Regression with tree.iconFunction: default icons have disapperead

I have a tree control, with redefined function icon.
However, for some items, I would use the default tree icons (file, sheet,...)
In Flex 1.5, if returned null from the iconFunction, the default icon displayed.
Flex 2.0, this no longer works. The doc said that the icons are in Assets.swf, but how to reference and nest them in my application?

The default icons for trees are indeed rooted in Assets.swf. You can find the names of symbols in defaults.css checking entries of type tree selector.

defaultLeafIcon: Embed (source = "Assets.swf", symbol = "TreeNodeIcon");
disclosureClosedIcon: Embed (source = "Assets.swf", symbol = "TreeDisclosureClosed");
disclosureOpenIcon: Embed (source = "Assets.swf", symbol = "TreeDisclosureOpen");
folderClosedIcon: Embed (source = "Assets.swf", symbol = "TreeFolderClosed");
folderOpenIcon: Embed (source = "Assets.swf", symbol = "TreeFolderOpen");

Tags: Flex

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    I suggest you to see link below and check if it helps.

    How to arrange files using folder views in Windows XP:

    For your reference: Changes in the size, the view, the icon or the position of a file are lost.

    Registry warning:
    Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
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    I saw that he pointed out that you could solve the problem simply by starting in safe mode, opening session to the affected user, wait a few minutes and then restart in normal mode. I have not tested it myself but it seems easier to try than the following suggestions, then you might want to try first. To start in safe mode, press F8 twice a second immediately after the ignition until you get a menu b & w, select Safe Mode from this menu with up/hit and seized arrow keys. Don't worry strange messages or the appearance of the screen when he finally gets to the opening scene of session.

    If the above fails, take a look at this thread...

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    ... FixIt have a good reputation on this forum, so you might want to try the manual corrections.

    Please let us know how you go.


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    1. what exactly happens when you try to access these icons, you get any errors?

    2 have. what measures you tried to reset the icons back?

    Method 1:

    Try to follow the steps in this article: icons change incorrectly in Windows


    Create a new user account and check if it works:

    If the new works by user account can transfer files and folders to new user account:

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    Ok.. I'm totally guessing here, but try:

    Go in run (Windows key + R) and type
    %windir%\system32\Control.exe/name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms

    Now, select the desktop and then "Set this program by default."

    If this does not work, right click on computer and select "Properties".  Then choose 'Advanced system settings', then 'Performance '.  Make sure 'Show thumbnails instead of icons' is checked.

    Finally, if this still doesn't work, then go in run and type
    \AppData\Local C:\Users\[user name]

    Where [username] is the name of your current user account.  Then, click on "Organize" and then "folder and search options."  Then click on the 'View' tab and select to 'See the hidden files.'  After that is done, a file named IconCache should appear.  Remove the suction cup and reboot!

    Good luck!

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    Thank you


    This could be due to a virus or infection of malware on the computer or problems with the Database Cache icon on the computer. I wish I had this information to better understand:

    (1) have you run an analysis using software registry cleaner on your computer recently?

    (2) what antivirus application do you use on your computer?

    Refer to these methods in the order in which they are presented, and check the status of the issue.

    Method 1:

    Run the difficulty of following article and see if it helps:

    Difficulty of broken desktop shortcuts and common system maintenance tasks

    Method 2:

    These types of problems occur sometimes due to the infection by the virus in the computer. You can scan your computer from a Microsoft Security Scanner, which would help us to get rid of viruses, spyware and other malicious software.

    The Microsoft Security Scanner is a downloadable security tool for free which allows analysis at the application and helps remove viruses, spyware and other malware. It works with your current antivirus software.

    Note: The Microsoft Safety Scanner ends 10 days after being downloaded. To restart a scan with the latest definitions of anti-malware, download and run the Microsoft Safety Scanner again.

    Note: The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.

    Method 3:

    If the problem persists, then check the suggestions by Gaurav Prakash in the following thread and check if that helps. Skip the steps you have done already.

    Reference for more information link ~ PageNum ~.

    Hope this information is useful. Follow us if you need assistance.

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    Here is a free software that will do it without risky registry changes.  Of course I would recommend when even take a few seconds to create a system restore point before using it, just to be sure.

    File of Type utility for Windows 7:
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    Did you make any changes before the show?

    Method 1: Run a virus scan to make sure that the computer is virus-free.
    Note: The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.

    Method 2: Icons change incorrectly in Windows
    Note: Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 322756 ( /) how to back up and restore the registry in Windows.

    Method 3: When you run an .exe on a Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 computer file, the file can start another program
    Note: Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 322756 ( /) how to back up and restore the registry in Windows.

    Let us know if that helps.

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    Using Word 2007 to get an example:

    I've seen this happen when opening a program via a shortcut on the desktop (for example. LNK file), you are asked what type of program to open it with. After you select theWord (or another program) via the Select a program from a list of programs installedand checkalways use the selected program to open this type of file, the referenced by the shortcut of origin Word document opens in Word as it should.

    The problem is that now all shortcuts (for example. LNK files) on the desktop or in the Explorer will want to be opened by Word and use Word icon to display the shortcut. This is known as a file association and the default icon. The same condition can occur if you have performed these actions on one. JPG or even a. EXE, but the. LNK explanation is much more likely.

    This has happened enough that a small utility was written to cancel the. LNK file association was created. There is a registry hack to do this, but I recommend the utility unLNK for its ease of use.

    A utility to Unassociate Types of files in Windows 7 and Vista

    Just use the utility to unassociate the. LNK files. Operating instructions are available on the web page above (the same place to get the utility).

    • If this proposal of solution solves your problem, please go back and mark as answer for others to consider.
  • Change the icon to the default icon .srt

    Hello, can anyone helpme? I have a problem with the .srt file.  I inadvertently chose open with notepad in the srt file, and whenever I open the its open with notepad .srt file, previous windows will ask to open with? ... but now, srt file opens with Notepad, how to change the icon of the srt to cannot be read by windows and will open with?... to be a default icon...

    Hello Farell,

    Thanks for posting your question on the Microsoft community.

    Thank you for details on the issue.

    I suggest you try to restore a previous version of the file and check if that helps.

    Previous versions are copies of files and folders created by Windows backup or copies of files and folders that Windows automatically saves as part of a restore point. You can use previous versions to restore files and folders that you accidentally modified or deleted, or which have been damaged. Please follow these steps:

    a. right click on the file and then click on "restore previous versions."

    You will see a list of the available versions of previous of the file or folder. The list will include files saved on a backup (if you use the Windows backup utility to back up your files) as well as restore points.

    b. before you restore a previous version of a file or a folder, select the previous version and then click on 'Open' to make sure it's the version you want to view.

    c. to restore a previous version, select the previous version and then click on "restore".

    d. click apply and ok.

    I hope this information helps.

    Please let us know if you need more help.

    Thank you

  • Default icons only for the interactive report

    Hi all

    I develop a style app catalog and display of images in an interactive report; I can get the interactive report to show the icon when users visit the report the first time, the report is quite simple. It has a series of buttons for Sections of the catalogue and when the user presses the button he fills a hidden element that is in the where the criteria catalogue, all it works fine with one exception:

    1. when the user clicks on the button catalogue and interactive data in gear changes; report changes 'View report', I want to maintain state in "Fashion icon" is possible that someone knows how can I have the interactive report only display "icon.

    Thank you very much for your help in advance, I tried a couple of things and nothing... any help would be greatly appreciated.

    958442 wrote:
    Hi all

    Welcome to the forum: read the FAQ and the forum threads sticky (if you have not already done so) and update your profile with a real handle instead of '958442 '.

    When you have a problem, you will get an answer faster, more efficient including information as much information as possible from the outset. This should include:

  • Full version of APEX
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  • Browser (s) and version (s) used
  • Theme
  • Model (s)
  • Region/section type (s) (particularly as to distinguish if a 'report' is a standard report, an interactive report, or indeed a 'update report' (i.e. a tabular presentation))

    With APEX, we also had the chance to have a great resource in where we can reproduce and share problems. Reproduce things is the best way to solve most of the questions, particularly those relating to the layout and Visual formatting. If you expect a detailed response it is appropriate that you take on an important part of the effort by getting as much as possible with an example of the problem on before asking for help on specific issues, then we can see firsthand.

    I develop a style app catalog and display of images in an interactive report; I can get the interactive report to show the icon when users visit the report the first time, the report is quite simple. It has a series of buttons for Sections of the catalogue and when the user presses the button he fills a hidden element that is in the where the criteria catalogue, all it works fine with one exception:

    1. when the user clicks on the button catalogue and interactive data in gear changes; report changes 'View report', I want to maintain state in "Fashion icon" is possible that someone knows how can I have the interactive report only display "icon.

    Thank you very much for your help in advance, I tried a couple of things and nothing... any help would be greatly appreciated.

    It also helps explain what you tried (even better, Show us what you have tried on

    You can view the IR to the default icon via a dynamic Action: + {: identifier of the thread = 2187972} + (obviously using "ICON" rather than "RETAIL"...)

    However, do you really intend to make use of other interactive report features? It seems that the report display is controlled by custom buttons, rather than shares of IR (filters, control breaks etc.). If this is the case then a standard report based on a custom template may be a better option than to try to work around all that offer interactive reports.

  • Change the default icon for dissatisfied node

    Is it possible to change the default icon for the node dissatisfied (dissatisfied indicator). I checked the content element of the user interface with the same name, but it doesn't have the setting file from the source in it, so I guess it's hard coded. I tried to change the source file with the name unsatisfied_status.gif to a different image and it works, but it will be a big change of system. I want to do this as a specific model change. Did anyone done this before? Thanks in advance.

    See you soon,.

    [My Oracle Blog |]

    Have you tried to change the name of the image in the page change the UI?
    Interface user edit page lists a few images that can be modified for each user interface, as dissatisfied with indicator, etc. logical status icons.

  • Illustrator CS4 toolbar icons have "smeared"!

    Hey people,

    You have a strange problem this morning from my copy of Illustrator CS4 work, a large number of icons on the toolbar when you have daubed for some reason any? See the image below for what I mean, when you click and hold on one of them family tools are also smeared, they all seem to work very well, you mind.


    If anyone has had this problem and don't know a solution? I rebooted the system, update CS4, windows update, update of the graphics driver

    No other CS4 components have problems.

    I running design premium CS4 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on a Dell Precision T5500, Xeon E5520 processor with 12 GB of Ram and a Nvidia Quadro FX1800 if that's any help to anyone.

    Thanks in advance.


    I think it was the conflict any more as a plug-in hardware.

    However if she just started to happen it might be something to do with a setting in either the drivers of the card or Illustrator or the system

    You can try toreset your settings by pressing control, alt, and shift keys (all 3 together) when you start Illustrator.

    That resets the settings or you can move or delete the settings folder if it does not help, sometimes, something else in the folder is damaged.

    This may also be a conflict with a policy, if you have installed or updated software up-to-date recentlyI suspect this software or the police. Do you have free fonts recently used in a document?

    Here's how you can find and remove the settings foder

    1. quit Illustrator.
    2. rename the AIPrefs file (for example, to AIPrefs.old) user / AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Illustrator CS3 Settings(user)folder.
    3. launch Illustrator. Illustrator creates a new preferences file.

    4. you can also just trash this record if the new preferences work very well. Also, if this does not work then move the entire Adobe Illustrator CS3 settings folder to another location like your desktop for temporary storage Illustrator will create a new folder with all the elements required in the folder and the settings will be cool by default.

    However, if there is a conflict or hardware issues this will probably not help.

    If you do not find the to this place, do a search for it.

    Also, if you have moved the computer or installed any hardware in your office could be map is in place is more well, the card isn't quite right or the display could be funny or goes funny. But I do not.

Maybe you are looking for