Rename VMDK by PowerCLI - new

Then... I was checking PowerCLI 5.0 these days and cmdlet Set-hard drive has not yet obtained one - Name parameter. How can we change the name of a file with PowerCLI VMDK again regularly? I need this because this is one of the steps required in the persistent migration / data user disks of VMware View 4.0 to 4.5 / 4.6.

As I can see, there are new support ESXCLI. Can be used to rename a hard and how? It only works on 5.0 ESX hosts?

Kind regards

You are correct in your interpretation of the vSphere doc 5, this method cannot be used to rename a file in place hard.

Tags: VMware

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    Yes, you will need a different Storage VMotion to rename the files.

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    The best way to rename files from a virtual computer (including virtual disks) is a Storage vMotion in another data store, see: VMware KB: rename a virtual machine and VMware ESXi and ESX records

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    ESXi 6.0U1

    old version of h/s disc 4

    new version of h/w discs 11

    down and 6.5 TB 3.5 to to go about 8 discs.


    Based on, I just delete all descriptor VMDK files and recreate them using the vmkfstools. Size is just there in front of me, no problem. WHAT format of disc supported, I used, is a shoot shit. What was my mentality create these drives five years ago? Thin provisioned? Zerothick? Eagerzerothick? It turns out I did the zeroedthick all.

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    The process to fix my problem ended up being this:

    • Download FILE - flat hard old files.
    • SSH server, go to the path where the files FILE - flat hard.
    • RM all the files in the FILE - flat hard to represented - flat hard.
    • ls-l see the sizes of the files represented - flat hard file
    • Use mkfstools to create new files (i.e. vmkfstools - c 137438953472 - d FILE.vmdk zeroedthick)
    • RM the new FILE - flat hard
    • MV represented - flat hard to FILE - flat hard
    • Add HDD in VSphere Client on the appropriate virtual machine.
    • Rinse and repeat.
    • Down a scotch

    Thanks to all who helped.

    I hope that this will be displayed in the search for the next fool who goes through this pain.


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    VI Perl Toolkit version: 1.6

    '' script version: 3.5 Update 2

    Command line: perl - Server SERVER1 EI

    "/ vmfs/DATASTORE/server/disk_2.vmdk".

    "/ vmfs/DATASTORE/server/disk_x.vmdk".

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    following error msg

    Can't call method "fault_string" without a package or object reference line 551, & lt; STDIN & gt; line 2.

    This line 551 reads: VIExt::fail ("cannot move the virtual disk:".)

    ($@-& gt; fault_string)) ;

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    is what problem?

    Any help is appreciated.


    You do not use the right syntax, when using the vCLI reference VM vmdk, it is not the traditional:


    The syntax is the following:

    VM/vm.vmdk \[datastore\]

    If your entry should look like:

    Perl - Server SERVER1 EI ' \[DATASTORE\] server/disk_2.vmdk "" server/disk_x.vmdk \[DATASTORE\].

    It is also documented in perldoc for vmkfstools and specified in the vCLI documentation. Always good to go through the docs


    William Lam

    VMware vExpert 2009

    Scripts for VMware ESX/ESXi and resources at:

    Twitter: @lamw

    repository scripts vGhetto

    Introduction to the vMA (tips/tricks)

    Getting started with vSphere SDK for Perl

    VMware Code Central - Scripts/code samples for developers and administrators

    VMware developer community

    If you find this information useful, please give points to "correct" or "useful".

  • RENAME vmdk files

    Very well. Just a job cosmetic but good to keep it clean and uniform.

    A virtual server called "newcurtis" when he was born. So, there are files such as:

    newcurtis.VMDK - virtual disk

    newcurtis_1.VMDK - LUN mapped Raw

    newcurtis_2.VMDK - LUN mapped Raw

    newcurtis_3.VMDK - LUN mapped Raw

    Then, this "newcurtis" has been renamed "Curtis" in VI Client.

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    Then, this "Curtis" has been renamed "curtis" in VI Client.

    and a more 'mapped Raw LUN' have been added but appeared as:


    So I see "curtis.vmdk" and "Curtis.vmdk" are married. (see attachment)


    How to rename the "newcurtis_4.vmdk" and "newcurtis_5.vmdk" to ensure consistency without affecting any level of performance OS?

    Operating system is Windows 2003 file server. and another question: how to rename them all to "newcurtis" to "curtis"?

    Thank you very much


    Poster has answered their own question, good job with the research and thank you to revisit the forums with the answer.

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    Tap Albums > people then the person of your choice.

    Tap the name right at the top, then change the name.

  • PowerCLI new snapshot-> New Snapshot, the method is disabled by "com.vmware.vcDr".

    I am trying to get an error control when taking a 'new-snapshot' of a virtual computer (protected by SRM), see code below:

    $VMname = < VMname >

    $snapname = < nom_snapshot >

    try {}

    Get-VM-name $VMname | New-Snapshot - name $snapname - memory - suspend - ErrorAction Stop

    "SNAPSHOT - OK | Tee-Object - FilePath $logPath - add




    $_ | Tee-Object - FilePath $logPath - add

    'INSTANT mislukt along | Tee-Object - FilePath $logPath - add

    Output 1



    The code is a failure for the VM that are protected with SRM and I get the error:

    New Snapshot: 25/02/2015 11:47:28 New-Snapshot, the method is disabled by "com.vmware.vcDr".

    To C:\Tools\Windows_Updates\CreateSnapVM - Copy.ps1:34 tank: 27

    + Get-VM-name $VMname | New-Snapshot - name $patchname - memory - suspend - ErrorA...

    +                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:)) [new-screenshot], MethodDisabled)

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: Client20_VMServiceImpl_CreateSnapshot_ViError, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.NewSnapshot

    Anyone any idea how the GET some errorcontrol custom "New-snapshot" for SRM protected VM?

    Any help appreciated.

    Are you sure that you are trying to perform this operation on the protected virtual machine and not the placeholder VM?

  • storage vmotion 4 1 TB vmdk to a new data store 4TB on 5.5


    Benefit in performance if the 4 storage vmotion VMDK located on 4 separate data warehouses in a newly created 4TB data store. with 5.5 capacity 62, I was hoping that someone could tell me.

    I appreciate it

    Well well, the response - as before - is "it depends...". ».

    If you want to use a large drive or multiple small disks depends on the structure of data. If you can not divide the data into departments for example, projects, home/profile,... you can be better with a single large disk. Don't forget to use a GPT partition table, and you need to check if for example your backup software can handle that. Some image/VM based backup applications can backup and restore virtual drives very well, but do not have the ability to file level restore! Also don't forget that - disaster - restoration such a large virtual disk will take a significant amount of time during which data is not available for users. If the data structure allows to distribute to several virtual disks (you can always use DFS to present the data through a single share), I prefer this over the large virtual disk. With the smallest disks virtual, you will certainly have to watch each of them for free disk space, but you can increase the size of disk individually and restoration of a single virtual disk can be done much more quickly (with other discs still online / available to users).


  • Rename or create a new dvPortGroup in a workflow

    Hi all!

    I was wondering if it is possible to create or rename a dvPortGroup in orchestrator workflow.

    I'm provisioning Custom VMs and I need an attachment, a network interface to a dvPortGroup (which can be created or renamed). I would like to see an example or point to the relevant API to make the name change.

    Thank you


    Yes, it is very well possible to call this method, ReconfigureDVPortgroup_Task, to Orchestrator.

    Once you have configured your vCenter Orchestrator with, you can call the API of Orchestrator with a workflow, even how to access other managed objects and call the API. All you need is to write your own scripts customized for the workflow. So, regarding your question, if this method is available in Orchestrator or not, yes it's available. You can call the same task to a scriptable worklfow. The method is available under: reconfigureDVPort_Task (VcDVPortConfigSpec_port);  You must pass the specifications according to your requirement. .

    When you write your sript to a task scriptable element, you can discover all the objects and methods in vSphere from the Search API tab (left side) please refer to the attached screenshot for the same thing, VCO.jpg. In addition, you can call all the vSphere API in a workflow. For more details on how to write scripts, and workflows, see, section development of workflows in Orchestrator Developer Guide.

    Hope the above information helps.


  • still not possible to rename?

    unless I'm can be wrong, I think I read it is not possible to rename VMDK with powercli, is always the real deal or even?

    It will never be available if it is not?

    Which is correct, without a gesture or copy any rename.

    But this isn't a limitation PowerCLI, this is because the vSphere API do not have such a method.

  • Add new VM vmdk without losing stocks

    Hello everyone, I have a virtual machine with Windows Server 2003 with 2 vmdk, 1 for the operating system and the other is used as a "file server", this means that a lot of folders which is used by all end-users in the company, let´s are named OS.vmsk and Files.vmdk.

    The idea is to 'upgrade' this server to Windows Server 2008, so I created a new virtual machine with Windows Server 2008 installed. Now, if I add the Files.vmdk to this new virtual machine I am able to see all files and folders, and permissions too but all shared folders appear as "not shared". Is it possible to add this Files.vmdk and to keep all the records, files, permissions and actions too? How can I do?

    I also used the "Microsoft File Server Migration Toolkit", but this program copy all data from 1 HD to another, I have to create another vmdk and make the copy and I think it's a waste of time because I already have the Files.vmdk.

    Thanks for your help.

    Kind regards.


    Have you tried to export/import the registry key where actions and permissions are set...?

    More info here:

    Don't know if it will work, but looks like an easy to try...

    / Rubeck

  • New hard disk and overcommitment WARNING

    I'm trying to add a new hard disk to a virtual computer on a NFS datastore that applies a provisioning. Our NFS volumes are set to auto grow, if they reach a certain threshold. This normally isn't a problem, and so over-provisioning us like crazy.

    Recently, however, we encountered a problem when a new hard drive size exceeds free space in the data store. He responds with the following error (creation of a to 1.99 VMDK):

    PowerCLI D:\ > new-disk-hard - VM $vm - CapacityGB (1.99 * 1024)-$datastore data store

    New-hard drive: 04/08/2014-10:44:09 new-harddisk for the VirtualMachine-vm-10964 entity failed with the following message: "not enough disk space on the data store"datastore1".»

    Perform the same task in the vSphere Client generates the following warning, which can be bypassed by clicking 'OK ':

    2014-04-08 10-14-21_Add Hardware.jpg

    I tried to create a smaller drive and increase it, but I get the same error. I do not see a - Force parameter or anything equivalent. Is it possible to approve via PowerCLI?

    The ThinProvisioned switch is an option, or which is in conflict with the NFS configuration?

Maybe you are looking for

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