OSB - current-DateTime

Currently, I am trying to establish a current-DateTime and have found that XSLT 2.0 is not supported.

I have had recourse to the use of Java, but it has a problem. Here's my XSLT:

< xsl: value - of select = "format: java (java: java.text.SimpleDateFormat.new ('yyyy-MM - ddTHH:mm:ss')", java:java.util.Date.new()) "/ >)"

"It breaks, because the ' t ' pointing both starting breaks the SimpleDateFormat. Trying to put apostrophes or & apos; the XSLT transformation T break round.

Someone else finds a way to be current-DateTime in the OSB?

Trying to put apostrophes or "all about the T break the XSLT

You can put ' in the clause select xslt by fleeing it properly
For 't', try this
Concat (& e quot; & quot;,
' T ',
(& quot;' & quot;)

remove the space between & and quot

Published by: atheek1 on December 15, 2010 07:36

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    BEA-382513: OSB Action replace failure 'body ': variable update
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: for the extension function, could not find method
    oracle.tip.pc.services.functions.Xpath20.current - dateTime ([ExpressionContext]),.
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    xmlns:XP20 = "http://www.oracle.com/XSL/Transform/java/oracle.tip.pc.services.functions.Xpath20".

    Please let me know any other datetime function that shows current time date in the following format

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    or please let me knoiw the solution to the above error



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  • Concat (string (ora:getInstanceId ()), xp20:current-dateTime()) - error)


    In my xsl transformation mapping, I have the following code:

    + < / db:ATTRIBUTE12 > +.
    + < db:ATTRIBUTE13 > +.
    + < xsl: value - of select = "concat (string (ora:getInstanceId ()), xp20:current - dateTime ())'/ > +.
    + < / db:ATTRIBUTE13 > +.
    + < db:ATTRIBUTE14 > +.

    "xp20:current-dateTime()" = works very well (I tested separately
    'string (ora:getInstanceId())' = seems to be failing

    Please let know us if the above expression is incorrect.

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    < xsl: value - of select ='concat("hel","lo",bpws:getVariableData(instanceId),xp20:current-dateTime()) "/ >)
    < xsl: value - of select ='concat("hel","lo",bpws:getVariableData("instanceId"),xp20:current-dateTime()) "/ >)

    but, I get the error indicating that an xpath expression error.

    Grateful if someone could tell where I'm wrong.

    Thank you

    Sorry I'm not your post too carefully. Looks like you do this in a transformation. The ora: getInstance() and scheduling:getVariableData() are not supported in a transformation. You can do it in a legal successor however by the following code.

    Concat ('hel', 'lo', scheduling:getVariableData('instanceId'),xp20:current-dateTime())

    The instanceId must be enclosed in single quotes, and is a variable defined previously with the value ora:getInstance ().

    see you soon

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    setTimestamp (new oracle.jbo.domain.Date (new java.sql.Date (new java.util.Date () .getTime ()))
    which gives me the time of day, but the time is midnight.
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    Use java.sql.Timestamp instead of java.sql.Date. Try one of the following:

    new oracle.jbo.domain.Date(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    new oracle.jbo.domain.Date(new java.sql.Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()));


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    OSB Replace action failed updating variable "body": Error parsing XML: {err}XP0006: "element {http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope}Header { {http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xpath-datatypes}untypedAny }": bad value for type element {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Header { {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType }
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    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$soapheader" element="soap-env:Header" location="soap-env.xsd" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$soapbody" element="soap-env:Body" location="soap-env.xsd" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$osbfault" element="ctx:fault" location="MessageContext.xsd" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-parameter parameter="$osbinbound" element="ctx:endpoint" location="MessageContext.xsd" ::)
    (:: pragma bea:global-element-return element="ns0:Error" location="../../cdm/1.0/TechnicalTypes.xsd" ::)
    declare namespace http = "http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports/http";
    declare namespace ns0 = "http://www.mycompany.com/schema/technical";
    declare namespace tp = "http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/transports";
    declare namespace ctx = "http://www.bea.com/wli/sb/context";
    declare namespace xf = "http://www.roceindhoven.nl/common/faulthandling/";
    declare namespace soap12-env = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
    declare function xf:handleFault(
        $soapheader as element(soap12-env:Header),
        $soapbody as element(soap12-env:Body),
        $osbfault as element(ctx:fault),
        $osbinbound as element(ctx:endpoint))
        as element(ns0:Error) {
                <ns0:ErrorId>{ data(fn-bea:uuid()) }</ns0:ErrorId>
                <ns0:ErrorDate>{ data(fn:current-dateTime()) }</ns0:ErrorDate>
                     <ns0:Server>{ data($osbinbound/ctx:transport/ctx:request/tp:headers/http:Host)}</ns0:Server>
                     <ns0:Component>{ data($osbinbound/ctx:transport/ctx:uri) }</ns0:Component>
                <ns0:ErrorCode>{ data($osbfault/ctx:errorCode) }</ns0:ErrorCode>
                <ns0:ErrorDescription>{ data($osbfault/ctx:reason) }</ns0:ErrorDescription>
                <ns0:ErrorDetail>{ fn-bea:serialize($osbfault/ctx:details)}</ns0:ErrorDetail>
                    <ns0:Header>{ fn-bea:serialize($soapheader)}</ns0:Header>
                    <ns0:Body>{ fn-bea:serialize($soapbody)}</ns0:Body>
    declare variable $soapheader as element(soap12-env:Header) external;
    declare variable $soapbody as element(soap12-env:Body) external;
    declare variable $osbfault as element(ctx:fault) external;
    declare variable $osbinbound as element(ctx:endpoint) external;
    as an entry for my xquery, I use the variables $header, $body, $fault and $inbound.

    Can someone tell me what is the problem?

    XML parsing error: {err} XP0006: "{http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope} header element {{http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xpath-datatypes} untypedAny} ': good value for type {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/} header {anyType {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}}

    It looks like you spend a soap 1.2 from the pipeline, header while your xquery is configured to accept the 1.1 header...

    Try to change the namespace declaration:
    declare namespace soap12-env = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; to declare namespace soap12-env = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope".

  • I need to create a table that has each increment of 15 minutes between the current date and time in the past.

    I can around the current datetime object to the the last quarter of an hour and show all dates for last year, but I'm looking for all the 15 minutes for each day of '1 October 13' to the current date.

    Here's what I have so far:


    trunc (sysdate, 'mi')-

    NUMTODSINTERVAL (mod (to_char (sysdate, 'mi'), 15), 'minute') as Quarter_Hr,

    (sysdate-365 (LEVEL-1)) AS DATES

    FROM DUAL connect by level < = (sysdate-(sysdate-365))

    Any help would be appreciated. I use that as a dimension table to evaluate performance on a base quarter of an hour.

    ALTER session set nls_date_format = "hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yyyy '.


    Select date "'2013-10-1 + (level - 1) / 96 dt"
    of the double
    connect by level<= trunc((sysdate="" -="" date="" '2013-10-1')="" *="" 96)="" +="">

    01/10/2013 00:00:00
    01/10/2013 00:15:00
    01/10/2013 00:30:00
    01/10/2013 00:45:00

    01/10/2013 03:45
    01/10/2013 04:00





    29716 selected lines.

    SQL >


  • function to format date in xquery - osb


    I want to attribute current datetime to < / DateTime > node in the following format in an xquery mapping file

    < DateTime > 2013-09-10T 06: 49:12Z < / DateTime >

    I tried to do so, but it gives an error

    < DateTime > {fn:format - dateTime (fn:current - dateTime (), "[Y01]-[M01]-[D01] T [H01]: [m01]:[s01]:[f01]Z")} < / DateTime > ')}

    < destination > ERP < / Destination >

    sender <>CRM < / sender >

    Thanks in advance... can someone help me on this

    You can try this. This will give you the format you want.

    FN:Concat(fn-BEA:date-to-string-with-format("yyyy-mm-dd",fn:current-date ()), "T", fn - bea: time-of-string-with-format ("HH", fn:current - time ()), 'Z')

    Thank you


  • Generation of random number in OSB problem

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    It gives me desired output, but some times he set a number of 999755859375 on the random number and it looks like this - 1362640884724.999755859375

    can someone help me with this?

    Just wrap it with fn:round()

    Kind regards
    Fabio Douek

  • Not able to convert the element of type xs: date DateTime in XSLT 2.0


    I'm trying to subtract 2 dates and get the difference in months between the two using XSLT 2.0

    That's what I did

    < name of xsl: variable = "monthDiff" >
    < xsl: Call-template name = "monthDifference" >
    < xsl: with-param name = 'date1' select = "/ tns:StartDate" / >
    < xsl: with-param name = "date2" select = "xp20:current - dateTime ()" / >
    < / xsl: Call-template >

    < xsl: template name = "monthDifference" >
    < xsl: param name = "date1" / >
    < xsl: param name = "date2" / >
    < xsl: value - of select = "(xsd:dateTime ($date1) - xsd:dateTime ($date2))" / >
    < / xsl: template >

    Problem I am facing is

    1. If the value of tns:StartDate is in below format, then this transformation works successfully
    2012-08-31 T 10: 00:37 + 05:30

    2 but I'm tns:StartDate as input in the format because of which the transformation fails below

    I tried to format the date in the required format, but still the transformation fails

    Can someone please help with this problem...

    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you

    Published by: Anju on 29 August 2012 23:10

    Hi Anju,

    Try this...


    See you soon,.

  • How to convert the date in milliseconds?

    Hi all

    Can I know how to convert the date in milliseconds?

    My current datetime like this Formate

    QDateTime::currentDateTime (m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ("MMMM dd, yyyy HH"))

    Seconds since January 1, 1970


    Sinds milliseconds January 1, 1970


  • Problem setting time in DateTimePicker

    Hi all

    All new development BB10 Cascades here, so forgive any ignorance.

    I'll put in place an application in which a user can select the days of the week via the check box, and then start time and the end time for days using DateTimePickers for each start and stop time.

    What I'm trying to do is time value when the user selects a preset in a menu drop-down.

    In this case, I have a few values hardcoded for a default profile, so what I want is to be able to select the profile from the drop-down menu, and then the days of the week were checked and the values of time I adjusted in the DateTimePickers.

    I can't get the checkboxes to trigger, but for the life of me, I can't get the value of the DateTimePickers to change or update.

    I create the DateTimePickers in qml using the following code:

    {Of the DateTimePicker
    ID: monday_start
    mode: DateTimePickerMode.Time
    value: {new Date() ;}


    I scoured the web to try to understand this point, but I'm not having any luck.

    Are there really good examples of how to manipulate the values of the DateTimePicker out there that would be appropriate for a "newb".

    I appreciate the help.

    Setting the value like this works for me without having to register for a class QDateTime...

               DateTimePicker {
                    id: pickerTime
                    title: "Time"
                    mode: DateTimePickerMode.Time
                    value: pickerTime.dateFromTime("10:11:00")
                Button {
                    text: "Set Current DateTime"
                    onClicked: {
                        var d = new Date();
                        var f = pickerTime.value;
                        pickerTime.value = f;
  • HOW automatically update the values of the attributes in a VO?

    Hi, experts,

    In jdev12.1.3

    There are two attributes in the original Version, when the line is created or updated and sent, these attributes should be updated automatically:

    1 revise_date: the current datetime object is defined on it;

    2 revisor: employee name of the user who is a field in the page will be defined on it.

    I rewrote the code for RowImpl.java of the VO as java:

    public Date getReviseDate()


    return ((Row.EFFDT_UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT_MODE == this.getETask () .getEntityState ())

    || ((Row.STATUS_NEW == this.getETask () .getEntityState ())) ? (Date) Date.getCurrentDate ():

    GetAttributeInternal (REVISEDATE) (date);


    But it did not work as I hope. What is wrong with him?

    In addition, in order to set the value of revisor, how do I bind values of a reference of a jsf in RowImpl.java of the VO page

    Thank you!

    Or you can update specific attributes in the method DO DML in your EO Impl class

    Oracle ADF and Jasper ireport tips: overview of the ADF OT and VO classes


  • Timer BPM

    Hi all

    I want to set a timer to wait in my process BPM in such a way that if the time is 16:00 and 08:00 he must wait one further process, other wise, that it should continue to treat flows. Can anyone help how can I get this behavior



    The behavior is pretty easy to accomplish.

    You use the DateTime of XPATH functions to check the current time and to set the timer to way for the 08:00 next morning.

    It is also quite a model of knowledge for what parts of the process can be performed in given interval, for example, when you want to send SMS messages to your customers. You certainly don't want to do at 03:00.

    If you start by defining a gateway that will separate execution between:

    • Immediate
    • Wait until 08:00
      • This will have to be divided before midnight and after midnight. but for now, let's look at the scenario of the only two options.

    For example, you set the expression on conditional flow that will make immediate execution, leaving the condition that must wait for 08:00 as the unconditional branch (by default).

    The expression should be something like this:

    XP20:hours-from-DateTime(XP20:Current-DateTime()) > = 8 and xp20:hours-from-dateTime(xp20:current-dateTime())<=>

    The xp20:current-dateTime() function gets the Date and time of when the decision is evaluated current.

    The xp20:hours function - from-dateTime(xs:dateTime) Gets the whole 'Hours' to a dateTime object.

    If you check if the current time is 08:00 and 16:00.

    If this is the case, it follows the path of green light, i.e. the immediate execution path.

    Otherwise, it will follow the path of the red light and will wait on the timer to a light green (08:00 the next day, depending on the requirements)

    For green and red lights light, check the flow process below.

    Thus, only one more step to go: set the timer for the next day at 08:00.

    This is achieved by affecting the implementation of the first timer Type = Date time (red arrow), then setting the appropriate XPath (orange arrow)

    The XPATH expression is as follows:

    XP20:Add - dayTimeDuration-to-DateTime (XP20:Current - Date (), 'P01DT08H')

    The function add dayTimeDuration - dateTime adds a date/time interval to a dateTime object.

    The interval is defined using the format "PyyYmmMddDThhHmmMssS".

    The xp20:current-date() function returns the current date without the related time, which means that he considers the time = 00:00:00.

    So, we are saying we want to add to the current date of the amount of day 01 and 08 hours.


    You would think that this action solves the problem, but not quite. It solves the question if the process has reached the point of decision until midnight. After midnight, you cannot add a new day, and then another at 8 o'clock.

    So you need to split your debit suite to manage these two scenarios:

    • Waiting time is before midnight-online interval of the XPATH Expression = 'P01DT08H.
    • Waiting takes place after midnight-online the XPATH Expression interval = "P00DT08H"

    I'm sure there are other ways to do it, but I decided to do it like this:

    In which I put the XPATH expression to Date from the time of the other type timer (red light / After Midnight) as

    XP20:Add - dayTimeDuration-to-DateTime (XP20:Current - Date (), 'P00DT08H')

    So, this should resolve your case.

    I've added the project file for below

    See you soon


  • Is that we can set up the calendar of BPM 11 g database programming

    Hi all

    Is it possible to set the deadline for a particular human task based on the value in the database.

    For Ex: Currently, I put that a particular task should expire after two days, but at a later stage of the time I want to change the time of 2 to 3 days.

    Basically, I want to give flexibility to the user to change the number of days to an end.

    We have the ability to create an expression with the expression builder.

    Most likely, we can create a DB adapter can can extract the value of DB, which can later be assigned to a variable.

    But how the system will identify this value as the day or minute.

    Please suggest if there is an approach to dynamically manage the delay interval in a better way in BPM 11 g.

    Kindly let me know if my details are necessary.

    Kind regards


    Hi Clement,

    Yes, it is possible. This is a case of common use to leave the Line of Business to configure timeouts in an easy to use backoffice.

    The strategy to be implemented through a DbAdapter and extraction of data values is good.

    However, you must ensure that you return from the database a string that represents a time or date in BPM:

    The format is defined like this:



    P7D - a week

    P1m - one month

    P1Y1DT1H1S - one year, one day, an hour and a second

    PT5M - 5 minutes

    Example of the XPATH expression to use on a timer to limit:

    XP20:Add - dayTimeDuration-to-DateTime (XP20:Current - DateTime (), string (bpmn:getDataObject('myTimeOutDO')/ns:TimeoutXPTO))

    Call it a little better understand how to represent time with XPATH.


    I hope this helps

    See you soon


  • Verify the existence of the file on the disk does not not (utl_file.fgetattr)


    With the help of and have the following code in an attempt to verify the existence of the file.

    Directory and file are certainly and user/schema was the allowance all the specfifed directory for them.

    Another thing to do?

    Wjen, run it says file does not exist - I tried uppare and tiny.


    v_file_exists BOOLEAN;

    v_file_length NUMBER;

    v_block_size NUMBER;


    -Create a process to load data to archive

    -A process necessary to run on a regular basis to query the datain.txt_finance_gl table. If an error is triggered which shows that the file is not found then it stops and expected to run next time.

    -If the data is returned, then the data can be queried and loaded into the table in the archive with the relevant number of sequence and datestamp.

    -The txt_load_control will be used to control and verify the transfer.

    -The next sequence in the txt_finance_gl_seq number is obtained as well as current datetime object and create a new entry in the control panel (edc_type will be "GL") and give a working state.

    -At the end of the load, the flat file will be renamed (pre-fixing on the old name, sequence number) and moved to the processed Finance folder.

    -The control panel can then be updated to show the run as it is complete.

    -First check to see if the file already exists on the disk in the box provided.

    UTL_FILE.fgetattr ('big_tab_data', 'testfile', v_file_exists, v_file_length, v_block_size);

    IF v_file_exists THEN

    dbms_output.put_line ("'File Exists");


    dbms_output.put_line ('file does not exist');

    END IF;


    user5716448 wrote:

    Location was just prove that the oracle schema user can see the directory and database files.

    create or replace directory BIP_TAB_DATA

    as ' / oracle/finance/export ";

    give all the BIP_TAB_DATA of archiving directory;


    v_file_exists BOOLEAN;

    v_file_length NUMBER;

    v_block_size NUMBER;


    UTL_FILE.fgetattr ("BIG_TAB_DATA", "samplefile", v_file_exists, v_file_length, v_block_size);

    IF v_file_exists THEN

    dbms_output.put_line ("'File Exists");


    dbms_output.put_line ('file does not exist');

    END IF;


    [BEEP] / finance/export-oracle $ sqlplus archive / pwd @por.sql

    SQL * more: Production release the sea Mar 4 16:06:12 2015

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

    Connected to:

    Oracle Database 11 g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production

    With partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options


    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL > set serveroutput on

    SQL > /.

    File does not exist

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    SQL >

    [BEEP] / oracle/export/finance $ ls-l

    total 1192

    -rw-rw-rw-1 orabip s/n 152953 16 Feb 14:42 weekly sales (SAP) .txt

    -rw - r - r - 1 orabip s/n 49 Mar 04 13:44 afiedt.buf

    -rw-rw-rw-1 orabip s/n 172280 17 February 14:38 new weekly sales (SAP) .txt

    -rw - r - r - 1 orabip s/n 374 Mar 04 16:05 por

    -rw - r - r - 1 orabip s/n 374 Mar 04 16:07 por.sql

    -rw - r - r - 1 orabip s/n 0 Mar 04 16:04 samplefile

    -rw-rw-rw-1 orabip s/n 172280 17 February 14:38 sap_weekly_gl_data.txt

    -rw - r - r - 1 s/n 55 16 Feb 09:52 testfile.bad orabip

    -rw - r - r - 1 orabip s/n 13535 16 Feb 22:00 testfile.log

    -rw-rw-rw-1 orabip s/n 42-16 Feb 09:53 testfile.txt

    -rw-rw-rw-1 orabip s/n 62908 12 February 16:45 test.txt weekly sales

    [BEEP] / oracle/export/finance $

    These two are not even!

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    I wonder if anyone knows how put share permissions on an object such as a Mac in my case instead of the windows user. We do not have our Macs in Active Directory, we seek to share an external hard drive only Mac and not the Windows PC on the network

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    Hi guys! I think to buy the Soft Shell 'classic' and the 'Classic Sync Pod', but it will enter in the charger with the shell on it? Looks like he did get the phone only? Thanks for your help!