SDO_LENGTH, FROM_WKTGEOMETRY and geodetic coordinates

I'm confused by the results I get from the function of the SDO_LENGTH() geometry. I have a line described in WGS84 coordinates as string WKT. I run the following query:

SDO_UTIL. FROM_WKTGEOMETRY ('LINESTRING (-101.782447 48.339560,-101.210446 48.058227)');

The result I get is:


However, the two coordinates in the line are remote in reality about 52.7 KM.

I do not specify the UNIT parameter to the SDO_LENGTH function, and The Oracle Spatial reference manual says the following:

"If this parameter is not specified, the unit of measure associated with the data is assumed. For geodetic data, the default unit is meters. »
Link: []

I find no conclusive documentation to tell me one way or another, so I'm assuming that FROM_WKTGEOMETRY() assumes that the coordinates in my string WKT are geodesics. Because I guess I start with a geodetic geometry, and do not specify units for SDO_LENGTH(), I should get the length of this line (ie. the distance between two coordinates) in meters.

One of these assumptions seems to be incorrect. I have the idea that I need to take additional steps when I convert the WKT geometry (such as specifying a SRID), but I can't determine exactly what I need to do.

I would be very grateful for any advice.

Thank you very much.

with the means of data: it can be derived the SRID that is associated with the geometry.

as WKT does not contain an SRID, the sdo_length function does not know which units can be assumed, or don't function knows that stop coordinates.

For this purpose, you must use the constructor with WKT SDO_GEOMETRY and providing an SRID. (read

SDO_GEOMETRY ('LINESTRING (-101.782447 48.339560,-101.210446 48.058227)', 8307)

Since you're passing the srid and the wkt, the returned geometry has a valid SRID which should solve your problem.

SDO_GEOMETRY ('LINESTRING (-101.782447 48.339560,-101.210446 48.058227)', 8307).

Returns 52788.7151886496


Published by: lucvanlinden on October 9, 2008 21:28

Tags: Database

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    You can check this site for more information about how to perform this conversion:

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    You have geodetic and projected data in a single column of a table BUT you cannot index in space because the index does not work on the two projections.

    You have, says Bryan, create two columns:

    create table INVENTORYGEOMETRY (
      fid integer,
      INVGEO sdo_geometry, /* For the geodetic data */
      INVPROJ sdo_geometry /* for the projected data */

    If you do this, you must create two user_sdo_geom_metadata entries. As you have already done and one for projected data:


    Where you replace 0,1000 ranges with your actual data range and XXXXX by your actual SRID projected (for example, 28355 as in the example below).

    Now, assuming that this table Gets the INVGEO column populated first (by some external dynamic flow) you could synchronize the column projected via a trigger as follows:

    create trigger inventorygeometry_proj_bi
    before insert
    on inventorygeometry
       if (:new.invgeo is not null) then
         :new.invproj := mdsys.sdo_cs.transform(:new.invgeo,28355);
       end if;


    In addition, I don't know the relationship between the SDO_ELLIPSOIDS and SDO_GEOMETRY tables. You you please explain it to me?

    The SDO_ELLIPSOIDS table is part of the implementation of the projections in the package Oracle Spatial. When you use a SRID in a SDO_GEOMETRY, Oracle uses the SRID to interrogate the underlying tables (which SDO_ELLIPSOIDS is only one member) to get the properties of the projection for example the definition of the ellipsoid being a.

    I hope this helps at all.

    Don't forget to assign the points you like if our responses are considered correct or useful.


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    The distance is the same that you use the sdo_geom.sdo_distance function. This is the minimum distance between these two geometry objects. Wouldn't be a straight line for (circle distance) geodetic coordinate systems.


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    There is a utility VI of the repository of LAVA located here.

    Dealing with this problem:


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    Make sure that when you set up the step of the coordinate system, you put up-to-date in the X direction and Y. By default it puts just updated in the X direction, and even if the overlay appears updated in both directions, this can be misleading. If this isn't the problem, you can include a simple inspection with some images to illustrate how you got in this State.

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    class LostInSpace : public QObject
        LostInSpace(bb::cascades::Application *app);
        virtual  ~LostInSpace() {}
    public slots:
    Q_INVOKABLE float screentouchY(bb::cascades::TouchEvent* event);
    Q_INVOKABLE float screentouchX(bb::cascades::TouchEvent* event);
    QPointer fundo;


    LostInSpace::LostInSpace(bb::cascades::Application *app)
        QmlDocument *qml =
        qml->setContextProperty("app", this);
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
        fundo = root->findChild("fundo");
        bool res = QObject::connect(fundo, SIGNAL(touch(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*)),this, SLOT(screentouchY(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*)));
        res = QObject::connect(fundo, SIGNAL(touch(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*)),
    this, SLOT(screentouchX(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*)));
    float LostInSpace::screentouchY(bb::cascades::TouchEvent* event) {
        return event->windowY();
    float LostInSpace::screentouchX(bb::cascades::TouchEvent* event) {
        return event->windowX();

    QML: (I'll do later animations, it's just to see if it works. I mean a "unknown simbol app" the Notecard, I thought I just had to put "qml-> setContextProperty ("app", this);  in the constructor)

    ImageView {
                    objectName: "fundo"
                    imageSource: "images/fundo1.png"
                    touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.Full
                    onTouch: {
                        tiro.translationX = app.screentouchX();
                        tiro.translationY = app.screentouchY();

    Any help will be very appreciated!

    Thank you!

    Hey there,

    You don't need to do... You can access the 'event' TouchEvent object in the notecard: {} area QML...

    ImageView {
                    objectName: "fundo"
                    imageSource: "images/fundo1.png"
                    touchPropagationMode: TouchPropagationMode.Full
                    onTouch: {
                        tiro.translationX = event.windowX
                        tiro.translationY = event.windowY
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    Thank you

    Yes, as others have mentioned, just use the bridge and remove the entries here.  You can select an entire batch of files and have them all at once.

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    You will want to use the ImagePaste function which allows you to specify an x, position y place the logo:

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    Why is this? Also, is there a way to do the same thing?

    This has to do with the way the features are taken into account in the width of the object. By default, the lines are centered around the frame of the object. With a race .5pt, .25pts of it extend from each side of the frame.

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    Someone knows the probably simple solution to this problem?


    Go to the menu, and then select view > layer controls

    You must press Shift + Ctrl / Cmnd + H sometimes.

    You can also get to the controls by selecting the Display Options in the little menu in the upper right of the Composition Panel.

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