Segfault on ~ SceneCover() / ~ AbstractCover()

I use a custom file of qml Frame active.

When I go out of my application, it cracks seg:

The implementation of my class ~ ActiveFrameQML() is empty:


Not surprisingly, I'm baffled why close the application should be at the origin of segfault in this way, and because the segmentation fault that happens on the BB code, I feel a little at a loss for would be how to debug the problem.

I looked back at:

... and compared to my implementation, and I noticed that, for some reason, I had Dale away from:

ActiveFrameQML * activeFrame = new ActiveFrameQML();

... and has been rather set:

ActiveFrameQML activeFrame.

... as a member of my class variable.

And yet once, strangely, my name:

Application::instance()-> setCover (activeFrame);

... from the inside:


Anyway, I tried to make my implementation as close as possible to the reference implementation, and that seems to fix the problem. (and my Active Frame still works as expected, as far as I can tell)

Not sure why I fired of the reference implementation at the time where I've implemented it.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Page {
        onCreationCompleted: {        Application.setCover(sceneCover)    }
      attachedObjects: [
          // An Active Frame is a Scene Cover      SceneCover {          id: sceneCover          content: Container {              background: Color.create("Black")          }
    #include "applicationui.hpp"
    //#include "ActiveFrameQML.h"
    //#include "OrientationSensor.hpp"
    using namespace bb::cascades;
    ApplicationUI::ApplicationUI(bb::cascades::Application *app) :
            QObject(app) {
        displayInformation = new si::blackberrydev::DisplayInformation;
        qmlRegisterType("bb.cascades", 1, 2, "SceneCover");
        qmlRegisterUncreatableType("bb.cascades", 1, 2, "AbstractCover", "");
        // Create scene document from main.qml asset, the parent is set
        // to ensure the document gets destroyed properly at shut down.
        QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///main.qml").parent(this);
        // Create root object for the UI
        qml->setContextProperty("display", displayInformation);
        AbstractPane *root = qml->createRootObject();
        // Set created root object as the application scene

    Now, whenever the application closes, it does and does not correctly close until terminated manually:

    It does not show this on the console but I'm not a clue what he is to me: "0x85ab510 error: must be attached to a control, no bb::cascades:QmlPage (0x85269a8).

    Any Suggestions?

    10.2 minimum API level targeting

    I noticed that, while this works, attaching class SceneCover application directly gives an error of bps to the exit event.

    To avoid this error, set the class of SceneCover via ComponentDefinition and attach it to the Application class.

    I have attached a code snippet below:

    onCreationCompleted: {
    attachedObjects: [
        ComponentDefinition {
            id: sceneCoverDef
            SceneCover {
                content: Container {
                    background: Color.create("#000000")
                    Label {
                        text: "hello"

    Try and see if the error persists.

  • deterministic segfault in DAQmx libs after 49 days of operations with 6110 OR Linux

    I have a program using a 6110 Council OR through 8.04 DAQmx Linux (Suse 11) of 32 bits. After 49 days of operation at 1 MHz (during which the program sometimes stopped and restarted), a segmentation fault occurs inside certain DAQmx libs, as follows:

     kernel: [4286583.578738] nimxs [940]: Segfault at 11 0053af14 sp 017d00a0 error ip 6 to [587000 + 37000]


     kernel: [4286589.134512] nimxs [1134]: Segfault at 11 00561f14 sp 015970a 0 error ip 6 to [50d000 + 99000]

    It happened 4 times on two different machines, each time with the same availability of machine.

    After the segmentation fault, the cards can no longer be used and are not displayed in nilsdev.

    Is this a known problem of DAQmx on linux and is there a way to recover the other than restart error machine?

    ... and finally:

    before doing what I did in my last post (stopping services and unloading nation, then by restarting the services), restart the nimxs daemon with

    / usr/local/natinst/Max/sbin/nimxs /usr/local/natinst/max/

    does everything works again.

    (if the daemon restarts after modules are reloaded, cards OR do not appear with nilsdev but can not be used).

  • Libcurl/libxml2 segfault

    I have been working on a library for a while now ( and that you actually want to release (officially). But I hit a few roadblocks. The remaining list of todos I have are:

    1. Make sure that it works
    2. Search for memory leaks
    3. Release

    He has the ability to define customized memory managers. Prior to their introduction, I had random segfaults. After their implementation. I still get random segfaults. I hope it's something that I've done, but whenever I get them, they are located in libcurl and libxml2.

    When I do #1, I get segfaults. When I do #2, I get segfaults.

    The source code is already high it there to see and check.

    Test code:

    bing_request_t request = NULL;
    bing_response_t response;
    bing_result_t* results;
    int c;
    int i;
    enum SOURCE_TYPE t;
    unsigned int bingID;
    bingID = create_bing("Bing app ID goes here!!");
    if(request_create_request(BING_SOURCETYPE_WEB, &request))
        response = search_sync(bingID, "Bing API", request);
            c = response_get_results(response, NULL);
            results = calloc(c, sizeof(bing_result_t));
                response_get_results(response, results);
                for(i = 0; i < c; i++)
                    t = result_get_source_type(results[i]);

    Note: If you need an ID application to test Bing, PM me.

    You can run with default handlers (AKA, doing nothing, just compile), or you can try the "follow-up" to the memory managers by adding the "BING_MEM_TRACK" symbol to the project and compilation.

    When I use the memory of follow-up, errors generally occur in 'free_dbg_track' to the free call. The stack trace is usually along the lines of '..., curl_do, curl_http, curl_safefree, xml_curl_free, free_dbg_track, __free.

    As mentioned in the title, I also got when I try to release the context of the (search.c, search_cleanup) XML parser that has seems-like-a-fix, if the statement that can or should not cause a memory leak (do not know because I keep segfault-ing). For this stack trace is usually "..., xmlFreeParserCtxt, xmlFree, xml_curl_free, free_dbg_track, __free.

    Tested only on the device (rebooted a couple of times to free memory).

    This post seems to scatter brained and unorganized, but I can't seem to figure in any other way then put excuses from the outset for this. If you have any ideas, need more details (or Bing ID application, although it is free to do and to register [because you are even ready to approach Bing]), etc. Do not hesitate to ask.

    Yep, analysis of memory did the trick. He kept complaining about what I thought to be code perfectly well, but something must have been going wrong (somewhere) and it caused the random segfaults and strange behavior.

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    It is a known problem in the current 10.0.9 setting listed in the Release Notes.

  • segfault in mapview

    Hey people,

    Recently, I noticed that after adding a few things to my application whenever I type now map my program crashes.  It is 10.1 and I ran a diff on an older version there is no change in the card in my code.  Even more bizarre, it of that I can check this older version, build and cards work fine.

    No idea how to understand this?  Track of the stack in the IDE has nothing as the sagfault goes with the mapview, not my code.  I disabled all the places and simply create the map, give him lat, lon and alt and view it and still get the crash (in the old version of the application, it still works very well with themselves).

    It's probably something I did but I wonder if there is a way to get more information when it segfaults, some newspapers or something (a link to the documentation describing how to get the balls or more information is cool, I have not found a yet, but more than happy to make the R of M F'in)

    Thank you

    Matt M

    Hahaha, that he fixed.

    I made a tag in my application after you have added a big news.  In my tests, I noticed that I could build that and the map was very good.  I decided that I wouldn't waste time trying to figure what was breaking and just re - implement everything until it crashed and I would know.

    So, I check the label and build and of course the card is fine.  I have check the trunk and take a diff of the source files, so that I can go on it all step by step.

    Then, because it's a long weekend, I'm outside and having a beer, I decide to copy the trunk source files in the workspace replace those that checked in the tag.

    Build the map and it is very well will all my features, french, etc..

    In other words, if you use a plan:

    If it's buggy, but you had a version that was not, discover the old one and replace the source files.  Something must have become corrupted in my project, something which is not not being rebuilt, etc.

    See you soon,.

    Matt M

  • Semi-aleatoire segfaults when returning to snapshots

    I have a set of ESX 4.0.0 boxes where I am under some highly automated processes that require me to return frequently to snapshot. After beating my head against the wall for awhile on the fact that every third day or more, dies of VMware in such a way that I have to restart so that I can connect to my guests of the VIX Perl API, I decided to solve the problem by automating a daily reboot of those systems. Now, I ran into a snag even one really, really basic piece of code--my script to return to travellers in the snapshot is segfaulting (throwing a SIGSEGV) to semi random intervals, using the Perl API and the C API.

    The code for the C version of my script (I moved so that it is easier to debug this kind of thing in c) is as simple as it gets, largely copied from the sample file snapshot.c for the API version 1.8.1 (which is what I am running):

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <strings.h>
    #include <vmware-vix/vix.h>
    #define HOSTPORT 0
    #define USERNAME "root"
    #define PASSWORD "yourefunnyifyouthinkimpostingithere"
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
            VixError err;
            char *vmxPath;
            char *hostname;
            VixHandle hostHandle = VIX_INVALID_HANDLE;
            VixHandle jobHandle = VIX_INVALID_HANDLE;
            VixHandle vmHandle = VIX_INVALID_HANDLE;
            VixHandle snapshotHandle = VIX_INVALID_HANDLE;
            int numSnapshots;
            int firstHost = 0;
            int lastHost = 0;
            int x;
            char vmName[45];
            if (argc > 1) {
                    hostname = argv[1];
            if (argc > 2) {
                    firstHost = atoi(argv[2]);
            if (argc > 3) {
                    lastHost = atoi(argv[3]);
            if (firstHost == 0) {
                    firstHost = 2;
            if (lastHost == 0) {
                    lastHost = 30;
            jobHandle = VixHost_Connect(VIX_API_VERSION,
            err = VixJob_Wait(jobHandle,                                 VIX_PROPERTY_JOB_RESULT_HANDLE,
            if (VIX_FAILED(err)) {
                    dieGracefully(jobHandle, vmHandle, snapshotHandle, hostHandle);
            printf("Successfully connected to host %s\n", hostname);
            for (x = firstHost; x <= lastHost; x++) {
                    bzero(vmName, 45);
                    sprintf(vmName, "[Storage1] Virus Clone %d/Virus Clone %d.vmx", x, x);
                    jobHandle = VixVM_Open(hostHandle,
                    err = VixJob_Wait(jobHandle,
                    if (VIX_FAILED(err)) {
                            dieGracefully(jobHandle, vmHandle, snapshotHandle, hostHandle);
                    printf("Connected to VM %d\n", x);
                    err = VixVM_GetRootSnapshot(vmHandle, 0, &snapshotHandle);
                    if (VIX_FAILED(err)) {
                            dieGracefully(jobHandle, vmHandle, snapshotHandle, hostHandle);
                    jobHandle = VixVM_RevertToSnapshot(vmHandle,
                    err = VixJob_Wait(jobHandle, VIX_PROPERTY_NONE);
                    if (VIX_FAILED(err)) {
                            dieGracefully(jobHandle, vmHandle, snapshotHandle, hostHandle);
                    printf("Reverted VM %d to snapshot\n", x);
            return 0;
    int dieGracefully(VixHandle j, VixHandle v, VixHandle s, VixHandle h) {
            return -1;

    My Makefile is just too basic; the only real difference of the sample, is that I am a pthreads link manually in my binary, so the GDB can debug correctly:

    WRAPPER = -lvixAllProducts -ldl
    SERVER11 = /usr/lib/vmware-vix/server-1/64bit/
    WORKST60 = /usr/lib/vmware-vix/ws-3/64bit/
    SERVER20 = /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VIServer-2.0.0/64bit/
    WORKST65 = /usr/lib/vmware-vix/Workstation-6.5.0/64bit/
    VIXH = -I/usr/include/vmware-vix
    all: eventPump startup
    eventPump: eventPump.c
            gcc $(VIXH) eventPump.c -o eventPump -lpthread $(WRAPORNOT)
    startup: startup.c
            gcc $(VIXH) startup.c -o startup -lpthread $(WRAPORNOT)
            rm -f eventPump startup

    I use this script on a 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10 system, gcc 4.4.1 Installing enough vanilla.

    When I ran my script in GDB, after venerating the first invited several successfully, I got the following:

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    0x00007ffff5193084 in ?? () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    (gdb) bt
    #0  0x00007ffff5193084 in ?? () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    #1  0x00007ffff5193f94 in ?? () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    #2  0x00007ffff52fd5eb in ?? () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    #3  0x00007ffff5e3b282 in g_object_get_valist () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    #4  0x00007ffff5e3b57a in g_object_get () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    #5  0x00007ffff48fd353 in ?? () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    #6  0x00007ffff48d4cee in VixVM_GetRootSnapshot () from /usr/lib/vmware-vix/VSphere-4.0/64bit/
    #7  0x0000000000400ca1 in main ()

    I am at a total loss here - this should be something incredibly basic, simple, and it is apparently not. Anyone has an idea why something so simple would break?

    What Vix do you use?

    Track suggests its a ugly race dealing with updates of the snapshot - related make a snapshot operation, while the snapshot tree is being filled could hit freed memory.  Its possible that your code might be tripping over it.   This is fixed in the current version of the 1.10 beta


    You could also do a DIY quick test with a sleep() before and after snapshot operations.

  • Python segfault


    Following is a test program that I wrote. I'm trying to make the inserts multiprocessues. Sometimes, the program seems impasse and any other time, when it ends, it segfaults in the end, complaining to manage a database is still in use. I'm opening and remove the container from the parent process and using the multiprocessing module to manage the fork and the CPI for me.

    from bsddb3.db import *.
    from dbxml import *.
    time of import

    multiprocessing import process, pool, queue

    numberOfItems = 100000

    «"XML =" "" < item > < type / > < / item >»»»

    def strAsDocument (mgr, str):
    doc = mgr.createDocument)
    doc.setContent (str)
    return doc

    def insertDoc (container, environment, mgr, number):
    xtxn = mgr.createTransaction)
    UC = mgr.createUpdateContext)
    name = [];
    Print 'inserting' + str (number) + "records".
    because I in xrange (number):
    name = container.putDocument ("item", xtxn, uc, DBXML_GEN_NAME, xml)
    Names.Append (Name)
    Print "done."
    CPU led
    del xtxn

    def getCurrentCard:
    environment = DBEnv()
    Environment.set_CacheSize (0, 25 * 1024 * 1024)
    config = XmlContainerConfig()
    config.setAllowCreate (True)
    config.setTransactional (True)
    Mgr = XmlManager (environment, 0)
    UC = mgr.createUpdateContext)

    mgr.removeContainer ("test.dbxml")
    container = mgr.openContainer ("test.dbxml", config)
    container.setAutoIndexing (False, CPU)

    before = time.time)
    PS =]
    I'm in range (5):
    p = process (target = insertDoc, args = (container, environment, mgr, 2000))
    PS. Append (p)

    for p PS:

    print time.time () - front

    del container
    Bishop del
    CPU led

    the XmlException exception, inst:
    Print "XmlException (', inst.exceptionCode, '): ', inst.what»»
    If inst.exceptionCode is DATABASE_ERROR:
    Print "Database error code:", inst.dbError "»

    Environment.Close (0)

    I'm in range (5):

    gives me:

    [root@vladivar python] # python
    Insert records 2000
    Insert records 2000
    Insert records 2000
    Insert records 2000
    Insert records 2000
    Traceback (most recent call changed):
    File "", line 72, < module >
    File "", line 69, in time
    Environment.Close (0)
    bsddb3.DB.DBInvalidArgError: (22, ' Invalid argument - handle Open database: test.dbxml/secondary_configuration "")
    Segmentation fault

    Thank you.

    sigh Yes, the opening must be serialized and done by a running process. the reason is that she must be atomic in the creation of the environment. It is because the environment is on the disc - these __db files. If several processes creates or retrieves and environment at the same time - kaboom!

    It gets more interesting. If a transaction fails or something rough happens, the environment must be removed and recovered. This means that if you have several processes using the same environment, they need to communicate to eachother when this scenario occurs, all but one have to stop and give up all operations, wait for a single process to recover, and then retry transactions. If you're just messing around don't you worry about this, but if you build a scalable application that should play in your immediate design. If you plan this route I'll spend some time to find a "Manual of application design" which I happenstanced around a while ago. I can also spend some time talking about my app, but if you're not here I will keep 1 million words.

    Your blocking occurs probably the munging eachother operations. When I ran your code else I could invoke blockages sometimes as well so I would not spend too much time to think about it.

    Let me know if you need this info - I have a large library for python that is unfortunately closed in bla IP, but I had intended to write a manual of survival for someone who needs python + xmldb.


  • upgrade to lucid lynx-amd64, firefox is no longer starts, even in safe mode, segfault of the final reports.

    Upgrade to Ubuntu lucid lynx, Firefox 64-bit platform will start is no longer, even in SafeMode terminal - terminal reports attempt to load the system libmoon Segmentation fault. Thunderbird works fine. Non-installed/re-installed without success.

    User Agent

    Mozilla/5.0 (X 11; U; Linux x86_64; Chrome/5.0.342.9 en-US) AppleWebKit/533,2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/533,2

    I completely everything related to firefox in synaptic package manager uninstalled, then reinstalled the latest version of firefox again.
    One of the Add - ons obviously prevented firefox from opening, not sure that one well. I hope it helps someone else. Firefox now works.

  • Why firefox 3.0.19 crashes with segfault for regular users while sudo user it dose not?

    Why firefox 3.0.19 segmentation fault during a regular users use, when a sudo user it dose not have it?

    ID of the Crash


    User Agent

    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727;. InfoPath.2 CLR 3.0.04506.648 .NET; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

    Do you use Linux?
    If so, then what distribution?
    You posted with an IE 8 user agent.

    If you're on Linux, using a version of Firefox for your Linux distribution or the normal version of Firefox from the Mozilla site?

    Have you checked that your configuration meets the requirements of Firefox? - Firefox 3 system requirements

    See also

  • Segfault LabVIEW 8.2 on Ubuntu Linux 8.10 64-bit

    Hi, I just upgraded my Ubuntu 8.10 Linux box. And then, I found that LabVIEW 8.2 cannot work on this, but it worked fine on Ubuntu 8.04. Does anyone have the same problem? Are there solutions?

    See you soon,.


    OK, now it works very well. I guess the problem is that I deployed LabVIEW on Ubuntu 8.10 Release Candidate. The stable version has no problem.

    Ldd labview Forrest@Xem:/usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.2$
    Linux - (0xf7f6a000) /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.2/linux/ (0xf7dff000) /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.2/patchlib/ (0xf7dbb000) /usr/lib32/ (0xf7cb8000)
    -Online /usr/lib32/ (0xf7ca9000) /lib32/ (0xf7ca5000)
    -Online /lib32/ (0xf7c8c000)
    libstdc ++. so.5-online /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.2/linux/ (0xf7bd5000) /lib32/ (0xf7baf000) /usr/lib32/ (0xf7ba0000)
    -Online /lib32/ (0xf7a42000)
    libxcb - /usr/lib32/ (0xf7a3f000) /usr/lib32/ (0xf7a25000) /usr/lib32/ (0xf7a22000)
    /lib/ (0xf7f6b000) /usr/lib32/ (0xf7a1d000)

  • Discover Gamepad SegFault


    I've implemented the joystick support, but a segmentation error occurred when calling my discoverControllers function. It's the same as in the gamepad sample (which works fine).

    If I do not connect my controller series steel initially and connect after a device event is caught then controller is correctly loaded. And I can use it.

    I can be discoverControllers wrong?

    The game crash or return errors when I call

    int deviceCount;
    SCREEN_API (screen_get_context_property_iv (screen_ctx, SCREEN_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COUNT, & deviceCount), 'SCREEN_PROPERTY_DEVICE_COUNT');

    screen_device_t devices = calloc (screen_device_t *) (deviceCount, sizeof (screen_device_t));
    SCREEN_API (screen_get_context_property_pv (screen_ctx, SCREEN_PROPERTY_DEVICES, (void *) devices), "SCREEN_PROPERTY_DEVICES");

    I called discover only when all the config screen are completed.


    I found my bugs. I call my screen_ctx I declare static in a bad scope.

  • Why connecttng signals and slots of an element of action gets segfault

    I add an action item to a page. For some reasong I had to disconnect the item, delete and re-create, and then reconnect it. But I am getting exception when I try to pull the plug. If I omit the disconnection then I get exception when connecting. My code is below

        addAllRules =  ActionItem::create().title("Add Rule").enabled(true);
        allRulesPage->addAction(addAllRules, ActionBarPlacement::OnBar);

    Have you tried cleaning and reconstruction project?

    You will need to find the exact location of the crash using a debugger or newspapers, or analyze a dump core after accident.

    This can also occur due to memory corruption. If the memory is damaged from somewhere, the accident can happen in completely independent place. In this case, try commenting on most of the features of the application until the QTimer started working restaurant then step by step.

  • btl_gather() segfault on the analysis of memory

    When you try to run the analysis of memory in order to find a memory leak using 2.1.0 NDK, I get a segmentation fault in btl_gather() when backtrace capture is activated.  Without a trace captures on I have the memory leak information, but has difficulty tracking the flight without any backtrace info.

    It is with the NDK 2.1.0 and a playbook on OS (also tried with OS with the same result)

    Joint a screenshot attempting the same task with the VideoWindow code example:

    Also warnings appear on the console output, but seem to have no impact on performance or debugging applications.

    WARNING: don't load shared library for the symbol.
    You need 'set solib-search-path' or 'set sysroot?

    Cannot access memory at address 0xd4

    Kind regards


    The memory of work of tracing by running mode profile rather than debug mode.

  • tnsping - segfault on linux


    I have an installation of Oracle 10 g XE running on ubuntu (latest version, Karmic Koala). DB works fine and all, but when I try to issue a command TNSPING to test the connection to a different remote database (or even on the local database), it ends with an error "segmentation fault".

    I tried the same setup on Fedora and there it works fine. Do not know what could be wrong with the ubuntu distribution.

    How can this problem be solved? -I tried to search the forums and google for some time without success. Please let me know if anyone knows how to solve this problem.

    Thank you

    I had this problem the first time I install Linux 10g, cause in my case was that I had transferred my standard sqlnet.ora from machine windows in binary mode, and he had a rear carriage returns.

    More precisely, it is the character of control-M by the end of the NAMES. Line of domaine_par_defaut in sqlnet.ora that caused the segmentation fault.

    It was not easy to identify this automatic because that by default, vim-switches between back and Unix formats that effectively conceals the control-M characters.

    A way to check would be to seek "created" in the production of:

    OD - a sqlnet.ora

    Or you can force vim to use only Unix format (and thus expose the carriage returns) by creating a file $HOME/.vimrc containing the line:

    Set the format = unix

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