Save-location - Date object?

HI -.

I use an Officejet 6500 a Plus and the software suite that comes with it (especially the HP Scan v22.50.231.0)

The operating system is windows XP, sp3 32-bit

I always scan the computer, never of the controls on the device.

In the advanced settings in the HP scanning software, there is a category called "Save location" to choose which directory to save the files scanned in.

Can I enter it as a directory path that causes scanning HP to use or create a folder named for the current date. For example, a result like that '... \My Documents\08 - August 2012.

It would be a great help. I know it's possible with the software we had previous HP scanning.

Thanks for your help

Hi RathDC,

As you said, the most recent software does not allow for the "auto"creating a directory based on date (as the older software)." You can try the scan of the 3rd party like VueScansoftware, but I don't know if it supports this feature either.

Tags: HP Printers

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    I have a pdf with an attachment form.

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    When the user opens the form, a request alert (message) is shown.

    If the user clicks Yes then export data object is performed to allow the user to save the file on their hard drive.

    var nButton = app.alert ({}

    CMSG: "save the script in your files\Adobe\Javascript folder c drive\ program for this form to be fully functional.

    nIcon: 2.


    CTitre: "Message for first time this form users.


    If (nButton == 4) this.exportDataObject ({cName: "Save.js"});

    Console error as follows:

    GeneralError: Operation failed.
    Undefined Doc.exportDataObject:7:Console: Exec

    Can someone advise please how to allow the authorization of this file must be passed in the export data object?

    Thank you.

    It's probably a security restriction.

    Many e-mail servers block the js so files because they may contain viruses.

    You can attach a txt file and ask users to rename after

    record of.

  • How to display data on the screen and save the data in a file at the same time?

    The code can display acceleration on the screen of the playbook.

    But, when fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ") runs, debug displays no source available.


    Does anyone know how to solve the problem, which writes data to a file?

    The code is below.

    * Copyright (c) 2011 Research In Motion Limited.
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "license");
    * You may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
    * You can get a copy of the license at
    * Unless required by the applicable law or agreement written, software
    * distributed under the license is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS.
    * See the license for the specific language governing permissions and
    * limitations under the license.


    The milliseconds between the accelerometer readings. It's the same thing
    * rate in which the accelerometer data will be updated
    * material. The update of material rate is below to help
    * accelerometer_set_update_frequency (FREQ_40_HZ).
    public static const int ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL = 25;

    public static screen_context_t screen_ctx;
    public static screen_window_t screen_win;
    dialog_instance_t main_dialog = 0;

    paused int = 0;

    The forces of the accelerometer
    float force_x, force_y, force_z;

    file elements
    int _logcounter = 0;
    FullName Char [256];
    FILE * f;

    * Use the PID to set the id of Group window.
    public static char
    public static char s_window_group_id [16] = "";
    If (s_window_group_id [0] == '\0') {}
    snprintf (s_window_group_id, sizeof (s_window_group_id), "%d", getpid());
    Return s_window_group_id;

    * Set up a basic screen, so that the browser will be
    * Send window state events when the State of the window changes.
    * @return @c EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE @c
    public static int
    If (screen_create_context (& screen_ctx, SCREEN_APPLICATION_CONTEXT)! = 0) {}
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    If (screen_create_window (& screen_win, screen_ctx)! = 0) {}
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    use of int = SCREEN_USAGE_NATIVE;
    If (screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_USAGE, & use)! = 0) goto fail;
    If (screen_create_window_buffers (screen_win, 1)! = 0) goto fail;
    If (screen_create_window_group (screen_win, get_window_group_id())! = 0) goto fail;
    buff screen_buffer_t;
    If (screen_get_window_property_pv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_RENDER_BUFFERS, (void *) & buff)! = 0) goto fail;
    buffer_size int [2];
    If (screen_get_buffer_property_iv (buff, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, buffer_size)! = 0) goto fail;
    int attributes [1] = {SCREEN_BLIT_END};
    If (screen_fill (screen_ctx, chamois, attributes)! = 0) goto fail;
    int dirty_rects [4] = {0, 0, buffer_size [0], buffer_size [1]};
    If (screen_post_window (screen_win, buff, 1, (const int *) dirty_rects, 0)! = 0) goto fail;
    Return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    in case of failure:
    screen_destroy_window (screen_win);
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;

    * Rotates the screen at the specified angle.
    @param angle angle to rotate the screen.  Must be 0, 90, 180 or 270.
    * @return @c EXIT_SUCCESS on success, to another @c EXIT_FAILURE
    public static int
    rotate_screen (int angle)
    If ((angle! = 0) & (angle! = 90) & (angle! = 180) & (angle! = 270)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "Invalid Angle\n");
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int rc;
    int rotation;
    RC = screen_get_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ROTATION, & rotation);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error getting the window of the screen rotation: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int size [2];
    RC = screen_get_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error getting size memory buffer window screen: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    int temp;
    switch (angle - rotation) {}
    case - 270:
    case - 90:
    decision 90:
    case 270:
    Temp = size [0];
    size [0] = size [1];
    size [1] = temp;
    by default:
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ROTATION, &angle);)
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "screen rotation window for parameter error: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window screen size: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window screen size: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    RC = screen_set_window_property_iv (screen_win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE, size);
    If (rc! = 0) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error creating window buffer size of the screen: %d\n", rc);
    Return EXIT_FAILURE;
    Return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    To manage an event of navigator.
    * @return @c the value true if the application should shut down, another fake.
    public static bool
    handle_navigator_event(bps_event_t *Event)
    bool should_exit = false;
    switch (bps_event_get_code (event)) {}
    should_exit = true;
    navigator_orientation_check_response (event, true);
    int angle = navigator_event_get_orientation_angle (event);
    If (rotate_screen (angle) == EXIT_FAILURE) {}
    should_exit = true;
    navigator_done_orientation (Event);
    Return should_exit;
    * Display an alert dialog box that contains the location data.
    public static void
    If {(main_dialog)
    dialog_set_alert_message_text (main_dialog, "Acceleration to first fix");
    dialog_set_size (main_dialog, DIALOG_SIZE_FULL);
    dialog_set_group_id (main_dialog, get_window_group_id());
    dialog_set_cancel_required (main_dialog, true);
    dialog_show (main_dialog);

    * Displays geolocation data in the main dialog box.
    public static void
    display_acceleration_data (float force_x, float force_y, float force_z) {}
    char buf [1024];
    snprintf (buf, sizeof buf,
    "\tX: m\n % 7.3.f.
    "\tY: m\n % 7.3.f.
    "\tZ: m\n % 7.3.f."
    force_x, force_y, force_z);
    dialog_set_alert_message_text (main_dialog, buf);
    dialog_update (main_dialog);

    void createafile() {}
    sprintf (fullname, "shared/documents/Raw-%d.txt",_logcounter);
    file does not exist
    f = fopen (fullname, "r");
    file exists
    fclose (f);
    ++ _logcounter;
    sprintf (fullname, "shared/documents/Raw-%d.txt",_logcounter);
    f = fopen (fullname, "r");

    write data to the file
    void writedataintofile() {}
    f = fopen (fullname, "w");
    fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ");
    fprintf (f, "" 7% 7% .3f, .3f, %7.3f\n ', force_x, force_y, force_z ");
    fclose (f);

    * A sample application shows the native APIs of BlackBerry for accelerometer.
    * The example initializes and reads the accelerometer periodically until one
    * NAVIGATOR_EXIT event is received.
    Enforcement also tuned to changes status window in the browser so that
    * It can stop reading the accelerometer when the application is no longer visible.
    int main (int argc, char * argv {})
    bool exit_application = false;
    * Until we can listen for events from the BlackBerry Tablet OS platform
    * services, we need to initialize the BPS infrastructure
    * Once the BPS infrastructure has been initialized, we can save to
    * events of different services of BlackBerry Tablet OS platform. The
    * Browser service manages and provides the life cycle of application and
    * events of visibility.
    For the example, we ask browser events so that we can follow when
    * the system ends the application (NAVIGATOR_EXIT event). This allows to
    * us to clean up resources in the application.
    navigator_request_events (0);
    dialog_request_events (0);
    * Initialize the screen so that the Windows Id is correctly set, to allow
    * dialogs to display.
    If (setup_screen()! = EXIT_SUCCESS) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to initialize the screen.");
    Exit (-1);
    * Once the BPS infrastructure has been initialized, we can save to
    * events of different services of BlackBerry Tablet OS platform. The
    * Browser service manages and provides the life cycle of application and
    * events of visibility.
    For the example, we ask browser events so that we can follow when
    * the system ends the application (NAVIGATOR_EXIT event).
    * We ask events of dialogue so that we can be notified when the service of dialogue
    * answers to our queries/requests.
    If (BPS_SUCCESS! = navigator_request_events (0)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error asking navigator events: %s", strerror(errno) (errno));
    Exit (-1);
    If (BPS_SUCCESS! = dialog_request_events (0)) {}
    fprintf (stderr, "error asking dialog events: %s", strerror(errno) (errno));
    Exit (-1);
    * Create and display the dialog box that displays the data from the accelerometer.
    Prior to initialize the accelerometer function, we must ensure the unit
    * takes in charge
    If (sensor_is_supported (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)) {}
    * If the device does not support the accelerometer so warn the user,.
    * clean in and out
    public static const int SENSOR_RATE = 40;
    sensor_request_events (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);

    * Initialize the accelerometer setting the rate at which the
    * accelerometer values will be updated material
    accelerometer_set_update_frequency (FREQ_40_HZ);

    Treat browser events and take the accelerometer readings periodically
    * until we receive a NAVIGATOR_EXIT event.
    f = fopen (fullname, "w");

    While (! exit_application) {}
    * By setting the timeout to bps_get_event to ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL,
    * We assign the maximum duration (in millis) who will wait before
    * release so that we can take a reading of the accelerometer.
    bps_event_t * event = NULL;
    bps_get_event (& event, ACCELEROMETER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL);

    If {(event)
    If (bps_event_get_domain (event) is {sensor_get_domain()})
    * We woke up. See if we are in the paused state. If not,
    take a reading of the accelerometer
    If (! pause) {}
    sensor_event_get_xyz (event, & force_x, & force_y, & force_z);
    display_acceleration_data (force_x, force_y, force_z);
    fprintf (f, "X (m/s2), Accel Accel Y (m/s2), Accel Z (m/s2) \n" ");
    fprintf (f, "" 7% 7% .3f, .3f, %7.3f\n ', force_x, force_y, force_z ");
    } //paused
    / * If this is an event of the dialog box, determine the response code and handle
    * the event accordingly.
    {ElseIf (bps_event_get_domain (event) == dialog_get_domain() {)}
    * If it's a NAVIGATOR_EXIT event and then set the exit_application
    * indicator so that the application stops processing events, clean and
    * output.
    {ElseIf (bps_event_get_domain (event) == navigator_get_domain() {)}
    exit_application = handle_navigator_event (event);
    } //if event
    } //while
    * Destroy the dialog box, if it exists.
    If {(main_dialog)
    dialog_destroy (main_dialog);

    fclose (f);

    * Clean the infrastructure bps and output
    sensor_stop_events (SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
    screen_destroy_window (screen_win);
    screen_destroy_context (screen_ctx);
    return 0;
    } //main


    As I said on your other thread:

    In order to write in the shared directory/documents, your application should request action "access_shared" and it must be granted by the user. Make sure you have


    in your bar - descriptor.xml.

    Also note that the shared documents folder may not be the best place to write the application log data. There is one connects / in the sandbox to this effect, or the application directory data / directory if the information should be persisted. The documents/shared/folder is designed for documents that the user creates or interacts with.



  • QSettings does not save my data


    I tried to use QSettings to save certain settings for my application. I followed the example

    but when I set new values for the settings app and close the application and reopen, I find the settings to the default values.

    I even imported from QSettingsExample and run it on my device (Dev Alpha C with OS 10.2) but the same problem still there... no data is saved!

    I wonder if something missing do QSettings save my data?

    Thank you.

    Thank you for the help... It was a bug in my code. the name of the object was sent with a Null value.

    It's working now

  • process BPMN 11 g does not receive data in BAM data objects


    I have a question which I do not get the instance data in default BAM data objects (COMPONENT, COUNTER and INTERVAL have 0 rows) when launch and test an instance of my approach. I did the following:

    -created a simple SOA/BPM project with a simple process. Interactive 2
    -together project preferences/analytical summary of sampling points to 'Generate for all activities' in the TEMPO of the project and set the target of data to "BAM", set the adapter JNDI name and kept by default data Path object (/ samples/monitor Express). I checked the processes and activities of sample Points and they all inherit
    -J' deleted data objects using the BAM architect and redeployed my simple application
    -Although I have a few unique constraint errors (I found a few articles on it but don't not fixed) 3 data objects get created ok
    -J' I then test my application in Enterprise Manager and click on the second interactive
    -At this point I expect to see the data in the BAM data objects, but I don't see any. Always 0 rows :-(- am I right to expect something?
    -I see no error in the weblogic console when using the instance

    Any ideas what I can check next?

    see you soon


    Hi Tony,.

    Content of the data objects BAM are not met, unless some action to disable, remove process measures to send to the BAM engine is disabled.

    Connect to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware console and navigate to soa-infra > SOA Administration > BPMN properties > BPMN more Configuration properties to display the BPMN configurable engine MBean properties.

    Scroll the list to check the DisableActions property.
    The default value of this property is BAMCommand, what actions of measure removes to send to BAM. Disable this field (leave it blank) and save the settings.
    Look below the post to find the screenshots for same.

    Kind regards

  • After Effects save location and ExtendScript

    I'm fairly new After Effects script and I'm quite new in the world of programming (1 + years of experience).

    My question has several possible answers, I guess, I'm looking for a way to have the After Effects to save its file .aep in a very specific predetermined location.  I need this is because I'm currently writing scripts and tools to integrate After Effects and the rest of Adobe products in our pipeline, so here's the general idea below:

    Sets up a project supervisor / sequence / start using the built-in tools in the pipeline folder structure

    The supervisor of the brand of precise shots that will be made in After Effects (or maybe an entire sequence or project)

    Artist is now working on their shot, they put their environment in the pipeline and the pipeline launch After Effects

    The pipeline:

    • Creates the AE file with a specific name and save location (maybe create and automatically saves the file in the save location for the first time? Or maybe it just opens a new file and tells AE where to put)
    • Creates compositions in the file of EI that correspond directly to the current shots of development
    • Import of images and sequences (etc...), that the artist subscribes to the
    • Built in the queue of rendering with the compositions that he created
    • Defines the locations of rendering for all the compositions

    The artist is now beginning to work to do their magic

    The artist hits save (cmd + s, ctrl + s, etc...), After Effects saves the project file in the predetermined as the predetermined location.

    The above won't happen on the first time, the artist goes to work on the spot.

    Now, in this configuration, I'll either need to scripts to tell After Effects, the name of the new file is going to be and where to save it, or maybe I need to have the script generates a new AE file and place it to the right place.  The other idea I had was to simply create a file empty After effects and have scripts to copy this file to the location it should go and rename (this option is an avoid at all costs).

    So my question is: is it possible?  Is it possible to have Extendscript directly create a file empty of AE and save it in a specific location without user interaction?  Or maybe just say AE where he's going to save the currently open file and the name of the file is going to be?  The idea is more or less that the artist should not worry about the file structure or where things will go, the pipeline will handle it all.

    Ideally I need to work on After Effects CS5 and a larger, but CS6 and superior is too thin, we're pretty well switch to CS6 anyway.  In addition, currently it should work on Mac computers, we have OS x 10.6.8 on most of the machines but we will spend 10.8 any day now, so preferably there backwards compatibility with 10.6.8 but non-essential.

    especially the option "ignore existing frameworks.

    Don't think it's accessible through ExtendScript.

    you have a list somewhere of the names of models that can be transferred to the parser?  Output for example modules so that I can choose between them depending on how I need to make the sequences?

    Attribute OutputModule templates p. 112 After the Effects CS6 Scripting Guide PDF indicates the property of models.


    app.project.renderQueue.item (index) .outputModule (index) .templates


    The names of all the output module available in the local installation of After Effects.

    Still did not get anything with regard to the opening and then saving a new empty file with scripting,

    P. 121 explains registration method. You just give him a file object.

    var myNewFile = new File("~/Desktop/myNewFile.aep");

    App.Project.Save (myNewFile);

    I came to the conclusion that I'm missing something, or more Adobe is not adapted to large VFX houses, because the API is so terrible and does not allow developers access to automate tasks and processes.

    Yes ExtendScript leaves much to be desired, more you get into it, but it's still very powerful for many things. The only advice I can give for the missing stuff are on demand through their feature request form. At least he notifies them that people want, even if you can't see him for a while. Adobe - feature request/Bug Report Form

  • How to save profiling data?

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    1. Select the application in the profile view.
    2. open the drop-down list in the profile view, and select Save.

    My problem is that I can't seem to locate this combo... I've probably got to be overlooking something... someone wants to give me some additional information?

    EDIT: it's for the latest beta version of Flex Builder 3

    Hi wouter vdb.
    You can access the drop-down list on the toolbar of the Profiler, there is a little white down the arrow to the right of the Finish button.
    When you click on this button, a menu opens and the registration option is available.
    I hope this helps.

  • iPad IOS 9.3.4 (with GPS) air 2: using Skydemon (used for the flight) gives "Waiting for location data", as the error

    I use my iPad 2 a air application during the flight of an aircraft (Skydemon) for flight and my flight plan.

    Most of the time it works fine. Yesterday, I received an error "pending for location data. seems dat that GPS does not work correctly. I've recently implemented in the latest IOS update.

    Don't know

  • Firefox 4 does not save form data after sending form and pressing the previous button

    Firefox 4 does not save form data after sending form and pressing the back button... It's very annoying that it erases all data. It worked fine on FF3.


    • Firefox or tools > Options > privacy > History: "don't forget to search and form history."
  • Binds the data object graph, causing memory


    I want to create a WPF application that uses Measurement Studio to display the data points on the graph.

    We have already implemented a HAL, the data in the reports of the UI (after a few manipulations), using the DAQmx.

    I saw in your examples you display only the last second points, but my users can choose to see the data in an hour, and if I continue in the data memory of the points for the last hour I get out of memory (the data object become very big).

    How can I display in the chart of the data of the last X minutes / hours without keeping all the data in memory?

    Sorry, it was my fault (the years were defective in my local test as well, just, I had not noticed). Fortunately, what makes the solution even simpler: the CustomXAxis implementation can change just object ISourceDataProvider.TryGetSourceDataStart() { return default(DateTime); } .

    Also, for future reference: to the changes of the properties in WPF, you must be a dependency property or INotifyPropertyChanged , but not both (i.e. didn't need you OnStartTimePropertyChanged in CustomXAxis ).

  • How can I control the writing-data-to - to save the data?

    Hi all

    I tried to draw a wave and save the data to excel. Now, I want to control the writing-data-to - to save data when I want which means that the vi records nothing until I have send a command to it. How can I make this happen or do I need any other screws?



    Maybe this wat you are trying to do... Let me know if it helps...

    Kind regards


    (Kudos are always welcome)

  • How to save the data of different rates in a single VI?


    I tried to acquire 2-channel measurement of voltage at 10 kHz and analyze data, finally to save the data to both 1 kHz and 1 Hz. What I did is this loop of producer/consumer use to do the work of recording at different rates. I have queued all the data in the main loop, and then removed the data and write it to the file in other loops. I added "wait = 1 ms' a consumer loop for recording data at 1 kHz (loop of fast logging) and added" wait = 1000ms' in another loop to get the slow 1 Hz (logging loop) data record.

    My problem is that the data record works fine in the case of 1 Hz, but it does not work for the case of 1 kHz. Although the time-out period defined as 1ms, the interval between two samples in the loop of fast data recording is about 100ms.  Subsequently, 1ms, 10ms, 100ms, 150ms tried in this loop to see what intervals are in these cases. I found that the intervals are same as assigned in the timeout greater than 100 ms, but if the time-out is set to 1ms or 10ms, the intervals are again around 100ms.

    My question is - why I can't reach data record 1 kHz using loop of consumers/producers, while the same way works for the case of 1 Hz?

    Thank you very much


    You are sampling at 10 kHz and you want to back up your data "as if you sampled at 1 kHz and 1 Hz", if I understand correctly.  I also understand that you use the design of producer/consumer model to help with this (a good idea).

    I'm assuming that the producer 'product' a segment of data at a time, to say the value of a second of data or a 2 x 10000 I16 (assuming a 16-bit integer A/D) table you put into a queue and wait for the consumer.

    If you have data at 10 kHz, how do you get representations to 1 kHz or 1 Hz?  There are (at least) two possibilities - average data over the interval of proper time, or (re) sample data.  The good thing is that you can handle the situation 1 kHz and 1 Hz, essentially at the same time and in the same processing loop.  I'll discuss the case 1 kHz - with the assumptions I made, the case of 1 Hz becomes almost trivial.  I'll discuss treatment also just one channel, as it is similarly almost trivial to go from 1 to N-channel.

    If you have 1 second of data sampled at 10 kHz, and will "reduce" 1 second of data sampled at 1 kHz.  Note that you have 10 samples for each data point that you want in the end.  The "Averaging" method said "Replace all 10 points in the average of these 10 points", while "resampling" method said "replace 10 points with, say, the first point, ignoring the others.  An easy way to do this is to use the Reshape feature to transform an array of 10 x 1000 elements of your array of 10000 items 1-D 2D.  Now, you can use a loop FOR an average of 10 items or simply extract the first.  [This is where almost everyone, including me, a mistake - when you put a 10 x 1000 2D array in a loop, you get 10 iterations of 1000 items and we want 1000 iterations of 10 items.]  Oops, what to do?  [Simple - converts 2D array before sending in the loop FOR.]

    So when you have processed your 10,000 points and got both 1000 samples "1 kHz" and 1 "1 Hz" sample, you write each of them in their respective folder and wait for the next item in the queue of the consumer.  Consumer focus on the queue loop, it will automatically 'block', waiting for the producer of the 'feed' some data.  Note that the producer generates data once per second, producing 10000 points for the consumer in the process, but the time to deal with these points and perform the required disk i/o should take only a few milliseconds (certainly not more than 100, even if writing to a floppy!), so you don't have much time to do other interesting things (such as display data).

    Bob Schor

  • save millions datas in a sec

    Hi guys, I tried searching, but I have not found the answer, that's why I'm writing this.

    How many points/samples which can be saved in 1 sec with Labview (max)? It depends on my PC specs? I searched this forum and found this old thread With this program of Altenbach (Herr), I tried to save the data to a .txt file using the and The problem comes when I try to save as 100,000 points. Y at - it advice to save as many samples, I need that to save about 1 million samples in 1 sec?

  • How to save the data in table 1 d to Excel in continuous

    Mr President.

    How to save the data in table 1 d to Excel at all times, so that all the data of the first scan must be placed first thought and all the data from the second analysis must be placed on the second Board and continue on the street...


    Hi Sy@m

    Here is a vi that might give you a few ideas to try:

  • Save the data to the excel file


    I make a program reads the value of the probe via serial port... but I don't know how I can record this data in excel file... I open the example in the labview example, but I don't want to like this... becaue I use a while loop in my program that cause opened "multi" excel file... . How can I solve this problem?

    You need to think about what you want to do, not how you want to do.  I'll make a few assumptions here - adopt to your notebook loads "real."

    I guess you want to take a series of readings from a device (sensor, serial port).  I suppose you take multiple readings, perhaps their display on a table or chart, for a certain period of time.  Once you have a set of data, you want to save all the data in an Excel file.

    If this scenario is correct, there are three distinct phases to this task - implemented the data collection (open the serial port, manage the interactions of the user according to the needs), data collection (and potentially produce tables or graphs) and save the data.  Note that only step 2, collect data, involves a repetitive action appropriate for a while loop.  Once you have all the data, you can then open an Excel report, use something like Excel table easy to put the Table in the report or chart Excel easy to put a chart in the report and save the report in evidence, save the report.

    If you are using a relatively recent version of LabVIEW (2010 or later), the new generation Excel report screws are pretty easy to use.

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