Problem with container

If I adjust my browser window size mobile, why tell the footer sitting in the middle of the div "maindiv"? I have a request, height: auto; to the container by using media queries but I still have the same problem?

I fixed it, I had to add overflow: scroll; the div

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Maybe: ContextMenu is uninitialized or not properly initialized.

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    It is a known problem with the panels of the spark. Please refer to

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    Calculation of the happy.

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    VMware communities user moderator

    Now available - vSphere Quick Start Guide

    You have a system or a PCI with VMDirectPath?  Submit your specifications to Officieux VMDirectPath HCL.

    The Select-Object cmdlet does not return a string but an object. You can check by channeling the output to the Get-Member cmdlet.

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    You could do

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    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

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    I know that the title and subject are not suitable to your concern, but buried in this document is the following passage that contains three links describing the steps to follow.

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    Could someone please help me solve this problem?

    Not only based on what you already said.

    I want to create a film based on shots from my personal camera. I started to work with IMovie to create a sequence of opening and added his musical band. I exported the scenes in Quick Time format without any problem. However, when I merge the exported sequence of I film with shots of my video camera, the soundtrack is completely eliminated.

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    I checked on the Internet and saw that there might be a problem of "Codecs". To avoid this, I exported the sequence IMovie with Codecs of same as one of my video camera files.

    The specific codecs and settings using the specific version of iMovie? (The current Mac OS X operating systems have two X QT and 'classic' Qt integrated structure so it is important to know what structure is used here and how).

    Now, if I compare the files exported from I Movie and those of my video camera, they have identical characteristics. However, the soundtrack will always disappear when I merge them.

    As a general rule, you should review the file "merged" to determine why it does not play back correctly rather than comparing the characteristics of the source being merged files. The main problem here seems to be in your project workflow. That is, you seem to be when you perform an operation in two steps rather than edit several iMove multimedia files and then export the combined results in a video the video and audio tracks have been flattened and exported in standard compression formats with unified settings, features and the.

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    Hello, the URLS that contain-in their path are not valid. Firefox is less tolerant to errors in this respect than other browsers.
    Correct the path to in the source code of this site or if you don't control the contact of the site their webadmin to do...

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    Some problems with Flash video playback can be resolved by disabling hardware acceleration in Flash Player settings. (See this article for more information on using the Flash plugin in Firefox).

    To turn off hardware acceleration in Flash Player:

    1. Go to the Adobe Flash Player help page.
    2. Right-click on the Flash Player logo on this page.
    3. Click settings on the shortcut menu. The Adobe Flash Player settings screen opens.
    4. Click the icon in the lower left of the Adobe Flash Player settings window to open the display panel.

    5. Remove the enable hardware accelerationcheck box.
    6. Click close to close the Adobe Flash Player settings window.
    7. Restart Firefox.

    This Flash Player help - display settings page contains more information about the Flash Player hardware acceleration, if you are interested.

    Does this solve the problem? Let us know.

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    This is a known problem due to the use of UNC paths does not correctly supported by Firefox 20

    There will be a special ("Chemspill") version of Firefox. It will be Firefox 20.0.1 and will probably be released Wednesday, April 10.

    If you are unable to wait for to install Firefox ESR 17.

    Firefox17 ESR is affected by this problem and intended specifically for business / corporate, up-to-date and secure.

    This is a related thread and it contains a suggested workaround solution /questions/955232 #answer - 424739 while continuing to use Firefox 20.0.0

    It's a shame these undertakings do not use ESR apparently do not test the pre-release versions in their IT departments. At least by two Aurora and Beta

    1. Evening
    2. Aurora,
    3. Beta
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    Reset worked for me

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    I have model g1254sg.


    PCI\VEN_10EC & DEV_5209 & SUBSYS_166F103C & REV_01
    PCI\VEN_10EC & DEV_5209 & SUBSYS_166F103C
    PCI\VEN_10EC & DEV_5209 & CC_FF0000
    PCI\VEN_10EC & DEV_5209 & CC_FF00


    PCI\VEN_8086 & DEV_1C22 & SUBSYS_166F103C & REV_05
    PCI\VEN_8086 & DEV_1C22 & SUBSYS_166F103C
    PCI\VEN_8086 & DEV_1C22 & CC_0C0500
    PCI\VEN_8086 & DEV_1C22 & CC_0C05


    You need these drivers for devices.

    SMBus: Install this driver first and then restart.

    This package contains the driver and Intel Chipset Installation Utility for the notebook models and operating systems. This utility allows the operating system to show the correct name for the Intel hardware that is installed in the Microsoft Windows Device Manager.

    File name: sp52791.exe


    This package contains the driver that allows the Realtek card reader in laptop models running a supported operating system. The card reader allows users to read or write to removable storage cards supported, which are typically used in digital cameras, digital music players and cell phones.

    File name: sp55030.exe

  • Satellite A500-1HK: some problems with ECO Utility, touchpad, GPU

    Hi all!

    I am facing some problems with my laptop A500-1HK AND I would like to have your opinion!

    last month, the eco Utility application cannot be activated from the special keyboard of the botton at the bottom of the keyboard, although Ihear special sound because its touch botton (so it works fine). I can activate only in the start menu and then the botton in the keyboard touch would become green.

    At the top of the touchpad (mouse), there is a botton that enable / disable the touchpad. It works again.

    A few times when I'm working, the screen turns black and then after 5-7 seconds, that it becomes normal with a message that nvidia GeForce GT 330Μ had stop working but now works well! (is it something serious?)

    On the taskbar, there is an icon with a yellow exclamation point indicating the function that intel RST does not work. What is c?

    Keep in mind I have install all the drivers to the latest version, but nothing has changed! I have windows 7 64 bit GR

    Thanks in advance!

    > last month, the eco Utility application cannot be activated from the special keyboard of the botton at the bottom of the keyboard, although Ihear special sound because its touch botton (so it works fine). I can activate only in the start menu and then the botton in the keyboard touch would become green.

    Go to-> programs and features Control Panel
    Here are looking for ECO Utility and uninstall this software and restart the laptop

    Then visit the Toshiba UE driver page and look for the ECO utility.
    Download the software and reinstall it.

    > A few times when I'm working, the screen turns black and then after 5-7 seconds, it becomes normal with a message that nvidia GeForce GT 330? a work stoppage, but now works fine! (is it something serious?)

    The same as the ECO utility. Uninstall the screen / graphic card driver
    Download the latest driver from the Toshiba page and install it

    > To the task bar, there is an icon with a yellow exclamation point indicating the function that intel RST does not work. What is c?

    TSRI means Intel Rapid Storage Manager. It contains the SATA driver for SATA HDD controller.
    In case this does not work, reinstall it again.

  • Satellite C660-223 - system caution: "" problem with cooling detected system "".

    When I carry my Satellite C660-223 somewhere for example wear at home to College in a protective case in my backpack, I sometimes get a window warning flashing upward every 20 seconds or so said system + "warning: a problem with the cooling system has been detected." Please turn the computer off immediately and return it for service. +

    This only happens when I transported somewhere and as a first step, that these warnings system flashed only sometimes upwards after I hauled somewhere, but in the last two years, he started to get pretty much whenever I took the laptop somehwere. When the system warnings blink until the computer doesn't feel a little warmer than normal. no danger of overheating, immediately.

    I didn't fix it because the problem seems to resolve itself the next time that I carried the computer somewhere. It's a very strange problem where the short-term solution was the same as the cause: as in I would take the laptop somewhere, the warning system flash upwards and I learned that take "for a walk" would fix somehow everything which was the 'problem '. I solved the problem in this way too often so he could be a coincidence.

    So for a while it wasn't really a problem because I just didn't take the laptop anywhere. But the warning system has recently start flashing to the top if I wear just the laptop on the floor, and the warning system does not disappear with my method incredibly non-tech-savvy to "go for a walk", which I am sure many here would give something to laugh :).

    The obvious answer is that I need to get the service pronto thing, but I'm in the middle of final exams and the situation of tech in my house means I can't leave the laptop away for service for who knows how long when I really need to study.

    Responses, I'm hoping to get are ideas as to what actually caused this problem and short-term solutions that are a little better informed that my approach "going for a walk".

    I think THAT what is, is that the movement to carry your laptop around in a backpack something within the done cooling system moving out of place causing the evil TI work. I say this because, while writing this thread I was turn the laptop over and over again to get a look at the stickers on the back and the practice that seems to have "solved" the problem of warning system because this window flashes up while he was only a few minutes ago.

    It seems so that all component moved his place before been moved back again by the movement to turn the laptop over and over. And I was not even take him for a walk!

    Any help? Thanks in advance.


    This notification may appear for different reasons.
    The alert might appear due to
    (1) cooling system malfunction
    (2) blocked cooling vents or fans
    (3) software question (VAP - added value package or BIOS)

    Malfunction of the cooling system, you should contact the service agents at the difficulty.

    In case of a blocked vent and fans it s enough to clean the parts using a jet of compressed air.
    This allows to get rid of dust inside the cooling module.

    If the vents are not blocked and you still see this message, check the application of the service station for updates on your computer. If any are found, download and install.
    You can try to uninstall or update the Toshiba value added Package. This package contains a few essential tools and utilities that control the cooling system too.
    Also check BIOS update.

    But if you continue to receive this error, your laptop may require repair

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