QML ListView

Hello people!

I'm developing an application in which I use a ListView filled by an XML file (as for now), but I want to make entries bigger and maybe even a little cloroful. Found nothing about that.

Any help?


ListView {

  listItemComponents: [
      ListItemComponent {
          type: "item"

          CustomListItem {
                  text: ListItemData.title

CustomListItem (or something like that), you should get what you want. Instead of the label, you can use container and put in as much as you want

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    // Main.qml
    ListView {
      id: listview
      dataModel: ArrayDataModel {
        id: theDataModel
      listItemComponents: [
        ListItemComponent {
          StandardListItem {
             title: ListItemData   <------------------ here I want to display the filename
             description: "filepath"   <-------------- and here I want to display the filepath
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    // Main.qml
    ListView {
      id: listview
      dataModel: ArrayDataModel {
        id: theDataModel
      listItemComponents: [
        ListItemComponent {
          StandardListItem {
             title: ListItemData.name       <---------------------------------------------------|
             description: ListItemData.path  <-----------------------------------------------|
             imageSource: "asset:///images/icon.png"                                              |
    [...]                                                                                                                  |
    onFileSelected: {                                                                                             |
      selectedFile = selectedFiles[0];                                                                     |
      [...]                                                                                                                |
        var filepath = *a string*                                                                              |
        var filename = *a string*                                                                            |
        theDataModel.append([filename, filepath]); <----------- how do I add the strings correctly so that I can us them in the list


    For the arrayDataModel, I suggest you use this

    data var = {}
    'name': name of file,.
    'path': filepath

    theDataModel.append (data);

    If you still have a problem, let me know!


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    Thank you


    As far as I'm concerned, I think that's not possible!

    Likewise, you cannot sort on key on a second key in DESC and ASC.

    In addition, the title of the header section is the value used to sort data

    So in anticipation, I add a prefix to my field in the QML and sort, I have re - format text.

    In your case, I do "1-Today", "2-Yesterday", "3-Last..." » ; then I sort on this key. and I don't value.substring (...) in QML

    To remove my prefix.


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    I think I know how to support the chain located in typical situations,

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    But how to do the same thing with the XML data source?

    Thank you.

    There are several options;

    (1) use qrTr in your QML file by passing the returned ListDataItem.xxx

    (2) provide a translation in the XML file as a separate field.

    (3) providing an additional XML file for each language you want to support then load the appropriate.

    You might find 3 is the easiest to maintain go before there is an obvious leaking between the XML file and any file translation which, without adequate testing, could lead to missed translations. that is any text that you place in your xml file is not automatically picked up by collection of translation to the compilation service.

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    Why is it a "problem"? It's probably just the way things work and should work. ListItemComponents are not really part of the scene graph/context since they exist only to be used during execution. Wait so the scope of the listItemcomponent unlike the rest of the document.

    The way around it, as described in the thread linked above is to create a function inside your listview that refers to the context property that you want to use. Then, your listitemcomponent has access to this feature of the listview.

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    I'm sorry my English not good level.

    At the point of selection Android listview to index easylly, I call ListView.selectionPosition (int index)

    But when you use ListView on cascades qml, I think point get in way to the index.

    Hope you help me.

    For a simple DataModel with a single level of items, you can access the item at a specific position with code of God:
    int position = 0
    var MonElement = myDataModel.data ([position])-requires one [of QVariantList]

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    The property type must match the xml in the template tag, for example:

    Using this model in xml format:


    With this qml code works perfectly:

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        ListView {
            property string myText: "is a City"
            dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                source: "model.xml"
            listItemComponents: [
                ListItemComponent {
                    type: "item"
                    CustomListItem {
                        id: itemRoot
                        dividerVisible: true
                        highlightAppearance: HighlightAppearance.Full
                        Container {
                            Label {
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     //! [1]
                    // The list view with all messages
                    ListView {
                        dataModel: _messages.model
                        listItemComponents: ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            StandardListItem {
                                title: ListItemData.senderName
                                description: ListItemData.sender
                                status: ListItemData.time
                        onTriggered: {
                    //! [1]

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                id: listView
                dataModel: dataModel
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "item"
                        StandardListItem {
                            title: ListItemData.title
                            description: app.formatDate(ListItemData.pubDate);

    and in the PRC

    QString ApplicationUI::formatDate(QString date) {
        return "bla";

    Function call leave outer ListView works well, but I cannot access any function defined outside ListView!

    In this case, I get asset:///blabla.qml:16: ReferenceError: can't find variable: app

    How can I call it?

    For some strange reason the listItemComponents are outside the normal code flow. But you can bypass. Give your listItemComponent a name/id. You can reference it trough the parent ListView. Something like this should work:

    StandardListItem {
     id: mscurli
     title: ListItemData.OriginalTitle;
     description: ListItemData.TheatreAndAuditorium
     status: mscurli.ListItem.view.getShowTime(ListItemData.dttmShowStart);

    I used a set inside my ListView simple helper function to get the C++ code:

    function getShowTime(str) {
     return _myapp.formatTime(str);
  • Fill ListView C++ QML


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    I guess, the easiest is to send ListView pointer as an argument to the function c ++. I'm trying to do something like that.


    Page {
        Container {
            Label {
                // Localized text with the dynamic translation and locale updates support
                text: qsTr("Hello World") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                textStyle.base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
            ListView {
                id: contacts_lw;
        onCreationCompleted: {

    C++ Builder

    qml->setContextProperty("app", this);


    Q_INVOKABLE void ApplicationUI::fillListView(ListView & lw)
        GroupDataModel *model = new GroupDataModel(QStringList() << "first_name" << "last_name");
       JsonDataAccess jda;
       QVariantMap jsonmap = jda.load(QDir::currentPath() +
       QVariantList list = jsonmap["response"].toList();

    How to make it work?

    use a pointer, not a reference as a parameter.
    If ListView is unknown as a parameter, you can either use qmlRegisterObject to publicize or use a QObject * as a parameter and cast him.

  • Remove items from the ListView to a ContextAction in QML?

    Is it possible to delete a list in qml item triggered by an action of context? I tried to do in signal of onTriggered of the ActionItem of all actions in context, but it seems that I can not even access my ListView by its id.

    Inside of a list component should be possible to remove it by

    myItemRoot.ListItem.view.dataModel.removeAt( myItemRoot.ListItem.indexPath );

    Inside of the OnTriggered could be:

    listView.dataModel.removeAt( indexPath );
  • How get the number of items in the ListView inside QML?

    QML/JavaScript newbe question here please.

    Suppose I have .qml

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        Page {
            Container {
                  ListView {
                        id: listviewPlayers

    and I want to do something if ListView does contain all of the elements

        onCreationCompleted: {
            // this slot is called when declarative scene is created
            if (listviewPlayers.AllItems.count() == 0){
                // do something;

    but when I run the present I get complain AllItems is not defined in this line:

     if (listviewPlayers.AllItems.count() == 0){

    What I doing wron? I can do the same thing in C++ without any problem.

    Thank you.

    Oh, this thing AllItems seems to be a 'Sentinel' or a magic value used in special cases, unrelated to this.

    I think that ListView manages all this, but defers everything to do with the pieces of data to the model, you don't have to go to the model for the data. ListView knows how VisualNodes (the components list item) he created at the time of the display on the screen, but also have to tell you the total number of elements in the model would simply duplicate work. (The reasoning behind this interpretant.)

  • How to show my listview QML this JSON webservice

    Hi all

    IM new developer for blackberry 10

    It's my first project of construction of a PSA

    I want to ask

    1. This is my JSON www.rws.rajaspot.com/rs_promoclient.php

    2. I want to do a listview in my QML using this JSON

    y at - it a code for this example, I tried to make the market http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18598886/how-to-use-json-webservice-in-blackberry-cascades and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18638067/how-to-create-listview-for-json-parsing-in-blackberry-ca... but still get error

    Please help, thanks

    Did you add this line to your .pro file...

    LIBS +=-lbbdata

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    How to generate a variable row (QList) in QML to get the first object in the list?

    Has found the solution by myself:

           var indexPath = new Array();
           var item = infoDataModel.data(indexPath);
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    I've never really tried, but given the way the QML syntax usually works I would try something like this:

    Page {
       attachedObjects: [
          DockListLayout {
             id: dock
          GridListLayout {
             id: grid
       ListView {
          id: list
          layout: dock
       function toDock() {
          list.layout = dock;
       function toGrid() {
          list.layout = grid;

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