Re: Help on BtConnect?

I followed the "BtPairingTest.exe" sample2 SDK do an export DLL for coupling device function.
But somehow, BtConnect does not work on my server local/DLL COM +.
Is it my problem or bug in the SDK?

WORD wPSM = 3;
DWORD dwOption = 1; 1 for matching
ZeroMemory (& btcfg, sizeof (BTCONFIG));
HWND is 0, it is a sync operation, if not 0, it is asynchronous.
If (BtConnect (t_bdaddr, wPSM, NULL, & s_wCID, & btcfg, dwOption, & lSts, 0, WM_BT_CONNECT, s_hPair, (LPARAM), NULL, 0, NULL))

I use "BtPairingTest.exe", everything is OK.
The in my app, it's a DLL or a local server COM +, if I put dwOption to 0, it is OK, but the value 1, always failed.
I set the hwnd to 0, dwOption to 1, it will be always said [2064] error: L2CAP connection failure.
Then I put the hwnd at my window, created by CreateWindow in the same thread, but I can't any message in my WindowProc.

Can someone help me?

And attached is the log of USB:
btconnect_1_ok.txt's BtPairingTest newspaper.
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 CTL SEND HCI 4.8sc 1.1.0 13:11:48.201
36.0 to 20 01 01 0C... 3.7ms 1.2.0 13:11:48.204
36.1 IN 0th 04 01 20 00 0C... 25US 2.1.0 13:11:48.204
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 CTL SEND HCI 1.0MS 3.1.0 13:11:48.206
36.0 OUT 05 04 1f 0d 04 25 00 01 00 00 00 01 cc 18 1 c e5... %... 16ms 3.2.0 13:11:48.222
36.1 IN 0f 04 00 01 05 04... 4.1.0 23us 13:11:48.222
36.1 IN 17 06 04 e5 25 1F 1 c 00... %... 1.3SC 5.1.0 13:11:49.545
* 36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 CTL SEND HCI 1.1MS 6.1.0 13:11:49.547 *.
* 36.0 OUT 0c 04 06 04 e5 25 1f 1 c 00... %... 5.8ms 6.2.0 13:11:49.552 *.
36.1 IN 0e 0 has 01 04 00 1f 04 25 1 c 00 e5 0c... %... 24us 7.1.0 13:11:49.553
36.1 IN 16 06 04 e5 25 1F 1 c 00... %... 1.9ms 8.1.0 13:11:49.554
36.0 CTL 20 00 00 00 00 00 1 a 00 SEND HCI 9.1.0 965us 13:11:49.555
36.0 OUT 0d 04 17 1f 04 25 00 04 31 32 33 34 00 00 1 c e5... %... 1234... 24ms 9.2.0 13:11:49.579
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00... 9.2.16
36.1 IN 0e 0 has 01 04 00 1f 04 25 1 c 00 e5 0d... %... 24us 10.1.0 13:11:49.580
36.1 IN 18 17 1f e5 04 25 1 c 00 21 1 c df bf b3 ac... 8 d b6%...! ...... 15sc 11.1.0 13:12:04.836
1 18 7f 0 b 48 d 4th f9 fe 00. H.... N.... 11.1.16
36.1 IN 03 0 2 b a 00 1f 00 04 25 00 01 00 1 c e5... *... %... 1.9ms 12.1.0 13:12:04.838
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 CTL SEND 791us HCI 13.1.0 13:12:04.839

btconnect_1_failed.txt is my DLL = 1 log dwOption.
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 a CTL SEND HCI 25sc 1.1.0 13:09:57.385
36.0 OUT 12 0c 07 04 25 00 00 1 c e5 1f... %... 15ms 1.2.0 13:09:57.401
36.1 IN 0e 06 01 12 00 00 00 0c... 19US 2.1.0 13:09:57.401
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 CTL SEND HCI 1.8MS 3.1.0 13:09:57.403
36.0 to 20 01 01 0C... 3.0MS 3.2.0 13:09:57.406
36.1 IN 0th 04 01 20 00 0C... 17us 4.1.0 13:09:57.406
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 CTL SEND HCI 793us 5.1.0 13:09:57.407
36.0 OUT 05 04 1f 0d 04 25 00 01 00 00 00 01 cc 18 1 c e5... %... 5.1ms 5.2.0 13:09:57.412
36.1 IN 0f 04 00 01 05 04... 16US 6.1.0 13:09:57.412
36.1 IN 17 06 04 e5 25 1F 1 c 00... %... 525ms 7.1.0 13:09:57.937
* 36.1 IN 03 0 b 2 a 10 00 1f 04 25 00 01 00 1 c e5... *... %... 30SC 8.1.0 13:10:27.940 *.
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 CTL SEND HCI 9.1.0 3.8MS 13:10:27.944
36.0 to 20 01 00 0C... 3.1ms 9.2.0 13:10:27.947
36.1 IN 0th 04 01 20 00 0C... 20US 10.1.0 13:10:27.947
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 09 00 CTL SEND HCI 1.7MS 11.1.0 13:10:27.949
36.0 OUT 0c 04 06 04 e5 25 1f 1 c 00... %... 3.2ms 11.2.0 13:10:27.952
36.1 IN 0e 0 has 01 04 02 1f 04 25 1 c 00 e5 0c... %... 1.0MS 12.1.0 13:10:27.953

btconnect_0.txt is my DLL = 0 log dwOption.
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 a CTL SEND HCI 31sc 1.1.0 13:08:44.645
36.0 OUT 12 0c 07 04 25 00 00 1 c e5 1f... %... 15ms 1.2.0 13:08:44.661
36.1 IN 0e 06 01 12 00 00 00 0c... 58us 2.1.0 13:08:44.662
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 CTL SEND HCI 1.5MS 3.1.0 13:08:44.663
36.0 OUT 05 04 1f 0d 04 25 00 01 00 00 00 01 cc 18 1 c e5... %... 5.4ms 3.2.0 13:08:44.668
36.1 IN 0f 04 00 01 05 04... 18us 4.1.0 13:08:44.668
36.1 IN 03 0 2 b a 00 1f 00 04 25 00 01 00 1 c e5... *... %... 335ms 5.1.0 13:08:45.004
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 CTL SEND 358us HCI 6.1.0 13:08:45.004
36.0 OUT 1 2 04 a 02 00 b... *. 3.6ms 6.2.0 13:08:45.007
36.1 IN 0f 04 00 00 1 b 04... 15US 7.1.0 13:08:45.008
36.1 IN 1 b 2 a 03 00 05... *.. 12ms 8.1.0 13:08:45.021
36.1 IN 0f 04 00 01 00 00... 1.9ms 9.1.0 13:08:45.022
36.1 IN b 0 0 2 b a 00 00 ff ff fe 00 80 f9 9B 8 d... *... 13th month 10.1.0 13:08:45.035
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 CTL SEND HCI 600us 11.1.0 13:08:45.036
36.0 to 0c a 08 02 2, 00... *. 3.3ms 11.2.0 13:08:45.039
36.1 IN 0e 08 01 08 00 2 a, 00 00 00 0c... *... 1.0MS 12.1.0 13:08:45.040
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 CTL SEND 485us HCI 13.1.0 13:08:45.041
36.0 to 0d 08-04-2 a 00 05 00... *... 4.5ms 13.2.0 13:08:45.045
36.1 IN 0e 06 01 08 2 a 00 00 0d... *. 21us 14.1.0 13:08:45.046
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 CTL SEND HCI 343us 15.1.0 13:08:45.046
36.0 to 0c a 08 02 2, 00... *. 3.6ms 15.2.0 13:08:45.049
36.1 IN 0e 08 01 08 00 2 a 00 05 00 0c... *... 1.0MS 16.1.0 13:08:45.050
36.2 ON 2 to 20 0C 00 08 00 01 00 02 01 04 00 03 00 59 00 *... Y. 998us 17.1.0 13:08:45.051
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 CTL SEND 229us HCI 18.1.0 13:08:45.052
36.0 to 0f 04 04 2 00 a 18 cc... *... 18.2.0 4.7ms 13:08:45.056
36.1 IN 0f 04 00 01 0f 04... 16US 19.1.0 13:08:45.057
36.1 IN 1 d 05 2 a 00 00 and 18 cc... *... 985us 20.1.0 13:08:45.057
36.1 IN 13 05 01 2 a 00 01 00... *... 1.9ms 21.1.0 13:08:45.059
36.2 IN 2 a 20 10 and 00 00 01 00 03 01 08 00 49 00 59 00 0c *... IY 123ms 22.1.0 13:08:45.183
00 00 00 00 .... 22.1.16
36.2 ON 2 to 20 0C 00 08 00 01 00 04 02 04 00 49 00 00 00 *... J.M. 2.9ms 23.1.0 13:08:45.186
36.2 IN 2 a 20 10 and 00 00 01 00 04 02 08 00 59 00 00 00 0c... * THERE... 12US 24.1.0 13:08:45.186
01 02 9b 06 .... 24.1.16
36,2 SUR 2 a 20 0e 0 a 00 00 01 00 05 02 06 00 49 00 00 00 *... J.M. 978us 25.1.0 provisions 13:08:45.186
00 00 .. 25.1.16 table
36.1 IN 13 05 01 2 a 00 01 00... *... 3.0MS 26.1.0(2) 13:08:45.189
36,2 EN 2 a 20 0e 0 a 00 00 01 00 05 02 06 00 59 00 00 00 *... THERE... 12ms 28.1.0 13:08:45.202
00 00 .. 28.1.16
36.2 ON 2 to 20 0C 00 08 00 01 00 06 03 04 00 49 00 59 00 *... IY 4.0MS 29.1.0 13:08:45.206
36.1 IN 13 05 01 2 a 00 01 00... *... 6.0MS 30.1.0 13:08:45.212
36.2 IN 2 to 20 0C 00 08 00 01 00 07 03 04 00 49 00 59 00 *... IY 10 ms 31.1.0 13:08:45.222
36.0 20 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 CTL SEND HCI 148us 32.1.0 13:08:45.222
36.0 on 06 04 03 2 has 00 13... *... 5.8ms 32.2.0 13:08:45.228
36.1 IN 0f 04 00 01 06 04... 42us 33.1.0 13:08:45.228
36.1 IN a 00 16 05 04 00 2... *... 4.9ms 34.1.0 13:08:45.233

I recommend you contact Toshiba directly in this case.
Due to the fact that the SDK requires a 'contract of license for the use of SDK"(see also
No one will be able to help you here.

Tags: Toshiba

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