Reisntall ZN5 Linux-Java


My next Motozine ZN5 started with Chess: [1] texting (sms) receive again and again, are up to 10 times. [2] most of the phone calls does not. [3] mesaages text cannot be displayed using Motorola Phone Tool. When I install MPT, I could see MPT by sms, but one day I couldn't see more.

I used "Reset all settings" option, but it does not work.

I think I need to reinstall the operating system of the mobile phone: Linux/Java, but I don't know how to do it.

Can someone help me and tell me how I can reinstall the operating system?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards



If the option was available, it would be only by means of or sending in a Motorola Service Center.

Support Forums Manager

Tags: Motorola Phones

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  • Linux - Nimbus LookAndFeel: Table grid lines do not come

    I use in my java application NimBusLookAndFeel. I tried to show grid lines in the table.

    Following the code works perfectly fine on windows but not on Linux (table grid lines don't appear under linux)

    UIManager.setLookAndFeel ("");
    UIManager.put ("Table.showGrid", true);
    UIManager.put ("Table.intercellSpacing", New Dimension (1,1));

    Following are details of java version on linux

    Java version "1.6.0_12" Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12 - b04) Java hotspot Server VM (build 11.2 - b01, mixed mode)

    I also tried on JDK 1.6 update 30, but in vain

    It takes overrive after Nimbus UIDefaults

    try {// UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
                for (LookAndFeelInfo info : UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
                    if (info.getName().equals("Nimbus")) {
                        UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
                        defaults.put("Table.gridColor", new Color (214,217,223));
                        defaults.put("Table.disabled", false);
                        defaults.put("Table.showGrid", true);
                        defaults.put("Table.intercellSpacing", new Dimension(1, 1));
            } catch (Exception e) {
  • How to stop a closing step

    I want to trap the clicking on 'X' on the window and possibly prevent the window from closing. I have this code:

    public void start (final stage) bird Exception {}
    Mother-root = FXMLLoader.load (getClass () .getResource ("demo.fxml"));

    Scene = new Scene (root);
    stage.setScene (scene);
    stage.setTitle ("Demo");
    stage.setScene (scene);
    stage.onCloseRequestProperty () .set (new EventHandler < WindowEvent > () {}
    public void handle (WindowEvent e) {}
    System.Err.println ("A");
    stage.setOnCloseRequest (new EventHandler < WindowEvent > () {}
    {} public void handle (WindowEvent ev)
    System.Err.println ("B");

    stage.onHidingProperty () .set (new EventHandler < WindowEvent > () {}
    public void handle (WindowEvent e) {}
    System.Err.println ("C");
    stage.setOnHiding (new EventHandler < WindowEvent > () {}
    {} public void handle (WindowEvent ev)
    System.Err.println ("D");

    public void stop() bird Exception {}
    System.Err.println ("E");
    Super.Stop ();

    When you click the 'X' on the window, it prints


    If I add an Event.consume (here):

    stage.setOnCloseRequest (new EventHandler < WindowEvent > () {}
    {} public void handle (WindowEvent ev)
    System.Err.println ("B");

    and now, I get this:

    The '< unknown >' program met with an X Window System error.
    This probably reflects a bug in the program.
    The error was 'GLXBadDrawable '.
    (Details: series 113 error_code 149 136 minor_code request_code 5)
    (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;)
    in other words, you will receive the error a while after the cause.
    To debug your program, run it with the - sync command line option
    option to change this behavior. You can then get a significant
    backtrace of your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function).

    I am running Java on Linux:

    Java version "1.7.0_17".
    Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_17 - b02)
    Java for 64-bit Server VM (build 23, 7 - b01, mixed mode)

    When you click the 'X' on the window, it prints


    This is the expected behavior.

    If I add an Event.consume (here):

    stage.setOnCloseRequest (new EventHandler() {}
    {} public void handle (WindowEvent ev)
    System.Err.println ("B");

    and that's the correct way to veto the request to close the scene...


    and now, I get this:

    The '' program met with an X Window System error.
    This probably reflects a bug in the program.

    But it is a bug. You must file a JIRA to do this. It's probably worth upgrading to the latest version of the JDK is available, both the stable release (JDK 1.7.0 u21) and also try with the latest snapshot of the JDK 8 (b88 currently); This will give you an idea as to if this problem has already been fixed.

    FWIW, it works for me: I'm under JDK 1.7.0 u21 on Mac OS X; but this level of window events necessarily involves an interaction with the native windowing toolkit.

  • DG4ODBC configured and working but receiving ORA-28528 for some columns

    DG4ODBC is configured and working for XE 11 GR 2, but under some circumstances receiving SQL Error: ORA-28528: heterogeneous Services data type conversion error.

    Configuration: DG4ODBC configured for Oracle 11 g 2 using ODBC datasource based on IBM UniVerse ODBC Driver UVODBC. DLL (25/08/2009), all on the same host 32-bit Windows designed to extract data from remote AIX based IBM/Rockit universe version 10.1 of the database.

    After 3 orders with matching results illustrate the problem:

    Select NO_PROD from bill_mat@dblink, including NO_PROD not in ('15', '20', '24', '6',' 10');

    no selected line

    Select NO_PROD, count (*) from bill_mat@dblink where NO_PROD Group ('15', '20', '24', ' 6', ' 10') of NO_PROD;

    ---------- --------
    6 1
    20 1
    24 1
    9 out of 10
    15 1

    Select NO_PROD in the bill_mat@dblink;

    Error at startup on line 19 of order:
    Select NO_PROD from bill_mat@dblink
    Error report:
    SQL error: ORA-28528: heterogeneous Services data type conversion error
    ORA-02063: preceding line of DBLINK
    28528 00000 - "heterogeneous Services data type conversion error."
    * Cause: Is a type of data Oracle could not be converted to a non-Oracle
    data type, or a type of data non-Oracle could not be converted
    for an Oracle data type. Here are the possible reasons
    the failure of the conversion:
    -overflow problems (in the case of numbers)
    -the limits of length (in the case of strings)
    -invalid values passed in the conversion routines
    * Action: Contact customer support of the agent vendor. If the problem is
    due to differences in size between Oracle and the non-Oracle system.
    It is not possible to convert the value.

    LIST universe queries shows many ' white' values for both fields LST.WO & no PROD that issue when trying to query through DG4ODBC, in the case of the subjects table "BILL_MAT":

    LIST BILL. MAST LST.WO No. LOCK PROD 16:08:44 November 22, 2011 PAGE 11

    239912 10
    239913 15
    239915 20
    Press a key to continue...

    Interestingly, the output of this test JDBC application is different, including references to "null" values "in white" referred to as with output LIST above:

    import java.sql. *;
    import java. IO;

    public class billmat {}

    Public Shared Sub main (String [] argv)
    try {}
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;

    Connect to the server U2

    Chain account = "universe_account";
    String userid = "username";
    String passwd = "password";
    String host = "AIX_Host";
    String url = "jdbc:ibm-u2://"+host+"/"+account+"?tracelevel=5;tracefile=qiang.trace";

    Load the driver and connect to the server
    Class.forName ("");
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (url, username, passwd);

    System.out.println ("successful - \n\t*---connexion * \n");

    System.out.println ("1. Select the file Bill. MAT ------------------------");
    testQuery (con);

    con. Close;
    } catch (SQLException e) {}
    System.out.println ("Ex-Message:" + e.getMessage ());
    System.out.println ("ex-code:" + e.getErrorCode ());
    System.out.println ("Ex-SQLState:" + e.getSQLState ());
    System.out.println ("Ex-Next:" + e.getNextException ());
    e.printStackTrace ();
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    System.out.println ("Exception caught:" + e);
    e.printStackTrace ();

    * Select CUST. MAT file.
    @param con The JDBC connection object.
    public static void testQuery (connection con)
    throws SQLException
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement ();
    String sql = "select DISTINCT LST.WO, no. PROD, BILL's LOCK. CARPET where LST.WO is not null or not. PROD is not zero. "
    Run the SELECT statement
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery (sql);

    Results of the first five records
    System.out.println ("\tlist selected columns for the first five records :");
    int i = 1;
    While ( () & & I < 100)

    System.out.println ("\tLST_WO: \t" + rs.getString (1));
    System.out.println ("\tNO_PROD: \t" + rs.getString (2));
    System.out.println ("\tLOCK: \t" + rs.getString (3));

    i ++ ;

    RS. Close();
    stmt. Close();
    System.out.println ("\n\t*---QUERY test has been successfully-* \n");
    System.out.println ("\n\tDisplay Count: \t" + i);


    [root@VM-Linux01 Linux] # java billmat

    -Successful - connection

    1. select in the file Bill. MAT ------------------------
    LST_WO: null
    NO_PROD: null
    LST_WO: null
    NO_PROD: 10
    LST_WO: null
    NO_PROD: 15
    LST_WO: null
    NO_PROD: 20
    LST_WO: null
    NO_PROD: 6
    LST_WO: null
    NO_PROD: 24

    -QUERY test was performed with success-

    Number of view: 7

    The reason column THAT LOCK is included above is because he is using DG4ODBC queryable and presents itself as (null) in the result of the query and provided by SQLDeveloper.

    Considering the above findings, it seems what ORA-28528 IS NOT associated with problems of overflow or limits of length. Instead, some kind of mapping characterset problem here seems more plausible. For example, it seems NULL value returned in the case of the columns LST_WO and NO_PROD of the distant universe database is mapping not properly in the way that a NULL value is represented in the database 11 GR 2. Y at - it % HS_ in file init DG4ODBC value that can be set to solve this problem? I'm not quite sure the range of settings that exist, but try different values for HS_LANGUAGE which did not help.

    There is no problem using Excel MS Query to recover data using the same system DSN and associated ODBC driver on which DG4OBDC the installation program is based on the same Windows computer where DG4ODBC is configured.

    Here are the current settings of DG4ODBC for this instance (initDBLINK.ora):

    # Other parameters HS_LANGUAGE attempted to solve the problem are discussed below:
    # HS_LANGUAGE = american_america.utf8
    # HS_LANGUAGE = american_america.al32utf8

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

    Edited by: WileyCoyote 8 March 2012 13:33

    Edited by: WileyCoyote 8 March 2012 13:39

    A gateway trace level 255 (HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL0 = 255) could be interesting - also the definition of the source table (how the table is defined in the database of version 10.1 IBM/Rockit universe).

  • On the TID


    Assuming that each RealTimeThread is mapped to a core of a thread in the operating system (for example as happens when I create a thread with pthread_create), I would like to know if the getId function returns the nucleus of identification of the thread (TID). When I run the command "ps" the thread TID seems different from the identifier to obtain from a Java application. If my suspicious are correct, how can I get the Java TID?

    Kind regards

    802487 wrote:
    Now, I wonder if the linux (obtained using the "ps" command) thread id and the java thread id (for example, obtained using Thread.getID () in java) are linked, i.e. the id of thread = 4001 linux - java thread id = 1; thread ID = 4002 Linux - java thread id = 2... and so on.

    The Java Thread id is a sequential counter, nothing more, for each new thread gets the next value (including threads created by the libraries).

    There may be a correlation with the TID Linux Linux assigns thread ID in the order as well, but that assumes no other processes or threads on the system are created while the VM is running - which is not likely.

    Enter your native code to get the ID of the current thread to the BONES

    David Holmes

  • Updated Java Plugin 8 45 (click-to-play), Linux has been blocked for your protection.

    I use kali linux OS and I've updated for mozilla firefox 40.0, but there are sites that requires the java plugin and when I tried to understand things, I came to this page with the message for security reasons, please tell me how to unlock it or what is the ideal solution to activate java plugin?

    The 45 update of Java Version 8 is an old version and is blocked due to a publicly disclosed vulnerability
    Java Version 8 update 60 is the current for Linux as of August 18, 2015

  • Firefox will not load Java on Linux - even after following all the instructions on the net I can find - what am I doing wrong?

    The problem I have is that I am running Puppy Linux on my laptop.

    Now, I have tried everything I can to get Java works under Firefox, chrome, or Seamonkey (I have all three browsers on my computer).

    For firefox and seamonkey, I tried the following-

    Downloaded the tar.gz for java file
    he unzipped in/opt/java
    went to/user/lib/mozilla/plugins and run the command
    to create the symbolic link to the plugin
    check that the plugin is executable (in fact even tried to give all full read/write permission and run it)

    For chrome does the same thing but put the symbolic link in the/usr/lib/chromium-linux/plugins folder instead.

    Restart the web browser, even tried to restart the X server where the browser runs somewhere in the background.

    All three browsers can pick up all other .so plugins in this folder except Java.

    When I click on check plugins on firefox I access the page on 'Missing Java? -For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Java. Please install the latest version.

    However, the version I downloaded is Version 7 9 update that is exactly the same as that which is available under the latest version of Java is (it was only downloaded from this link a few minutes before, I even tried to re - download just in case there was an update in 5 minutes).

    If I go to the Java folder and run the control panel of the Java Control Panel appears, and he knows where Java is installed and everything.

    So what's happening? I have installed the plugin in the right directory? I guess then that is where all the other plugins are stored and Firefox, Chrome and Seamonkey are picking all others upward fine, or would there be an old version of Java lurking around somewhere on my system, Firefox, Seamonkey, and Chrome are trying all to use it?

    I also tried to download the RPM and posing in the folder/usr/java and replacing the symlink/opt/java than in the folder/usr/java and still nothing.

    I don't really understand it ' cos it's picking up all the other plugins like Gecko and even installed Flash in the same way and that works very well. is the classic Java plugin.

    You need the of next generation plugin (for examplejava/lib/i386/ for current browsers.

  • Are Java and Flash (or any plugin; actually) supported by Linux Firefox 8? I don't see any directory in the installation directory plugins or lib.

    I don't see any plugin support on install Linux Firefox 8 tar.bz2 package. I tried and to the stable directory, but symbolic Firefox does not seem to recognize people. I can't find any mention of a disabling support for plugins (Java and Flash specifically) on Firefox 8 release notes. Someone else has this problem?

    You can create a folder plugins in the Firefox profile folder and put symbolic links in this folder.

  • Conflict Version Java problem on ADR 3 Linux installation.


    I installed 3 ADR in vmware in Oracle Linux 6.5 64-bit. It works fine, no problem. Now in my production server, I try to install 3 ADR in Oracle Linux 6.2 64bits. Oracle HTTP Server 11 (web tier) is also installed in the same server. I can't wait to move from ESO of Glassfish/ADR REST Full web services Apex 4.2.6 support. Now I have also installed Glassfish Server successfully.

    When I run the command

    Java $-ords.war advanced pot installation

    Suite error indicates:

    Java $ [oracle@myserver ords3] - installation of ords.war advanced pot

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: oracle, dbtools, jarcl, Entrypoint: version unsupported major.minor 51.0

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1 (Native Method)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(



    to$ 000 (


    at (Native Method)


    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

    to Sun.misc.Launcher$appclassloader$ AppClassLoader.loadClass (

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

    The main class is not found: oracle.dbtools.jarcl.Entrypoint. Program ends.

    I suspect it's the Java version number so I checked the version


    Java version "1.6.0_22".

    OpenJDK (IcedTea6 1.10.4) runtime environment (rhel - - x86_64)

    OpenJDK 64-bit Server VM (build 20, 0 - b11, mixed mode)

    Then I installed the jdk 1.7... and control changes in fact file installation in bash_profile as follows:

    JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/JDK1.7.0_79; Export JAVA_HOME

    Path=$path:$JAVA_HOME/bin:/usr/java/JDK1.7.0_79/JRE/bin; export PATH

    but the version of java is always Now, since ORDS3 requires jdk 1.7... I think the problem is with the version of java. But I can't do the update java as the default jdk. How can I do it. Help, please

    Thank you

    Hasan Al Mamun

    Problem is resolved a little, or it was done one way or another.

    I created another server in vmware with OL6.0 64 bit. Java version is jdk1.6...

    Now, I have

    1 tar - vxzf jdk-7u79-linux - x 64 .tar .gz

    created by /usr/jdk1.7.0_79

    in the bash profile

    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk1.7.0_79

    PATH="$path":/usr/JDK1.7.0_79/bin; export PATH

    2. now installed server Glassfish then it took the JAVA_HOME for Installation.

    3. now, I issued the command

    ords.war advanced pot /usr/JDK1.7.0_79/bin/Java-installation

    Done with success.

    4. now, I could deploy deployment ords.war and i.war in Glassfish Server

    It works fine now.

    If the key was to install JDK 7 and set JAVA_HOME to java to update location prior to the Installation of Glasfish.

    Thank you

  • ODI 12.1.3 - Linux OS (fedora22) - Apache Hadoop 2.6 - Apache hive 1.2.1 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: could not load driver JDBC [org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver] class

    Help gurus,

    Please note that the following works on my laptop:

    [oracle@fedora22 oracle] $ netstat - lpten | grep 9000

    (Not all processes could be identified, do not belong to the process info

    will not be shown, you would have to be root for all to see.)

    TCP 0 0 * LISTEN 1001 29114 1651/java

    [oracle@fedora22 oracle] $ beeline u jdbc:hive2: / / localhost:10000 / default

    Connection to jdbc:hive2: / / localhost:10000 / default

    Connected to: hive Apache (version 1.2.1)

    Pilot: Hive JDBC (version 1.2.1)

    Isolation of transactions: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ

    Version 1.2.1 by Apache the hive of the Beeline

    0: jdbc:hive2: / / localhost:10000 / default > show databases;


    | database_name |


    | by default |


    1 selected line (3,088 seconds)

    0: jdbc:hive2: / / localhost:10000 / default >

    but when I try and connect from within ODI:


    java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: could not load driver JDBC [org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver] class

    at oracle.odi.core.datasource.provider.AbstractDataSourceProvider.configure(

    to oracle.odi.core.DataSourceManager$ LoginTimeoutDataSourceProviderProxy.configure (

    at oracle.odi.core.DataSourceManager.createAndConfigureDataSourceProvider(

    to oracle.odi.core.DataSourceManager.access$ 000 (

    to oracle.odi.core.DataSourceManager$ 1.create(

    at org.springframework.util.CachingMapDecorator.get(

    in java.util.Collections$ SynchronizedMap.get (

    at oracle.odi.core.DataSourceManager.getDataSource(

    at oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance.lookupDataSource(



    at com.sunopsis.graphical.dialog.SnpsDialogTestConnet.getLocalConnect(

    to com.sunopsis.graphical.dialog.SnpsDialogTestConnet.access$ 400 (

    to com.sunopsis.graphical.dialog.SnpsDialogTestConnet$ 5.doInBackground(

    to com.sunopsis.graphical.dialog.SnpsDialogTestConnet$ 5.doInBackground(




    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: could not load driver JDBC [org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver] class

    at oracle.odi.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource.setDriverClassName(

    to oracle.odi.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource. < init > (

    at oracle.odi.core.datasource.provider.DriverManagerDataSourceProvider.doCreateDataSource(

    at oracle.odi.core.datasource.provider.AbstractDataSourceProvider.configure(

    ... more than 17

    This is not the right approach, even if it works. Why?

    1. If tomorrow you need to work with Hbase, do you also follow the same thing?

    2 much booty pots related to each other and it is not advisable to all copy them into the folder of the agent.

    3. you're going to mess after copying all the pots in the record of the agent.

    Instead, add the lib path to the additional_path file. This file is in the home directory of the user if his linux machine.

    For example:

    cat /home/oracle/.odi/userlib/additional_path

    See that I added a point here.

    If it's windows, see


  • Cannot find 7u72 Java for Linux 32 bit

    I downloaded both jre and the jdk 7u72 Java for 32-bit Linux from here: (Java Archive downloads - Java SE 7), but when I unzip and unpack, and run java-version, he says that it is version 7u65.

    How can I get Java for Linux 32-bit 7u72?

    Are you sure that you are calling the correct 'java' executable (try 'which java' and check your PATH environment variable)?

    I downloaded jre-7u72-linux - i586.tar.gz

    (for some reason it was downloaded with the extension '.gz', not '. ') tar.gz') and it is the correct version:

    $ mv jre-7u72-linux-i586.gz jre-7u72-linux-i586.tar.gz
    $ tar xvzf jre-7u72-linux-i586.tar.gz
    $ cd jre1.7.0_72/bin/
    $ ./java -version
    java version "1.7.0_72"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_72-b14)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 24.72-b04, mixed mode)
  • EPM deployment of java web applications on environment Mix Linux and windows

    Hi all

    I intend to install and configure EMP

    We have 2 of linux and windows server 1.

    on linux, I am planning to install foundation, Essbase and planning.

    and in windows I intend to install HFM and FDMEE.

    now my question is when you perform the configuration for HFM and FDMEE, I need to deploy the java web application for HFM and FDMEE on windows.

    so everything by deploying web applications in java on windows that I put a different name for "domain name".

    as linux domain name will be 'EPMSystem', so for windows it would be different as 'EPMSystem1'.

    There will be no problem if the domain names are the same for both linux and windows?

    and for weblogic server port must be different as 7001 on linux and 7002 on HFM?

    Kind regards

    Dattatray Mate


    Yes, please keep another domain name...

    Port is not a problem, you can use the same port as well

    See you soon!

    SH! going

  • Conversion back Office Documents using Java JDK running under Linux

    I need to convert Office Documents using Java JDK running in the Linux VM to PDF without human interaction, is this possible? How?

    It could be a service web or other solutions, but it should work on Linux and must be callable from java.

    You shot yourself in the foot because with accuracy of conversion of Office documents requires Office. Which requires Mac or Windows (preferably Windows). Solution server of Adobe's LiveCycle PDF generator. Has a Java interface, but you will need Windows server for it.

  • R12.2 on Oracle Linux 6.5 (VM): Exception in thread "Thread-64" java.lang.NullPointerException


    Try to install R12.2 a diagram of 4 nodes (servers, 2 database - RAC - oracle_home shared, 2 application - appl_top shared servers).

    OS on all servers: Oracle Linux 6.5, kernel 2.6.39 - 400.212.1.el6uek.x86_64 on all nodes.

    The database installation went well. Further installation on the 1st application node. Configuration loaded successfully from the database, checking the system started but rapidwiz freezes with ' Exception in thread "Thread-64" java.lang.NullPointerException ".

    [oracle@erpappldev01 ~] $ vncserver

    New office of "" (oracle) is

    Startup applications specified in /home/oracle/.vnc/xstartup

    Log file is /home/oracle/.vnc/

    [oracle@erpappldev01 ~] $ export DISPLAY =: 1

    [oracle@erpappldev01 ~] $ /inst/inst/r12.2.2/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/rapidwiz

    Installation Wizard fast is to validate your file system...


    Quick Installation Wizard will now launch the Java Interface...

    [oracle@erpappldev01 ~] $

    Exception in thread "Thread-64" java.lang.NullPointerException





    at (unknown Source)

    I have all the necessary packages installed on OEL and followed instructions of the following documents:

    Oracle eBusiness Suite Installation and upgrade of exit 12 (12.2) Notes for Linux x 86-64 (Doc ID 1330701.1()

    Controls and problems installation EBS R12.2 on RAC Cluster using a fast installation (Doc ID 1595139.1()

    using Oracle 11 g Release 2 Real Application Clusters and automatic management of the storage with Oracle E-Business Suite version 12.2 (Doc ID 1453213.1()

    Share Application-level file system in Oracle E-Business Suite version 12.2 (Doc ID 1375769.1()

    I look for metalink and community "Thread-64" but no relative results found!

    Can someone please help?

    Thank you


    Problem is solved as part of the SR.

    Thank you all for your help

    Solution in the doc 1624652.1 knowledge base

    Kind regards


  • Java and MSAccess DB with Linux OS


    Nobody here has ever suffered to make Java access MSAcces DB?

    I tried to use the Jackcess http://jackcess.sourceforge.NET/

    also tried ucnaccess http://sourceforge.NET/projects/ucanaccess/

    But both give error when compiling a simple program.

    J’ai the value CLASSPATH is the value really need one? If so How to make () use UBUNTU 10.11 64 bit, Java 1.7.0_21) I tried creating libraries in NetBeans Ant and mistake once again, someone at - it a functional example of Java with DB MSAcces preference multiplatform? Because I do development and test on Linux and Use Windows. But I can use on Linux too.

    NetBeans with Jackcess complains that he Database.Open even with these imports : import java.sql.;. Import; Import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.; Import Java.util . ; Import java. NIO . * ;

    If anyone can tell me where I am goes wrong et give me the way I Thank you. If anyone know of any package simple for use with MSAcces DB also thank.

    When I tried to Use it comes with a ucnaccess. Sh to register. Jar to run it wonder of install the HSQL, downloaded, the jock. Jar in the / lib added it to the project et netbeans. s: still complains. I think it's the case le CLASSPATH, but as I have other projects with MySQL with the MySQL driver downloaded and not need to change anything CLASSPATH.,.

    Thank you


    It MIGHT help to know WHAT error you are getting.  I used Jackcess on Linux with success several times, with previous versions of access, as well as newer versions.

Maybe you are looking for

  • HP Support Assistant I suggested "create a set of recovery."

    I have a 1190 ca of Hp Envy 17 with sp1 of win7 64 bit. Everything works fine, except that I got a message from HP Support Assistant telling me to create a "recovery package" (the recovery Partition backup). When I bought the laptop, the technician g

  • cq62 fn key

    Hello I just bought a new sound CQ62-238DX Im having a little trouble trying to remove the key from the fn, it seems that my keyboard is set to default, if you press on for example F9 it only to select f9 it will increase the amount I have to press f

  • my screen size is large

    my screen size is big but my screen resolution is right and his little on, then also I also have big screen when I adjust on small please help

  • Where can I download Windows 8 unilingual and find product key when it is preinstalled on a laptop toshiba C850-B636?

    I bought a toshiba laptop with Windows 8 pre installed language. There is no sticker on the laptop product key, so I don't have access to the product key. Does anyone know where to find the product key, I want to do a clean install and get rid of all

  • Adobe Audition CS6

    Need help! problems punching on a vocal track when repeat you a certain area of a vocal track how do you keep from this area who hit you in and merge with the original track. I tried, but the section where I punch in going behind the original track.