passing multiple values from the query in the select statement of the procedure

I am collecting IDS to select education agreement from the date of rental values and then I would pass the result of the query in the statement select to get the result.
data type for the contract id is of type varchar and date of rental there is more than one id to contract for most of the time. Help, please. Thank you

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE abstract_menu (p_letting   IN     VARCHAR2,
                                           p_results      OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)
   v_contractId   VARCHAR2 (40);

SELECT lcontid
  INTO v_contractId
  FROM letprop
 WHERE datestat IS NOT NULL AND letting = p_letting AND letstat <> 'R';

   OPEN p_results FOR
                  SUBSTR (l.letting, 3, 2)
               || '-'
               || SUBSTR (l.letting, 5, 2)
               || '-'
               || SUBSTR (l.letting, 1, 2)
               l.lcontid contractid,
               SUBSTR (q.cprojnum, 1, 10) projectnumber,
               DECODE (TRIM (MIN (j.route)), NULL, 'N/A', TRIM (MIN (j.route)))
               L.DATESTAT statusdate,
               L.LETSTAT lettingstatus,
               (q.cdescr) jobdescription,
               INITCAP (q.clocat1 || q.clocat2) LOCATION
          FROM vendor v,
               vendaddr r,
               letprop l,
               planhold p,
               proposal q,
               project j,
               propproj k,
               bidlet bd
         WHERE     v.vendor = r.vendor
               AND k.contid = q.contid
               AND k.pcn = j.pcn
               AND l.lcontid = k.contid
               AND p.vendor = v.vendor
               AND l.letting = p.letting
               AND l.lcontid IN v_contactid  "**************This is where I would like to pass the contract id from the above select statement***********'"
               AND l.CALL = p.CALL
               AND r.addrnum = p.billto
               AND bd.letting = l.letting
      GROUP BY q.cdescr,
      ORDER BY lettingdate;


user9196150 wrote:
AND l.lcontid IN v_contactid ' * this is where I would like to pass the id of the select statement above contract * ""»

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE abstract_menu (p_letting   IN     VARCHAR2,
                                           p_results      OUT SYS_REFCURSOR)
   OPEN p_results FOR
                  SUBSTR (l.letting, 3, 2)
               || '-'
               || SUBSTR (l.letting, 5, 2)
               || '-'
               || SUBSTR (l.letting, 1, 2)
               l.lcontid contractid,
               SUBSTR (q.cprojnum, 1, 10) projectnumber,
               DECODE (TRIM (MIN (j.route)), NULL, 'N/A', TRIM (MIN (j.route)))
               L.DATESTAT statusdate,
               L.LETSTAT lettingstatus,
               (q.cdescr) jobdescription,
               INITCAP (q.clocat1 || q.clocat2) LOCATION
          FROM vendor v,
               vendaddr r,
               letprop l,
               planhold p,
               proposal q,
               project j,
               propproj k,
               bidlet bd
         WHERE     v.vendor = r.vendor
               AND k.contid = q.contid
               AND k.pcn = j.pcn
               AND l.lcontid = k.contid
               AND p.vendor = v.vendor
               AND l.letting = p.letting
               AND l.lcontid IN (
                                 SELECT  ll.lcontid
                                   FROM  letprop ll
                                   WHERE ll.datestat IS NOT NULL AND ll.letting = p_letting AND ll.letstat  'R'
               AND l.CALL = p.CALL
               AND r.addrnum = p.billto
               AND bd.letting = l.letting
      GROUP BY q.cdescr,
      ORDER BY lettingdate;



Tags: Database

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    Thank you very much!


    What you want is a Query of Top - N , what you can do using the ROW_NUMBER analytic function in a subquery, like this:

    WITH     got_rnum     AS
         SELECT     action_seq, action_dt, action_office, action_type, action_value
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY  action_date
                                   ,            action_seq
                             ,            action_serial
                           ) AS rnum
         FROM     table2
         WHERE     action_code     = 'AB'
         AND     action_office     LIKE 'E'     -- Is this right?
    SELECT     action_seq, action_dt, action_office, action_type, action_value
    FROM     got_rnum
    WHERE     rnum     = 1

    As written, this returns a single line (at most).
    I suspect you'll actually get a rank for each group , where a group is defined by a value in a table in which you join.
    In this case, add a PARTITION BY clause to the ROW_NUMBER function.
    If post you a small example of data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements), I could show you exactly how.
    As I don't have your tables, I'll show you the use of the tables in the scott schema.
    This is a view containing data in the scott.dept table and also to scott.emp, but only for the highest employee in each Department (in other words, the employee whose oldest hire date). If there be a tie for the first hire date, while the candidate with the lowest empno is selected.

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW     senior_emp
    WITH     got_rnum     AS
         SELECT     d.deptno
         ,     d.dname
         ,     e.empno
         ,     e.ename
         ,     e.hiredate
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  d.deptno
                                   ORDER BY          e.hiredate
                             ,                e.empno
                           ) AS rnum
         FROM     scott.dept     d
         JOIN     scott.emp     e     ON     d.deptno     = e.deptno
    SELECT     deptno
    ,     dname
    ,     empno
    ,     ename
    ,     hiredate
    FROM     got_rnum
    WHERE     rnum     = 1
    SELECT     *
    FROM     senior_emp


    .    DEPTNO DNAME               EMPNO ENAME      HIREDATE
    ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------
            10 ACCOUNTING           7782 CLARK      09-JUN-81
            20 RESEARCH             7369 SMITH      17-DEC-80
            30 SALES                7499 ALLEN      20-FEB-81

    Moreover, one of the conditions to the query you posted has been

    action_office     LIKE 'E'

    which equals

    action_office     = 'E'

    (AS is always equivalent to = if the string that follows AS does not contain the winning cards.)
    Did you mean say that or did you mean something like this:

    action_office     LIKE 'E%'


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    I am facing a problem in passing multiple values in the loop settings for.



    tab type is table of NUMBER;



    Select the COLLECT LOOSE pr temp_tab pr_id;

    I'm in 1.TEMP_TAB. loop of COUNTING

    PR_ID: = temp_tab (i);

    end loop;



    pr_id = 234578

    in the example above, I'm only a value as an out parameter. but I send you PR_ID of the loop.
    why I don't get all the values that the parameters.please offer a solution for me.

    Thank you my friend.

    More clarification, let's look at your code...

    -- create a procedure and have a single numeric out variable
      -- declare a type as an array of numbers
      type tab is table of NUMBER;
      -- declare a varianble of that array type
      -- query all the values from the table into the array
      select pr_id BULK COLLECT INTO temp_tab from pr;
      -- loop through each value in the array
      for i in 1..TEMP_TAB.COUNT loop
        -- set the value of the single OUT parameter, OVERWRITING any previous value it has
        PR_ID := temp_tab(i);
        -- loop around to the next value
      end loop;
      -- end the procedure with the final value of PR_ID
  • Passing multiple values at the request of the State (no status page)


    [APEX on the database]

    I didn't know how to explain briefly what I need in the title of the discussion, that's why I added the song "(non page rapport)". "  I met a lot of threads associated with passing of selections multiple values from one page to another, or via a URL from one page to another.  I know how to do this.  The problem I have right now is trying to pass the commas of the values contained in an application to a report query element.  Here's where the "(rapport non page) ' comes into play."  I refer to the report query at the level of the application (i.e. shared components-> report queries).  I wish really it had another name for it.  "Report on the application of queries", perhaps?

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    Substitution string = URL_REPORT_1 and Substitution value = f? p = & APP_ID.:0 : & SESSION. : PRINT_REPORT = report_1:AI_ID_NUMBERS: & AI_ID_NUMBERS.

    Substitution string = URL_REPORT_1 and Substitution value = f? p = & APP_ID.:0 : & SESSION. : PRINT_REPORT = report_1:AI_ID_NUMBERS:-& AI_ID_NUMBERS. \

    returns... p = 456:2:1234567890:PRINT_REPORT = report_1:AI_ID_NUMBERS:4, 5, 6, 7\4,5,6,7\

    .. .respectively

    I really thought that the backslashes would have solved the problem.  Any ideas why my report request (PDF) returns only one line?

    Thank you


    Well, too bad. I realized the mistake I did.

    When you work with 'request report queries', there is an option to include variable bind, for example the application or page elements.  I had already done that, but for some reason, thought that I also had to pass the parameter and its values in the URL.  This is not necessary since the report query query already has the issue of the application/page related to it.  The following URL works fine: p = 456:2:1234567890:PRINT_REPORT = report_1

    And, Yes, it's the URL that is provided when you set up a "application report query.  I was thinking too hard.


  • Passing multiple values to the report

    I have a form of parameter. One of the field will have at least one value. When there are multiple values, the values will be separated by a comma and pass on to the State. Please tell me how to separate them and put them in the citation in the report query.
    EX: values are: PO, DR
    There will be in the where condition as: where code in ('OP', 'DR');
    Thank you in advance.

    PS. I use 10g

    Published by: 945599 on 10 July 2012 14:04


    I sent the unit test by mail.
    Please note that there are some hardcoded values when you use run_report_object (name of report server and host name).

    Kind regards

    Published by: AlexDiniasi on 19.07.2012 17:14

  • passing multiple values of the column to a variable in unix

    sqlplus -s $USER_ID@$SID/$PWD<<EOF>sql_1.txt
    set feedback off
    set heading off
    select  114032 as c_1 from dual ;
    for i in `cat sql_1.txt`
    sh  $i 

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    How can I pass values of 2 columns

    sqlplus -s $USER_ID@$SID/$PWD<<EOF>sql_1.txt
    set feedback off
    set heading off
    select  114032 as c_1 ,sysdate c_2  from dual ;
    sh $col_1_value  $col_2_value 

    I'm on SUNOS

    You can concatenate the columns in SQL by a delimiter, and then use the cut (for example) under Unix to analyze the production line in chips for the script.

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    SELECT golf_blog.blog_ID, DATE_FORMAT (golf_blog.blog_created, "%%b, %Y ') AS blog_created, golf_blog.blog_author, golf_blog.blog_subject, golf_blog.blog_article, blog_comments.comment_article
    FROM golf_blog LEFT JOIN blog_comments using (blog_ID)
    ORDER BY golf_blog.blog_created ASC

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    blog_ID is the primary key of the table blog and blog_ID is the index in the array of comment.

    How do you pass the blog_ID of the recordset on a text field in the form of comments via the link insertion?
    Or am even thinking about it in the right way?

    I figured it out and got it to do work in passing the blog_ID as a variable on the URL of the comment form page

    the link looks like this

    and on the comment page used this code

    $blog_ID = $_GET [$blog_ID]? >

    and the Insert field value is

    I guess that reading David Powers begins to bear fruit. Eureka!

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    What I need to do, it's pass the value selected on the next page and grab it so I can use Coldfusion to manipulate the results.

    Help, please.

    The answer is too simple. Just use javascript to submit the form onchange.

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    I use the data model to run multiple queries. The first query, I get 10 records. Now, I want to use these 10 records in the second query to get my final result. I am not able to use the sub query as the two motions are quite long and complex.

    Select distinct Bishop of emp

    Select empno, emp where Bishop in (: Bishop)

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    Are you sure that you have your "dataStructure" configured correctly? Try this simple example:


    Hope this helps


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    eventHandler (String)

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    eventHandler (Number, String)

    How to pass two values during editing of the event and how to place the payload with multiple values for the new eventHandler?

    All article or code would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the help.

    You define a bean holding your values and pass an instance of the bean as a payload...


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    I'm still digging around and looking everywhere but this blog below how I can pass the valueset returned to my jquery as variable below.


    var availableTags is ['data1', 'data2', 'data3'];.


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    I have a requirement where I need to display a report of the first (a table or a PivotTable), with the type Cust_ID, recipes, etc. Cust_id is a unique dimension. Most of the stuff is made.

    And then the user wants to select 4 different values of Cust_ID and run another report of detailed comparison of the attributes of these clients.

    Now, the solution I proposed one or the other was a copy and paste in the new edition box prompt, or multiple selection on cust_id on new page.

    But the 'expert' user interface wants something like boxes to tick next to all ranks and press a button that automatically starts a comparison report.

    I know that we can pass a value to the other report using the value interaction. But how I spend 4 different values to the click?
    Or is there no other way?

    Please help me.


    Sorry there not be useful. I think that the solution works and book it that the user needs. Article is that sometimes we spend too much time trying to satisfy a user wants and brings us to spend our valuable time that could be spent more productively. Well...

    Good luck, however, Vinay!

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    I'm doing a vi where I save the selected value from the ListBox with values respective tab control dropdown selected in another list box. Whenever I select Item1 can change of course and the respective tab will be open for this element. But now I want to just save the selection and put it into another ListBox.SO I can't renmove or add my wishes. Please help me.

    It will work.

    Probably not the greatest solution well.

  • Impossible to select the value from the search screen (quick select, then) on OFA


    We have a problem with a user who are not able to select any value from the LOV on any page of the Oracle.

    1. click the button of LOV

    2. search + go

    3. Select or quick selection nothing happens (error on the Page appears in the left corner of the homepage)

    4. only cancel works.

    Any suggestion would be appreciated.

    I saw a similar question posted Impossible to select the value from the search screen (quick select, then) on OFA

    But unfortunately this is not the answer.

    Thank you


    Display of the solution to help others. I tried to connect a SR and suddenly a pop Note ups that helped.

    The problem is related to the profile "Self Service Accessibility Features" customer has defined for the user concerned.

    Follow these steps:

    1 change the value of 'None' profile at the user level.

    2 disconnect / connect to the application and testing.

    See you soon.

  • Restore the default value from the drop-down list

    Hyperion Inreatctive reports.

    I have an embedded in a dashboard report.  I drag the lists that filter the report.  Filter feed results and it works fine.

    I want to put a command button on the dashboard that restores the default values from the dropdown lists.  I have a selection in each drop-down menu, 'all '.  "All" is the default value.

    For example, for the year


    for the region:


    What command should I put on the command button that any value is displayed in the drop-down lists of this command, restore it to "all"?

    Watch the Select() method


Maybe you are looking for

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