Several if check in 1 variable

Is there another way to code this? Comparing a variable (var1) multivalued.

{If (var1! = array [0] & & var1! = array [1] & & var1! = {array [2]})}

Is there another way to code that? As if (var1! = (array [0] & & table [1] & & array [2])) {}

I know that does not work, but y at - it another way to code?

If you check the table in its entirety, then you can use...

If (Array.IndexOf (var1) ==-1) End Sub

indexOf() checks if var1 in the table and is it not no returns-1, otherwise, it returns the index of the table that contains the value of var1

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    May I suggest another approach instead of odd/even?

    I would build a conditional action with 2 decisions. In the first decision, it of really a standard action (use IF 1 = 1, while it is still running), use this statement:

    Expression v_one = 1 - v_one

    v_one is the variable user for this button. It will always pass the value of this variable between 1 and 0. If the variable has no value assigned when set, first time user clicks it will get a value of 1, the second time the value 0.

    Second decision will be your cheque to condition:

    IF v_one = 1

    THEN hide resources

    ELSE to see the resource

    I hope you get the idea?


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    Thank you!

    To check if the value of a variable (in bpel) is null or empty, I think you can use this expression - bpws:getVariableData('variable') = "(just two quotes together), in a condition of switch-case / if-else.

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    private var _tempIndex:uint;



    If (_tempIndex! = null) {}

    code here


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    code here


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    A uint always has a value between 0 and 2 ^ 32-1 inclusive. It cannot store a value 'no' as undefined or null. If you declare a variable of type uint without assigning a value, it is given a default value of 0.

    You need to maintain an indicator Boolean separate or to use a type of data larger such as number (which can store NaN), object (which can store NaN or null), or * (which can store a value, including NaN, null, and undefined).

    Gordon Smith

    Adobe Flex SDK team

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    or if field3 is Yes

    or if Field4 is Yes

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    Maybe something like this JavaScript code in the case where the field check box, calculate

    If (Field1.rawValue == "N" & Field2.rawValue == "N" & Field3.rawValue == "N" & Field4.rawValue == 'No')


    this.rawValue = "0";


    on the other


    If (Field1.rawValue == "Yes" |) Field2.RawValue == "Yes" | Field3.RawValue == "Yes" | Field4.RawValue is 'Yes')


    this.rawValue = "1";


    on the other


    this.rawValue = "0";



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    Can someone tell me how I can do this SIMPLE interaction quickly?

    A simple action will always be out of reading, replace it with a standard advanced action (can be a single line, but I think you will need more than one).

    Why choose Standard Simple action? -Captivate Blog

    It also has a link to a YouTube video.

    Keep with scenario then... for me it's very simple, but that's just me.

    What should be stored in the variable? The number of texts chosen? Or do you want a text variable and change this variable from 0 to 1 if the corresponding text is selected?

    Why not use the interaction of checkboxes? It's pretty simple to use, it will store the answers selected in the variables.

    If you explain better what you want to, have solutions for all situations.

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    I use CP

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    Is this possible at all?

    Thank you


    Anthony, it works perfectly. Created this conditional action with 4 decisions. I used the interaction of training text scrolling in CP8 (because now you can control the variable - which means I might have a Reset button):

    First decision:

    Second decision (the third is similar to the following)

    Fourth and final decision

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    That's all I need.

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    If (_root.displayCurrentvar.length > 0)

    is there a function I could use as isNull?

    Thank you

    If _root.displayCurrentvar is false, 0, undefined or null

    If (_root.displayCurrentVar)

    resolve to false.  otherwise, it is resolved to true.  then, use:


    if(_root.displayCurrentvar || _root.displayCurrentvar==0) {}

    _root.changeStatus._visible = true;

    } else {}

    _root.changeStatus._visible = false;



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    public var selectionFunction:Function;

    Now I want to check when running if something has assigned summer in the selectionFunction variable, i.e. If it was instantiated with a function. The following methods have failed me so far:

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    if (this["selectionFunction"] is Function)  //failure, type error #1009
    if (this.selectionFunction != null)         //failure, type error #1009
    if ("selectionFunction" in this)            //failure, type error #1009

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    Thank you!



    You can check by this method

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    trace (_level0. FID);
    If (_level0. IDF is "undefined")
    trace ("UNCLEARED");
    on the other
    trace ("cleared");

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    Waiting for player to connect...
    Remote Flash Player: xx
    test. FLV
    test. FLV

    don't put indefinite not in quotes.

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    Please see Installation failed. Error U44M1P7 | Updates

    Hope that helps!

    Kind regards


  • Check if a variable type is Object [] and only Object []!

    Hi all!

    Maybe that's a newbee question but a similar situation never happened to me before!

    I have a method that accepts an object [] parameter.
    But the peculiarity of the method, it's that I need to check if the type of the given parameter actually is Object [] only !

    Say that any other type of table must return false after checking... as a String [], [number] or something else...

    For what I know "* instanceof Object [] * ' always returns true , because all classified inheredit of the object (except the table of primitives, which actually cannot be passed as an argument here).
    So, how do I get false if the type of the given parameter is not exactly "* Object []?"

    Patcha wrote:
    (What is it?)

    A sound that I would express when I'm confronted with a question, I have not yet met before :) The lack of verbal contact, I am trying to communicate through the written word. Wrong, I might add.

    private String method(Object[] o) {
         return o.getClass().getSimpleName();
    System.out.println(method(new String[]));

    This would mean 'Object []' or 'String [] '? I'm not sure.

    Yes. But it was my first crack at it until I realized the best solution.

    or check the class itself of course.

    array.getClass () .equals (Object [] .class); >
    This seems more comfrotable... I should test.

    I did, it works ;)

    But in fact, maybe I'll use another approach to logic in the mothod (which is not the one I posted as an example).
    So perhaps I should not more control of the object [].

    Excellent, if you can avoid having to carry out inspections of type I would certainly go for it.

  • Check if the variable is in the Recordset

    I have a Recordset queryparam in my page (let's call it rs_authorized), and I have a form submitted value (let's call it form.county).  I want to make a statement < cfif > based on the variable either or not in the recordset object.

    I tried...

    < #form.county # cfif EQ < rs_authorized.county_name # >

    but he acknowledges that if the first value of the Recordset.

    I tried...

    < Cfif ListFind(#rs_authorized.county_name#,#form.county#) >

    But even once, he acknowledges that if the first value of the Recordset.

    I tried...

    < #form.county # cfif IN (#rs_authorized.county_name #) >

    but I get an error saying that it does not recognize the word 'IN '.

    Any ideas?

    Depending on what exactly you're trying to do here, you might have to take one or more of the following:

    (1) use a full qualified reference of queryName.column.rowrecord set:


    #rs_quthorized.county_name [2] #.

    (2) loop through the recordset object to search for all lines.  or buildings do it is rather easy to do, but nothing prevents you from using any mechinism looping you care to use.

    (3) use the valueList (queryName.column) to put all the date of a column in the folder defined in a list.  This, combined with the listFind() or listContains() function will allow you to quickly search for a unique value.

  • Try to resize C:\ on preproduction servers that are less than 59 GB using several Where-Object checks

    Hi people

    Im trying to increase all disks C:\ of different sizes for a uniform 60 GB.

    I found a thread in this community that attempts to automate it as follows:

    Get-hard drive - vm "my VM | where {$_.} Name - eq 'disk 1'} | Together-hard drive - CapacityGB 60 - ResizeGuestPartition-confirm: $false

    To confirm, the command works but the ResizeGuestPartition does not work, so I need to automate this later.

    For now the key is to get this working and it does not appear:

    Get-VM-Tag "preproduction" | Where-Object {$_.} Guest.OSFullName - like ' * Windows Server * "- and $_. PowerState - eq 'Receptor' - and ($_.) Guest.Disks.Path - eq "C:\". "- and $_. Guest.Disks.CapacityGB - lt 59)}

    Im trying to figure out how to use a hash table / script block to tell if the disc is "C:\". "and the size of this drive is less than 59 GB, then resize the disk. Before I resize the disks, I need to validate the im servers get back are indeed correct - for the moment, they are not as I checked inspected these variables manually through PowerGUI (excellent by the way).

    Even if I'm just trying to Get-VM-Tag "preproduction" | Where-Object {$_.} Guest.Disks.Path - eq "C:\". "- and $_. Guest.Disks.CapacityGB - lt 59} the result does not work and I think that its because it detects all the disks and then said there is at least one drive which is equal to "C:\". "and at least a drive that is less"Go 59 -"but I need it to be the same disk not different disks for obvious reasons, otherwise the result will always be wrong.

    LucD im sure you meet a reading, I would really appreciate your help

    Im trying to start searching for a cleaner steamer so that I don't have to run several lines of code to achieve the same.

    Much appreciated,


    Try like this

    Get-VM-Tag "preproduction" |

    Where-Object {$_.} Guest.OSFullName - like ' * Windows Server * '- and

    $_. PowerState - eq 'Receptor' - and

    (($_. Guest.Disks | where {$_.} Path - eq "C:\". »}). (CapacityGB-le 59)} |

    Select name

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