 0),"", $H$ 1−D6 ")

    Column H: today()

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    Hi Duke,

    Can't tell what's going on, but I get the correct results, recording the same formulas in column d a new document worksheet in numbers for iPad.

    Results in column D are the same as yours. Results in column E are one day less than yours for the first two items (it's always may 20 here) and d 187 to the third point.

    What is the (real, not "scheduled") formula in the iPad version F4?

    Kind regards


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    Input variable: DPO4034 (CH1);

    Box: number of samples.


    Input variable 0: DPO4034 (CH1); alias: x 0

    Input variable 1: 'time window Total out of scope?. " alias: x 1

    Input variable 2: number of samples (CH1); alias: x 2

    Under the operation Configuration: formula

    Y = (x 0 ^ 2) *(x1/x2)

    Output: Data 1 (CH1)


    Input signal: data processing 1 (CH1)

    Checkbox: SUM

    Output: CH1 integral Action [has ^ 2s].

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    BR, Jani

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    If dblAbsValue > = 0 and dblAbsValue<= dbllookup(0,="" 0)="">
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    ' lblMode.Text = 1
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    ' lblMode.Text = 2
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    ' lblMode.Text = 3
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    USB = (dblLookUp (3, 1) dblLookUp (2, 1)) / (dblLookUp (3, 0) dblLookUp (2, 0))
    dblValue = USB * dblAbsValue - USB * dblLookUp (2, 0) + dblLookUp (2, 1)
    ' lblMode.Text = 4
    On the other
    dblValue = dblLookUp (3, 1) ' * Math.Sign (dblValue)
    ' lblMode.Text = 5
    End If

    Return dblValue * intSign

    Hello janijt,

    You can certainly use formula node for it. What you would do is to create a constant for the lookup table.

    Here is an implementation in MathScript node

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    The answer is very simple- do not use Dynamic Data.  I have never understood why NEITHER created this (other than to show "how easy it is to collect the DAQ and screw Express Wizard" (and not to mention that you lose a lot of control over what you do).)  There have been many questions here in the Forums and a number of players with a lot more experience I have also made the same recommendation.

    I don't know where the dynamic data in your case.  If it came from the DAQ Assistant, by all means read this and get rid of this wizard!

    Bob schor

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    private void upgradeToPro()
          Registry registry = Registry.getRegistry( RRMidlet.class.getName() );
          Invocation invocation = new Invocation( null, null, "", true, ContentHandler.ACTION_OPEN );
          invocation.setArgs( new String[] { "12345" } );   // this should be App World ID number
        catch( Exception ex )
          System.out.println("Failed to invoke AppWorld client!");

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    You can view the App Id if you go to manage products and you try to modify the presentation of the paid version. At the top of the first screen (information on the product tab), you will see the ID (it can not be changed)

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    The current tool will only one level at a time.    While ease of use is a little annoying in situations where you don't want to flatten the hierarchy, the approach used currently gives you the most control of how much you want to go.  For example, you can have a form of low level that is not changing if you do not want to include more than just the output of this formula in your BOM.

    We have features on the roadmap that allows you to specify the number of levels that the system to go while being able to reconstruct a hierarchy so please submit an enhancement request with as much information in the use cases you want to cover so we can ensure that our new features do you need to do.

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    We conduct apply CM which is a failure with the Error: "declared:java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number with the name '' too small'."

    Its in our unique the production instance. I checked on the return parameter. Here are the details.

    SQL > show Cancel parameter


    ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

    _in_memory_undo Boolean TRUE

    _undo_debug_usage integer 2


    UNDO_RETENTION integer 40000

    undo_tablespace string APPS_UNDOTS1

    SQL > select max (maxquerylen) of v$ undostat;




    Please suggest what needs to be done to go further.

    Kind regards


    Post edited by: 942633


    ORA-02067: the rollback transaction or registration required

    As mentioned, you will need to look at the design of the code:

    Error: ORA 2067
    Text: rollback transaction or registration required
    Cause: A failure (typically a trigger or a stored procedure with several updates remotely) has occurred, such as the execution of all or nothing from a previous call to Oracle cannot be guaranteed.
    Action: return to a previous point of backup or restore the transaction and resubmit.


    ORA-01555 caused by the following SQL statement (SQL ID: 5y0q4u8r2hdy9, query term s = 637608, SCN: 0x0bcc.4ed82762):



    ------------------------                   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

    304849 40000 267232.292

    To better help you, please let us know:

    -What is the function of this program.

    -Did you recently parameter changes until you have this error.

    Please ensure that the validation controls are implemented correctly, the DBA team and development will work hand in hand.

    Thank you &

    Best regards

  • automatically update in the formulation of materials?

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    When nutrition or the conformity of materials data changes, it should be updated in the formulation of a manually. then the CDC nutrition or compliance can roll in the output of formulation.

    Can you click once in the formulation and updating of all materials of automatic entry? How to implement this fuction?

    Thank you


    Yes, you can update the change in formulation.  In the specifications of the formulation (in edit mode), click on tools-> refresh in the menu.

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    We have a BSO cube and it is converted to ASO. The account dimension has the attribute SOLDETEMPS properties, and therefore the time dimension cannot assign to either dynamic or multiple hierarchies because of which I'm not able to define formulas for Member in the time dimension to ASO, this requires the dimension to be either dynamic or more hierarchies to have member formulas. MDX scripts is the way to go I'm not very familiar with the scripts, MDX and its use. Please advise and also I would like to know if there is another way to solve this problem.

    do not use the properties of balance.

    You will need to take the time to be dynamic, created shared hierarchy similar to

    Jan shared
    Feb shared

    Then mark up your TB accounts with udas as TBFirst, TBLast, TBAverage.

    You have two options where you can join the MDX formula of time CDA/QTD or attach the MDX formulas to members of the account saying IIF YTD then make first/last/moy.

    You can choose between the two, if you have less number of accounts of TB, so I would say that set the formula to members as well as other members can obtain the value of CDA Member rolls.



    Please check the answers as useful/correct as appropriate

  • Can be passed to the formula of the procedure/function the column value?

    Cf_value is back after some calculation using the main request.

    Can be passed directly the value of column of formulas of procedure without assinged to placeorder?
    as below...



    My procedure is...

    PROCEDURE f_convert (val1 val2 in number, number) IS


    val2: = val1 * 100;


    If anyone knows pls answer me...

    In fact, if there is that other calculations he (in Proceudre)

    Can I used is like below?
    PROCEDURE f_convert (val1 val2 in number, number) IS


    val2: = val1 * 100;

    return (val2);

    A procedure cannot return a value, the return in my previous post clause was part of the function for formula column.
    Let's say you have a column of forms of so-called CF_2, then the function because it will be like:

    function cf_2formula return number
     val1 number;
     val2 number;
     val2 := :cf_1 * 100; -- or val2 := val1 * 100 --parameters not allowed in formula column function
     -- All the other code that you need inclusive of calling function, procedure as in any PL/SQL block can be placed 
     return (val2);

    Any calculation can be used in the service of the formula column

  • Addition of the formula to a calculation and obtaining incorrect results.

    I have a report to this list than the benefits paid by the company. One of the fields is the life to date ensures that is a maximum advantage of 233,00. If the amount calculated is more 233,00 233,00 is used. If this is not the smallest amount is used. Here's the formula. It works without any problem.
    <? choose:? >
    <? When: number (WW_DateEndOfPeriod1) > 233? > 233 <? end when? >
    <? otherwise:? > <? Number (WW_DateEndOfPeriod1). > <? end otherwise? >
    <? end to choose? >

    The problem occurs when I try to get a total of all the benefits. This calculation is added to the other benefits to get a total. However, he always adds 233,00 even if the amount to be used is less than 233,00. Therefore, if the provision is less than 233,00, total is added wrong. Here's the formula for this. You can see where is the problem?

    <? variable: WW_LTD01. xdoxslt:IfElse ((WW_DateEndOfPeriod1>233), 233, WW_DateEndOfPeriod1)? >
    <? WW_MEDICAL01 + WW_DENTAL01 + WW_K401K01 + 45.00 + WW_GROSS + WW_BASADD01 + WW_LTD01$? >

    PS WW_DateEndOfPeriod1 is the field of the life to Date. I don't know why my report writer assisned with this name.

    Thank you


    I sent you the modified model. Take a peek inside.

    Thank you!

  • Static value in the formula for the column

    Hi all, I have a pretty simple question. How can you put a static value in a formula in the column? Just written a number does not work.

    You get the ODBC error because you are using the custom as a standalone field. Use in conjunction with any other field.
    For example: If the test then use your number field and date. then in the design of pivot, put date (set to the Max aggregation) measures and your number in the sections. This will work.

Maybe you are looking for

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