onTouch event

Hi all

I want to make an area safe as an image and drawing to capture something.

Is there an API or something?

I need the event that could happen onTouch, onLeaveTouch or so... maybe he's the other?

Agreed. In fact, there are 2 years, I've written this example that uses canvas + touch events to produce a drawing "sketch pad".


Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    ImageView {
             id: watermark1
             imageSource: watermark.imageSource
             opacity: watermark.opacity
             translationX: 0
             translationY: 100
             attachedObjects: [
                 ImplicitAnimationController {
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                     propertyName: "translationY"
                 ImplicitAnimationController {
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                                         propertyName: "translationX"
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             property real iniY : 0;
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             property real posicionX: 0;
             onTouch: {
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                 translationControllerX.enabled = false;
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                     iniX = event.windowX;
                     iniY = event.windowY;  
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                    watermark1.translationX = posicionX + event.windowX - iniX;
                    watermark1.translationY = posicionY + event.windowY - iniY;
                    console.debug(iniX, iniY)
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                     guide.opacity = 0
                     guide1.opacity = 0
                     posicionX = watermark1.translationX
                     posicionY = watermark1.translationY
                     console.debug("item left")
                 if (event.isCancel()){
                     guide.opacity = 0
                     guide1.opacity = 0
                     posicionX = watermark1.translationX
                     posicionY = watermark1.translationY

    Hope you can help me

    Bravo and thank you!

    If you have this movement attached to each 'widget' code, then you will need to cover the event notecard for each other widget outside that you drag.

    The simplest but not the most elegant way is to set a global variable because everyone can see who puts a simple if statement around the code onTouch.

  • OnTouch event about to Listfield

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    Just to avoid confusion, what you seem to have created is not a ListField, who is a completely different UI component that a series of HFMs added to an optimization of resources.

    You seem to be using getFieldIndex() on the optimization of resources.  If all you had added were the HFM, so I expect the index to go up by one. The fact that they are of 2 indicates that you have added something else, like a NullField.  So I would check your code to confirm the manager who you get the index of the fields of the and what you add to this Manager.

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    and also the image GET bluish when I start painting.

    QImage theimage = QImage(imagePath);
        QPainter painter(&theimage);
        painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
        painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::transparent, 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap)); // stroke
        painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt::green, Qt::SolidPattern)); // fill
        painter.drawEllipse(x, y, 10, 10);
        //theimage.save(imagePath, "JPG"); // I also tried uncommenting this
        const bb::ImageData imageData = bb::ImageData::fromPixels(theimage.bits(), bb::PixelFormat::RGBX, theimage.width(), theimage.height(), theimage.bytesPerLine());
        m_image = bb::cascades::Image(imageData); // this is the image I show in the ImageView

    Also drawing with QPainter texts it blocks with the reason for the QFontDatabase. I saw a solution in another thread to add this line , but nothing helped.

    Any suggestions please?

    I didn't know he jumped a dialogue... the alternative is to write the screen to a bitmap image and then save it, works with 10.0 api and does not require a permission to screen capture or guest

    I wrote an example that shows how to do this.


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        if (document.body.style.fontSize == "") {
            document.body.style.fontSize == "1.0em";
        document.body.style.fontSize = parseFloat(document.body.style.fontSize) + (multiplier * 0.2) + "em";

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    import "TextResize.js" as TextResize
    actions: [
    ActionItem {
                title: "Increase Font Size"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: "Decrease Font Size"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                onTriggered: {

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    I know that this problem has been resolved, but won't this is the solution.

    People, please stop using onTouch event on controls to manage the events of tap.

    To manage the tap, you must use gestureHandlers instead of onTouch

    gestureHandlers: [
                    TapHandler {
                        onTapped: {

    If you treat your event on signal Notecard, you will eventually provide a poor user experience!

  • Touch events in Cascades/QML

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    (1) how can I manage touch events. For example I want to design an element as a button, but without using the predefined one. Basically, it's a container with color and a label in it. And I want to give a basic animation, I'm searching for equal to onPressed and onReleased, two methods to change the background color, when the user presses the button and make it back to the default color, when it releases.

    (2) is there any kind of Qt Assistant for Cascades? I couldn't find the reference to assistance in line/API here, but it is so messed up my opinion and lack features such as research. In the best cases, this documentation is fully downloadable and usable offline.

    Hopefully, you can help me...

    Best regards


    I worked today on a similar question. You can query the key like this event type:

    onTouch: {
        if (event.touchType == TouchType.Down) {

    I used this to make a whole one button container, regardless of its content.

  • Parents and children Touch - event management

    I have a container with some controls.

    I want this is notecard to the container code to run only if no child control has handled the event onTouch.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you


    I solved it.

    Here's how...

    First of all, there are two touch events, I have now, I understand as follows:

    'touchCapture' is received in a container before the spread of children take place.

    'touch' is received in a container after the propagation takes place.

    I've added a property to the container like this:

    Boolean touchHandled property

    I added handlers for the touchCapture and the touch, like this:

    onTouchCapture: {}
    touchHandled = false

    Notecard: {}
    If (! touchHandled) {}
    Manage you like...

    If a child control manages the key event, I the child touchHandled set to true. For example, in one of the children, I manage a TOP event. I have code like this (in children):

    Notecard: {}
    If (event.isUp ()) {}
    Do all that...

    touchHandled = true

    Mission accomplished. Comments are welcome...


  • How to receive events touch of legend in mapview bubble?

    Hello developers,
    I have been woking on a map-based application. I want to see the PIN to some place on click and click a pin it there otherwise pop up on available in OS bb10 and can also add our user interface customized for the legend label. I saw an example of custom mapview http://blackberry.github.io/Cascades-Samples/custommapview.html in which they created a container separated and shown that the container during the click on pin.but that the container is not ' receive events.so touch how should I get the Touch touch events? pls help developer friends...

    Thank you

    I just tested and the onTouch Manager works perfectly.

    I added the following code in the main container of the bubble component to change the color of the label (you will need to add the > string in the Label component to test).

        onTouch: {
            label.textStyle.color = Color.Red;
  • QML: calculate the time interval between the touch events

    I create a custom button that is activated by a key event, in this way:

    Container {
        property bool pressed
        signal clicked...
        onTouch: {
            if (enabled && ! event.isMove()) {
                if (event.isUp() && pressed) clicked()
                pressed = event.isDown()

    The problem with this approach is that if the user clicks the custom button several times in a short period of time the click signal is triggered several times too. This does not happen if I use a regular button or an ImageButton.

    I was thinking about getting the timestamp of the event and fire the only if clicked event grit touch after at least x milliseconds since the previous event. The DIF is that I couldn't find a way to calculate this difference in QML.

    Any suggestions?

    You could also follow the time of the last event with the Javascript date.

    lastTouched = new Date().valueOf();

    -Check if time has passed...

  • Management of the events of Cascades

    How do we consume the event top if onTouchEnter has been called? I have some of these containers on screen. When I'm in the State down on a container and I move to another, I get the event put on the newly selected container. Is it something I can call in onTouchEnter to ignore the next event?

    I was able to make it work in QML.

    Here's the QML which forms the basis of all my custom buttons:


    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Container {
        property variant pageToLoad: ""    property variant state: TouchEvent.Up
        id: panelBtn
        layout: DockLayout {
        //the background image is 9 sliced and expands to the size of the button
        ImageView {
            layoutProperties: DockLayoutProperties {
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
            id: "btnBG"
            imageSource: "asset:///ui/panel_up"
            scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.Fill
            minWidth: 60
            minHeight: 60
        onTouch: {
            if (event.isUp () && panelBtn.state == TouchType.Down) {
                panelBtn.state = TouchType.Up;
                btnBG.imageSource = "asset:///ui/panel_up";
                root.navClick (pageToLoad);
            if (event.isDown ()) {
                btnBG.imageSource = "asset:///ui/panel_down";
                panelBtn.state = TouchType.Down;
            else if(event.isCancel ())
                btnBG.imageSource = "asset:///ui/panel_up";
                panelBtn.state = TouchType.Up;
        onTouchExit: {
            btnBG.imageSource = "asset:///ui/panel_up";
            panelBtn.state = TouchType.Up;
        onTouchEnter: {
            btnBG.imageSource = "asset:///ui/panel_up";
            panelBtn.state = TouchType.Up;
  • Contact event in PRC management?

    I want to manage touch event on CPP and not qml.

    Redo exactly the same as the solution of http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Native-Development/touch-does-not-fire-for-q10/td-p/3026980

    with no qml whatsoever.

    Touch the event indicates on the label.

    Click event displays on the console.


    #include "applicationui.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI() :
        // prepare the localization
        m_pTranslator = new QTranslator(this);
        m_pLocaleHandler = new LocaleHandler(this);
        bool res = QObject::connect(m_pLocaleHandler, SIGNAL(systemLanguageChanged()), this, SLOT(onSystemLanguageChanged()));
        // This is only available in Debug builds
        // Since the variable is not used in the app, this is added to avoid a
        // compiler warning
        // initial load
        //Create Page
        Page *page = new Page();
        // Create Label
        label = new Label();
        // Connect Tap handler
        TapHandler *tapHandler = TapHandler::create()
            .onTapped(this, SLOT(onTappedHandler(bb::cascades::TapEvent*)));
        // Create Container, add Label and Gesture Handler to it and connect to touch event
        Container *container = Container::create()
            .layout(new DockLayout)
            .onTouch(this, SLOT(onTouch(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*)));
        // Add Container to Page
        // Set created root object as the application scene
    void ApplicationUI::onSystemLanguageChanged()
        // Initiate, load and install the application translation files.
        QString locale_string = QLocale().name();
        QString file_name = QString("TestContainer_%1").arg(locale_string);
        if (m_pTranslator->load(file_name, "app/native/qm")) {
    void ApplicationUI::onTouch(bb::cascades::TouchEvent* event){
        switch(event->touchType()) {
            case TouchType::Cancel: {
                addToLabel("TouchType: Cancel");
            case TouchType::Down: {
                addToLabel("TouchType: Down");
            case TouchType::Move: {
                addToLabel("TouchType: Move");
            case TouchType::Up: {
                addToLabel("TouchType: Up");
                addToLabel("X: " + QString::number(event->windowX()) + "Y: " + QString::number(event->windowY()));
            default: {
    void ApplicationUI::onTappedHandler(bb::cascades::TapEvent* event) {
        qDebug() << "Tapped";
        qDebug() << "X:" << event->x() << "Y:" << event->y();
    void ApplicationUI::addToLabel(QString text) {
        label->setText(text + "\n" + label->text());

    applicationui. HPP:

    #ifndef ApplicationUI_HPP_
    #define ApplicationUI_HPP_
    namespace bb
        namespace cascades
            class LocaleHandler;
    class QTranslator;
     * @brief Application UI object
     * Use this object to create and init app UI, to create context objects, to register the new meta types etc.
    class ApplicationUI : public QObject
        virtual ~ApplicationUI() {}
    private slots:
        void onSystemLanguageChanged();
        void onTouch(bb::cascades::TouchEvent* event);
        void onTappedHandler(bb::cascades::TapEvent* event);
        void addToLabel(QString text);
        QTranslator* m_pTranslator;
        bb::cascades::LocaleHandler* m_pLocaleHandler;
        bb::cascades::Label* label;
    #endif /* ApplicationUI_HPP_ */
  • Problem with slot onTouch in ImageView.

    When I do a count function to get the number of times a photo is affected.

    But when I touch picture just 1 time, but the show 2 function.

    I don't know what is happening. Help, please.

    Thank you.

    You can try this please? (in QML)

    onTouch: {
      if (event.isDown()) {
        // ...

    Here is a list of all key events:


    Slot machines and Q_INVOKABLE functions can be called from QML.

  • How to invite people to an event calendar with the new iOS 10?

    Before I updated to iOS of 10, I was able to create a calendar event with the apple iPhone built-in calendar and there is an option to 'invite' contacts him so they could add to their calendar. I can't find this option now after the new update. Where and how can I do this?

    Invite others to an event. You can invite people to an event, even if you're not the one who, on demand with Exchange and some other servers. Press an event, press on modify, then on the guests. Type the names, or tap to select the people to contact. If you don't want to be notified when someone refuses a meeting, go to settings > calendar, then disable view guest declines.

  • the iOS 10 not displaying calendar widget is not the events

    After the update to iOS 10.0.2, the calendar available on the lock screen widget does not always display the events. Nor the duration of the event or the event name appears, but a white widget with calendar color bar can be seen.

    This is not always the case, but very often. For ex, if you open the calendar application, then check this widget, event, but after that you lock the screen and check again, it would disappear.

    Hello jyothishureth,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support. It is my understanding from your iPhone Calendar widget still shows no events. I use my daily calendar to keep me organized. I can understand your concern. I'm happy to help you.

    If you haven't done so already, I recommend that you restart the phone. This can solve many unexpected behaviours. Follow the steps below:

    1. Press and hold the sleep/wake button until the Red slider appears.
    2. Drag the slider to turn off your device completely off.
    3. Once the device turns off, press and hold the sleep/wake button again until you see the Apple logo

    Restart your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

    If the problem persists, try to remove the widget and adding it back on. Use the following steps:

    1. Right above the home, lock screen or Notification Centerscreen.
    2. Scroll down and tap on change.
    3. To add a Widget, press on . To remove a Widget, press on . To reorder your Widgets, touch and hold next to the apps and drag the in the desired order.
    4. Finally, tap done.

    Use Widgets on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

    Have a great day!

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