omitted the optional AUTHID clause

Warning (2.1): PLW-05018: unit ZBIP_INSERT_KADRI omitted AUTHID clause optional; used DEFINE default value. I googled but I always find what I'm doing wrong...


create or replace
procedure zbip_insert_kadri is
cursor c_kadri is
Select ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 2, 2) sifraOE2.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 2, 1) nazivOE2.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (3, sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 2) sifraOE3.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 3, 1) nazivOE3.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (4, sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 2) sifraOE4.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 4, 1) nazivOE4.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (5, sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 2) sifraOE5.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (5, sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 1) nazivOE5.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (6, sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 2) sifraOE6.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 6, 1) nazivOE6.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 7, 2) sifraOE7.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 7, 1) nazivOE7.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (8, sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 2) sifraOE8.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 8, 1) nazivOE8.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 9, 2) sifraOE9.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 9, 1) nazivOE9.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 10, 2) sifraOE10.
ZKEP_BI. ZKEP_VRNI_SN_ZA_NIVO (10, sysdate, nvl (sistdm.iid_organizacijske_enote, delrazp.iid_organizacijske_enote), 1) nazivOE10.
obrmest.naziv_obracunskega_mesta naziv_obracunskega_mesta,
vrsdelrazm.sifra_del_razmerja sifra_del_razmerja,
vrsdelrazm.naziv_del_razmerja naziv_del_razmerja,
vrsopr.sifra_opravila sifra_opravila,
vrsopr.naziv_opravila naziv_opravila,
NVL(zap.titula_pred_imenom, '') | ' ' || zap. EMI | ' ' || zap.Priimek | ' ' || NVL(zap.titula_za_imenom, '') zaposlenec.
zap.datum_rojstva datum_rojstva,
zap.spol spol,
obcina OBC. Company,
tipidelmest.tip_delovnega_mesta sifra_tip_delovnega_mesta,
tipidelmest.naziv_tipa_delovnega_mesta naziv_tip_delovnega_mesta,
delm.sifra_delovno_mesto sifra_delovnega_mesta,
delm.naziv_delovno_mesto naziv_delovnega_mesta,
katinv. Company kategorija_invalidnosti,
kolevrst.sifra_vrste_dela sifra_vrste_dela,
kolevrst.naziv_vrste_dela naziv_vrste_dela,
sifgdel.sifra_grupa_dela sifra_grupe_dela,
sifgdel.naziv_grupe_del naziv_grupe_del,
klaspok.sifra_poklica sifra_poklica,
klaspok.naziv_poklica naziv_poklica,
klaspokstrokizo.sifra_pokl_str_izo sifra_pokl_str_izo,
klaspokstrokizo.naziv_pokl_str_izo naziv_pokl_str_izo,
klasstopizo.sifra_stopnje_izo sifra_stopnje_izo,
klasstopizo.naziv_stopnje_izo naziv_stopnje_izo,
klasizorav.sifra_izo_ravni sifra_izo_ravni,
klasizorav.naziv_izo_ravni naziv_izo_ravni,
klaspokstrokizo1.sifra_pokl_str_izo sifra_pokl_str_izo_1,
klaspokstrokizo1.naziv_pokl_str_izo naziv_pokl_str_izo_1,
klasstopizo1.sifra_stopnje_izo sifra_stopnje_izo_1,
klasstopizo1.naziv_stopnje_izo naziv_stopnje_izo_1,
klasizorav1.sifra_izo_ravni sifra_izo_ravni_1,
klasizorav1.naziv_izo_ravni naziv_izo_ravni_1,
delrazm.datum_sklenitve datum_sklenitve,
delrazp.datum_nastopa_dela datum_nastopa_dela,
datum_vstopa zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_prvi_dr (delrazm.iid_delovno_razmerje, null);
datum_izstopa zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_zadnji_dr (delrazm.iid_delovno_razmerje, null);
razlprendr.sifra_razloga_pre_dr sifra_razloga_pre_dr,
razlprendr.naziv_razloga_pre_dr naziv_razloga_pre_dr,
izmdela.naziv_izmenskega_dela naziv_izmenskega_dela,
trunc (extract (year sysdate)-extract (year zap.datum_rojstva)) concern.
--(months_between (sysdate, zap.datum_rojstva)/12) bailiff zaposlenca,.
zkep_izpisi.zkep_vrni_dd (zap.iid_zaposlenca, zkep_delovne_dobe.zkep_izrac_dd_zaposl (zap.iid_zaposlenca, sysdate, 'irckisprod', null), zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_dod_vred (null, 'OD_DEL', 'ZKET_VRSTE_DELOVNE_DOBE', 'SIFRA_DD', 'DRUZB_DD')) delovna_doba;
zkep_izpisi.zkep_vrni_dd (zap.iid_zaposlenca, zkep_delovne_dobe.zkep_izrac_dd_zaposl (zap.iid_zaposlenca, sysdate, 'irckisprod', null), zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_dod_vred (null, 'OD_DEL', 'ZKET_VRSTE_DELOVNE_DOBE', 'SIFRA_DD', 'SKUP_DD')) skupna_delovna_doba

of zket_zaposlenci zap.
zket_delovna_razmerja delrazm,
zket_vrste_delovnih_razmerij vrsdelrazm,
zket_delovne_razporeditve delrazp,
zket_sistemizacije_dm sistdm,
zket_delovna_mesta delm,
zket_vrste_opravil vrsopr,
zket_prebivalisca PREP,
zket_obcine CBO,
zket_tipi_delovnih_mest tipidelmest,
(select iid_zaposlenca, iid_kategorija from zket_invalidnosti where zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (datum_nastopa_inval, datum_spremembe_inval, sysdate) = 1) inv.
zket_kategorije_invalidov katinv,
zket_koledarji kole,
zket_koledar_vrste kolevrst,
zket_grupe_del gdel,
zket_sifrant_grupe_del sifgdel,
zket_poklici_dm pok,
zket_klas_poklicev klaspok,
(select iid_zaposlenca, iid_izobrazbe, iid_klas_pokl_str_izo from zket_formalne_izobrazbe where zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (velja_od, velja_do, sysdate) = 1) forizo;
zket_klas_pokl_strok_izo klaspokstrokizo,
zket_klas_stopenj_izobrazbe klasstopizo,
zket_klas_izobr_ravni klasizorav,
(select iid_pokl_str_izo_dm, iid_delovno_mesto, iid_klas_pokl_str_izo from zket_pokl_strok_izo_dm where zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (datum_od, datum_do, sysdate) = 1) poklstrokizodm;
zket_klas_pokl_strok_izo klaspokstrokizo1,
zket_klas_stopenj_izobrazbe klasstopizo1,
zket_klas_izobr_ravni klasizorav1,
zket_razlogi_prenehanj_dr razlprendr,
zket_izmenska_dela izmdela,
zket_fizicne_razporeditve fizraz,
zket_str_mesta_dela strmestdel,
zket_obr_mesta obrmest

where zap.iid_zaposlenca = delrazm.iid_zaposlenca
and zap.iid_zaposlenca = preb.iid_zaposlenca
and preb.iid_obcina = obc.iid_obcina
and zap.iid_zaposlenca = inv.iid_zaposlenca (+)
and inv.iid_kategorija = katinv.iid_kategorija (+)
and delrazm.iid_delovno_razmerje = delrazp.iid_delovno_razmerje
and delrazm.iid_vrste_del_razmerja = vrsdelrazm.iid_vrste_del_razmerja
and delrazp.iid_sistemizacija_dm = sistdm.iid_sistemizacija_dm (+)
and sistdm.iid_delovno_mesto = delm.iid_delovno_mesto (+)
and delm.iid_vrsta_opravil = vrsopr.iid_vrsta_opravil (+)
and delm.iid_tip_delovnega_mesta = tipidelmest.iid_tip_delovnega_mesta (+)
and delrazp.iid_del_razporeditev = kole.iid_del_razporeditev
and kole.iid_sif_koledar = kolevrst.iid_sif_koledar
and delm.iid_delovno_mesto = gdel.iid_delovno_mesto (+)
and gdel.iid_grupa_dela = sifgdel.iid_grupa_dela (+)
and delm.iid_delovno_mesto = pok.iid_delovno_mesto (+)
and pok.iid_klas_poklica = klaspok.iid_klas_poklica (+)
and zap.iid_zaposlenca = forizo.iid_zaposlenca (+)
and forizo.iid_klas_pokl_str_izo = klaspokstrokizo.iid_klas_pokl_str_izo (+)
and klaspokstrokizo.iid_klas_stop_izo = klasstopizo.iid_klas_stop_izo (+)
and klaspokstrokizo.iid_klas_izo_ravni = klasizorav.iid_klas_izo_ravni (+)
and delm.iid_delovno_mesto = poklstrokizodm.iid_delovno_mesto (+)
and poklstrokizodm.iid_klas_pokl_str_izo = klaspokstrokizo1.iid_klas_pokl_str_izo (+)
and klaspokstrokizo1.iid_klas_stop_izo = klasstopizo1.iid_klas_stop_izo (+)
and klaspokstrokizo1.iid_klas_izo_ravni = klasizorav1.iid_klas_izo_ravni (+)
and delrazm.iid_razl_pre_dr = razlprendr.iid_razl_pre_dr (+)
and kole.iid_izmensko_delo = izmdela.iid_izmensko_delo
and delrazp.iid_del_razporeditev = fizraz.iid_del_razporeditev
and fizraz.iid_strd = strmestdel.iid_strd
and strmestdel.obracunsko_mesto = obrmest.obracunsko_mesto
and nvl (delrazp.zaporedna_stevilka, 0) = 0
and vrsdelrazm.redno_del_razmerje = 1
and preb.sifra = 1
and zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (pok.datum_od, pok.datum_do, sysdate) = 1
and zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (gdel.datum_od, gdel.datum_do, sysdate) = 1
and zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (kole.datum_pricetka, kole.datum_zakljucka, sysdate) = 1
and zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (preb.datum_od, preb.datum_do, sysdate) = 1
and zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (delrazm.datum_sklenitve, delrazm.datum_prenehanja, sysdate) = 1
and zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (delrazp.datum_nastopa_dela, delrazp.datum_prenehanja_dela, sysdate) = 1
and zkep_splosno.zkep_vrni_veljavnost (fizraz.veljavno_od, fizraz.veljavno_do, sysdate) = 1;

r_kadri c_kadri % ROWTYPE;

Open c_kadri;
extract the c_kadri in r_kadri;
When the output c_kadri % NOTFOUND;


VALUES (: 1,: 2,: 3,: 4,: 5,: 6,: 7: 8: 9,: 10,: 11,: 12,: 13:14,: 15,: 16,: 17,: 18,: 19,: 20,: 21,: 22,: 23,: 24,: 25,: 26,: 27,: 28,: 29,: 30,: 31: 32,: 33,)
(: 34,: 35,: 36: 37: 38: 39,: 40,: 41,: 42,: 43,: 44,: 45,: 46,: 47,: 48,: 49,: 50,: 51,: 52,: 53,: 54,: 55: 56,: 57,: 58,: 59,: 60,: 61: 62)'

With the HELP of 1, 1, r_kadri.sifraOE2, r_kadri.nazivOE2, r_kadri.sifraOE3, r_kadri.nazivOE3, r_kadri.sifraOE4, r_kadri.nazivOE4, r_kadri.sifraOE5, r_kadri.nazivOE5, r_kadri.sifraOE6,.
r_kadri.nazivOE6, r_kadri.sifraOE7, r_kadri.nazivOE7, r_kadri.sifraOE8, r_kadri.nazivOE8, r_kadri.sifraOE9, r_kadri.nazivOE9, r_kadri.sifraOE10, r_kadri.nazivOE10,
r_kadri.naziv_obracunskega_mesta, r_kadri.sifra_del_razmerja, r_kadri.naziv_del_razmerja, r_kadri.sifra_opravila, r_kadri.naziv_opravila, r_kadri.zaposlenec,
r_kadri.datum_rojstva, r_kadri.spol, r_kadri.obcina, r_kadri.sifra_tip_delovnega_mesta, r_kadri.naziv_tip_delovnega_mesta, r_kadri.sifra_delovnega_mesta,
r_kadri.naziv_delovnega_mesta, r_kadri.kategorija_invalidnosti, r_kadri.sifra_vrste_dela, r_kadri.naziv_vrste_dela, r_kadri.sifra_grupe_dela, r_kadri.naziv_grupe_del,
r_kadri.sifra_poklica, r_kadri.naziv_poklica, r_kadri.sifra_pokl_str_izo, r_kadri.naziv_pokl_str_izo, r_kadri.sifra_stopnje_izo, r_kadri.naziv_stopnje_izo,
r_kadri.sifra_izo_ravni, r_kadri.naziv_izo_ravni, r_kadri.sifra_pokl_str_izo_1, r_kadri.naziv_pokl_str_izo_1, r_kadri.sifra_stopnje_izo_1, r_kadri.naziv_stopnje_izo_1,
r_kadri.sifra_izo_ravni_1, r_kadri.naziv_izo_ravni_1, r_kadri.datum_sklenitve, r_kadri.datum_nastopa_dela, r_kadri.datum_vstopa, r_kadri.datum_izstopa, r_kadri.sifra_razloga_pre_dr,
r_kadri.naziv_razloga_pre_dr, r_kadri.naziv_izmenskega_dela, r_kadri.starost, r_kadri.delovna_doba, r_kadri.skupna_delovna_doba;


raise_application_error (-20001,' an error occurred while inserting into the table of zbip_insert_kadri - ' |) SQLCODE |' - ERROR - ' | SQLERRM);


end loop;
close c_kadri;

According to the Manual:

create or replace procedure zbip_insert_kadri authid definer is

BTW, you should use a simple

insert into ZBIT_KADRI ( ...
select ...
from zket_zaposlenci zap
where ..

Published by: Leo Mannhart, Sep 17, 2010 09:26

Tags: Database

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      3  execute immediate 'create user ' || x || ' identified by ' || x;
      4  end;
      5  /                                                                    
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    SQL> exec u1.t('FOO');                                                    
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.                                  
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    I understand that your MacBook Pro has been lost by the intermediary of find my Mac mode. Fortunately, you can go to the off mode lost through the steps described below.

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    1. Go to find my iPhone on

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    2. Click on all devices, and then select the device that is lost.

    3. Click on lost Mode, then change the information or lost the stop Mode.

    If you cannot use lost fashion as find my iPhone is not configured on your lost device, see the article by Apple Support If your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is lost or stolen.

    Remove credit and debit of the portfolio (or book) maps

    iCloud: use lost Mode

    Kind regards.

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    2. Select chipped, then select one of the options of resolution nationally.
  • Netflix bought through iTunes does not give me the option 4K

    Netflix bought through iTunes does not give me the option 4K

    What, instead, have you done so far? Netflix Checked site help or a FAQ section? Contacted Netflix? If none of these give a solution contacted iTunes Support (

  • the option of missing e-mail from in safari

    the option of missing e-mail from in safari

    This just happened.

    It was available

    Turn on Safari and your Mac. If she does not return, open the sharing sheet, click on the «...» "" icon and make sure that Mail is enabled. ""

  • How is it when I click on the menu of the Applications in the Options screen, Firefox crashes?

    Whenever I open the tab Options in Firefox, I can access all items with the exception of the Applications menu. When I click on the Applications menu, Firefox freezes and the only way to fix is to open the Task Manager window and force a shutdown of Firefox. I use the latest version of Firefox and the updates of Windows 10.

    It is normal to have a slight delay, while Firefox generates the list. If you wait more than 10 seconds, there may be a problem with the settings file that Firefox is reading.

    As it is difficult to change, when there is a problem, we offer usually when you rename the file and allows Firefox to rebuild the Windows registry. Here's how:

    Open the settings folder (AKA Firefox profile) current Firefox help

    • button "3-bar" menu > "?" button > troubleshooting information
    • (menu bar) Help > troubleshooting information
    • type or paste everything: in the address bar and press Enter

    In the first table of the page, click on the view file"" button. This should launch a new window that lists the various files and folders in Windows Explorer.

    Leave this window open, switch back to Firefox and output, either:

    • "3-bar" menu button > button "power".
    • (menu bar) File > Exit

    Break while Firefox finishing his cleaning, then rename the mimeTypes.rdf to mimeTypes.old (or another name of your choice, in the case where you decide to roll back this experience).

    Launch Firefox back up again and return to the Options page to specify your preference. The list will load?

  • Video showed on the options/info/media page in the previous version, but does not appear since the recent update. Why?

    I managed to download the video by going to the options/info/media in version 41 page, but the video no longer appears in the list. This is the case for pages where I could download the video only 2 weeks ago. I tried to update my addons, but that made no difference.
    I have seen that other people have noted this problem.

    If you read this thread, you know you have these options in Firefox 42:

    Once you start the video:

    • To save the video

      • right-click the video > video under
      • Right click the logo of the vine > setting > View Image Info > media tab
    • To copy the address of the video

      • the video right-click > copy the location of the video
      • Right click the logo of the vine > setting > View Image Info > media tab

    What Miss me?

  • How can I get rid of the 'Options' tab being opened with each web page?

    I recently upgraded to Firefox and now everytime I open a new tab, the tab 'Options' is on the screen, which means that I will open two tabs every time. Cannot correct this condition. Cannot find the window showing in Firefox to deal with "tabs". Running Windows 7, 32 bit, did not have this problem before the update.

    One of the possible reasons are that if the Options page has been added as a second 'Home tab' in which case it will be displayed in each new window (Ctrl + n) and every time that you click the Home button.

    To check that you can go to the Options page and select general in the left column. To the top of the page, in the start section, check the box of the Home Page:

    Looking for a vertical bar separating two addresses of character. A simple example with short URLS:|about:preferences

    The bar certainly can be hard to spot with long URLs, but when you find it, delete everything to the right of the bar, then the bar itself (I suggest to remove the last bar so things don't accidentally get it together).

    Was she?

    For reference, our article on this part of the Options page: start-up, homepage, tabs and download settings.

  • Firefox on Windows 7 keeps opening the Options tab > how to fix?

    Without clicking to open the Option tab, it opens on its own. Sometimes 2 or 3 tabs are open but not all at the same time.

    One of the possible reasons are that if the Options page has been added as a second 'Home tab' in which case it will be displayed in each new window (Ctrl + n) and every time that you click the Home button.

    To verify that you can use the page Options, as described in this article: start-up, homepage, tabs and download settings.

    Look for a vertical bar character at the heart of the area that separates the two addresses. A simple example with short URLS:|about:preferences

    The bar certainly can be hard to spot with long URLs, but when you find it, delete everything to the right of the bar, then the bar itself (I suggest to remove the last bar so things don't accidentally get it together).

    Was she?

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