Property of SubSkuCommerceItem is not defined correctly

Hello people,

Enjoy taking the time to look into this discussion.

Problem: Could not retrieve the value of a subSkuCommerceItem property.

Detailed: We put ' '(message entré par l'utilisateur sur la page PDP) to 'addOnProducts' personalizedText.., I am able to assign to the subSkuCommerceItem (checked by the commerceItem of debugging) and also able to retrieve the value on the shopping cart page by using productItem.addOnProducts [0] .personalizedText, but when I try to retrieve the commerceItems of the object of the order to recover this personalizedText for the OrderConfirmation emails I couldn't get it back. I see personalizedText with a NULL value on this subSkuCommerceItem.

Code snippets: on the class we are the override of the mergeItemInputForAdd() method and put in persoinalizedText to the commerceItem, then in shoppingCart.jsp: dsp:param param = "commerceItem.auxiliaryData.productRef" name = "productItem" / >, and I use this productItem to retrieve 'addOnProducts': "

< dsp:droplet name = "ForEach" >

< name dsp:param = "table" param = "productItem.addOnProducts" / > "

< name dsp:param = "elementName" value = "addOnProduct" / >

< dsp:getvalueof param = "addOnProduct.repositoryId" var = "addOnProductId" / > "

< name dsp:oparam = "output" >

< dsp:droplet name = "ForEach" >

< name dsp:param = "table" value = "${subCommerceAddons}" / >

< name dsp:param = "elementName" value = "selectedAddOnSKUs" / >

< name dsp:oparam = "output" >

< dsp:getvalueof param = "selectedAddOnSKUs.catalogRefId" var = "currentAddOnSKUId" / > "

< dsp:getvalueof param = "" var = "currentAddOnCommerceId" / > "

< dsp:getvalueof param = "selectedAddOnSKUs.auxiliaryData.productId" var = "currentAddOnProductId" / > "

< dsp:getvalueof param = "selectedAddOnSKUs.personalMessage" var = "vPersonalMessage" / > < / dsp:oparam > "

< / dsp:droplet >

< / dsp:oparam >

< / dsp:droplet >

and in the I do: elements of list < CommerceItem > = order.getCommerceItems (); for (CommerceItem commerceItem: items) {for each commerceItem I try to get the subSkuCommerceItem, I am able to get them, but only problem is that I see 'personalizedText' being set to NULL when the recovery for the same addOnProduct it is supposed actually to be.}

Can someone please advice if you miss something here.

Thank you


My guess is that the value of personalizedText that has been entered on the PDP is not get saved to the database.  If the confirmation email is generated in a separate session, the order must be reloaded from the database.

How did you write the setPersonlizedText method in your extension of SubSkuCommerceItem?  You call the base class of CommerceItemImpl setPropertyValue?  If not, and if personalizedText is the only property that has updated since the last time that the item has been saved in the database, then ProcSaveCommerceItemObjects, which is part of the chain of pipeline updateOrder, will know that there is a new value to save.

Tags: Oracle Applications

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    []] >
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    Thank you

    Hi Chris,

    As far as I can see that the following code does not belong to any function:
    Alert.Show (hscreen);

    You should wrap up in the function and call it certain events as "creationComplete".

    Like this:

    creationComplete = "ends ()" > "

    Import mx.controls.Alert;
    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager;

    [Bindable] public var hscreen:String;

    private void closeDialog (): void {}
    PopUpManager.removePopUp (this);

    private void fInit()
    Alert.Show (hscreen);


    See you soon,.

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    function onRestore(event:MouseEvent):void


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  • 1120:access of property not defined error

    to import;


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    myName = new NetStream (nc); ERROR IS HERE


    The path location type Resource Description

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    The path location type Resource Description

    1120: access of undefined property nc.     P2PSample.mxml/P2PSample/src/line 30 Flex problem

    NC is not defined in your code when this line 30 running because it runs before application1_creationCompleteHandler() is running.

    fix this.

    to import;


    private const CirrusAddress:String = "rtmfp://";

    private const DeveloperKey:String = "mydevkey";

    private var nc:NetConnection;

    private var myPeerID:String;

    private var recvStream:NetStream;

    private var myName:NetStream;

    protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


    NC = new NetConnection();

    nc.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, ncStatus);

    NC. Connect ("rtmfp://");



    protected function ncStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {}

    myPeerID = nc.nearID;

    peerIdArea.text = myPeerID;


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    myName = new NetStream (nc);


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    < mx:Label id = "viewname" / >
    < / mx:VBox >

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    Peopleimages property possibly access not defined through a reference with static type class.

    Please help me solve this problem.

    Thank you.

    inside your "a few other sctionscript the file' you need a reference to the SeeElement object

    var seeElement:SeeElement = new SeeElement();

    Then you can seeElement.personImages.visible = false;

    SeeElement (with a capital S) refers to the class SeeElement and personImages is not a class member variable its an instance member variable

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    < mx:HTTPService id = "userupdate" url = "https://server/flex/usrchgpwd.php" result = "checkADMUsrPWD (event)" useProxy = "false" method = "POST" showBusyCursor = "true" > "
    < mx:request xmlns = "" >
    {admType.valueOf ()} < admtype > < / admtype > < user name > {adm_username.text} < / username > < new_password > {ADM _password.text} < / new_password >
    < group > {adm_usergroup.text} < / group > < level > {adm_level.text} < / level > < status > {adm_activestatu s.text} < / status >
    < / mx:request >
    < / mx:HTTPService >

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    Any thoughts?

    Thank you

    Thanks to Mike, the problem was found. I had created a backup of my main application and renames it. However, it was still linked to the project. If all the errors I was getting in my file have been because new properties I have setting in my current production version of the MXML were NOT defined in the version of backup.

    If this is your problem, you need to detach from the app. You can do this by going here:

    Project > properties, then the Flex Applications

    If there is more than one app listed, you should deleted the one unused.


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    Any help would be appreciated.


    If you remove the "DisplayObjectContainer (internship)." before the two lines of code in the test function, the errors disappear (except for another error related to the Next_mc, which apparently is not defined anywhere before trying to add an event listener).

    I can't tell what you're trying to where until the end of a trial being detected where things would be returned.

  • TITLE element is not defined in BLOGPOST

    I have several errors that I could use some help on.  Here is one of them.  I mention that in if I bring all of this in order to troubleshoot it properly.  Maybe it's worth noting that I'm through the hands on (ORM) and have most of the labour code except the categories that keep the boxes checked in editBlogPost.cfm and categories do not save correctly.  That being said, this is the first error:

    The cfdump showed that title get out, so I would like to know why he's not the var.

    TITLE element is not defined in BLOGPOST

    The error occurred in gpost.cfm C:/ColdFusion11/cfusion/wwwroot/learncfinaweek/chapter1solution/admin/content/blog/listblo: line 34


    "< cfimport taglib ="... /... "/ customTags" prefix = "ct" / >

    < ct:securityCheck redirectPage = "#cgi.script_name #" / >

    < cfset Chemin_admin = createObject('learncfinaweek.chapter1solution.admin.cfc.system').getBasePath (cgi.script_n OM) / >

    <!--> pull Blog Posts

    < cfset blogPosts = EntityLoad ('BlogPost') / >

    < cfoutput >

    < ct:layout section = 'blog' >

    < section = 'blog' active 'post' = ct:navigation / >

    < div class = "span10" >

    Blog < h2 > < / h2 >

    < form class = 'bar of navigation-form drop down to the right' >

    < a class = "btn, btn-primary" href = "< cfoutput > #adminPath # < / cfoutput > / content/blog/editblogpost.cfm" >

    < i class = "icon icon-more" white > < / i >

    New Blog Post

    < /a >

    < / make >

    < table class = "table pointing to the table" >

    < thead >

    < b >

    Title < th > < /th >

    < th > publish Date < /th >

    < th > Actions < /th >

    < /tr >

    < / thead >

    < tbody >

    < cfloop array index = "" #blogPosts # "="blogPost">"

    < b >

    < td >

    <!--> title

    #blogPost.title #.

    < table >

    < td >

    <!--> publication date

    #dateFormat(blogPost.datePosted,"mm/dd/yyyy") #.

    < table >

    < td >

    <!-edit-> Post

    < a href="#adminPath#/content/blog/editblogpost.cfm?" > < i class = 'icon-edit' > < / i > < / has > "

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < / cfloop >

    < / tbody >

    < /table >

    < / div >

    < / ct:layout >

    < / cfoutput >


    persistent component = {'true'

    The property name = the column 'id' = 'blogpostid"fieldtype = generator of 'id' ="increment ";

    Name of the property = "title" ormtype = "text";

    Name of the property = "Summary" ormtype = "text";

    Name of the property = 'body' ormtype = 'text ';

    Name of the property = "dateposted" ormtype = "timestamp";

    Name of the property = "createdDateTime" ormtype = "timestamp";

    Name of the property = "modifiedDateTime" ormtype = "timestamp";

    Name of the property = "deleted" ormtype = "boolean";

    Property = "comments" singularname = "comment" fieldtype = name "one-to-many" cfc = "how" fkcolumn = "blogpostid" cascade = "all";

    Fieldtype 'categories' = property name = "one-to-many" cfc = "blogPostCategory" fkcolumn = "blogPostid;

    public string function getCategoryIDs() {}

    var categoryList = ";

    If {(hasCategories())

    for (var categoryPost in getCategories()) {}

    categoryList = listAppend (categoryList,;



    CategoryList return;


    public string function getCategoryNames() {}

    var categoryList = ";

    {if (hasCategories ())}

    for (var categoryPost in {getCategories())}

    categoryList = listAppend (categoryList,, ',');



    CategoryList return;



    To get the value of the property X of an entity, use myEntity.getX () instead of myEntity.X. It's

    blogPost.getTitle () instead of blogPost.title

  • [AIR 3.0] New JSON feature does not work in Error #1065: Variable JSON is not defined

    After the upgrade of the AIR SDK 3.0 in Flash Professional CS5.5, I found a few problems.

    First of all, the JSON class in the library of as3corelib.swc get now a few compile errors:

    1061: call to a possibly undefined method decode a reference of static type Class.

    1172: definition com.adobe.serialization.json:JSON could not be found.

    At first, I was completely puzzled, because I had the good ' import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON; ' reference.

    and I got the "as3corelib.swc" referenced in my ActionScript properties, so how that was not found?

    Then, I discovered that it is because it is in conflict with the new internal JSON class included in AIR 3.0

    (perhaps it should have been called something else, to avoid conflicts with the own Adobe as3corelib library).

    The new native JSON class's decode() method. It is now called parse()

    OK, so I tried to use the new class JSON, but after changing the decode() with parse() and removing

    the "import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON; ' reference, Flash tells me that"Variable JSON is not defined.

    Really? The JSON class is displayed in the window pop-up Flash Builder code completion,

    complete with its all new parse() and stringify() methods! So why it say it is not defined?

    Also, my SWF file gets compiled without error at all, so that checks that the new 3.0 libraries are in place.

    I get the error "JSON is not defined" when running in ADL, not at compile time. Why?

    In order to spend in the AIR SDK 3.0, I've followed this guide:

    I know that this is on the upgrade to AIR 2.7, but I guess the steps to switch to AIR 3.0 would be very similar.

    only with the AIR3.0 SDK package, instead of 2.7.

    I also took care of type version = '13' in all the XMLs, instead of version = "12" as indicated in this guide, which is intended to 2.7.

    Also, I followed this advice on the addition of -swf-version = 13 in the properties of the project in Flash Builder window:

    But this does not seem to make a difference, because, even if I use Flash Builder for editing code (which is usually used for Flex).

    my project is a Flash Professional project, not a Flex, and when you test the project, Flash Builder works Flash Professional

    to compile, then run adl.exe (it's the same thing that if you click on the option "control / essay film / in the AIR Debug Launcher (Mobile)" within Flash Pro).

    In the window 'settings of ActionScript"in Flash Professional, I also have the good airglobal.swc referenced (from the AIR SDK 3.0).

    and the same airglobal.swc is referenced in Flash Builder as well (in 'referenced libraries') in order to get the correct code completion.

    I tried all sorts of things to try to make it work, but no luck. Still getting the error "JSON is not defined" when running.

    I'm getting desperate in this regard. I'll have to return to AIR 2.7.1 to stop wasting time on this issue.

    BTW, I also have another problem unrelated (though maybe it happens for the same reason as the other problem).

    Now Flash Builder says the method getTime() in my code, as if it was no longer a method of an instance of class Date.

    I have a line where I ask the timestamp like this:

    TS = new Date () .getTime ();

    Worked perfectly well until now with AIR 3.0.

    Now, when hovering the mouse cursor over the orange icon "(?)" appearing to the left, Flash Builder says

    "Access of undefined property getTime. Why?

    Documentation AS3 says nothing about getTime() get depreciated any thing of the kind:

    In fact, in the completion popup code to watch as Flash Builder, now, it is not any mention

    set or get methods, as you can see here:

    I guess I can use property hung up instead of . getTime() but I don't know why I'm getting all the methods I had before.

    Any ideas why this is happenning? Especially the dreaded error 'JSON is not set.

    Well, after a lot of tinkering, I think I've finally found a way to finally make it work!

    I created XML files modified with the profiles required for AIR 3.0 and after many tries, it finally works!

    I downloaded here:

    Here are the steps needed to get AIR 3.0 works correctly:

    1. Place the three files in the folder "c:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5.5\Common\Configuration\Players.
    2. Then, make sure that you have unpacked the AIR SDK 3.0 in the folder "c:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5.5\AIR3.0" do not crush the contents of the folder "AIR2.6", as suggested by the "Overlay AIR SDK" article (linked in the post above). He gave me problems. It is preferable to use another separate folder. My XML files are pointing to this new folder "AIR3.0".
    3. In the folder "c:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5.5\Common\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0 ' create a new folder named"AIR3.0 ". Inside this folder, copy the "airglobal.swc" file located in "c:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5.5\AIR3.0\frameworks\libs\air.
    4. Finally, you will need to keep the file "sample.xml - descriptor ' the ' c:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Adobe Flash CS5.5\AIR2.6\samples" folder, but change the attribute xmlns to ''.

    Yes, you must change this in the AIR2.6 folder, even if the SDK has been in AIR3.0. It's because of the way the publication settings work in Adobe Flash. It is hardcoded in a DLL, so that cannot be changed. Is not very intuitive.

    I think the AIR SDK installation should be much simpler than that! I know that Adobe AIR is intended for developers, not for end-users, but yet, all these procedures upgrade not well documented are a pain in the *. I lost a LOT of hours in this (more than half a day), with what should be a simple update!

    Adobe should make an SDK installation if we do not have to be tinkering with all these procedures errors whenever a new update is released!

    Well, I hope that these XML files are useful to someone and avoid more frustration.

    Kind regards


    PD: BTW, I still have the problem of. getTime() described in my post above, but it is not very important.

    because I can still use the property hung up. Yet, it puzzles me why this is happening.

  • Synchronize an unknown error: forms failed: ReferenceError: dbConnection is not defined

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    Sync.ErrorHandler forms of DEBUGGING failed: ReferenceError: dbConnection is not defined (resource://gre/modules/FormHistory.jsm:407:4) JS Stack trace: [email protected]:407:5 < [email protected]:274:10 < [email protected]:781:16 < [email protected]:51:5 < [email protected]:149:19 < [email protected]:919:22 < [email protected]:1518:7 < [email protected]:148:21 < [email protected]:668:5 < [email protected]:199:7 < [email protected]:149:15 < [email protected]:1295:7 < [email protected]:148:21 < [email protected]:103:16 < [email protected]:1285:12 < sync / < @service.js:1277:14 < [email protected]:77:16) < [email protected]:1265:5

    any ideas how to fix?

    Thank you.

    Hi deeptii,
    Thank you for reporting this issue. It is a problem that we saw in a version every night and has been corrected. What means the error, it is that the database is not accessible on the local computer Firefox profile folder.

    In order to check the permissions on the Firefox profile folder, you can go to:

    1. Open a new window in Firefox and click on the Firefox Menu.
    2. Click the question mark at the bottom of the menu
    3. Then click the "Troubleshooting" information and a new tab should load subject called: support
    4. From there, there is a button next to "Profile folder", this will open the directory where the profile folder. If its does not appear: profiles - where Firefox stores your bookmarks, passwords and other user data
    5. Right-click on the folder, and then click "Properties". In this menu, make sure that it is not set to 'Read only' (maybe it's a little different in Windows 10 please seek help from Microsoft, if it is no longer in this menu)
    6. Restart Firefox, the error is again started?

    Other work around is to remove this folder in the profile of: formhistory.sqlite (this file contains the content of the form, simply disconnected from the directory will create a new profile so when you restart Firefox, if there is a concern for dataloss)

    Please also post back with these results but also to copy the information that appears in the subject: support page.

    Thank you!

  • JavaScript Application error: TypeError: text is not defined

    Every time I open Firefox I get this Application JavaScript error: TypeError: text is not defined.
    For now, I have my disabled add ons and restarted with the same result.
    Re installed my JavaScript, with the same result.
    When I went back to check my Add ons, all my plug-ins have disappeared.
    Said that my Javascript has been disabled due to version problems. It is after that I had to uninstall all versions of Java and had reinstalled Java from your difficulty.
    I like my Fire Fox. Everyone says go to Chrome and I don't want Chrome, I want my Fire Fox works correctly. Is not adversely make my browsing, but never had this problem and am having a problem with the patches that are given.
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    This problem may be caused by an extension that is not working properly.

    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/tools > Modules > appearance/themes).

    If this does not work in mode without failure, then disable all extensions and then try to find out who is the cause by allowing both the problem reappears.

    • Choose "Disable all add-ons" on issues to troubleshoot Firefox in Safe Mode to set window to disable all extensions.
    • Close and restart Firefox after each change through "file > exit ' (Mac: ' Firefox > leave";) Linux: "file > exit ')
  • JavaScript functions suddenly "not defined".

    As of today, Wikidot sites have ceased to behave correctly in Firefox on my main computer. The same pages will display correctly in Firefox on another computer, so I know that the problem is local to this computer.

    Firebug and the error Console tell me things like:

     "OZONE is not defined"
     "$j is not defined"
     "$ is not defined"

    This causes Wikidot pages to display incorrectly and certain features on them to not work at all.

    Empty the cache memory has not solved the problem.

    I tried to install Firefox 4 beta 8 on the theory it would give me a slate of clean (er) to work with, but that has not changed anything either.

    What else could solve this problem?

    • "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > advanced > network > storage (Cache) offline: 'clear now '.
    • 'Delete Cookies' of sites that cause problems: Tools > Options > privacy > Cookies: "show the Cookies".

    Start Firefox in Firefox to solve the issues in Safe Mode to check if one of the Add-ons is the cause of the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Modules > themes).

    • Makes no changes on the start safe mode window.


  • Symbol not defined '___CompiledDebuggingLevel' referenced in... cvistart.lib

    Hi all

    With a big project that I'm working on that has several static libraries, I get the following error when building in release mode:

    Undefined symbol '___CompiledDebuggingLevel' referenced in "c:\program NIUninstaller instruments\cvi2012\bin\Msvc\cvistart.lib".
    Undefined symbol '___PtrInfoFixupTable' referenced in "c:\program NIUninstaller instruments\cvi2012\bin\Msvc\cvistart.lib".

    Undefined symbol '___CVI_Sections' referenced in "c:\program NIUninstaller instruments\cvi2012\bin\Msvc\cvistart.lib".

    Undefined symbol '___UFRNameTable' referenced in "c:\program NIUninstaller instruments\cvi2012\bin\Msvc\cvistart.lib".

    I have had this problem before and with the help of the following sons, was able to fix it by recompiling my static libraries.

    Unfortunately, the recompilation, marking for the compilation or delete dosent records .cvibuild works for me this time.

    I can compile mode debugging without probs.

    I can not compile in release mode, at least all of my *.libs are excluded and the *.c library source files included.

    All projects are built in CVI2012.

    Can someone shed some light on why this link of error could happen?

    I'm not too familiar with how the CVI environment works at this level. I read in an other (related) positions that the functions of these undefined symbols are only used when debugging that adds to my confusion...

    see you soon,


    Hi DIZ,

    Have you tried the step provided by D_Biel in ?  It seems that this may be a known issue in LabWindows/CVI 2012 and enabled a work around.  The error seems to come from the static libraries built in LabWindows/CVI.  Please try the suggestions below if you don't have it already.

    D_Biel wrote:

    Hi, CPP,.

    Using CVI 2012? If Yes, then you probably stumbled across known problem 372694. This is a bug with the build configuration for the static library introduced in 2012 of the CVI. The problem occurs when you switch the target Type of a Dynamic Link Library or executable file that was in a configuration of debugging for the static library. Static libraries are not allowed to be built in a debug configuration, so CVI attempts to pass the debug configuration for release when the target type is changed to the static library. In 2012 of the CVI, this of the debug to release not completely change it, so you're left in an inconsistent state of configuration. In this State, the static library is built with the debugging symbols that it does not define.

    The good news is that it is very easy to fix. After the passage of the Type of target to the static library, simply reselect release as being the configuration (the exit option is already selected, but go ahead and select it again in any case). Once again, you select that, the static library will be built correctly without the debugging symbols.

    Using the activate option. Obj option is not required and will not allow you to debug your application.

    Edit: This issue will be addressed in the next version of the CVI.

    Best regards,

  • Windows 7 message pop-up cigarette... "local area connection adapter does not work correctly. Problems related to the pilot experience or material"what the devil does that average and that the devil can do?

    When I logged on this morning, Windows 7 gave me the following message... "The connection to the local network problems hardware or driver. For connection to the local network adapter does not work correctly. "My Windows offered solution was go using Windows.  Help


    Try to uninstall and reinstall the network adapter drivers.

    Download the latest drivers from the card manufacturer support page.

    Download the drivers and extract them to a folder of your choice.

    In Device Manager, right-click on the adapter.

    Click Update drivers and choose her browse my computer for drivers.

    Choose let me a list of choices, click on disk and point to the folder with the drivers.

    Computer network health.

    Check the Device Manager for the entry of valid card of the wire.


    If there is no valid entry, remove any entry from fake and re - install the drivers for the wireless card.

    Check network connections to make sure that you have a Local Area Connection icon/entry, and that the properties of the icon (right-click on the icon) are correctly configured with the TCP/IPv4 protocol in the properties of network connections.


    Connect you to the menu of the router from a work computer and make sure DHCP is on, and it is configured to assign IPs which can cover the number of computers that are connected (a bit more will be even better).

    Turn off the computer and the router, reset the router and the computer.

    Right-click on the wireless network connection card, select status, details and see if she got an IP address and the rest of the settings.

    On the State of intellectual property.

    TCP/IP and its variables usually look like this.

    Right-click on the wireless network connection card, select status, details and see if she got an IP address and the rest of the settings.

    Typical TCP/IP status looks like this.


    Description is the data of the card making.

    Physical address
    is the MAC of the card number.

    The xx must be a number between 0 and 255 (all xx even number).

    YY should be between 0 and 255

    ZZ should be between 0 and 255 (zz all the same number.)

    The date of the lease must be valid at the present time.

    * Note 1.
    IP that starts with isn't valid functional IP.

    * Note 2 There could be an IPv6 entries too. However, they are not functional for Internet or LAN traffic. They are necessary for Win 7 homegroup special configuration.


    Also, make sure that the software firewall on each computer allows free local traffic. If you use 3rd party Firewall on, Vista/XP Firewall Native should be disabled, and the active firewall has adjusted to your network numbers IP on what is sometimes called the Zone of confidence (see part 3 firewall instructions

    General example,

    Please note that some 3rd party software firewall continue to block the same aspects it traffic Local, they are turned Off (disabled). If possible, configure the firewall correctly or completely uninstall to allow a clean flow of local network traffic. If the 3rd party software is uninstalled, or disables, make sure Windows native firewall is active .

    Jack-MVP Windows Networking. WWW.EZLAN.NET

  • Two plugins using the contradictory code: "one is used, which one is not defined.

    When I compile plugins in Xcode I see often the window output made comments such as "* is implemented in *.aip and *.aip. One of the two will be used. "That one is not defined." not only my own plugins, but even more plugins to other developers. Is this something I need by concerned? If so, what can I do to prevent (or not to do to activate it) in my projects. Thank you very much in advance! -rj

    Looks like the plugins that create their own signs using a common library that wraps the native cocoa code?

    As it is said that the classes are implemented in the plugins folder, I would have thought that external symbols would be removed in a production version. You run versions debug plugins?

    Re green bars: this forum is very quiet so it takes a long time to accumulate points, more people seem to mark answers as useful or like them rather than marking as correct these days (generation facebook?)

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