read UTL_File, first record is missing


I read the text with UTL_FILE file to insert data in the staging table. For some reason any the first record to the text in inserting file is not in the table
(Assume there are 10 records in text.file, except the very first record rest records is inserted successfully). Please help me on this.
create or replace
    p_in_file_name IN VARCHAR2,
    p_out_message OUT VARCHAR2)
 v_membernumber     whr_stageftd.membernumber%TYPE ;
  v_memberfullname   whr_stageftd.memberfullname%TYPE ;
 --open files
  v_file_handler := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(v_file_path, v_file_name, 'r');
   UTL_FILE.GET_LINE(v_file_handler, v_text);
        UTL_FILE.GET_LINE(v_file_handler, v_text);
      WHEN no_data_found THEN
        EXIT; -- end of file
      -------------------- Insert data in to whr_stageftd table -------------------------------
      v_detail_record              :=FNC_PIPE_PARSE (V_TEXT,1,'~');
       v_membernumber               :=FNC_PIPE_PARSE (V_TEXT,2,'~');
       v_memberfullname             :=FNC_PIPE_PARSE (V_TEXT,3,'~');
       v_locationid                 :=FNC_PIPE_PARSE (V_TEXT,4,'~');
       v_regionid                   :=FNC_PIPE_PARSE (V_TEXT,5,'~');
       v_transstartdate             :=FNC_PIPE_PARSE (V_TEXT,6,'~');
       v_transenddate               :=FNC_PIPE_PARSE (V_TEXT,7,'~');
      IF v_detail_record            = '2' THEN
        INTO whr_stageftd
            fileid ,
            membernumber ,
            memberfullname ,
            earningenddate  )
            v_transstartdate ,
        v_rec_counter := v_rec_counter + 1;
        IF mod(v_rec_counter,10000)= 0 THEN
        END IF;
      END IF;
Here's the code for FNC_PIPE_PARSE
create or replace
Function      FNC_PIPE_PARSE
 (p_instring in varchar2,
  p_field_no in number,
  p_delimiter in varchar2 default '|')
  RETURN varchar2 IS
 v_start number;
 v_no_of_chars number;
 v_instring varchar2(4000);
    v_delimiter_length NUMBER(10) := 0;
v_delimiter_length := length(p_delimiter);

  IF p_field_no = 1 THEN
   v_start := instr(v_instring,p_delimiter,1,p_field_no-1)+v_delimiter_length;
   v_no_of_chars := instr(v_instring,p_delimiter,1,p_field_no) - v_start;
examples of data
 actual data
2~105266648J~C TEST~~~20050707~20050707
2~104133506D~K TEST~~~20050707~20050707
2~104929890I~A TEST~~~20050707~20050707
2~104700166K~D TEST~~~20050708~20050708
inserted into the table data (missing first record
2~104133506D~K TEST~~~20050707~20050707
2~104929890I~A TEST~~~20050707~20050707
2~104700166K~D TEST~~~20050708~20050708
SQLERRM error is
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small stage3
Thank you

Apparently, you do not specify the parameter len to GET_LINE, and the doc says:

The parameter len GET_LINE must be a number in the range 1 to 32 767. If not specified, Oracle provides the default value of max_linesize.

The FOPEN max_linesize parameter must be a number in the range 1 to 32 767. If not specified, Oracle provides a default value of 1024.

Could it be the culprit?

You should try to put some debugging in your code to find out what online content triggers the error.

Tags: Database

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    I think this might be caused by the device or SD card, but any other video software out there reads the file properly - Windows Media Player VLC of Cyberlink Power Director (which I would rather not use). In fact, one of the files that cannot be properly read WAS now correctly read by first items 12 a few months ago (the only modification I know would have been updated to first items 12 and my moving to Windows 10)

    It's really disconcerting to have some random pictures that every piece of software out there seems to be able to read EXCEPT first of 12 items, and to have it occasionally, random files taken-by-side with a whole bunch of good files. In addition, I would like to create a movie with some of the images located in the wrong files. Does this sound familiar to anyone and if so, any advice as to the cause / fix?

    (I already uninstalled and reinstalled first 12 items, no change. I also tried to go directly to the map, rather than first - using Downloader also does not solve the problem).


    First 14 elements just came out today.  I bought and downloaded and it reads the files 'wrong' that Photoshop elements 12 cannot read without problem.


  • AJVOAF: Current record is missing during the passage to the next record

    Dear friends,

    Area of the table, I have 3 LOVs - hardware, Subinventory and Locator (I did Subinventory and Locator LOVs ReadOnly... According to requirement)
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    Help, please. Help, please.
    Let me know for any clarification

    Thank you

    Hi Christophe,

    You can have three maps already for the material scope Lov lov

    1 material Lov map
    2 subInventory Lov map
    3 locator map Lov

    Add lov-plus two cards in the material field Lov as below

    1. Add two value form fields for subinventory & locator separately, namely SubinventoryFrmVal & LocatorFrmVal.
    2. give the same attribute as subinventory & locator for the value of both form fields.
    3. Add lov map of field material that form values also. It will keep the values in the field read-only.

    You already have two cards as below:

    Add the below two like so:

    It worked for me... Try and let me know.


  • update a record is updated the first record in the comic book... Help!

    I'm going again and again to this new and can not find the problem.

    I have a form that sends an email to the emails that are on a database mysql php however when I update some documents it is always update the first record in the comics... I looked on this so many times and can not see what goes wrong

    the user ID is not auto_increment but is based on the username (which are all unique)

    I include the code to see if I'm missing something

    <? php require_once('.. / Connections/hostprop.php');? >

    <? PHP

    If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}

    function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")


    If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}

    $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;


    $theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

    Switch ($theType) {}

    case 'text ':

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "long":

    case "int":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "double":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


    case "date":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


    case "set":

    $theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;



    Return $theValue;



    $editFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];

    If (isset {}

    $editFormAction. = « ? ». htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);


    If ((isset($_POST["MM_update"])) & & ($_POST ["MM_update"] == "form1")) {}

    $updateSQL = sprintf ("UPDATE plus_signup SET email = %s, emailerSubject = %s emailerContent = %s WHERE userid = %s",

    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['email'], "text").

    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerSubject'], "text").

    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerContent'], "text").

    GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["userid"], "text"));

    @mysql_select_db ($database_hostprop, $hostprop);

    $Result1 = mysql_query ($updateSQL, $hostprop) or die (mysql_error ());

    Guarantor of the e-mail

    $to = $_POST ['email'];

    $subject = "email property student Host."

    $message ="

    < html >

    < head >

    < title > expensive ".» GetSQLValueString ($_POST ["userid"], "text"). "< /title >

    < / head >

    < body >

                                  <img src=\" ' -' alt =------"" / >

    < h2 > year students host Email < / h2 >

    < br / > < br / >

    < table >

    < b >

    Subject of the E-mail < td >: < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td >. GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerSubject'], "text"). "< table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    Content of the < td > < table > e-mail

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td >. GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['emailerContent'], "text"). "< table >

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    < / body >

    < / html >


    Content-type always defined when sending HTML email

    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0 '. « \r\n » ;

    $headers. = "content-type: text / html;" charset = iso-8859-1 ". « \r\n » ;

    $headers. = "from: < " [email protected] > '. "\r\n";

    $send = mail ($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

    $updateGoTo = "TenantEmailSent.php";

    If (isset {}

    $updateGoTo. = (strpos ($updateGoTo, '?'))? « & » : « ? » ;

    $updateGoTo. = $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'];


    header (sprintf ("location: %s", $updateGoTo));


    @mysql_select_db ($database_hostprop, $hostprop);

    $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT username, email, emailerSubject, emailerContent FROM plus_signup";

    $Recordset1 = mysql_query ($query_Recordset1, $hostprop) or die (mysql_error ());

    $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1);

    $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows ($Recordset1);

    ? >



    if(!$_SESSION['loggedIn']) / / if the user IS NOT connected, before they return to the login page




    ? >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    function loadFields (Value) {}

    var guarantor = Value.split("|");

    pseudo1 var = guarantor [0];

    var GuName = guarantor [1];

    var GuPhoneEmail = guarantor [2];

    document.getElementById('userid1').value = pseudo1;

    document.getElementById('GuName').value = GuName;

    document.getElementById('GuPhoneEmail').value = GuPhoneEmail;


    < /script >

    < do action = "<?" PHP echo $editFormAction;? ">" method = "post" name = "form2" id = "form2" >

    < table align = "center" >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > < table >

    < td > < select name = "userid" id = "userid" onchange = "loadFields (this.value)" >

    < option value = "select sponsor" > select guarantor < / option >

    <? PHP


    ? >

    < option value = "<?" PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ['userid']. '|' . $row_Recordset1 ["GuName"]. '|' . $row_Recordset1 ["GuPhoneEmail"];? > "> <?" PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ['userid']. " , " . $row_Recordset1 ["GuName"]. " , " . $row_Recordset1 ["GuPhoneEmail"];? > < / option >

    <? PHP

    } While ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1));

    $rows = mysql_num_rows ($Recordset1);

    If ($rows > 0) {}

    mysql_data_seek ($Recordset1, 0);

    $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($Recordset1);


    ? >

    < / select > < table >

    < /tr >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > tenant name < table >

    < td > < input type = "text" name = "pseudo1" id = "pseudo1" readonly = "readonly" = value "<?" PHP echo htmlentities ($row_Recordset1 ['userid'], ENT_COMPAT, ' utf - 8');? ">" size = "32" / > < table >

    < /tr >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuName: < table >

    < td > < input type = "text" name = "GuName" id = "GuName" readonly = "readonly" = value "<?" PHP echo htmlentities ($row_Recordset1 ['GuName'], ENT_COMPAT, ' utf - 8');? ">" size = "32" / > < table >

    < /tr >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuPhoneEmail: < table >

    < td > < input type = "text" name = "GuPhoneEmail" id = "GuPhoneEmail" readonly = "readonly" = value "<?" PHP echo htmlentities ($row_Recordset1 ['GuPhoneEmail'], ENT_COMPAT, ' utf - 8');? ">" size = "32" / > < table >

    < /tr >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuEmailerSubject: < table >

    < td > < input type = "text" name = "GuEmailerSubject" value = "" size = "32" / > < table > "

    < /tr >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > GuEmailerContent: < table >

    < td > < textarea name = "GuEmailerContent" cols = "45" rows = "5" > < / textarea > < table >

    < /tr >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > < table >

    < td > < input type = "submit" value = "Email" / > < table >

    < /tr >

    < tr valign = 'of basic">

    < td nowrap = "nowrap" align = "right" > < table >

    < td > < table >

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    < input type = "hidden" name = "MM_update" value = "form2" / >

    < input type = "hidden" name = "userid" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_Recordset1 ['userid'];? ">" / >

    < / make >

    I found the problem, there are two forms of the same name...

    Thank you

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    If you have several folders umay need to use foreach in the transformation.

  • Time machine can not read my previous record

    I have reinstalled mac system and erase hard drive 3 weeks ago, but I didn't completely copy all of the files of music, so when I use time machine to restore it save only sometime after I reinstalled my mac.

    I wonder how I will get my previous record? What is the problem of the authority, if time machine won't let me read the previous record?

    someone knows how to fix this?

    Should have immediately restored the files... It will now make a mess.

    I assume that all the music files means your iTunes library... If not, what do you mean?

    Did you use the same name for Mac as it did on the old installation?

    You did backup on top of the existing backup or did you start a new backup.

    If you started a new backup, you can migrate files... open the utility Directory migration wizard and select the previous backup...

    However, there are questions if you used the same user name that you currently have... Tell me if you use the same computer name or the same username.

  • Unable to read the work recorded, timeline is black and shortcuts

    Unable to read the work recorded.

    I started doing a few words with a song. It was not full yet so I recorded it. After a while, I returned to continue, but the timeline would not play. The video section containing the words of the timeline was black and shortened. I waited until the next day and it still the same. I tried to re-do and its not black or shortened, but the timeline would not play with or without music. Please I need help with this!


    1. what application you're using to play the video?

    2. you receive an error message when you try to play the video?

    You can try to recreate and save the film.


    Demo: Create a slide show with music in Windows Movie Maker

    Create movie customized for Windows Movie Maker settings

    To save a movie in Windows Movie Maker, click the link below.

    Publish a movie in Windows Movie Maker

  • CreateInsert operation creates only the first record in a table

    Hi experts,

    I use Jdev 12.1.3 and Alta UI, and I have a table with a button that calls the CreateInsert operation:

    My problem is that only the first record is created. If the user presses the button twice or more, new records does not appear.

    <af:panelCollection id="pc1" styleClass="AFStretchWidth" featuresOff="viewMenu detach">
      <f:facet name="toolbar">
         <af:toolbar id="t3">
           <af:button actionListener="#{bindings.CreateInsertTonYear.execute}" text="Add New Record" id="b1"/>
      <af:table value="#{bindings.HbtProductTonsYear.collectionModel}"
         partialTriggers="::b1" >

    Any ideas?

    Kind regards


    Try to make the button refresh panelCollection (set panelCollection partialTriggers ID button)

  • Determine if first record


    In my home, I have a slider 'attcur' and an 'attrec' record

    In the following code, I would like to know if the record is first record


    EXTRACT the attcur in attrec;

    EXIT WHEN attcur % NOTFOUND;

    -is the first record?





    I use oracle 10g

    Help, please

    Krishna Devi wrote:

    In my home, I have a slider 'attcur' and an 'attrec' record

    In the following code, I would like to know if the record is first record


    EXTRACT the attcur in attrec;

    EXIT WHEN attcur % NOTFOUND;

    -is the first record?





    Use of the slider %rowcount attribute.

  • I have 10 items.  I'm trying to update camera raw plug so it will read the first lines of a 7dmarkii shot. I can't find where to put them to update to the latest version of 8.7.  If someone could please point me in the right direction.  Thank you very muc

    I have 10 items.  I'm trying to update camera raw plug so it will read the first lines of a 7dmarkii shot. I can't find where to put them to update to the latest version of 8.7.  If someone could please point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it!

    Normally, I shoot with the 7dmarki and have never had any problems.  After troubleshooting my error message 'cannot open IMG1111 because it's the wrong file type', only the options have been updated plugin raw from the camera, to buy the latest version or uninstall and reinstall.  First train to the plugin to update because it was a leased device.  Thanks again!

    Thanks MichelBParis!  I didn't see where he said to 12 items.  I downloaded the free DNG Converter last night and not had much luck.  It is not recognizing that I have all files in the folder at all.  Don't know what I'm doing wrong!

  • PHP code takes the first record in the database regardless of the selected one

    I struggled for hours with this trying to see why no matter what file is selected, the record displayed is always the first. It must be a stupid mistake on my part, but I can't see it.

    I use DW CC 2015 with WebAssist server for server code additions. I looked at the database itself, and it's OK.

    Test data


    Copy the following code enumerates the various documents in the database. (I removed my HTML that works well for brevity).

    <? php require_once('.. /.. /.. / Connections/Terrier.php');? >

    <? php require_once('.. /.. /.. / webassist/mysqli/rsobj.php');? >

    <? PHP

    $rsDocuments = new WA_MySQLi_RS ("rsDocuments", $Terrier, 1);

    $rsDocuments-> setQuery ("" SELECT * FROM documents ' ");

    $rsDocuments-> execute();

    ? >

    <! doctype html > < html >

    "' Snip...

    < p align = "left" > < a href = "add_terrier_document.php" > add new record of Documents < /a > < /p >

    < table width = "100%" border = "1" cellspacing = "2" cellpadding = "2" >

    < tbody >

    < b >

    < td width = "26%" align = "left" > < strong title > < / strong > < table >

    < td width = "52%" align = "left" > < strong text > < / strong > < table >

    < td width = "6%" align = "center" > < table >

    < td width = "6%" align = "center" > < table >

    < td width = "6%" align = "center" > < table >

    < /tr >

    <? PHP

    {While (! $rsDocuments-> {atEnd())}

    ? >

    < b >

    < td > <? PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("dc_title"));? > < table >

    < td > <? PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("dc_text"));? > < table >

    < td width = "6%" align = "center" > < a href = "view_terrier_document.php? dc_index = <?" PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("dc_index"));? > "> view < /a > < table >"

    < td width = "6%" align = "center" > < a href = "edit_terrier_document.php? dc_index = <?" PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("dc_index"));? > "> edit < /a > < table >"

    < td width = "6%" align = "center" > < a href = "confirm_terrier_document_delete.php? dc_index = <?" PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("dc_index"));? > "> delete < /a > < table >"

    < /tr >

    <? PHP

    $rsDocuments-> moveNext();


    $rsDocuments-> moveFirst(); return the RS to the first record

    ? >

    < / tbody >

    < /table >

    < a href = "<?" PHP echo $rsDocuments-> getFirstPageLink();? > "> first < /a > - < a href =" <? PHP echo $rsDocuments-> getNextPageLink();? > "> Next < /a > - < a href =" <? PHP echo $rsDocuments-> getPrevPageLink();? > "> previous < /a > - < a href =" <? PHP echo $rsDocuments-> getLastPageLink();? > "> last < /a >"

    < p >

    .... SNIP

    The table shows the different records in the database. I can go through the files back and forth and pick any one to edit - say one-third.

    The PHP code creates the URL of http:// localhost/priory_database_2/gateway/Terrier/documentation/edit_terrier_document.php?dc_in dex = 3

    However, the record that is displayed is always record 1, regardless of the currently selected folder.

    The edition code (less HTML) is.

    <? php require_once('.. /.. /.. / Connections/Terrier.php');? >

    <? php require_once('.. /.. /.. / webassist/mysqli/rsobj.php');? >

    <? php require_once('.. /.. /.. / webassist/mysqli/queryobj.php');? >

    <? PHP

    $rsDocuments = new WA_MySQLi_RS ("rsDocuments", $Terrier, 1);

    $rsDocuments-> setQuery ("SELECT * FROM documents ORDER BY dc_index ASC");

    $rsDocuments-> execute();

    ? >

    <? PHP

    If (isset($_POST["submit"]): isset($_POST["submit_x"])) {}

    $UpdateQuery = new WA_MySQLi_Query ($Terrier);

    $UpdateQuery-> action = 'put up-to-date. "

    $UpdateQuery-> table = 'documents '.

    $UpdateQuery-> bindColumn ("dc_index", "s", "".) "((isset($_POST["dc_index"])))? $_POST ["dc_index"]:" ")". "" (', 'WA_DEFAULT');

    $UpdateQuery-> bindColumn ("dc_title", "s", "".) "((isset($_POST["dc_title"])))? $_POST ["dc_title"]:" ")". "" (', 'WA_DEFAULT');

    $UpdateQuery-> bindColumn ("dc_text", "s", "".) "((isset($_POST["dc_text"])))? $_POST ["dc_text"]:" ")". "" (', 'WA_DEFAULT');

    $UpdateQuery-> bindColumn ('date_recorded', "s", "".) "((isset($_POST["date_recorded"])))? $_POST ["date_recorded"]:" ")". "" (', 'WA_DEFAULT');

    $UpdateQuery-> bindColumn ("date_update", "s", "".) "((isset($_POST["date_update"])))? $_POST ["date_update"]:" ")". "" (', 'WA_DEFAULT');

    $UpdateQuery-> addFilter ('dc_index', '=', 'i', ' ".) () $_GET ['dc_index']). » ») ;

    $UpdateQuery-> execute();

    $UpdateGoTo = 'index.php ';

    "If (function_exists("rel2abs")) $UpdateGoTo = $UpdateGoTo? rel2abs ($UpdateGoTo, dirname (__FILE__)):" ";" "

    $UpdateQuery-> redirect ($UpdateGoTo);


    ? >

    ..... Snip

    < /table >

    < h3 align = "center" > change the document details < / h3 >

    < form id = "AddDocumentRecord" name = "AddDocumentRecord" method = "post" >

    < label for = "dc_title" > title

    < name textarea = "dc_title" cols = "150" lines = "3" maxlength = "300" id = "title" > <? PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("dc_title"));? > < / textarea >

    < / label >

    < label for = "dc_text" > Description

    < name textarea = "dc_text" cols = "150" lines = "20" maxlength = "60000" id = "text" > <? PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("dc_text"));? > < / textarea >

    < label for 'date_recorded' = > registration Date:

    < name textarea = 'date_recorded' cols = "50" rows = "1" maxlength = "20" id = 'date' > <? PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("date_recorded"));? > < / textarea >

    < / label >

    < label for = "date_update" > Date of last update:

    < name textarea = "date_update" cols = "50" rows = "1" maxlength = "20" id = "Refresh" > <? PHP echo ($rsDocuments-> getColumnVal ("date_update"));? > < / textarea >

    < / label >

    < input type = "submit" name = "submit" id = "submit" value = "Submit" >

    < input name = "dc_index" type = "hidden" id = "dc_index" value = "<?" PHP echo ((isset($_POST["dc_index"]))? $_POST ["dc_index"] ":" "")? > ">"

    < / make >

    ... Snip

    The query for the edit page should look like

    $rsDocuments = new WA_MySQLi_RS ("rsDocuments", $Terrier, 1);

    $rsDocuments-> setQuery ("SELECT * FROM documents WHERE dc_index =?");

    $rsDocuments-> bindParam ('i', ' ".) "(isset($_GET['dc_index']))? $_GET ['dc_index']:" ")". "" », «-1 ») ;

    $rsDocuments-> execute();

    What this did that select a recording with a value of dc_index.

  • First record of the block

    Hi all

    Understand that this is the last recording of the block shapes provide the: SYSTEM. LAST_RECORD.

    But if I want to know if the block is the first record of the block that I use.

    Does not include forms: SYSTEM. PREMIER_ENREGISTREMENT.

    Help, please.



    You can use: SYSTEM. CURSOR_RECORD = 1

  • How to check if this is the first record

    I have a block with some elements SL, STAFF,..., NAME of several record.
    during data entry, I want to check if this record is first record...
    If it's trees folder I need to know the SL of the latest entry of DB and based on that generate next SL.

    "Let me know how to check if my first record..?


    ManiKanchan wrote:
    I have a block with some elements SL, STAFF,..., NAME of several record.
    during data entry, I want to check if this record is first record...
    If it's trees folder I need to know the SL of the latest entry of DB and based on that generate next SL.

    "Let me know how to check if my first record..?

    Try this,

    if GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY('block_name',CURRENT_RECORD)=1 then
    end if;

    Hope this helps

  • Alert to be fired only for the first record, when there are duplicate entries


    This is related to the fact of Oracle 10 g.
    I have a block record multi in which I entered and save some codes, something like below

    Code Description
    EEEE SDT85604ET

    Now I need to post a warning/msg to go when-validate-the field Code. So now if I'm on the first record, the alert/msg will appear for code ABCD which is Ok. Now, on the next album, I get a different code PQRS as indicated above, the new alert appears which is Ok. If I enter a code that has been previously entered into the record block multi and alert/msg had been exposed to the only first alert/msg need is not displayed now know if I enter ABCD again the fourth record, the alert should not be displayed.
    Note that this must be done at the time of data entry itself. I guess that maybe it can be done by using groups Records / table plsql.

    Help with a way to solve this matter will be highly appreciated...

    Thank you and best regards...

    As you have already guessed, you must be able to keep track of how many times a value has been entered. If you know what all the possible values of 'CODE' at design time, you can create a counter for each value variable, but it would be a total pain. A better solution would be to permanently keep a total dynamics you can quickly check against. For this I recommend you use a group of registration of forms. Take a look at the demo of Forms - record group treatment (duplicate values check) I wrote. Using the packet of forms Rec_Group condition in this demo, you can easily change the process listed in the working document in your scenario. Follow all the steps in the demo. For your situation, you must change the when-validate-Item trigger so that instead of checking the dupicates and omitting the form if a duplicate is found, you check the number of entries to a value in the record group and display a message if the number is 0 or not to display a message if the number is greater than 0. Your modified WVI trigger might look like this:

       ignore     NUMBER := 0;
       bignore   BOOLEAN := FALSE;
          ignore := Rec_Group.Get_Number(Rec_Group.rg_name, :YOUR_BLOCK.CODE);
          IF ( ignore = 0 ) THEN
              -- Display your message
              -- Don't display any message
          END IF;
          /* add the code to the record group */
          bIgnore := Rec_Group.Add_Value(rec_group.rg_name, :YOUR_BLOCK.CODE, :system.trigger_record);
       END IF;

    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)

    If someone useful or appropriate, please mark accordingly.

    Published by: Silvere March 30, 2011 15:07

  • Last display first record


    Could someone tell me where in the form designer, you can configure the form so the last disk is displayed first in the request.

    For example, I have question someones name in the application and I would like to see the last disc recorded to this person (there is a join between the people and my new table). Right now my custom form returns the first record entered against them.

    Thank you


    You will need to identify this record somehow, for example by a growing number of primary key or column date_created. Then you must order by that column descending on your form.

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