Scandinavian characters in an attachment


I have a process email, where I add an attachment. The attachment is a csv file, which is converted to the blob. The problem is that when the email is sent and the file is opened in excel, the Scandinavian characters are not displayed correctly. In Notepad are correct. How would I fix this?


Tiina Hello,

If you read the fine print in Notepad, but not in MS Excel, the problem is in Excel. In this case, MS Excel is not capable of detecting 'character encoding', and that it uses its own default charset of coding to display data.

See encoding - Microsoft Excel mangles diacritics in .csv files? - stack overflow

To do this, you just add BOM (Byte Order Mark) at the beginning of the file. See for sample PL/SQL, PL/SQL Web Toolkit to create downloadable UTF-8 with BOM with average Chinese content document & #039; s Blog

It will be useful.

Kind regards


Tags: Database

Similar Questions

  • Problem getting RSS feeds on Scandinavian characters


    I have problem in retrieving the RSS feeds of some streams, Scandinavian characters are converted.
    When I discover stream source, characters are correct. So I guess that the problem could be my XML request.
    Example of RSS feed
    I get results like
    Pakokaasuvirtausten hyödyntäminen rajoitetaan minimiin
    That should say
    Pakokaasuvirtausten hyädyntäminen rajoitetaan minimiin
    And the problem occur not e.g. foods from here
    I use below table and package to get RSS fead and store it in the clob column
      (payload CLOB
    create or replace
      g_wallet_path     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(200) := 'file:/somepath/wallets';
      g_wallet_pass     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(200) := 'verysecret';
      g_collection_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(200) := 'RSS_RESPONSE';
      g_user_agent      CONSTANT VARCHAR2(200) := 'Mozilla/5.0';
      PROCEDURE get_rss_feed(
        p_url IN VARCHAR2
    create or replace
      PROCEDURE get_rss_feed(
        p_url IN VARCHAR2
        l_clob      CLOB;
        l_buffer    VARCHAR2(32767);
        l_http_req  utl_http.req;
        l_http_resp utl_http.resp;
        --utl_http.set_wallet(g_wallet_path, g_wallet_pass);
        utl_http.set_proxy(apex_application.g_proxy_server, NULL);
        l_http_req  := utl_http.begin_request(p_url);
        utl_http.set_header(l_http_req, 'User-Agent', g_user_agent);
        l_http_resp := utl_http.get_response(l_http_req);
        dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_clob, FALSE);, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
            utl_http.read_text(l_http_resp, l_buffer);
            dbms_lob.writeappend(l_clob, LENGTH(l_buffer), l_buffer);
          END LOOP;
        EXCEPTION WHEN utl_http.end_of_body THEN
        INSERT INTO RSS VALUES(l_clob);
    And I query the clob data by
    SELECT extractValue(value(t), '//link/text()')   AS LINK,
      extractValue(value(t), '//category[1]/text()') AS category,
      extractValue(value(t), '//category[2]/text()') AS sub_category,
      extractValue(value(t), '//title/text()')       AS title,
      extractValue(value(t), '//description/text()') AS description,
      extractValue(value(t), '//author/text()')      AS author,
      extractValue(value(t), '//pubDate/text()')     AS rss_date
    FROM rss,
      TABLE(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype(rss.payload),'//rss/channel/item'))) t ;
    I also like Apex app if you like check
    Just press the Connect button to enter application.

    Only difference is I have store RSS apex_collection clob column and where questioning the report.

    How can I change my code or the query to solve this problem?

    Kind regards


    OK, finally found the explanation...

    We will check the HTTP response for each request headers:

    SQL> set serveroutput on
      3    req     utl_http.req;
      4    resp    utl_http.resp;
      5    hname   varchar2(200);
      6    hvalue  varchar2(200);
      8  BEGIN
     10    req  := utl_http.begin_request('');
     11    utl_http.set_header(req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0');
     12    resp := utl_http.get_response(req);
     14    for i in 1..utl_http.get_header_count(resp) loop
     15      utl_http.get_header(r => resp ,n => i, name => hname, value => hvalue);
     16      dbms_output.put_line(hname || ' : ' || hvalue);
     17    end loop;
     19    utl_http.end_response(resp);
     21  END;
     22  /
    Date : Thu, 08 Dec 2011 22:01:21 GMT
    Cache-Control : max-age=120
    Expires : Thu, 08 Dec 2011 22:03:21 GMT
    Content-Type : text/xml;charset=utf-8
    Content-Length : 8208
    Keep-Alive : timeout=15, max=99
    Connection : Keep-Alive

    Charset is UTF-8 and consistent with the XML prologue.

    Now, the flow of problem:

      3    req     utl_http.req;
      4    resp    utl_http.resp;
      5    hname   varchar2(200);
      6    hvalue  varchar2(200);
      8  BEGIN
     10    req  := utl_http.begin_request('');
     11    utl_http.set_header(req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0');
     12    resp := utl_http.get_response(req);
     14    for i in 1..utl_http.get_header_count(resp) loop
     15      utl_http.get_header(r => resp ,n => i, name => hname, value => hvalue);
     16      dbms_output.put_line(hname || ' : ' || hvalue);
     17    end loop;
     19    utl_http.end_response(resp);
     21  END;
     22  /
    Server : nginx
    Date : Thu, 08 Dec 2011 22:04:20 GMT
    Content-Type : text/xml
    Connection : close
    Vary : Accept-Encoding
    Last-Modified : Thu, 08 Dec 2011 21:56:56 GMT
    ETag : "be970e-fb94-4b39bbf33fa00"
    Content-Length : 64404
    Cache-control : public
    Accept-Ranges : bytes

    The Content-Type header does not specify the character set, so according to the HTTP/1.1 protocol, the default character set is ISO-8859-1, which is not compatible with the declared XML coding.

    As a quick fix, you can use this to retrieve the binary content instead:

    SQL> SELECT extractValue(value(t), '/item/link')        AS LINK,
      2         extractValue(value(t), '/item/category[1]') AS category,
      3         extractValue(value(t), '/item/category[2]') AS sub_category,
      4         extractValue(value(t), '/item/title')       AS title,
      5         extractValue(value(t), '/item/description') AS description,
      6         extractValue(value(t), '/item/author')      AS author,
      7         extractValue(value(t), '/item/pubDate')     AS rss_date
      8  FROM TABLE(
      9         XMLSequence(
     10           extract(
     11             xmltype(httpuritype('').getBLOB(), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'))
     12           , '/rss/channel/item'
     13           )
     14         )
     15       ) t
     16  WHERE rownum < 5
     17  ;
    LINK                                                                             CATEGORY           SUB_CATEGORY      TITLE                                                           DESCRIPTION                                                                      AUTHOR        RSS_DATE
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------- F1                                   Kovalaisen talli vahvisti uuden aero-pomon palkkaamisen         F1-sarjan Caterham-talli vahvisti torstaina pestanneensa John Ileyn tallin uudek               08 Dec 2011 23:27:07 +0200 F1                                   Grosjeanista Räikkösen tallitoveri?                             Lotus F1 Team on pestannut ensi kaudeksi Romain Grosjeanin Kimi Räikkösen tallit               08 Dec 2011 12:07:21 +0200 F1                                   Myös Sauber eroaa F1-talliyhdistyksestä                         Myös Sauber-talli on päättänyt erota Ferrarin ja Red Bullin tapaan F1-talliyhdis               08 Dec 2011 12:03:49 +0200 F1                                   USA:n GP pysyi F1-kalenterissa                                  Kansainvälisen autoliiton FIA:n maailmanneuvoston keskiviikkona julkaisemaan kau               07 Dec 2011 20:01:52 +0200

    or do it via UTL_HTTP. READ_TEXT with a RAW buffer.

    Edited by: odie_63 Dec 9. 2011 00:00

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  • 0076WE remove USB-support for Scandinavian keyboards?

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  • Decode special characters such as &amp; amp; ouml;

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    Attached, is an example that I hope will clarify.

    Is there a way to get special characters to decode text?


    davidsatz wrote:
    > I need an easy way to turn html entities into the actual characters instead

    Here is the dirty work. you have to find via regex features, remove the
    '&' Wicks ';', which is on the left & look upward in the element entityMap & finally
    replace the point of code unicode w / the returned.

    function createEntityMap() {}
    author paul hastings
    Date August 22, 2006
    Note maps the HTML entities for unicode code points
    Roedy Green derived HTML entity data to
    var entities = structNew ();
    entities ['the'] = 8804;
    entities ["Yacute'] = 253;
    entities ["cut"] is 8746;.
    entities ['sim'] = 8764;
    entities [""] real = 8476;
    entities ["sub"] = 8834;
    entities ['gt'] = 62;
    entities ["lfloor'] = 8970;
    entities ["ordf'] = 170;
    entities ["sup"] = 8835;
    entities ["otimes'] = 8855;
    entities ["syo"] = 246;
    "sube" entities = 8838;
    entities ["Sigma"] = 963;
    entities ['reg'] = 174;
    "beta" entities is 946.;
    entities ["oplus"] = 8853;
    entities ['IP'] = 960;
    entities ["ETH"] = 240;
    entities ['rfloor'] = 8971;
    'shy' entities is 173.;
    entities ["Oslash"] = 248;
    entities ["Otilde'] = 245;
    entities ['ang'] = 8736;
    entities ['trade'] is 8482;.
    entities ["fnof'] = 402;
    entities ['Chi'] = 967;
    entities ['upsih'] = 978;
    entities ["frac12"] = 189;
    entities ['rlm'] = 8207;
    entities ['Eacute'] = 233;
    entities ["Permian"] = 8240;
    entities ["hearts"] = 9829;
    entities ['gracious'] = 238;
    "hundred" entities is 162;.
    entities ["AElig'] = 230;
    entities ['Psi'] = 968;
    entities ["short"] is 8721;.
    entities ['fracture'] is 247;.
    entities ["iquest'] = 191;
    entities ["Ecirc'] = 234;
    entities ["nphs'] = 8194;
    entities ['empty'] = 8709;
    entities ["forall"] = 8704;
    entities ["PMSCs"] = 8195;
    entities ["Gamma"] = 947;
    entities ["lceil'] = 8968;
    entities ['dagger'] = 8225;
    entities ['not'] = 172;
    entities ["equiv"] = 8801;
    entities ["age"] = 226;
    entities ["Agrave"] = 224;
    entities ['Eta'] = 951;
    entities ["alefsym'] = 8501;
    entities ["ordm'] = 186;
    entities ["piv"] = 982;
    entities ["bdquo'] = 8222;
    entities ['Delta'] = 948;
    entities ['or '] = 8744;
    entities ['acute'] is 180;.
    entities ["deg"] = 176;
    entities ["cong"] = 8773;
    entities ["Ntilde'] = 241;
    entities ["lsaquo'] = 8249;
    entities ['clubs'] = 9827;
    entities ['hellip"] = 8230;
    entities ["Ograve"] = 242;
    entities ["micka"] = 239;
    entities ['diamonds'] = 9830;
    entities ["cedil'] = 184;
    entities ["amp"] = 38;
    entities ['Alpha'] = 945;
    entities ["Egrave"] = 232;
    entities ['darr'] = 8659;
    entities ["and"] = 8743;
    entities ['nsub'] = 8836;
    entities ['not'] = 8800;
    entities ['Epsilon'] = 949;
    entities ['isin'] = 8712;
    entities ["Ccedil'] = 231;
    entities ["lsquo"] = 8216;
    entities ["copy"] is 169;.
    entities ["Aacute"] = 225;
    entities ['Theta'] = 952;
    entities ['mdash'] = 8212;
    entities ["Euml'] = 235;
    entities ["Kappa"] = 954;
    entities ["notin'] = 8713;
    entities ["iexcl"] = 161;
    entities ["age"] = 8805;
    entities ["Igrave'] = 236;
    entities ["harr"] = 8660;
    entities ['lowast'] = 8727;
    entities ['hotel'] = 244;
    entities ["infin"] = 8734;
    entities ["brvbar'] = 166;
    entities ['int'] = 8747;
    entities ["macr"] = 175;

    entities ["frac34"] = 190;
    entities ["curren"] = 164;
    entities ['stage'] = 8776;
    entities ['Lambda'] = 955;
    entities ["frasl'] = 8260;
    entities ["circ"] = 710;
    entities ['crarr'] = 8629;
    entities ["OElig'] = 339;
    entities ['image'] = 8465;
    entities ['there4'] = 8756;
    entities ['lt'] = 60;
    entities ['less'] = 8722;
    entities ['Sins'] = 227;
    entities ["ldquo'] = 8220;
    entities ['nabla'] = 8711;
    entities ['exist'] is 8707;.
    entities ['licence'] = 228;
    entities ['Mu'] = 956;
    entities ["frac14'] = 188;
    entities ['nbsp'] = 160;
    entities ["Oacute'] = 243;
    entities ["Bull"] = 8226;
    entities ['Lama'] is 8656.;
    entities ["laquo'] = 171;
    entities ["oline'] = 8254;
    entities ["ndash"] = 8211;
    entities ['euro'] = 8364;
    entities ['micro'] = 181;
    entities ['Nu'] = 957;
    entities ['ceiling'] = 8745;
    entities ["Aring"] = 229;
    entities ["Omicron"] = 959;
    entities ["Iacute'] = 237;
    entities ['perp'] = 8869;
    entities ['para'] is 182.;
    entities ["rarr'] = 8658;
    entities ['raquo'] = 187;
    entities ['tuition'] = 251;
    entities ['Iota'] = 953;
    entities ["sbquo'] = 8218;
    entities ["loz"] = 9674;
    entities ['thetasym'] = 977;
    entities ["or"] = 8715;
    entities ['part'] = 8706;
    entities ["wins"] is 8221;.
    entities ['weierp'] = 8472;
    entities ["sup1'] = 185;
    entities ['sup2'] = 178;
    entities ["Uacute'] = 250;
    entities ["sdot"] = 8901;
    entities ["Scaron"] = 353;
    entities ['yen'] = 165;
    entities ["Xi"] = 958;
    entities ["plusmn'] = 177;
    entities ["yuml'] = 376;
    entities ['THORN'] = 254;
    entities ['status'] = 9002;
    entities ['where'] = 249;
    entities ["radic'] = 8730;
    entities ["zwj'] = 8205;
    entities ['tilde'] = 732;
    entities ["uarr'] = 8657;
    entities ['times'] = 215;
    entities ["thinsp'] = 8201;
    entities ["sect"] = 167;
    entities ['rceil'] = 8969;
    entities ["szlig"] = 223;
    entities ["supe"] is 8839;.
    entities ["Uuml'] = 252;
    entities ['rsquo'] = 8217;
    entities ['Zeta'] = 950;
    entities ['Rho'] = 961;
    entities ['GRP'] = 8206;
    entities ['Phi'] = 966;
    entities ["zwnj"] = 8204;
    entities ["lang"] = 9001;
    entities ['pound'] = 163;
    entities ["sigmaf'] = 962;
    entities ["uml"] = 168;
    entities ["prop"] = 8733;
    entities ["Upsilon"] = 965;
    entities ["Omega"] = 969;
    entities ['middot'] = 183;
    entities ["Tau"] = 964;
    entities ['sup3'] = 179;
    entities ['spot'] = 8250;
    entities ["prod"] = 8719;
    entities ['quot'] = 34;
    entities ["main"] = 8243;
    entities ['stings'] is 9824;.
    return entities;
    entityMap = createEntityMap ();
    100 = structFind (entityMap, "hundred");
    WriteOutput ("% # #chr (cent) #");

  • Folder file list order


    New to LabView. I created a VI that reads and analyzes (RMS and power medium frequency) files in a .txt file, and then adds the data in a simple text file. I noticed, though, that when I remove my for loop and reading and writing files individually, I get different values in my program "reading in bulk. I want to make two things 1) be able to strip the first 20 characters of the name of the file and add these characters in the attached file or 2) know how to change the order in which the .txt files are read and appended. I'm analyzing muscle contractions, so the order is vitally important. I enclose my VI. Thank you in advance.

    You may be bitten by the fact that alphabetical order does not always mean numeric order. If your files are text1.txt, text2.txt, etc., the alphabetical list is text1.txt, text10.txt, text11.txt, text2.txt, text20.txt.

    Some workaround solutions, if that's the case, but my first suggestion would be to rename the existing files and numbers are used in all future measures the pad.  Text01.txt or text001.txt depending on the number of files.

  • Add channels

    I want to create a large string from an array of strings. Each string in the array is 16 characters and the table has 30 items, so I want to create a string that is 480 characters long. Attached a VI shows an approach that I think will work, but I would like to know if there is a better approach.

    I need the long chain because I calculate a CRC-32 value.

    Thank you


  • Support of password of blackBerry Smartphones

    Must your desktop and your device be the same password?  I just learned the hard way that I did something wrong lol

    strikerdog wrote:

    No, in fact I put the office 1 password and then set up my phone to another

    Except that there is no way to do it. The only place actually create/change the password of the device locking is on the device itself. Desktop software and then, when the BB is connected to the PC, feels that the BB has a password to lock the device and requires that it be entered on the PC keyboard order to continue (under high security with BBs)... that's where the difficulty comes in view of the difference of entry on the BB against the PC keyboard.

    strikerdog wrote:

    and all hell is unleashed... and happen erasure...

    It is normal... after 10 sequential failures of password entry, regardless of the input source (BB keyboard or PC keyboard when connected), the BB itself will wipe clean on the assumption that he is not the real owner who seeks to enter the data on the BB. This is part of the high security with BBs.

    strikerdog wrote:

    (I decide to secure my device with a password after 30 minutes of non-use and wanted to be sure to use what would work this time)

    A good practice. But set the password on the BB, very attentive to the real characters that appear when you create the password. Then use these same exact characters when you attach to your PC and you are prompted by the desktop software for this password.

    Good luck!

  • Cutting lines text in Illustrator?

    I need section for text lines. When I use a font which includes characters that are attached, cut lines (menu Type > vectorize) of each character overlaps the other. How can I create this overlap cutting lines?  Thank you very much!


    If I (put) understand it, you can keep the direct Type and:

    (1) create a copy, and then type > vectorize and block the direct Type.

    (2) select all the paths described copy, object > path > offset if you wish and then object > compound path > Release and Pathfinder > unit.

  • Failed to get file name of attachment on a part (with non ascii characters)

    Hello, all, and good year :)

    My problem is with non-ascii file name in attachments... Yes, I read the FAQ:

    I can't get the file name of the part of the body for this kind of attachments

    Here is my unit test:

    * contains different parts of various mailer coded in different ways...
    Private enum EncodedFileNamePart {}
    OUTLOOK ("Content-Type: text/plain;") \n name =------"=?" ISO-8859-1? ' Q? this estd = E9j = E0no = E7ac = EBl'estcool.txt? =-"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nContent-Disposition: attachment; \n filename =------"=? ISO-8859-1? Q? it estd = E9j = E0no = E7ac = EBl'estcool.txt? =-"\n\nnoel 2010\n", "it estdejanoelcac'estcool.txt" ').

    GMAIL ("Content-Type: text/plain;") charset = US-ASCII; name =------=? " ISO-8859-1? B? ZOlq4G5v62znYWNlc3Rjb29sLnR4dA is? =-"\nContent-Disposition: attachment;" filename =------=? " ISO-8859-1? B? ZOlq4G5v62znYWNlc3Rjb29sLnR4dA is? =-"' \nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\nX-attachment-Id: f_giityr5r0\n\namluz2xligjlbgxziqo=\n","dejanoelcacestcool.txt"), "

    THUNDERBIRD ("Content-Type: text/plain;") \n name =------"=?" ISO-8859-1? Q? d = E9j = E0no = E7acestcool = 2Etxt = EBl? =-"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nContent-Disposition: attachment;" "\n filename*0*=ISO-8859-1''%64%E9%6A%E0%6E%6F%EB%6C%E7%61%63%65%73%74%63%6F;\n filename*1*=%6F%6C%2E%74%78%74\n\njingle bells! \n","dejanoelcacestcool.txt"), "

    EVOLUTION ("Content-Disposition: attachment;") the file name * = ISO-8859-1 "d%E9j%E0no%EBl.txt\nContent-Type: text/plain; name * = ISO-8859-1 "d%E9j%E0no%EBl.txt; "charset =------'UTF - 8\' \nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\njingle bells\n","dejanoel.txt"), "


    String content = null;
    The string target = null;
    Private EncodedFileNamePart (string target, string content) {}
    This.Content = content;
    This.Target = target;

    part public get() {}
    try {}
    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream (this.content.getBytes ());
    Part part = new MimeBodyPart (bis);
    bis. Close();
    return the part;
    {} catch (Throwable e)
    Returns a null value.

    public String getTarget() {}

    Public Sub testJavamailDecode() throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {}

    System.setProperty ("mail.mime.encodefilename", "true");
    System.setProperty ("mail.mime.decodefilename", "true");

    for (EncodedFileNamePart party: EncodedFileNamePart.values ())
    assertEquals ( (), MimeUtility.decodeText (part.get () .getFileName (), part.getTarget ());


    I take a NullPointerExcepion in the decodeText because getFileName() returns a null value in the case of EVOLUTION and works well with OUTLOOK, THUNDERBIRD and GMAIL.

    Content type of evolution is ' Content-Disposition: attachment; " the file name * = ISO-8859-1 'd%E9j%E0no%EBl.txt' which does not resemble the other (it looks like the RFC 2616 or RFC5987 to do this.)

    How can I handle this situation except by writing my own decoder?

    Thanks for your replies!

    Published by: user13619058 on 4 Jan. 2011 07:44

    Set the system property "mail.mime.decodeparameters" "true" to enable support of RFC 2231.
    See the javadocs of the package javax.mail.internet for the list of properties.

    Yes, the FAQ entry should contain details as well.

  • Problem with Demo_Mail package sending an attachment and special characters


    I did use the Demo_Mail package with the example in the for many years on my 9i database.

    Recently, we have taken a form that depends on this package and quickly found that Asian characters were not correctly in the e-mail subject or body. When I changed the procedure by example, characters came through, however, attachments now appear in the body of the email as ascii.

    /*------------------------------------------------------start the email creation--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
    Conn: = demo_mail.begin_mail)
    sender = > from_name,.
    recipient = > to_name,.
    subject = > subject,.
    mime_type = > "text/plain; charset = utf8');

    () demo_mail.write_mb_text
    Conn = > conn,.
    message = > message | UTL_TCP. CRLF);

    If file1 is not null
    () demo_mail2.begin_attachment
    Conn = > conn,.
    mime_type = > ' application/octet-stream. "
    Online = > FALSE,
    v_filename = > file1.
    transfer_enc = > 'base64');

    file_len: = dbms_lob.getlength (wire);
    modulo: = mod (file_len, TN);
    parts: = trunc(file_len / amt);

    / * ( (wire, amt, filepos, buf); * /)

    While (counter < = pieces) LOOP

    DBMS_LOB. Read (wire, amt, filepos, buf);
    demo_mail.write_raw (conn, utl_encode.base64_encode (buf));
    filepos: = counter * TN + 1;
    counter: = counter + 1;


    / * Point on the rest of the data buffer * /.
    IF (modulo <>0) then
    DBMS_LOB. Read (wire, modulo, filepos, buf);
    demo_mail2.write_raw (conn, utl_encode.base64_encode (buf));
    end if;

    () demo_mail.end_attachment
    Conn = > conn);
    end if;

    () demo_mail.end_mail
    Conn = > conn);
    /*------------------------------------------------------end the email creation--------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    How can I have my cake and eat it too? Examples of scripts showing this scenario exist?

    In addition, even if I was able to get the body of the email to display special characters, the subject line still displays question marks instead of the special characters. I was never able to solve this problem.

    Any help to any of these questions is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you


    You use the utl_encode.quoted_printable_encode before making all these changes? Most, if not all, of these accented characters must be converted to quoted printable form by the utl_encode.quoted_printable_encode function, then you only need to focus on the specific characters that must be encoded to the channel to cover additional expenditures for the mimeheader encoding. Specifically the white space characters should be encoded as well as the question mark.

    Also, I have done some minor testing and it seems that the quoted_printable_encode function folds the text when it exceeds a specific length. If I unfold the coded text object lines seem to come by fine. The folding text string is an equal sign followed by the sequence CRLF, unfold the text is a simple matter of these three characters. These changes becomes the encoding routine encapsulated in a function:

    create or replace function mimeheader_encode(
          p_str varchar2
        , p_charset varchar2 := 'UTF-8') return varchar2 is
      l_str varchar2(2000);
      l_str:=replace(l_str,'='||chr(13)||chr(10),''); --unfold the data
      l_str:=replace(l_str,'?','=3f'); --quote question marks
      l_str:=replace(l_str,' ','=20'); --quote spaces
      l_str:='=?'||p_charset||'?Q?'||l_str||'?='; -- add prefix and suffix
      return l_str;
  • Password restricted to 16 characters when sending messages via the mail server outgoing Live/Outlook

    When you use a plus 16-character password, Thunderbird fails to connect to the SMTP outgoing/outlook live.

    The problem persists after you turn off my AV, turn off my VPN, from Thunderbird in safe mode and even after the addition of a '1' at the end of my password 16ch.

    Interestingly, Microsoft has the following warning when changing your password:
    WARNING: passwords longer than 16 characters cannot be used with the Xbox 360

    See the attached screenshots.

    It is a limitation imposed my mail server, not Thunderbird. It is not just the Xbox it's all e-mail clients. The major problem is, Microsoft either don't use folk with general IT experience, preferring the Microsoft professionals who really don't know anything else or deliberately do everything except web mail as difficult as possible. They want you in Microsoft walled garden.

    I'm starting to see four Internets. Apple, Microsoft, Google one, then the open internet, the champions of Mozilla, unfortunately none of the other three Internet really want interoperability. They like vendor lock-in...

  • Firefox shows wrong characters


    I'm using Firefox on Linux Mint 41.0.1.

    I noticed that the browser appears bad Unicode characters/icon fonts. The attached pictures show what I see in Firefox (bad foreign characters) and what I see in another browser on the same platform (icons on the right, as expected).

    So I'm wondering how to fix this behavior. In addition, the option "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above" is checked.

    Thanks in advance!

    You can post a link to a page accessible to the public (i.e. no authentication or signature required)?

  • mail increases with the size of file and attached attachment

    The question:
    Mail with no attachment size is approximately 3, 17 KB (3,251 bytes)
    An email with an attachment 38.1 MB (38075102 bytes), where the attachment is
    27.8 MB (27820247 bytes) why this great email with attachment and is even greater
    When the attachment is larger? I've calculated 30% increase in the mail itself to size
    the size of the attachments. This causes problems with sending mail to an SMTP server with a size limit
    20 MB of not able to send a 19 MB file cause the post itself is even more important. It is only in

    Sending a binary file as an attachment increases its size by a third due to base64 encoding sending two 8-bit characters as three characters of 7-bit ASCII.

  • Why Firefox displays characters Asian trash for each name on the tab instead of the current English name?

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    He arrived in at least 2 computers. Usually, I install the same Add-ons with fees installs Windows.

    The extension of McAfee SiteAdvisor has been reported to cause problems with Chinese characters (CJK) text on tabs, so that you can disable this extension until McAfee publishes an update to resolve this issue.

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