

JDeveloper 12.1.3, ADF JSF Facelets Essentials.

I'm trying to follow the ADF Essentials guide to implement security in the absence of Oracle ADF security ( & utm_medium = twitter)

Problem is that this line of code

TaskFlowId tf is JSFUtils.getManagedBeanValue ("pageFlowScope.mainBean.dynamicTaskFlowId") (TaskFlowId);.

does not work for me because my installation has no mainBean.

Any ideas how to solve this (or how to get dynamicTaskFlowId) - Please?

Best regards


You must set mainBean in your application, take a look at the sample code source blog, contains the file adfc - config.xml:


And there is also the class

Tags: Java

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  • ADF InputText Disabled = True, ValueChangeListener do not call


    I use JDev

    There is a text of entry in my jsff and he disabled = true property with the property value change listener and it is not the call. But if I set disabled = false, it works.

    Why this is happening?

    < af:inputText label = "#{portalextensionBundle.TOPLAM_MIKTAR} '"

    ID = "it10.

    contentStyle = "width: 100px;"

    Binding = "#{pageFlowScope.MainBean.itToplam} '"

    partialTriggers = 'it5 it9.

    disabled = "true".

    autoSubmit = 'true '.

    autoSubmit valueChangeListener = "#{pageFlowScope.SeyahatMasrafBean.valueChangeListenerToplam}" = "true" > "

    "< af:convertNumber pattern =" #. ## »

    messageDetailConvertPattern = "#{portalextensionBundle.L_U00FCTFEN_FORMATA_UYGUN_GIRI}" / >

    < / af:inputText >

    Thank you

    I know that it cannot be changed by the user; but I'm updating value by entering text with sum other values. So he has a partial trigger. My question was why it isn't working valuechangelistener, because the value is changing.

    Value change events should be fired only on the evolution of the direct value by the user (Yes, there is a way to trigger this event programmatically from code, or as some "side effect", but there is generally bad practices that indicate that something is wrong with your code)

    If you want to run the code in several places (in your example, when the value is changed in inputText1 or inputText2), then move this code to the procedure and call this procedure from two places.


  • How to set a value in a click of a button when managed bean

    Hi all
    I have a managed bean that contains an attribute of type string as follows:
    the name of the attribute is taskFlowId
    package dhamanADM.view.beans;
    import oracle.adf.controller.TaskFlowId;
    public class dynamicTaskFlowManager {
       private String taskFlowId = "/WEB-INF/flows/procedureMaster.xml#procedureMaster";    
        public dynamicTaskFlowManager() {
      public TaskFlowId getDynamicTaskFlowId() {
       return TaskFlowId.parse(taskFlowId);
    I want to change the value of this attribute when you click on a commandMenuItem as follows
       <af:commandMenuItem text="Mission Persons" id="pt_cmi1"
       <af:setActionListener from="/WEB-INF/flows/editPersionMission.xml#editPersionMission"
    at run time when clicking on the menu, this error pops up

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cannot convert type class java.lang.String /WEB-INF/flows/editPersionMission.xml#editPersionMission to class oracle.adf.controller.TaskFlowId

    My goal is just to change the value of the attribute 'taskFlowId' by clicking on the commandMenuItem
    How can I do this?
    Thanks in advance

    Published by: your * March 29, 2011 13:24

    You set to set a string value where a type of TaskFlowId is necessary.
    Looks like that, you try to set the taskFlowId for the dynamic region. Change the code as follows:

    public class dynamicTaskFlowManager {}
    private String taskFlowId = "/ WEB-INF/flows/procedureMaster.xml#procedureMaster";
    public dynamicTaskFlowManager() {}
    * public TaskFlowId getDynamicTaskFlowId() {*}
    AdfFacesContext adfFacesContext = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();
    String currentTaskFlowId =
    * (String) adfFacesContext.getPageFlowScope () .get ("CurrentTaskFlowId"); *
    If (currentTaskFlowId == null |)
    * currentTaskFlowId.Trim (). Equals("") == true) {*}
    currentTaskFlowId = taskFlowId;
    Return TaskFlowId.parse (currentTaskFlowId);

    In the MenuItem screen, change it as follows:

    action = "missionPers" >
    * to = "#{pageFlowScope.CurrentTaskFlowId}" / > *.

    Thank you

  • Error by calling the method on Bean managed from an other managed Bean



    Help please:

    I have a managed bean (page scope of stream) that is used by my homepage for navigation of flow dynamic region:

    * / public class RegionNavigationBean implements Serializable {* +}
    private String dynamicTaskFlowId = "/ WEB-INF/home-task-flow-definition.xml#home-task-flow-definition"; +

    * public RegionNavigationBean() {* +}

    * public TaskFlowId getDynamicTaskFlowId() {* +}
    Return TaskFlowId.parse (dynamicTaskFlowId); +

    * public void setDynamicTaskFlowId (String taskFlowId) {* +}
    this.dynamicTaskFlowId = taskFlowId; +

    taskFlowId is set to the homepage def to + * ${pageFlowScope.regionNavigationBean.dynamicTaskFlowId} * +.

    In a table (i.e. display on my model layer object) DB I store a menu ID and a corresponding task_flow_id.

    Then I created a class of earphone action (RegionNavigationListener - scope of stream page) which I link to my menu on my main page items (property listener action on the item of menu = + * #{pageFlowScope.regionNavigationAction.processAction} * +)

    In this action (processAction method) listening port, I retrieve rowset in the VO menu and find the record that matches my menu ID that triggered the action event, recovering the task_flow_id that needs to be accessed.

    I then try to retrieve the instance of the RegionNavigationBean with the following statement: RegionNavigationBean regNav = (RegionNavigationBean) JSFUtils.getManagedBeanValue ("regionNavigationBean"); +.
    It seems to work fine, but as soon as I try to use it I get a NullPointerException error, for example:
    regNav.setDynamicTaskFlowId (menusRow.gettaskFlowId ()); +
    System.out.println ("%" + regNav.toString ()); +

    This is quite new to me... any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you

    Hi Mario,.

    I tried following codes to get a bean managed in a region, it is very good for me.
    ManagedBean is the name of the class.

    FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ();
    Application app = ctx.getApplication ();
    ManagedBean MB = (ManagedBean) app.evaluateExpressionGet (ctx, "#{pageFlowScope.managedBeanName}", ManagedBean.class);


  • MAF defining your inputvalue links on the value of your pageFlowScope


    Im having a questions regarding the value from pageFlowScope on routes of entry value based on setPropertyListener. For example, on a list of the Department, the listitem of departments has been set a listener of the property:

    < amx:listItem id = "li1" action = "queryEmployees" >

    < amx:outputText value = "#{row.departmentName}" id = "ot2" / > "

    "< amx:setPropertyListener id = from =" #{row.departmentId "spl1"} "to =" #{pageFlowScope.departmentIdVal} "type ="action"/ >

    < / amx:listItem >

    I have no problem of recovery of the pageFlowScope.departmentIdVal to the bindings.departmentId.inputValue (so that the user would not be able to insert the departmentId as the departmentId has been prefixed from the selected category as shown):

    "< amx:inputText value =" #{pageFlowScope.departmentIdVal} "label =" #{bindings.employeeId.hints.label} "id = 'it8' >

    < amx:convertNumber groupingUsed = "false" id = "cn4" / >

    < / amx:inputText >

    So, here is the problem, the value of this #{pageFlowScope.departmentIdVal} seems to be allocated as appropriate during the insert operation. (Even the value is seems to be visible on the user interface, but it does not take the value of the binding attribute). At the end of the insert operation, the special binding attributes of departmentId is seems to be Null. Am I on the right track or a little off?

    Thanks in advance,



    I answer to my own problem, its ok however. He spent two days at figured this out. Once the value is viewable on the textfield of entry based on the listener property of the list of the Department id for the line item, for example:

    On the list view page, the value of the id of service line is stored on the temporary memory using this setpropertylistener.

    fetchSize = "#{bindings.allDepartments.rangeSize} '"

    selectedRowKeys = "#{bindings.allDepartments.collectionModel.selectedRow} '"

    initialScrollRowKeys = "#{bindings.allDepartments.collectionModel.selectedRow} '"

    selectionListener = "#{bindings.allDepartments.collectionModel.makeCurrent} '"

    showMoreStrategy = 'autoScroll' bufferStrategy = 'viewport' id = "lv1" >

    to = "#{pageFlowScope.departmentIdVal}" / >

    On the Page Add, the value of the selected department departmentId is set to inputText attributes (get the value of temporary storage) that is dragged and fall on the amx control data page. By not allowing the user to enter any value on the inputtext, the form is set to readonly (true).

    " value =" #{pageFlowScope.departmentIdVal} " label =" #{bindings.departmentId.hints.label} ".

    ID = "9" readOnly = "true" >

    Now, to solve problems, even if the value of attributes appears on the inputtext field, the value is not owned by the departmentId attributes("#{bindings.departmentId.inputValue}") links. Therefore, we will have to just move this value on the attributes link insertion (save or insert button) by an another defined propertylistener as shown below:

    Disabled = "#{!}" Bindings.insertEmployee.Enabled}"id ="cb2 ".

    rendered = "#{pageFlowScope.actionSelected =="add"}" action = "browseEmployee" > "

    to="#{bindings.departmentId.inputValue}"/ >

    Examples of simple application similar to below. See you soon

    Kind regards


  • [ADF, JDev12.1.3] Attribute Transient VO be calculated in different ways as a var pageFlowScope: how?


    I have a jspx page that contains an af:table (created from an instance of VO) and search (built-by-me) form containing a lot of search filters.

    The request of the VO should be composed dynamically based on the values of the search filters then in the managed bean that is associated with the page, I use this approach to create and run the query that fills the af: table:

        ArrayList<Object> queryParams = new ArrayList<Object>();
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
        BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
        BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry();
        DCIteratorBinding iteratorBind = (DCIteratorBinding) bindings.get("SearchItems1Iterator");
        ViewObject vo = iteratorBind.getViewObject();
        query.append("Select Field1, Field2, ..., FiledX from Table");
          Here I build the SQL of the query and the list of params in function of the filters, of session vars and of pageFlowScope vars
        MyUtilsClass.modifyQueryDynamically((SearchItemsVOImpl) vo, query.toString());

    In the t, I defined a transitory attribute that must be calculated in 2 different ways according to a var. pagepageFlowScope

    Calculation of transient attribute in the definition of VO by an expression Groovy does not help because 1) should be able to read the value of pagepageFlowScope var or 2) in the managed bean should I be able to change the Groovy used to calc the attribute expression.

    But I don't know if and how it is possible to do these things

    Also calculate the value in the getMyTransientAttribute() of the VORowImpl class method helped me because I should pass the pageFlowScope var to the method somehow that I don't know.

    You kindly suggest me a method to solve this problem?

    Thank you


    You can't build the query in the way in which you want to calculate the transient attribute?

    Then, you don't need to change anything.


  • Problem getting the pageFlowScope number parameter in backing bean

    Hi, I use a taskflow with parameters of type oracle.jbo.domain.Number.

    I want to replace a method in my grain of support in order to take the value of the parameters pageflowscope.

    (inMarkNbr, inColorNbr)

    But I take as the result the following error:

    Error: oracle.jbo.domain.Number cannot be cast to impossible

    Error type: class java.lang.ClassCastException



    Could you help me please?

    //Some Imports
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import oracle.adf.model.OperationBinding;
    import oracle.adf.share.logging.ADFLogger;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
    public class AutoProfile8 extends Auto{
        private static ADFLogger logger = ADFLogger.createADFLogger(AutoProfile8.class);
        public AutoProfile8() {
        // here is the line of error
        public void doApply(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
            Map<String, Object> map = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope();
            Object markObj = map.get("inMarkNbr");
            Object colorObj = map.get("inColorNbr");
            Number mark;
            Number color;
            try {
                mark = new Number(markObj);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.severe("Unable to find mark Number", e);
            try {
                color = new Number(colorObj);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.severe("Unable to find color Number", e);
            System.out.println(mark.getValue() + " "+color.getValue());
            if(mark != null)
                OperationBinding oper1 = (OperationBinding) ADFUtils.findOperation("CallMethodFromAplModule");
                oper1.getParamsMap().put("markNbr", mark.getValue());
                oper1.getParamsMap().put("colorNbr", color.getValue());

    paste here shoot to screen with your definition of parameters TF and tell us, what exactly is the line


    ClassCastException occurs?

    I suspect that you are a parameter defined as impossible. The exact type of the parameter must be oracle.jbo.domain.Number, exactly that.

    In addition, a color as a set mark

    Mark oracle.jbo.domain.Number;

    color oracle.jbo.domain.Number;

    mark = new oracle.jbo.domain.Number (markObj);


  • [ADF, JDev12.1.3] Manages the pageFlowScope same bean validation of the different fragments of BTF. Doubts about the 'object' and 'uiComponents' validator parms


    I have a 'registration' process bounded with 4 fragments workflow.

    There is in each fragment components entry created by dragging different fields of the same instance of VO.

    The user cannot access the next step if the current step is not correctly filled.

    In the fragment of 1st, the user chooses its type (customer, supplier,...) and in the following steps, the fields are has shown/Asterisk based on her user'type selected (I save the String bean var type managed pageFlowScope dedicated to the btf).

    Because of this in the original Version, by the way the key, there is no other area marked as mandatory.

    To manage the visibility of fields I set the property of rendering the fields (or their container) using EL expressions that read the type in the managed bean stream.

    To manage the fields points, I thought only 2 solutions:


    For each field to create a validator that checks if the fied was flled and function in the formato (e.g. for emails) right in the successful flowScope bean. So I'll have so many validator functions as areas to manage.


    Create a unique global validator to which the property of the validator for all fields will point in the managed bean flowScope.

    For example

    public void myGlobalBtfValidator(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uiComponent, Object object) {
      if (uIComponet.getId() == "InputTextEmail") {  // Component is in Fragment_1
        // Check if the filed is filled and its format
      if (uiComponet.getId() == "InputTextMobileNumber") {  // Component is in Fragment_2
        // Check if the filed is filled and its format
      if (uiComponet.getId() == "InputTextAddress) {  // Component is in Fragment_3
        // Check if the filed is filled
    // ...

    ID' would like to know if the 2nd solution might work and that is the approach recommended among them.

    Then, I would like to know if I can use ther uiComponent parm to the validator without any problem. I ask this question because in many threads, I saw only the parm object used. What are the different function/purpose of these 2 settings?

    Thank you


    If you do not want to re-use these validators elsewhere in your application, then method unique validator will be enough.

    Of course, if the implementation of this method only validator will require a huge amount of code, it is probably better to split this option to separate validator methods (to simplify the maintenance).

    BTW, ID of component has to be short, so instead of using the id of the component, set f: attribute on each component of the user interface and to use uIComponet.getAttributes () .get ("attrib_name")


  • Name of the dynamic pageFlowScope variable on a page of amx, possible?

    Hi all

    I have a problem that I can't seem to move at the moment. I have java classes that try to update some data, and if it is not successful it returns the ID of the control that contains the error. Then I take this control id and use it to highlight the field in error so that the user knows where it is. Usually, this works very well for any other than to a list view.

    For a grid/listView error control is returned in the form of something like "1.14" of the appeal of java, this is equivalent to the number of the line '1' and the id of the control "14". I can easily strip away the '. ' in java but I need a path in my AMX page to define a variable on the fly for example pageFlowScope #{pageFlowScope. {{} row.rowKey} 14} but I get EL analysis of errors try like this, the error is "ERROR_EL_PARSER_NESTED_EL_NOT_SUPPORTED". Basically, I'm trying to have conditional styles depending on whether E {pageFlowScope.114} is set to 1 or not. I can't imagine a better way to implement this in a listView?

    I can only suggest a medium crude to achieve.

    One way to see dynamic values in EL is to use a hash table and use the dynamic value as the key. I would record a HashMap per input element and then store the error with the line indicator not. You can even create your own implementation of HashMap and hoist the flag when running by overloading the get method.

    [For example #{pageFlowScope.elem14ErrorMap [row.rowKey}]

  • How to set a variable to an attribute pageFlowScope on Create Insert without using session variable

    Hi Experts ADF,

    JDeveloper 12 c.

    I have a VO as below:-






    WHERE Departments.DEPARTMENT_Name =: bindDeptName

    And taskflow as below:-which starts with a default activity as ExecuteWithParams that defines the variable of the VO to the pageFlowScope variable binding.

    When the page loads, it now has a button create that is mapped to the CreateInsert operation. Now I have @overridden create the method below. How to pass the pageflowscope variable to the without using a Variable of Session. If any other approach is there please suggest.

    protected void create (AttributeList attributeList) {}
    this.setAttributeInternal (DEPARTMENTNAME, "msg");    -> Msg value here should be replaced by variable scope pageflow.
    Super.Create (AttributeList);

    Thanks in advance


    Roy, do not access a page flow or session scope variable in the model layer.

    Instead, you use the createWithParams to pass the variable to the create method via the link layer. An example can be found here


  • Passing variable pageflowScope JavaScript on page load event


    I'm attempting to pass pageflowScope value of the variable in the javaScript on the page Load method.

    < af:resource type = "javascript" >

    getTitle (evt) {} function

    var titleString = document.title;

    Alert ("Welcome1");

    Var manual = evt.getSource () .getProperty ('rowKey');

    Alert (Manual);


    < / af:resource >

    < af:form id = "f1" >

    < af:clientAttribute = name value = "#{pageFlowScope.readOnlyParam}" / "rowKey" >

    < af:clientListener method = "getTitle ()" type = "load" / > "

    < / af:form >

    First alert got printed but I don't get the value of the variable pageFlowScope in Javascript...

    Any help will be appriciable.

    Kind regards




    Add after the code inside


    function onPageLoad (evt) {}

    Alert (evt. GetSource(). GetProperty ('vattr'));


    and it does not work for me

  • The execution of a method of DC with parameters: variable bindings or pageFlowScope?

    I use a data control method to send the email that has parameters.  Based on the behavior I see when I drag and drop methods of data control to a page and I have JDeveloper automatically generate a form of parameter, I did the following which uses to store the settings.

    My data control method sendEmail method that has two input parameters 'recipient' and 'sender '.

    <af:commandImageLink id="cil1" icon="/images/email.png" actionListener="#{bindings.sendEmail.execute}">
        <af:setActionListener from="#{row.recipient}" to="#{bindings.sendEmail_recipient.inputValue}"/> 
        <af:setActionListener from="#{row.sender}" to="#{bindings.sendEmail_sender.inputValue}"/>

    Can I manually set the sendEmail_recipient and sendEmail_sender variables in the definition of page like this file...

    <variableIterator id="variables">
        <variable Type="java.lang.String" Name="sendEmail_recipient" IsQueriable="false"/>
        <variable Type="java.lang.String" Name="sendEmail_sender" IsQueriable="false"/>
    . . .
    <attributeValues IterBinding="variables" id="sendEmail_recipient">
            <Item Value="sendEmail_recipient"/>
    <attributeValues IterBinding="variables" id="sendEmail_sender">
            <Item Value="sendEmail_sender"/>

    .. then I put my method parameters in the definition of page like this file...

    <methodAction id="sendEmail" RequiresUpdateModel="true"

                      Action="invokeMethod" MethodName="sendEmail"

                      IsViewObjectMethod="false" DataControl="CustomDC"


          <NamedData NDName="recipient"



          <NamedData NDName="sender"




    Notice that I use the GUI to define the parameters of the method, but the changes to the XML here is the same.

    A colleague asked why it saying that it is just as easy to put my data in pageFlowScope like that...

    <af:commandImageLink id="cil1" icon="/images/email.png" actionListener="#{bindings.sendEmail.execute}">

        <af:setActionListener from="#{row.recipient}" to="#{pageFlowScope.sendEmail_recipient}"/>

        <af:setActionListener from="#{row.sender}" to="#{pageFlowScope.sendEmail_sender}"/>


    .. then change the method like this...

    <methodAction id="sendEmail" RequiresUpdateModel="true"

                      Action="invokeMethod" MethodName="sendEmail"

                      IsViewObjectMethod="false" DataControl="CustomDC"


          <NamedData NDName="recipient"



          <NamedData NDName="sender"




    In this way does not require that I define "variables" in the definition of page file.

    My question is why or why not this method of using pageFlowScope appropriate or better than using "links" to store my parameter values and the link between my commandImageLink and the method of backend?

    User, tell us your version of Jdev, please!

    The iterator variable lives only with the page. Scope of page file lives in the course of the entire task. If a difference is the scope of variables. It is not necessary to their scope of flow layout. You can use views instead. The two approaches can be used, but I would like to put these partners in the iterator as variable they so clearly show its use here. You go green like any other attribute of the link layer that gives you more consistent programming experience.

    A question, if you move the method into the page create a form of parameter, parameter variables must be created automatically by the framework of he. From your description, I understand that this was not the case?


  • Iterate through rows in the object using the pageflowscope variable view

    I'm looking for a way to browse multiple lines of a view object and the transaction using a variable that is stored in a variable pageflowscope programmatically.

    I have two view objects that have a relationship of the master / detail.  The jsf page ADF Master table secondary table created by the control of data objects. The requirement is to have a single button that when pressed will update all the selected record of the master detail records.  One of the operations that must be done is a value that is stored in a variable PageFlowScope.

    The approach adopted to accomplish this was based on the following video:

    ADF Insider Essentials: Iteration through rows in a view object programmatically

    Author: Grant Ronald


    I created the Classes of line of sight for the two display objects and developed the method for updating the lines (code below).  The method that takes no parameters, has been added as a tool bar button to the page and works as expected when you use a hardcoded value.  I would add a second update statement in the while loop to update another column, but using the value of the variable PageFlowScope is stored a previous view in the taskflow.

    I thought I'd be able to use AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance () .getPageFlowScope().get("objectid") to get the value but I get a warning in the source editor, 'this guy or a variable 'AdfFacesContext' not found. "

    How can I do this?

    JDeveloper Studio Edition Version



    * Method to update the tool work order status


    public void checkInTools() {}

    All lines wor (RowSet) = getWOToolAsg ();

    While (wor.hasNext ()) {}

    CurrentRow = (WOToolAsgVORowImpl) () WOToolAsgVORowImpl;


    Add code here to get OpNmb of pagescope variable and update record in table - type String



    Thank you.


    You must import the class to use.


    AdfFacesContext (Java QAnywhere for Oracle ADF Faces)

  • Getting the value of a Boolean value defined in the pageFlowScope...

    I have a link on one of my feeds defined task as a java.lang.Boolean with a value type of #{pageFlowScope.isAdmin}.  For the test, in my PageDefFile, I have the parameter defined as: < parameter id = "isAdmin" value = "false" / >

    In my managed bean, I'm trying to access the value of the "isAdmin" binding as follows:

    Boolean isAdmin = (Boolean) flowScope.get ("isAdmin");

    This gives me a caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast java.lang.Boolean when I try to run the action.

    What I'm doing wrong here?  I know it's something stupid, but it's just one of those days... Thank you!

    write as

    to get the value in use of pageflowscope below

    ADFContext adfCtx = ADFContext.getCurrent();

        Map pageScope = adfCtx.getPageFlowScope();

     String appScopeValue=  (String)pageScope.get("vinay");

    Read more:

    to try to channel Boolean value as

    Boolean value = Boolean.parseBoolean (strBoolean);

  • use of pageFlowScope

    Hi experts, according to my understanding when we consider pageFlowScope, it cannot be considered when we have established the workflow!  Am I wrong?

    Can I store a variable in pageFlowScope when I'm in a page as fair?   what it means?

    I'm on a page, and at one point calling a method inside the method of bean and bean, can I just store a variable in pageFlowScope?   At this point, I have not any specific workflow.   I'm just in a call of individual page in the progress of the task without terminals.

    I came across a few examples somewhere and see what kind of use and not sure that we can do?

    Appreciate your explanation.

    Yes, it's the blog you tell and what confirm my tests. A unlimited workflow is a workflow and it can have a defined pageFlowScope bean. You can do this test yourself if you define a bean in the adfc - config.Xml. This bean can contain a property (with the getter set) that you bind to an inputText on two separate pages in the unlimited workflow. If you pass the pages in the same browser, you will see the data entered in the bean property.


Maybe you are looking for